Capstone Format and Guide

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Capstone Format

General Guidelines:
a. Paper
i. Size: 8.5 x 11
ii. Orientation: Portrait (except or special diagrams)
iii. Substance: 20 (for copy/ies to be bounded)
b. Spacing: 2.0/Double Space (content)
c. Indentation: 0.5 inch
d. Margins:
i. Top: 1 inch
ii. Left: 1.5 inches
iii. Bottom: 1 inch
iv. Right: 1 inch
v. Gutter: 0
vi. Header: 0.5
vii. Footer: 0.5
e. Font
i. Sizes
1.1 Heading: 12 pts
2.1 Content: 11 pts
ii. Style: Times New Roman
iii. Color: Black (Automatic)
f. Pagination
i. Top Right (no extra characters)
ii. No page shown on first page of every chapter
g. Page Breaks
i. Page break is only used when starting a new chapter
h. Sample Layout for Tables
Table <number [1 . . . n ]>
Table Title

i. Sample Layout for Figures

Figure <number [1 . . . n]>: Figure Title <bold >

Specific Part Guidelines:
1. (One Page) Cover Page – the cover page should contain the following:
a. Title of the Study – the title should be in an inverted triangle form, bold, size 12,
b. Text 2 spaces after the title: Not Bold, size 12, double space, center
A Capstone Project

Presented to the

Faculty of the Information Technology Department

Northern Bukidnon State College

c. Text 3 spaces after the text above: Not Bold, size 12, double space
In Partial Fulfilment

of the Requirements of the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

d. Text 4 spaces after the text above Not Bold, size 12, double space, center


2 space after by, List of group Members alphabetical order, not bold size 12, double

space, center

3 space after the last member Month and Year, center

2. (With page break, One Page) Approval Sheet – the approval sheet should contain the


a. Text (center, bold, all capital, size 12): APPROVAL SHEET

b. Text (No indention in the paragraph, size 12, 1.5 spacing, title bold)


This Capstone Project entitled: “DEVELOPMENT OF SCHOLARSHIP

SYSTEM INTEGRATING K-MEANS ALGORITHM” ” is prepared and submitted
by <list of member, bold, firstname first, alphabetical order> in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
has been examined and is recommended for acceptance and approval.
<Name of Adviser, bold, all capital with highest degree earned>


Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of ______________ on

<date of final defense>

<Name of Chairman, bold, all caps, with highest degree earned>


<Name of 1st Member, bold, all caps, with highest degree earned>

<Name of 2nd Member, bold, all caps, with highest degree earned>

Approved and accepted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology.

<Name of Program Head/Dean, bold, all caps, with highest degree earned>

3. Acknowledgement - The acknowledgements section is where you thank those who

have helped and supported you during the research and writing process. The

acknowledgements appear directly before the abstract, and should usually be no

longer than one page.

4. Abstract - An abstract is a concise summary of a research paper or entire thesis.

It is an original work, not an excerpted passage. An abstract must be fully self-

contained and make sense by itself, without further reference to outside sources or to
the actual paper. An abstract is usually around 250-500 words, but there’s often a strict

word limit. A well-written abstract serves multiple purposes:

a. an abstract lets readers get the gist or essence of your paper or article quickly,

in order to decide whether to read the full paper;

b. an abstract prepares readers to follow the detailed information, analyses, and

arguments in your full paper;

c. and, later, an abstract helps readers remember key points from your paper.

d. Part of an abstract are keywords - Provide 5 keywords for each chapter. These

keywords will enable the chapter’s content to be successfully searched online.

These terms are similar to search terms in an index. Keep keywords to one or

two words rather than a phrase, if possible, and specific to the chapter.

Because the words in the title of your chapter are also used as keywords, you

do not have to include them in your list of chapter keywords.

5. Table of Contents - The Table of Contents (TOC) is an organized listing of the

chapters and major sections of your document.  Readers will immediately be able to

see how your manuscript is organized and then skip down to sections that are most

relevant to them.  A clear, concise, and well formatted TOC is the first indicator of a

good research paper.

6. List of Tables - A List of Tables is a reference tool that allows your readers to quickly and

easily navigate to data in your thesis or dissertation.  Construction of the list is similar to

creating a Table of Contents. To save yourself some time in making your List of Tables, be

sure that you use font styles. 

7. List of Figures - The list of figures identifies the titles and locations of

visuals (figures, drawings, photos, maps) in administrative or research documents.

Articles in periodicals do not use lists of figures. Figures concentrate information in

unusual ways and show critical details, configurations, and evidence.

8. Chapter 1 (all caps, chapter title is bold, both are center) sample;



1.1 introduction

The introduction to a research paper is where you set up your topic and

approach for the reader. ... Provide background or summarize existing research.

Position your own approach. Detail your specific research problem. Give an overview

of the paper's structure.

1.1 Statement of the Problem

A problem statement is a concise description of an issue to be addressed or a

condition to be improved upon. It identifies the gap between the current state and

desired state of a process or product.

1.3 Objective of the Study

The general objective of your study states what you expect to achieve in

general terms. ... Your specific objectives should specify exactly what you will do in

each phase of your study, how, where, when and for what purpose. Moreover, specific

objective should be in a bullet form and should begin with “To” plus verb.

1.4 Scope and Limitation

In a thesis, the scope defines exactly what will be covered in a study, while the

limitations are the constraining aspects that may have influenced or affected the

1.5 Significance of the study

The significance of the study is a written statement that explains why your

research was needed. It's a justification of the importance of your work and impact it

has on your research field, it's contribution to new knowledge and how others will

benefit from it. In addition, list down the benefiter of the study, e.g The Researcher, it

must be bold.

1.6 Definition of Terms

Definition of terms is usually an annex to a work (book, research paper,

pamphlet, etc.) either at the beginning or more likely near the end with a list of

acronyms, jargon, credits, etc. This is an important part of Research paper or report is

that in which the key or important terms in the study are clearly defined.

The terms should be identified whether these are conceptually or operationally

defined. Bold each term and follow the format of the significance of the study, and it

must be in an alphabetical order.

9. Chapter 2 (all caps, chapter title is bold, both are center) sample; at least of 20 RRL.



<Intro here, what’s this chapter all about>

A literature review is a comprehensive summary of previous research on a

topic. The literature review surveys scholarly articles, books, and other sources

relevant to a particular area of research. The review should enumerate, describe,

summarize, objectively evaluate and clarify this previous research.

Literature review must be thematic and SWOT (Strength, Weakness,

Opportunities and Threats. Thematic reviews of literature are organized around a

topic or issue, rather than the progression of time. ... While the study focuses on one

topic, the Internet's impact on American presidential politics, it will still be organized

chronologically reflecting technological developments in media.

2.1 Synthesis of review of related literature

Synthesis means to combine a number of different pieces into a whole.

Synthesis is about concisely summarizing and linking different sources in order to

review the literature on a topic, make recommendations, and connect your practice to

the research.

10. Chapter 3 (all caps, chapter title is bold, both are center) sample;



Intro here, what’s this chapter all about

3.1 Research Design

3.1.1 Type of Research

Indicate what type of research design or structural framework of various

research methods as well as techniques like Quantitative Research Design or

Qualitative Research Design.

3.2 Research Design Approach

Use any system’s development method like waterfall, prototyping and the like.

Just make sure to cite the source of the figure was taken. E.g.
Source: Systems Analysis and Design with UML Version 2.0, Second Edition

Figure 1. Extreme Programming Model

Then discuss individually each phases as to what will happen in each phase, what are

the activities to be conducted and what are the deliverables. E.g.

Planning Phase

First is the planning phase, in this phase the researcher gathered the necessary

data that development needs to clearly identify the user requirement which became the

basis for the functionalities of the system. Moreover, the sequences of activities which

were done in the development of the system are reflected in details in the Gantt Chart

illustrated in the results and discussion.

Analysis Phase

Secondly the analysis phase, wherein the gathered data are thoroughly

analyzed to come up with a concrete proposal and fully understand the functional and

other requirements that the study must address. Moreover, use case diagram and class
diagram are also created to furtherly illustrate the flow and functionality of the system

based on the defined functional requirements stated in the scope.

Design Phase

In the design phase, the researcher crafted the system architecture, context

diagram, data flow diagram, entity-relationship diagram and system user-interface.

The system architecture depicts the entire flow of the system and the interaction of

each system element. While the user-interface enables the user to communicate and

manipulate data in the system from writing to retrieving.

Implementation Phase

Lastly the implementation phase, this phase of the development is where the

actual coding and system development occur, the system is developed using the Visual

Basic.Net framework as its front end, while it uses MySQL in XAMPP as its database or

back end. During this phase, testing and debugging are one of the most essential

activities, this tests the system if it meets the user requirements with less complexity.

3.3 Hardware and Software Specification

The following are the hardware and software specifications for the system. These

were stated for the implementation and design of the financial requirements used in the


3.3.1 Developmental Hardware Specification

The Table shown below reflects the hardware components for the system for the

development of the system.

Table 1

Hardware Specification


3.3.2 Developmental Software Specification

Table 2 discussed the software specification in which is used for the

development of the system.

Table 2

Software Specification


3.3.3 Deployment Hardware Specification

Table 2 discussed the hardware specification in which is used for the

deployment of the system.

Table 3

Hardware Specification


3.3.4 Deployment Software Specification

Table 2 discussed the software specification in which is used for the

deployment of the system.

Table 4

Software Specification


3.4 System Architecture

This chapter reflects the overall program flow of the system. The

Figure below represents the system architecture of the proposed system which

describes the operational mode on how it works.

Figure 2. System Architecture of Capstone Project Name

3.5 System Diagrams

a. Use Case Diagram - Use-case diagrams describe the high-level functions

and scope of a system. These diagrams also identify the interactions between

the system and its actors. The use cases and actors in use-case diagrams
describe what the system does and how the actors use it, but not how the system

operates internally.

b. Relational Database Model (ERD) - An entity relationship diagram (ERD), also

known as an entity relationship model, is a graphical representation that depicts

relationships among people, objects, places, concepts or events within an

information technology (IT) system.

3.6 System Evaluation

3.6.1 Evaluation Tool

The researcher evaluates the system performance if it conforms to the ISO

25010 Standards.

The deployment aimed to build, test and deliver services to the users specified

by service design. The goal was to deploy releases into operation and established

effective use of the service in order to deliver value to the users.

System evaluation is the assessment and deployment of the overall system. It

plays a vital role at the beginning and the end of the process. The researcher let the

sixty (63) respondents tried the system and gathered their feedbacks by letting the

respondents answer the research instrument prepared. The researcher used the likert

scale below in interpreting the data gathered.


4 3.26 - 4.00 Strongly Agree (SA)

3 2.51 - 3.25 Agree (A)

2 1.76 - 2.50 Disagree (D)

1 1.00 - 1.75 Strongly Disagree (SD)

The respondents rated the performance of the system based on the given

scale where 4 is the highest or Strongly Agree while the lowest is 1 which has a

verbal interpretation of Strongly Disagree.

The following Figures reflect the analyses of the obtained data from the floated

survey instrument to measure the system’s performance.

The evaluation tool was floated to sixty-three (63) respondents from the

assessment office staff to the students and faculty.

Table 1. Distribution of Respondents

Respondents No. Percentage

Assessment Office Staff 2 3%

Faculty 2 3%
Students (Scholars and Non-
Scholars) 59 94%
Total 63 100%

Table 1 shows the total number of respondents, sixty-three (63) individuals have

evaluated the system, two (2) from the assessment office, two (2) faculty and fifty-nine

(59) students which some are scholars.

11. Chapter 4 (all caps, chapter title is bold, both are center) sample;



Intro here, what’s this chapter all about

4.1 User Acceptance Result

4.2 ISO Result

4.2.1 ISO Result

4.2.2 Graph of Overall Result

12. Chapter 5 (all caps, chapter title is bold, both are center) sample;



Intro here, what’s this chapter all about

5.1 Summary of Findings

A summary of findings presents the key information about the most

important outcomes of a treatment, including the best effect estimate and the

certainty of the evidence for each outcome

5.2 Conclusion

The conclusion is intended to help the reader understand why your research

should matter to them after they have finished reading the paper. A conclusion is not

merely a summary of your points or a re-statement of your research problem but a

synthesis of key points.

5.3 Recommendations

Recommendations are used to call for action or solutions to the problems

you have investigated in your research paper. Your recommendations highlight

specific solutions and measures to be implemented based on the findings of your


13. References in APA 6 format e.g.

Cheung, J. M. Y., Bartlett, D. J., Armour, C. L., Laba, T. L., & Saini, B. (2018). To drug or

not to drug: A qualitative study of patients’ decision-making processes for

managing insomnia. Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 16(1), 1-26.


14. Appendices

a. Appendix A – Project Team Assign Form

b. Appendix B – Preproposal Statement

c. Appendix C – Project Working Title Form

d. Appendix D – Research Ethics Form

e. Appendix E – Revision List

f. Appendix F – Gantt Chart

g. Appendix G – Documentation

h. Appendix H – User’s Manual

i. Curriculum Vitae

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