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Commitment is vital to success.

Have you ever had a fear of being committed? So it feels like you've seen something
supernatural in front of you. And have you ever dreamed of being a successful person someday?
Just like your Idols or way higher than them? I guess let me tell you my story. When I was
younger, opportunities arose like playing the piano in our parish and joining the football varsity
team at my previous school. But I rejected them all because I am afraid to be committed. I
believe that these things would require me to do more than bring it casual. But after numerous
reflections, I saw my decision was wrong because I failed to get the chance to have more
successful in playing the piano and football.

Nowadays, the word commitment is one of the words that others avoid and fear because it is
more likely the required responsibilities to do when we say commitment. Also, we are afraid of
commitment because we want to keep things casual and avoid getting hurt. Would you believe
me if I told you that commitment is a critical factor in our ability to achieve success? We all
know that the road to success is not a straight one but rather paved with ups and downs. It cannot
get in our comfort zones, but we can get it in our bruises beyond our comfort zones. And there
will be challenges that will prevent us from progressing and will cause us to give up. As long as
we are committed to success, we can see the importance of why in every situation and say,
"kakayanin ko'to."
As a result, commitment serves as the cornerstone for living a fulfilling life. It serves as a
motivator for us to put forth our best effort to succeed. And, finally, please do not make the same
mistakes that I did in the past. Do not be afraid of commitment because I would not eat you if
you were to break your word. Instead, it would assist you in becoming the best version of
yourself. Leave your comfort zones and make an effort to make a positive difference in the world
around you. So, how about you? When are you going to commit to being the best version of
yourself and achieving success?

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