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A Research

Presented to the
Faculty of the Baliwasan Senior High School
West Zamboanga City

In partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

Practical Research-III


Mary Grace Ahamad

Nursalyn Ajijul
Jherhana Alih
Aira Mae Hassan
Farida Jakaraya
Farhana Julang
Christine Mae Ledesma
Jhonny Umba
Rachel Villagracia





Department of Education
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Baban St., San Jose Road , Zamboanga City
Tel No. 957-3739



prepared and submitted by Mary Grace Ahamad, Nursalyn Ajijul, Jherhana
Alih, Aira Mae Hassan, FaridaJakaraya, Farhana Julang, Christine Mae
Ledesma, Jhonny Umba And Rachel Villagracia, in partial fulfillment of the
requirement in Practical Research III has been examined and is recommended
for oral examination, acceptance and approval.



Approved: ____________
Approved with minor revision and amendments:____________
Approved with major revision and amendments:____________
Not Approved:___________



Member Member

Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements in Practical Research I, for

General Academic Strand. It is also noted that the researchers have passed the
oral defense.

Principal II


This work, accomplished with the guidance of our professors and with the

aid of God, is earnestly dedicated to our parents, families, brothers, sisters,

relatives, guardians, friends, teachers and loved ones.

Mary Grace ,Nursalyn ,Jherhana ,Aira Mae

Farida ,Farhana ,Christine ,Jhonny and Rachel


The researchers wish to extend their whole-hearted gratitude and

appreciation to the following who have helped them in one way or another in the

completion of this study:

Romeo E. Ballesteros, the principal of the BSHS for allowing the

researchers to conduct the research and to gather data inside the campus;

Ms. Pia Fritzie P. Luna, the researchers’ adviser, for her support and


Dr. Deborah E. Bandahala, Research Teacher and Adviser, who stood

beside the researchers as their point of reference throughout their research.

Dr. Judith C. Mustaham, one of the panel members, for her rich insights

and brilliant suggestions on the improvement of the study;

Mr. Joemar B. Gallardo, ICT- coordinator, for his help and ideas given

and professional recommendations in detailing improvements of the study;

Ms. Maida M. Baiddin, for helping the researchers validate their

instruments, for the corrections, suggestions that led to the improvement of the


Julie Faye Valencia for facilitating for completion of our study

BSHS students, families and friends for their support, prayers and

encouragement and The Researchers’ Parents, for their financial and moral


The Researchers


Mary Grace Ahamad, Nursalyn Ajijul, Jherhana Alih, Aira Mae Hassan,
FaridaJakaraya, Farhana Julang, Christine Mae Ledesma, Jhonny Umba


Adviser: Deborah E. Bandahala, Ph. D.

The main focus of this study was to determine the students’ perception on job

training specifically, it aimed to seek answers to the following research

objectives: (1.) How does OJT help your career choice? (2.) What is the level of

student perception of students in on job training? (3.) Is there any significant

difference on the level, perceptions of students of on job training when there are

grouped by profile?

In this study, the research objectives are answered. It is a qualitative type

of research employing phenomenology. A non-probability quota sampling was

used in determining the 10 respondents

The study concluded that: 2.The perceptions of the students have the

mean value between 3.6- 4.3 which is high Level. 3. There is no significant

difference on the job training of the grade 12 students when they are grouped

according to their age, ethnicity, track, grade level, religion and school. This

implies that the variables have the same impact on the perception of the

students. Regardless of the tribe, age, track where they are enrolled, religion that

they believe in and the school where they are enrolled have no significant

difference in the perception of the students in their on job training. All of them

have the same perception that is high perception.




Title Page i

Approval Sheet ii

Dedication iii

Acknowledgment iv

Abstract v

Table of Contents vii

Lists of Tables ix



Background of the Study 1

Review of the Related Literature 4

Theoretical Framework 5

Research Objectives 7

Significance of the Study 7

Scope and Delimitation 8

Definition of Terms 8


Research Design 10

Population and Sampling 11

Research Instrument 12

Validity and Reliability 12

Ethical Considerations 13

Data Gathering Procedures 14




Conclusions 31

Recommendations 32


A. Bibliography 34

B. Permission Letters 36

C. Survey Questionnaire 41

D. Transcriptions 42

E. List of Participants 46

F. Documentation 48

G. Curriculum Vitae 49



1 Summary of Participants 27



Background of the Study

Training or the verb “to train” is derived from the old French word trainer,

meaning “to drag”. Hence such English definitions may be found as; to draw

along; to allure; to cause; to grow in the desired manner; to prepare for

performance by instruction, practice exercise, etc. Training can be described as

“providing the conditions in which people can learn effectively”. To learn is “to

gain knowledge, skill, ability” (King, 1968:125). Knowledge can be seen as three

district types; declarative, procedural and strategic (Kraiger and Salas,

1993:311). Declarative Knowledge is a person’s store of factual information

about a subject matter. Procedural knowledge is the person’s understandings

about how and when to apply the facts hat has been learned. Strategic

Knowledge consists of the person’s awareness of what he knows and the internal

rules for accessing relevant facts and procedures to be applied toward some

goal. Strategic knowledge is used for planning, monitoring, and revising goal-

directed activity (Blanchard and Thacker, 1998:6).

Skill is the capacities needed to perform a set of tasks that are developed

as a result of training and experience (Dunette1976:8). A skill is a proficiency at

doing something beyond just knowing what something is about. Abilities have

been defined as general capacities related to performing a set of tasks that are

developed over time as a result of heredity and experience (Flesihman, 1972:28).

To understand the function of training, it is needed to ask the question of what

training is. Training is an “opportunity” for learning and it is accomplished by

providing employees with opportunities to learn how to perform more effectively

and by preparing them for any changes in their job. Training focuses on the

acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to perform more effectively

on one’s current job through providing appropriate learning opportunities and

motivating people to learn, and thus enabling them to perform to the highest

levels of quality and service” (Bentley, 1990:25).

On-the-job training is a practical way of introducing new employees to the

workplace by providing them hands-on learning opportunities and instruction.

Typically, employees/students are briefed and then paired with a seasoned

colleague who shows them the ropes. On the job training takes place when

students are on their higher years of their studies. Skills can be gained while

trainees are carrying out their jobs. If their assessment is worth of their

knowledge gained. On the job training provides some hands-on training

experience while learning the job as well as getting some pays for learning the

job. ssss The employee/student can then transition into completing tasks on her

own while under supervision. On-the-job training (OJT) is necessary because it

has an important role to prepare students/employees for to provide orientation

and benefits as well as motivate students/employees to enter the workforce. Ojt

also can be applied in Real-Life Applications because it’s one thing to read a job

description and hear a verbal overview of job responsibilities; it’s another to

actually watch others or do the tasks yourself as you’re learning. On-the-job

training provides new employees with real-life experience in the field, which can

make you, as an employee, more confident. You’ll have a mentor close by to

help you trouble-shoot, figure out problems and explain to you why some actions

and approaches are better than others.

On-the-job training focuses on the acquisition of skills within the workers

environment generally under normal working conditions. Through on the job

training workers acquire both general skills that they can transfer from one job to

another and specific skills that are unique to a particular job. On-the-job training

typically includes verbal and written instruction and demonstration. Observation

and hands-on practice and imitation are who partly the On-the-job training is the

oldest form of training. Prior to the advent of off-site training classrooms" the only

practical way of learning a job is working alongside an experienced worker in a

particular trade or profession. On-the-job learning is a practical method that

offers an easier" more effective method to ensure that education is constantly

improving, also enhances the capabilities of every student to do work with

confidence, the students easily relate to the situations and experiences new to

them. They can easily adapt to the situations they are into. Students nowadays

are flexible that is why they can easily gain knowledge. Study of different

experiences has shown one important effect in hospitality industry. The students

will probably pass through a period of shyness and self-consciousness towards

many people but after they would undergone that period" the students develop

more confidence in themselves.

Training is widely understood as communication directed at a defined

population for the purpose of developing skills, modifying behavior, and

increasing competence. Generally, training focuses exclusively on what needs to

be known. Training is a part of the human resource development, along with the

other human resources activities, such as recruitment, selection and


Theoritical Framework

According also to Sony and Gim (a research conducted study entitled 7

changes in attitude toward work and workers identity in Gorea. They summarize

the conceptualization of work ethic to the fact that the concept of work ethic has

multiple meanings and implication “pertaining to a variety of aspects related to

work" including work commitment" work value" attitude toward work"

occupational value" organizational commitment" perception of career

development" ad work achievement. In the statistical analysis in the study of

Sirota etc. all showed that a level of achievement has six primary sources

6hallenge of the work itself - he extent to which the job uses an employee’s

intelligence" abilities and skills. Requiring of new skills ability to perform ' having

the training" direction" resources authority" information and cooperation needed

to perform well. Perceived importance of the employees job ' the importance to

the organization" to the customer and to the society recognition received from

performance ' non- financial (such as a simple thank you from the boss or a

customer% and financial (compensation and advancement that are based on

performance. Working for a company of which the employee can be proud

'because of its purpose" its products (their) equality and their impact on

customers and society its business success" its business ethics (treatment of

customers" employees" investors “and community" and the equality of its

leadership. The equality of interaction in organisation is obviously greatly affected

not just by friendliness and mutuality of interest" but also by co 'workers2

competence and cooperation.

Conceptual framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Perception of Students On job training


Figure1. The Conceptual Model of the Study

The students of the Southern City Colleges, Zamboanga City State

Polytechnic College and STI are the independent variables who are the

respondents of the study. Their responses were solicited to look into the level of

perception of the students about Martial Law.

Statement of the Problem

This study determined the perception of students about on job training: Its impact

to the future Courses in college?

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the level of student perception of students in on job training?

2. Is there any significant difference on the level, perceptions of students of

on job training when there are grouped by profile?

3. How does OJT help your career choice?


The study is guided by the following null hypotheses:


1. Ho. 1 There is significant difference on the perception of the student's on

on job training.

2. Ho. there is no significant difference on the perception of student's on on

job training.

Significance of the Study

-The result if they would benefit the following;

For School Principal

The result of the study will serve as a guideline for the students and their

preparedness for the work immersion program. The findings of the study will

make the school principal to support the student’s in terms of immersion

preparedness of the school. It also help the principal device and plan to improve

the readiness of the situation.

For Teachers

The result of this study will also provide the senior high school teachers

which they can use as readiness for te work immersion program. It will lead them

prepared for the next immersionist students.

For Parents

The findings would benefit all the parents which they can prepared for the

immersion program with readiness style if the school principal

For Students

The findings would benefit all the senior high students in regarding of the

work immersion program.

For other Researchers

The findings of the study could provide additional concepts, principles and

theories to the researchers who will conduct a study, by using other variables.

Scope and Delimitation

This study was delimited to the perception of the student's on job training:

Its impact to the future Courses in college, where selected respondents are taken

from the 3 schools of Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College and Southern

City Colleges in 2st Semester of 2018-2019. The 3 schools are under the

Zamboanga City District serves as the respondents of the study. They are

classified or categorized according to Age, Ethnicity, gender, track and school

Definition of Terms

The research operationally defines the following terms for clarity as they

were used in the context of this research, namely:


The quality or state of being able


Lasting only a short period of time


A person who works with you; a fellow worker


In this study it refers to the way you think about or understand someone or



Advancement in knowledge or skills; progress


To make a difference


To ask for (something, such as money or help) from people, companies etc.


A usually assigned piece of work often to be finished within a certain time



A process by which someone is taught the skills that are needed for an

art ,profession or job

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

On-the-job training is a practical way of introducing new employees to the

workplace by providing them hands-on learning opportunities and instruction.

Typically, employees are briefed and then paired with a seasoned colleague who

shows them the ropes. The employee can then transition into completing tasks

on her own while under supervision. On-the-job training (OJT) is necessary

because it has an important role to prepare students for to provide orientation

and benefits as well as motivate students to enter the workforce. OJT also can

be applied in Real-Life Applications cause It’s one thing to read a job description

and hear a verbal overview of job responsibilities; it’s another to actually watch

others or do the tasks yourself as you’re learning. On-the-job training provides

new employees with real-life experience in the field, which can make you, as an

employee, more confident. You’ll have a mentor close by to help you trouble-

shoot, figure out problems and explain to you why some actions and approaches

are better than others.

According also to Elah Andal-Perez Internship, Practicum, On-the-job

training (OJT); we call it by different names. But it is simply an opportunity offered

by business establishments mostly to students interested in their industry—a

supervised practical training for students at the company’s offices. In the

Philippines, the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) had set the guidelines

for student internship program under its memorandum order CMO No. 23 Series

of 2009, or the guidelines for student internship program in the Philippines

(SIPP). The CMO states that the objective of the SIPP is to provide tertiary

students the opportunity to acquire practical knowledge, skills, desirable attitudes

and values in reputable establishments or industries. The CMO has set the

guidelines not only for schools and students, but also for business

establishments that will accept interns. But how much does OJT impact the

students? Is learning actually taking place in the business establishments? Is the

internship program an effective training method? And does it really prepare

students for their future work? There are several factors that contribute to the

effectiveness (or ineffectiveness) of OJT. These include, but are not limited to,

(a) the program, (b) the entity-trainer, and (c) the student-trainee the program,

according to the CMO, is something that the entity-trainer and the student-

trainee’s school should agree on. This should include the tasks that will be

assigned to the student-trainee during the internship. While the tasks are

supposedly properly defined, there are still classic horror stories of students

made to prepare coffee for their entity-trainers, do personal errands for the

company’s employees, file papers the whole day or help in the cleaning of the

office. The good news is that times have been changing! Nowadays, most

entities-trainers have shifted their mindset from just getting additional manpower

(with the acceptance of interns) into offering a meaningful learning program that

would attract target students to later join them. Internship, for some entities, has

become a recruitment tool.

According also to (Ylagan, 2013). On-the-Job Training requires the

students to demonstrate specific skills related to their respective field of

specialization that would be essential application to their future work

environment. It also provides ideas and real picture of the corporate world

including the atmosphere of the work place, attitude of the work force and the

organizational culture that the new employees might need to adapt and live in.

Higher Education Institutions strengthen their industry partnerships and

collaboration through sending students for internship. These industries become

the training ground of the students to develop and enhance more their

communication skills and confidence to face the big challenges and requirements

of their respective fields. On the Job Training (OJT) is one of the mechanics of

Higher Education industries in developing the needed competencies of its


graduates. Its goals and objectives served as a guide in developing the needed

competencies for a particular job, and translating the training into a gainful

working experience.

According to Susan M. Heath field On-the-job training, also known as

OJT, is teaching the skills, knowledge, and competencies that are needed for

employees to perform a specific job within the workplace and work environment.

Employees learn in an environment in which they will need to practice the

knowledge and skills taught in the on-the-job training. On-the-job training uses

the regular or existing workplace tools, machines, documents, equipment,

knowledge, and skills necessary for an employee to learn to effectively perform

his or her job. It occurs within the normal working environment that an employee

experiences on the job. It may occur as the employee performs actual work, or it

may occur elsewhere within the workplace using training rooms, training

workstations, or training equipment. Who Provides On-the-Job Training? A

coworker frequently supplies on-the-job training. The coworker qualification is

that she can competently perform the job that he or she is teaching. But

interpersonal skills, company policies, company requirements, leadership

training, and more are also topics that Human Resources staff, managers or

coworkers can show on-the-job or in the workplace. An external provider

occasionally performs OJT in the case of specialized equipment. In another

example, a vendor might train employees in a marketing system that a group of

marketing employees is adopting as their work procedures. A vendor might

educate the members of an HR team on the capabilities of an HRIS. In another


frequent use of a vendor for OJT, the vendor comes onsite and trains one or a

few employees who are then expected to train all of the other employees

performing a similar job. This is a common OJT model in activities such as Hi-Lo

driving, computer software adoption, and the appropriate operation of any new

equipment. While the goal of OJT is often to teach basic workplace skills, it also

instills aspects of the workplace culture and performance expectations in the new

employee. OJT is also the approach organizations use to provide new employee

onboarding information. OJT is provided internally by both experienced

coworkers and managers. Train Managers to Train Definite advantages exist for

your organization when you have developed the training capabilities of your

managers. Teach managers to train and you will increase the effectiveness of

your internal training. Additionally, training, coaching, and mentoring become an

expected and utilized part of the managers' jobs. Employees react positively

when managers provide training, too. The employees believe they will have the

opportunity to use the training; they react more positively to the expectations of

the manager versus a trainer. When they provide training, managers are able to

articulate what they believe is important and to reinforce these ideas with

employees. Employees are impressed that the training topic is so important that

the manager takes the time to do the training. Positive Experience With

Management Training When I worked at General Motors, managers trained a

corporate-wide change strategy.  I don't remember what GM wanted to become,

but I have never forgotten that a high-level manager provided the training. His

examples illuminated both the GM of the time and the expected new direction in

a way that an external trainer could never have done. He was also successful at

communicating the why of the change in a way that promoted excitement and

participation. His knowledge and understanding of the GM culture allowed him to

connect the training to the actual operation that employees lived in every day.

This was powerful in reinforcing the work culture the company wanted to create.

Expecting managers to train employees is an effective on-the-job training

strategy. Train Employees to Train Coworkers Definite advantages exist for your

organization when you have developed the training capabilities of your

employees. Teach employees to train and you will increase the effectiveness of

your internal training. Employees are familiar with the workings—both good and

bad—of your internal organization. They are familiar with the goals, the culture or

work environment, the company strengths, the company weaknesses, and they

know the actual employees. This gives employees an advantage over a trainer

who has to learn about the culture, the company strengths, the company

weaknesses, and also get to know the people. Examples of Coworkers Training

In a medium-sized manufacturing company, the security specialist and the team

leader of the safety and environmental committee provide training in security,

emergency evacuation procedures, and safety to all staff. They also train new

employees during the new employee orientation. In another company, a long-

term sales representative trains all new sales employees about the sales

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) computer programs, cold calling and

prospecting, and how to take and process orders. In the same company, a

shipping employee trains, tests, and licenses all Hi-Lo drivers. Originally trained

by outside firms, internal employees now train other employees. Their safety

standards and accident rate have improved as a result and all drivers are now

certified to drive Hi-Los. On-the-job training is normally the most effective

approach to training employees. Many of these training options emphasize the

role of coworkers and managers in training fellow employees. Here are your

twelve best opportunities and methods for providing on-the-job training to


According also to Sony and Gim (a research conducted study entitled 7

changes in attitude toward work and workers identity in Gorea. They summarize

the conceptualization of work ethic to the fact that the concept of work ethic has

multiple meanings and implication “pertaining to a variety of aspects related to

work" including work commitment" work value" attitude toward work"

occupational value" organizational commitment" perception of career

development" ad work achievement. In the statistical analysis in the study of

Sirota etc. all showed that a level of achievement has six primary sources

6hallenge of the work itself - he extent to which the job uses an employee’s

intelligence" abilities and skills. Requiring of new skills ability to perform ' having

the training" direction" resources authority" information and cooperation needed

to perform well. Perceived importance of the employees job ' the importance to

the organization" to the customer and to the society recognition received from

performance ' non- financial (such as a simple thank you from the boss or a

customer% and financial (compensation and advancement that are based on

performance. Working for a company of which the employee can be proud


'because of its purpose" its products (their) equality and their impact on

customers and society its business success" its business ethics (treatment of

customers" employees" investors “and community" and the equality of its


The equality of interaction in organisation is obviously greatly affected not

just by friendliness and mutuality of interest" but also by co 'workers to

competence and cooperation.According also to Kelset Schaberg work advance

offers training and placement services to help prepare individuals for quality jobs

in sectors that have strong local demand and advancement opportunities. In this

update on employment and earnings only, the most experience provider

continued to produce substantial impacts on both; one other provider increased

earnings for late enrolees.




This chapter presents the methods and procedures utilized in conducting

this study. It presents a brief description about the design, the sampling

procedure and instrument to be used.

Research Design

The study is qualitative and quantitative type of research employing

interview guide and survey method. It is qualitative because it aims to determine

and describe the perception of students on job training, It is quantitative because


this is believed or considered as the most appropriate in order to identify the

perception of students on job training.

Descriptive research often illustrates a relevant but non quantified topic

involving a well-focused research question. Once the research topic is identified,

the research design is determined, the protocol is carefully developed, and a pilot

study is undertaken. Testing instruments and making adjustments before

instigating a major study helps to ensure that data collection is efficient and

successful. All data collection should be justified. Data and experience gained

from the pilot study can make or break support and funding for the proposed

project. (Monsen and Horn, p. 5) Manuel and Medel define descriptive research

thus: Descriptive research describes what is. It involves the description,

recording, analysis, and interpretation of the present nature, composition or

processes of phenomena. The focus is on prevailing conditions, or how a person,

group, or thing behaves or functions in the present. It often involves some type of

comparison or contrast. (Manuel and Medel, p. 25) Aquino gives this definition.

Descriptive research is fact-finding with adequate interpretation. The descriptive

method is something more and beyond just data-gathering; the latter is not

reflective thinking nor research. The true meaning of the data collected should be

reported from the point of view of the objectives and the basic assumption of the

project under way. This follows logically after careful classification of data. Facts

obtained may be accurate expressions of central tendency, or deviation, or of

correlation; but the report is not research unless discussion of those data is not

carried up to level of adequate interpretation. Data must be subjected to the

thinking process in terms of ordered reasoning. (Aquino, pp.7-8

Research Locale

This study was conducted in one semester in senior high school per

cluster under Zamboanga City. The schools included in the study comprised of

Zamboanga City State Polytechnic Colleges and Southern City Colleges.

Zamboanga City State Polytechnic Colleges is located at R.T. Lim

Boulevard Baliwasan, Gov. Lim Avenue, Zamboanga City

Southern City Colleges is located Brgy. San. Jose Gusu, via Donya

Marta Dr and San Jose Rd/Zamboanga West Coastal Rd. established in 1946, is

a private non-sectarian college in Zamboanga City. It was founded on December

8, 1946 by Francisco M. Caliolio, Sr. and his wife, Arecelie F. Caliolio.

Population and Sampling of the Study

The target populations of the study were the Senior High School Students

of Zamboanga City Based on the data of School Year 2018-2019. The

researchers utilized the random sampling method to choose the respondents

from the 2 schools of Senior High School in Zamboanga City. This is done for

the easy retrieval of the data.


Table 1 presents the population of the study.

Table 1
Schools’ Population by Cluster in Zamboanga District

Cluster School Population

1 Zamboanga City State Polytechnic Colleges 20

2 Southern City Colleges 20

Total 40

As shown in table 1, the total population of Senior High School Students in

Zamboanga City is forty Students (40). To determine the respondents, the

researcher used purposive sampling technique in one school per cluster. Thus,

the table below signifies the actual respondents of the study…

Data Gathering Tools

The researchers crafted and formulated 20 statements to determine the

perception of the Senior High school students in selected schools of Zamboanga

City. The research instrument for this study is a questionnaire survey on

perception of the students. The survey-questionnaire consists of four parts. Part I

is the students consent Part II solicits the respondents’ personal information like

gender, ethnicity, age, track and school. Part III, consists of a 5 item test on

perception of the students on job training. Part IV consists of a 15-item test on

perception of the students on job training. Each construct has five choices such

as strongly-agree, agree, disagree, strongly-disagree and don’t know. In addition,

the respondents are asked to place a check in the appropriate space after each

statement, and then scoring directions at the bottom of the page will be used to

determine their learning style.

Validity and Reliability of the Research Instrument

It is based on factor analysis and is the comprehensive approach to how

students prefer to function, learn, concentrate and perform during educational

activities. Although standardized instrument, this was validated by 3 experts to

suit to the context of the study. For the reliability of the research instrument, the

researcher administered the questionnaire to non-respondents. The results of

which was computed using the stratified random sampling

Ethical Consideration

In compliance to Research Ethics Protocol, the researcher has obtained

informed consent from the survey respondents specifying their awareness to the

purpose of the study, their agreement to participate as survey respondents, their

agreement to record the interview proceedings, their freedom to disclose or not

to disclose information, their freedom to stop their participation anytime if they do

not feel comfortable, their right to be informed of the results of the study, the

benefits they will get if there will be any as a result of the study, and their right to

confidentiality of information and anonymity of their identity. In the course of the


survey, no pictures showing their faces were taken nor does identifying feature of

their houses and location.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher sought permission from the principal of each school to

allow the researchers to conduct the study with the Student in Zamboanga State

Polytechnic Colleges and Southern City College as respondents. Prior to actual

data gathering, permission is sought from the school principal of this two schools

through a letter to conduct the gathering of data from the students of their school.

Arrangement such as scheduling and venue identifying with the students on the

administration of data gathering is done. As soon as it is approved the researcher

administered the questionnaire to the respondents and got the perception of the

respondents the researcher then collected the survey questionnaires.

The results of data were then tallied, tabulated and interpreted by the

researcher using statistical tools.

Statistical Treatment

To facilitate the analysis of data, the following statistical measures were


Frequency Count was used to determine the perception of students on

martial law of the respondents of selected senior high school under Zamboanga


Mean Deviation was employed to determine the perception of the


T-Test and One Way-Analysis of Variance (ANNOVA) was utilized to

determine the significant difference of the respondents about perception of

students on job training, and academically performance when their profiles were




This chapter presents deals with the presentation of results and

discussion of the data gathered based on the research problem and hypotheses
posited for this study. The presentation of the data in order arranged according to
the statement of the problem.

Problem1. What is the level of student perception of students in on job



Level of Student Perception of Students in On Job Training


Statement Mean Verbal

A. Place/Immersion Site
1. I feel lucky in my work High Level
immersion site. 3.9
2. I feel irritated cause I Low Level
deployed in a site that is far
from my house. 2.2
3. I feel pity for those students Moderate
who were deployed in a site Level
that is far from the city. 2.975
4. I struggle a lot of things in Moderate
my work immersion sites. 2.475 Level
5. I feel secure in my work High Level
immersion site. 3.6
Mean 3.03 High Level
B. Supervisor/Mentor

6. My mentor in OJT teaches High Level

me well. 3.95
7. My mentor shares some High Level
ideas/strategies for my
career choice. 3.6
8. I feel lucky to the mentor High Level
assigned to me. 3.75
9. The co-teachers of my High Level
mentor treat me well and
teach me some basic in
relation to teaching. 3.7
10. My mentor trains me to do High Level
visual aids. 3.15
Mean 3.63 High Level
A. Motivation

11. OJT gives me a self- High Level

confidence in my future job. 3.975
12. OJT helps me on how to Very High
socialize other people. 4.125 Level
13. OJT makes me inspire to do High Level
other things. 3.95
14. OJT helps me to finish High Level
things on time. 3.9
15. For me OJT helps me to High Level
choose the course I want in
college. 3.475
Mean 3.89 High Level

Overall mean 3.52 High Level

1.0.-1.8= Very Low Level

1.9- 2.7 =Low Level
2.8- 3.5 =Moderate Level
3.6- 4.3 = High Level
4.4-5.0= Very High Level

Table 1 shows the Level of students’ perceptions on job training. As

revealed din the table the on category A, the statement “I feel irritated cause I

deployed in a site that is far from my house” has a mean of 2.2 which is low level,

while the statement “I feel pity for those students who were deployed in a site

that is far from the city which has the mean of 2.975 and “I struggle a lot of things

in my work immersion sites.” Which also has the mean of 2.475 hence both

statement has the verbal description of moderate level. Also statement I feel

lucky in my work immersion site has the mean of 3.9 and statement “I feel secure

in my work immersion site” which have the mean of 3.6, furthermore both

statement has the verbal description of high level. Furthermore, all of the

statement under category A has the mean of 3.0 with high level of verbal

description. Category B all of the statement has the verbal descriptive of high

level, while Category C statement “OJT helps me on how to socialize other

people” has the mean of 4.125 with very high verbal description, while other

statement has the same verbal description of high level.

Based on the students’ level of perception towards on job training, the

study showed that the perception of the students’ was at high level all of the

statement are in high level which means that on job training is important that

student must engaged in so, that they will be more enhanced in their future job.

This study is supported by Elah Andal-Perez which she states that in the

philippines, as the CMO stated, the evaluation of the implementation of

internship programs rests with the CHED. Unfortunately, no reports or

documents related to this matter are accessible for public use. Incidentally,

many studies abroad conclude that OJT is the most effective form of job

training. Also it is supported by: Dr. Rex Casiple in the united states, numerous

studies showed that OJT is the most effective form of job training. There are

four frequently used OJT methods in the training; coaching, mentoring, job

rotation and “sitting next to Nellie.”

Problem 2. Is there any significant differences on the level, perceptions of

students of on job training when there are grouped by profile?

Table 3

Significant Difference on the Level of Perception of Students of on Job Training

in terms of gender

VARIABL GENDER t-test Significan Decisio interpretatio

E t n n
Perceptio Male Female
n 3.9565 3.7059 0.848 *0.037 Reject Significant
*significant level at @=0.05

Table 3 shows the t- test independent samples on the Significant

Difference on the Level of Perception of Students of on Job Training in terms of

gender. The table reveals that the significant does exist in the level of perception

of the students in terms gender (t-test = 0.037) with p-value which is lesser than

the alpha level of significant. It is also revealed that male respondents have high

level of perception on their job training. This implies that male respondents have

positive perception towards work in the future. This means that males are more

in interested in their work immersion.

The result of this findings is supported by……

Table 4
Significant Difference on the Level of Perception of Students of on Job Training
in terms of age, ethnicity, track, school grade level and school

VARIABLE Std F- Test Significant Decisio interpretatio

deviatio n n
Age `.4641 1.969 0.121 Accept Not
H0 Significant
Ethnicity 1.54505 0.265 0.899 Accept Not
H0 Significant
School Graduated .4229 1.998 0.116 Accept Not
H0 Significant
Track .995 2.55 0.056 Accept Not

H0 Significant
School .4641 1.527 0.216 Accept Not
H0 Significant
Religion .6359 0.700 0.597 Accept Not
H0 Significant
*significant level at @=0.05

The table 4 reveals the Significant Difference on the Level of Perception of

Students of on Job Training in terms of age, ethnicity, track, grade level, religion

and school. The table reveals that there is no significant difference on the job

training of the grade 12 students when they are grouped according to their age,

ethnicity, track, grade level, religion and school. This implies that the variables

have the same impact on the perception of the students. Regardless of the tribe,

age, track where they are enrolled, religion that they believe in and the school

where they are enrolled have no significant difference in the perception of the

students in their on job training. All of them have the same perception that is high


This study is supported by ….

Problem 3. How does OJT help your career choice?

10 Respondents were asked about “How does OJT help your career choice?”

Out of 10 respondents, 8 respondents said that

”When you have done on OJT when it’s coming applying a job it is not
hard for job because job have experience already, “OJT help me to take
advantages to my future collage”

Majority of the respondents said that:


“It can help you so much because in this OJT, you do what is the work of
what you want to because in the future, OJT helps my career choice by
learning more and improve my knowledge for the course I choose in

Indeed, for the respondents believed that OJT helps them in their career

choice in realizing what they really want in college help them to choose in their

career in the future. It can also help improve their skills and knowledge in


Back up study



This chapter presents the conclusions of the study based on the data

gathered as analysed and objectively interpreted. Likewise, the

recommendations of the study are hereby presented.


Based on the results revealed in this study, the following conclusions were


1. The perceptions of the students have the mean value between 3.6- 4.3

which is high Level.

2. There is no significant difference on the job training of the grade 12

students when they are grouped according to their age, ethnicity, track,

grade level, religion and school.

3. Most of the respondents said that on job training helps them in improving

their skills and it helps them to be easy for their future job. Mostly also of

them said that in the nearly future being in the job is easy for you since

they have already the experience in being a job.


The researchers made the following recommendations which were

formulated relative to the results and conclusions on this research:

Local Government Unit


The local government unit must conduct a seminar which they explains to

the people about on job training, how does this on job training helps us in

our future job.

School Principal

Principal must make a planning program which they give guidelines to the

students about the on job training and explains to them how on job training

help them in the nearly future.


Teachers must provide a book that has a guideline which they can use as

basis of the students that help them in their hands on activity or on job training


Students must attend seminar or programs conducted by the local

government unit and the school so that they will have a further knowledge about

what is on job training and know about the guidelines given for their safeness

and preparedness whenever they are having the hands on activity or conducted

on job training.


Parents must attend seminars conducted by the local government unit so

that they will have a further knowledge on what is on job training and how does

this help their child in the nearly future job.


Future Researchers

Researchers must provide additional concepts, principles and theories

about on job training.

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