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Dependence of bending losses on cladding

thickness in plastic optical fibers

Gaizka Durana, Joseba Zubia, Jon Arrue, Gotzon Aldabaldetreku, and Javier Mateo

Our main goal is to provide a comprehensive explanation of the existing differences in bending losses
arising from having step-index multimode plastic optical fibers with different cladding thicknesses and
under different types of conditions, namely, the variable bend radius R, the number of fiber turns, or the
fiber diameter. For this purpose, both experimental and numerical results of bending losses are pre-
sented for different cladding thicknesses and conditions. For the measurements, two cladding thick-
nesses have been considered: one finite and another infinite. A fiber in air has a finite cladding
thickness, and rays are reflected at the cladding-air interface, whereas a fiber covered by oil is equivalent
to having an infinite cladding, since the very similar refractive index of oil prevents reflections from
occurring at the cladding-oil interface. For the sake of comparison, numerical simulations based on ray
tracing have been performed for finite-cladding step-index multimode waveguides. The numerical
results reinforce the experimental data, and both the experimental measurements and the computational
simulations turn out to be very useful to explain the behavior of refracting and tunneling rays along bent
multimode waveguides and along finite-cladding fibers. © 2003 Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: 060.0060, 060.2270, 060.2300, 060.2310.

1. Introduction fibers are of considerable importance, especially in

Plastic optical fibers 共POFs兲 constitute a relatively telecommunications systems, since they diminish the
mature type of optical fibers. Their attenuation has link optical margin.6,7 All rays in a bent fiber are
been their main drawback for a long time, to the leaky; at successive reflections they lose power by
extent of reducing researchers’ interest. However, either refraction or tunneling.8 –14
since the recent improvement achieved in their It is common, especially in theoretical treatments,
attenuation,1– 4 POFs have been objects of intense for one to consider optical fibers with an infinite clad-
study. This improvement has come mainly from ding thickness; this means that rays refracted at the
their having reduced extrinsic losses, namely, ab- core-cladding interface are lost forever. However, in
sorption of fiber pollutants 共transition metals and real fibers the cladding itself acts as a waveguide,
organic compounds兲, scattering originated by dust allowing refracted rays to return back to the core
particles, microfractures and bubbles, and radiation after being guided in the cladding. This effect may
losses coming from perturbations in the fiber geom- lead to a wrong estimation of bending losses and to a
etry. Present manufacturing techniques have made bad measurement of some important fiber parame-
this reduction possible and, in the near future, fur- ters, such as numerical aperture and bandwidth.
ther improvements are expected, in both intrinsic To avoid these effects, it is a quite common practice
and extrinsic losses.5 to use cladding mode strippers.15 These exist in a
Optical power losses derived from bends in optical fiber section from which the coating has been re-
moved. Then the bare fiber is immersed in a fluid of
refractive index that is very close to that of the clad-
ding to reduce reflections occurring at the cladding-
G. Durana, J. Zubia, J. Arrue, and G. Aldabaldetreku are with fluid interface as much as possible. In this way rays
the Escuela Superior de Ingenieros de Bilbao, Universidad del Pais will escape from the fiber, and the cladding will be-
Vasco, Alameda Urquijo S兾N, Bilbao 48013, Spain. J. Mateo is
have as if it were infinite.
with the Centro Politécnico Superior, Universidad de Zaragoza,
Zaragoza 50015, Spain. In this paper we present experimental and compu-
Received 3 April 2002; revised manuscript received 8 October tational results that underline the importance of fiber
2002. cladding thickness in power losses in bent step-index
0003-6935兾03兾060997-06$15.00兾0 multimode fibers. Results have been particularized
© 2003 Optical Society of America for POFs. The numerical results from the computer

20 February 2003 兾 Vol. 42, No. 6 兾 APPLIED OPTICS 997

Fig. 1. Diagram showing the experimental setup. L, white light
source; M, monochromator; CS, convergent lens; O, object lens;
POF, plastic optical fiber; R, cylinder with radius R; OH, optical
head; LM, lightwave multimeter; C, computer.
Fig. 2. Typical ray path in a bent fiber of finite cladding thickness.
The classical path in the core is shown with a thick line. The
other ray paths represent guided rays as a consequence of the finite
simulations, which are intended to complement the cladding thickness.
information provided by the experimental results,
show the same behavior as those from the experi-
ments. This analysis can indicate which rays par- radii: 5.1, 7.6, and 10.25 mm兲. The results were
ticipate more actively in bending losses. averaged for three POF samples. The overall fiber
The structure of the paper is as follows. First, we length 共2 m兲 and launching conditions were kept con-
present the experimental method and the model used stant in all the experiments.
to simulate bends in POFs. Next, experimental re-
sults as well as simulation results are exposed. Fi- 3. Ray-Tracing Model
nally, we discuss these results and present the main Apart from the laboratory measurements, a numeri-
conclusions we have reached. cal analysis has been developed with MATLAB. The
computer program simulates a step-index multimode
2. Experiment waveguide of length L, which is wound onto a cylin-
An experimental setup was mounted to obtain the der of radius R. The software calculates the power
output power from a bent fiber put in oil or in air, as arriving at the end of the bent waveguide when the
shown in Fig. 1. The wavelength was selected by cladding thickness is both finite and infinite. The
means of a halogen lamp followed by a monochroma- calculus takes into account only meridional rays in
tor. The monochromator included a stepper motor, order to reduce the computational time. The simu-
controlled by the computer, in order to select the light lation controls the power conveyed by each type of ray
wavelength automatically. 共refracting rays and tunneling rays兲, which seems to
The convergent lens serves to collimate the diver- be very useful to understand the light propagation
gent beam coming from the monochromator into an inside the bent fiber.
object lens that couples the beam into the fiber, ex- When a finite-cladding thickness is considered 共air
citing in this way all the modes at the fiber input 共the covered兲, the simulation software calculates not only
numerical aperture of the object lens is greater than ray paths inside the waveguide core but also rays
that of the POF兲. Then the bare fiber is wound sev- traveling into the cladding. Because these rays can
eral full turns, from one to ten, onto poly共methyl be guided in the cladding owing to refractive-index
methacrylate兲共PMMA兲 cylinders of different radii. differences between cladding 共ncl ⫽ 1.402兲 and air
In some measurements the wound POF is immersed 共n ⫽ 1兲, they are able to return back to the core and
in oil 共noil ⫽ 1.47兲 to simulate an infinite cladding, continue their path in it. Therefore they must be
while in others the cylinder is put in air 共finite- taken under control, as they are of great importance
cladding thickness兲. In all of the cases the entrance in the final energy balance.
of the bent is placed just after the fiber input, where However, a finite-cladding thickness adds great
the launching conditions are kept constant, in order complexity to the software program, and some ap-
to have the same input conditions at the entrance of proximations have to be made. First of all, we have
the fiber bent section. to notice that each time a refracting ray finds the
Most of the measurements were carried out with core-cladding interface, two rays are created. This
the 1-mm-diameter bare fiber Super Eska SK-40 and is illustrated in Fig. 2. In this case, the ray is re-
the rest with bare fibers of 0.75 and 0.5 mm 共Super fracting at the outer core-cladding interface and tun-
Eska SK-30 and SK-20, respectively兲. The core and neling at the inner core-cladding interface. The
cladding refractive indices were nco ⫽ 1.492 and ncl ⫽ classical core ray path, when the cladding is assumed
1.402, respectively, for all of the POFs.16 In the infinite, is marked with a thick curve. Other ray
experiments, five PMMA cylinders were used for paths drawn in the figure represent guided rays as a
bending the POF, with radii ranging from 5.1 to 20.0 consequence of the finite-cladding thickness. At
mm, although the most representative measure- those core-cladding interface points where the ray is
ments correspond to the three smallest ones 共cylinder refracting 共1 and 2 in the figure兲 two rays appear from

998 APPLIED OPTICS 兾 Vol. 42, No. 6 兾 20 February 2003

the incident ray, one reflected and another refracted,
and both with a considerable power content. This
means that, after several fiber turns, the number of
rays derived from one initial launched ray will be
enormous, more than 2N. Including them in the
simulation is a complex task. Nevertheless, most of
these rays will convey a negligible amount of energy,
and they can be excluded from both the simulation
and the final energy balance. The approximations
used will be discussed later on.
In the simulation, parallel rays making an angle ␪z
共␪z ⬍ ␪c兲 with the fiber axis 共inside the fiber兲 at the
beginning of the bent section are considered. Then,
depending on the rays that are refracting or tunnel- Fig. 3. Output power in decibels relative to the unbent POF as a
ing, different power transmission coefficients are function of wavelength for a different number of full turns around
used. For refracting rays, the classical Fresnel co- the cylinder of radius R ⫽ 5.1 mm. Fiber diameter considered:
efficient applies 共scalar approximation兲: dPOF ⫽ 1 mm.

4 sin ␪ i 共sin2 ␪ i ⫺ sin2 ␪ c兲 1兾2

Tr ⫽ , (1) POF and a bend radius of R ⫽ 5.1 mm. Different
关sin ␪ i ⫹ 共sin2 ␪ i ⫺ sin2 ␪ c兲 1兾2兴 2
curves correspond to different numbers of full turns
where ␪i is the angle of incidence that the ray makes around the cylinder. It can be seen from the curves
with the tangent to the core-cladding interface and ␪c that the received power is quite independent of the
is the complementary critical angle ␪c ⫽ cos⫺1共ncl兾 light wavelength. The small wavelength depen-
nco兲. dence of the received power can be attributed to tun-
For tunneling rays the power transmission coeffi- neling rays and to the core refractive-index
cient is dependence with wavelength, nco ⬅ nco共␭兲.

冉 冊 1兾2
Figure 4 summarizes the experimental results ob-
4 sin ␪ i sin2 ␪ i tained for a 1-mm-diameter bare POF and ␭ ⫽ 540
Tt ⫽ 1⫺ exp关⫺2兾3n cok nm. In this plot, the relative output power as a func-
sin ␪ c sin2 ␪ c
tion of the number of full turns is represented for
⫻ 共R ⫹ ␳兲共␪ c2 ⫺ ␪ i2兲 3兾2兴, (2) different bend radii. We observe two features:
where nco is the core refractive index, k ⫽ 2␲兾␭, R is first, the gradual stabilization of bending losses as we
the bending radius, and ␳ is the waveguide core ra- increase the number of turns, and second, the sharp
dius. For typical values of the parameters 共nco ⫽ increase in losses as we reduce the cylinder diameter.
1.492, ncl ⫽ 1.402, ␪c ⫽ 20.0°, ␳ ⫽ 0.49 mm, R ⫽ 10 The increase is particularly important for the small-
mm, and ␭ ⫽ 650 nm兲, Tt is very small 共Tt ⬇ 10⫺8兲. est cylinder radius, namely, R1 ⫽ 5.1 mm. In addi-
Therefore we have considered Tt ⫽ 0, which means tion, data corresponding to ten fiber turns dipped in
that tunneling rays do not lose power throughout the oil is also included. A comparison between data cor-
bent waveguide, except for a few very close to the responding to ten full turns in air and in oil shows
critical angle. that the received power is smaller in the case of oil
As stated above, each refracting ray generates a lot environment. This suggests that more rays escape
of new refracting rays, their number depending on from the POF and thus that the infinite-cladding con-
the waveguide length, although only a few of them dition is quite reasonable when we have matching oil
have been considered in the numerical analysis, covering the POF.
namely, those that convey the most energy. As the
majority of refracting rays have transmission coeffi-
cients at the core-cladding interface greater than
Tr ⫽ 0.5, the criterion to select rays was as follows:
Each time a ray had a transmission coefficient higher
than 0.5 at the core-cladding interface, we chose the
transmissive way to continue. Of course, when oil is
surrounding the fiber, the transmitted part of these
rays into the cladding is not guided, and they are
forever lost.
4. Results

A. Experimental Results
In Fig. 3 we show the power in decibels detected at Fig. 4. Measured relative output power as a function of the num-
the fiber output relative to the unbent POF fiber 共Prel兲 ber of full turns. Different curves correspond to different bend
as a function of the wavelength for a 1-mm-diameter radii. The case of ten fiber turns dipped in oil is also included.

20 February 2003 兾 Vol. 42, No. 6 兾 APPLIED OPTICS 999

Fig. 5. Detected relative output power as a function of the wave-
length for n ⫽ 2 and n ⫽ 10 fiber turns, with and without oil. Fig. 7. Power difference P2 ⫺ P1 at the POF exit for different
bending radii and n ⫽ 2 fiber full turns. Experimental as well as
computational results are presented for three fiber diameters:
The power detected at the POF output as a function d1 ⫽ 1.00, d2 ⫽ 0.75, and d3 ⫽ 0.50 mm.
of the wavelength for n ⫽ 2 and n ⫽ 10 fiber turns,
with and without oil, is represented in Fig. 5. The
important thing here is to realize that the gap exist- dius R, the curvature of the outer core-cladding
ing between the curves corresponding to oil and air interface is smaller for bigger values of the fiber core
environments is bigger for a small number of turns. diameter, and thus less refracting rays are gener-
Figure 6 shows, for a fixed value of the wavelength ated.
共␭ ⫽ 540 nm兲, the power gap P1 ⫺ P2, in decibels,
between the oil-covered and the air-covered bent B. Simulation Results
POFs for different bend radii R and for two different In Figs. 6 and 7, both the experimental results and
numbers of turns 共n ⫽ 2 and n ⫽ 10兲. P1 is the the numerical values obtained from the computer
output power for the POF immersed in oil, and P2 is simulations have been plotted. In both graphs, ex-
the output power when the entire POF is surrounded perimental and simulation values follow the same
by air. As we increase the bend radius, curves cor- behavior, although they cannot be directly compared,
responding to different conditions go to zero 共P1 ⫺ because the launching conditions are different in both
P2 ⬇ 0 for R ⱖ 15 mm兲, indicating that no guided rays cases. Results from simulations tend to give more
are in the cladding. It is also interesting to note that losses because only meridional rays have been taken
the curve for the n ⫽ 2 fiber turns is always above into account, which are the most lossy ones. In the
that for n ⫽ 10. experimental case only a few rays are meridional, so
Figure 7 shows the experimental values of the the overall result is that the attenuation of rays is
power difference P2 ⫺ P1 for different values of the smaller.
bend radius R and different POF core diameters. Figure 8 shows how the cladding thickness modi-
The number of fiber turns considered was n ⫽ 2. fies the output power of the air-covered fiber. In this
Note that, for a fixed value of the bend radius R, the simulation, we have considered a bend radius R of 8
difference becomes more important as the core diam- mm and two fiber turns 共n ⫽ 2兲. The output power
eter increases. This is because, for a fixed bend ra- varies with cladding thickness, the results approach-

Fig. 6. Representation of the power difference P2 ⫺ P1 at the fiber Fig. 8. Simulated values of the relative output power for different
output for different bend radii R and for n ⫽ 2 and n ⫽ 10 fiber cladding thicknesses when the fiber is covered by air 共squares兲 and
turns. P1, power received when the bent section of the fiber is by oil 共triangles兲. As the cladding thickness increases, the curve
dipped in oil; P2, power received when the entire fiber is left in air. corresponding to the air-covered POF converges to the straight line
Experimental as well as computational results are presented for a that corresponds to the fiber dipped in oil 共congruent to the infinite
fixed value of the wavelength 共␭ ⫽ 540 nm兲. cladding thickness兲.

1000 APPLIED OPTICS 兾 Vol. 42, No. 6 兾 20 February 2003

ing those in oil environment as cladding thickness is
increased 共straight curve, independent of cladding
thickness兲. Nevertheless, the output power first in-
creases with cladding thickness until a maximum of
power is reached, and then it decreases asymptoti-
cally to the straight line. The origin of this initial
power increase with cladding thickness may be ex-
plained easily. As the cladding thickness is in-
creased, for a certain fiber length, refracted rays have
fewer collisions, and thus fewer transmission coeffi-
cients have to be considered. In addition to this, all
of these rays are tunneling at the cladding-air inter-
face, and almost all of their power is reflected back to
the cladding. After reaching a maximum, output
power starts to decrease. This happens because Fig. 9. Numerical simulation showing the power received at the
rays start to be refractive at the cladding-air interface waveguide output as a function of the number of waveguide turns
共they are no longer tunneling兲, and a lot of power is around a cylinder of radius R ⫽ 8.00 mm. The waveguide is
transmitted to the air. This transmission of power covered by air. Waveguide core diameter, 980 ␮m; cladding thick-
to the air is stronger than the power gained by the ness, 10 ␮m; ncore ⫽ 1.492; ncladding ⫽ 1.402.
fiber as a consequence of reducing the number of
collisions, and the overall energy balance is negative.
From this figure we deduce that we need several The loss also increases with the length of the bent
millimeters for the cladding to be considered as infi- fiber, although the greatest increase occurs with the
nite, which is unpractical from a manufacturing point second fiber turn. However, the increment in loss
of view. This means that calculations based on when going from n to n ⫹ 1 fiber turns, n being 2 or
infinite-cladding thickness give always greater losses greater, is smaller. This fact is clearly shown in Fig.
than the real ones; in our case more than 1 dB 4 for a bend radius of 5.1 mm and also in the numer-
greater. ical simulation shown in Fig. 9 for a bend radius of 8.0
mm, core radius ␳ ⫽ 0.49 mm, and cladding thickness
5. Discussion 1 ⫽ 10 ␮m. We can explain these results in terms of
When bending losses are considered there are several rays, considering the behavior of tunneling and re-
factors to be taken into account: fiber core diameter, fracting rays inside the bent fiber. Refracting rays
bend radius, bent section length or fiber turns, and have greater transmission coefficients compared with
fiber environment. There are some other factors, those of tunneling rays 关see Eqs. 共1兲 and 共2兲 for trans-
such as numerical aperture, refractive-index profile, mission coefficients兴. The initial rapid loss of power
or launching conditions, that also have influence on is due to rays incident at the core-cladding interface
bending losses of POFs but that have been kept con- with angles ␪i that are greater than the critical angle
stant in our experiments. Their treatment will be ␪c, which yield high values in the transmission coef-
presented elsewhere. ficient. These are refracting rays, and they lose a
In the previous section we saw that decreasing the great part of their energy at the beginning of the bent
bend radius, as well as increasing the fiber core di- fiber. Once the refracting rays have lost most of
ameter, increases the bending losses. Therefore it is their energy, the rate of loss is slower, and the re-
recommendable, if we want to reduce losses, to use maining losses are due mainly to weakly leaky rays
optical fibers with the smallest possible fiber core 共tunneling rays or whispery gallery rays兲.
diameter that is compatible with the system we want The aspect that has been studied more carefully in
to design, and to bend the fibers with the greatest this paper is the dependence of the surrounding me-
radius possible. We observe in Fig. 4 that for bend dium on bending losses. Air and oil have been used
radii greater than or equal to R ⫽ 15 mm and n ⫽ 1 in our study. As we have pointed out, oil matches
共1 fiber turn兲, the losses are practically zero, and that the refractive index of the cladding, which is equiva-
for a greater number of fiber turns the losses in- lent to an infinite cladding. This approach serves to
crease, but still remain very low. Also, for R ⫽ 15 compare real data with that coming from theoretical
mm, no difference is observed between results with treatments, which are developed on the assumption
and without oil, indicating that there are no refract- that the cladding is infinite. According to the exper-
ing rays at all. As the bend radius begins to de- imental results and the numerical simulations, the
crease, more and more refracting rays are produced power detected at the output end of the fiber in air
and more power is transferred to the cladding. 共P1兲 and oil 共P2兲 environments differs from each other
Matching the cladding with oil causes most of the only when the bend radius is small. For big enough
refracting rays in the cladding to go out, making it bending radii 共R ⫽ 15 mm or greater in our measure-
impossible for them to return to the core. For this ments兲 there is no difference 共P1 ⫺ P2 ⬵ 0兲, but, when
reason, output power decreases. Fortunately, in small enough bend radii are taken into account, the
practice, small-bend radii are quite infrequent in op- difference is quite important, especially with one or
tical fiber systems and installations. two fiber turns 共see Figs. 5 and 6兲. In fact, when the

20 February 2003 兾 Vol. 42, No. 6 兾 APPLIED OPTICS 1001

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1002 APPLIED OPTICS 兾 Vol. 42, No. 6 兾 20 February 2003

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