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we imagined the island like shape of the site to be the amazonian leaf, we used the

systems of branches as an inspiration for a series of circulations, it is

constructed using 5 main branches
from witch a series of other branches are dirived making the site look like a very
big water leaf.
the organisatoin of the branches is an optimised tree like structure that asures to
diliver the nutritians/people flow more effectively to the parts of the leaf/site.
at this level we are not yet in the cultural scale of the architecture, because
optimisation supacess the cultural need to a more objective matters like delivering
the nutritian to the
as past and as efficianly as possible, maQDQD
king cutlture erralevent. (keep it to your self)
so where is the africain inspiration. the africain inspiration is base on the
things that the visiter is connected directely with, thing that are organised in a
scale that the visiter
can perseave and understand. these things are for example, light ambiances,
material finishes, apprarete structural system.
the exprence has to match the collection, it is necessairy to conduct a research
about the collection, the conditions of preserving those collections, and the moode
that has to be set
in each of the 5 periodes in the muesuem.

we have to find the exact angles and transfer them into a controlable algular
system, it make dealing with the parametric model way easier

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