FLASH FICTION (Proj. 21st Century)

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Nicole faces a lot of challenges in her life. However, it seems that the majority of us
face challenges in some form or another, right? Nicole is very weak when it comes to
resolving problems; when she faces a situation, she is at a loss for what to do, and as a
result, she sometimes hurts herself. It seems as though she faces a new challenge
almost every day, but after she met the Lord, her life started getting better, even
though, of course, the challenges she faced in life continued to exist. Since she had met
Lord, everything in her life had appeared to be going smoothly for her. The Lord was
there for her whenever she was going through a difficult time, and He did not give up
on her. Since she first met the Lord, Nicole's life has undergone a dramatic
transformation. She has gained the ability to forgive those who have wronged her, and
she has made the conscious decision to become more humble in order to better serve
the needs of others. Nicole is also extremely blessed. She goes to the Lord in prayer
whenever she is confronted with a challenge because she knows that when the Lord
intervenes, nothing is impossible. She also became more approachable with other
people, which is a change from her previous state, in which she was extremely terrified
of making friends because she was afraid of being judged for her inability to socialize
appropriately. She went to the camp the week before last, and she is extremely grateful
that she was able to use her life once more for his glory. It is so much fun to worship the
Lord, that he will never leave you, because when you are with him, nothing that is
physically impossible can happen to you. It is wonderful because ever since Nicole
discovered Lord, an overwhelming number of benefits have come into her life that she
did not anticipate receiving. Lord was extremely good in Nicole's life, and she did not let
her child's life to be a sad one. One day, Nicole was heartbroken because she was
unable to attend a university interview on the date it was scheduled due to a family
emergency. However, the Lord did not abandon her, and she was able to take the exam
after it was rescheduled. Now that the results of the exam and the list of those who
were admitted to the university have been released, Nicole is understandably nervous.
While she was looking at the list of those who had passed, she was very surprised to see
her name on the list; she wasn't expecting that she would pass, and it was really
amazing because when you really believe in the Lord, he will provide a way, and he will
never let you down. While she was looking at the list of those who had passed, she was
extremely surprised to see her name on the list. While she was looking at the list of those
who had passed, she was very surprised to see her name on the list; she wasn't
expecting that she would pass, and it was really amazing because when you really
believe in the Lord, he will provide a way, and he will never let you down.

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