Pat Test 6

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QNo. 11: Discuss the Non-Aligned Movement? Non-Aligned Movement: ‘This isan important international body. Its foundation were laid in a conference in April 1955 in the Indonesian city of Bandung. Pakistan is an active member of the movement. ‘The conference provide a unique platform among the countries which liked to keep equal distance from each super power and it also provide a basic relations for mutual co-operatic ‘These relations based on some principles which are described below. Principles of Non-Aligned Movement: Following are the basic principles of Non-Aligned Movement: i Respect for each other's sovereignty and integrity. Refrainment from all forms of aggression. Non-interference in the internal affairs of others. ria )) Equality and mutual co-operation. foe Y SS Vv. Peaceful co-existence. A ee ¢ y a ‘Summit Conference of Non-Aligned Movement - ‘The first summit of Non-Aligned Movement was INfivseece, the second at Cairo (Egypt) in 1964, the third at Lusaka (Zambia) in 1970, the fourth at Algiers (Algeria) in 1974. Since, itis adhered on after three years and continue (fs stfigele. ‘Although Pakistan played an importa ut it did not take part initially in this movement. Due to its problems with neighbouring countries such as Afghanistan and India. In 1960, due to changing pattefa of nteFhational relations, the Government of Pakistan fet thatthe dependence on the westéth Suntles should be reduced as far as possible. = = . qn. 13: Write down the difference between Urban and Rural Society. Rural Society: i. People of rural society basically live in villages. ‘The rural society has always been self-sufficient and mostly goods of daily requirement, are produced by the village peoples. | ii, The rural if in laborious and simple, villagers have to engage almost all the day,time with their job. , Ww. The village life is highly organized, The children's lived with their parents for Gf v. The old people make the social laws in the rural community and the aS takes place in Jirga. 1 ps Urban Society: aly i. People of urban society mostly lives in big cities. &) i, The urban society are mostly dependent upon prepared:{dou they have no enough time to prepare their daily goods. \ 4 iii, ‘The urban li also laborious but mostly living stahdard, society. ‘ iv. The urban life is not so much highly organized) uch better than rural children's and keep them in baby care use in\job times. ia ‘pts mostly have less time for their v. The life of old people have become sGdiffitult in cities, their young children's haveno | time to spend with them and ney yorseclture is grown that children's keep their parents in old houses. % qo. Wt down a short note on United Nations united Nations at a Glance: 1. UNcame into being on 24 Oc’ 1945, 2. The name of the United Nations was devised by President Frankln- Delano Rooseetof the USA Orginal members 1. Headquarters at New York United tats). ficial language Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish and Arabi UN charter contains 19 chapters and 111 atc, Main organs ares Special agencies ae 1. Objectives: & % The otectves of Unig alors are enshvined inthe rare ofthe Carter They Toesabls tem eect sei. Tose the peng generation fom the scourge ofa: TocrhaneSS eration among member tates in pots economic anata teu Tefen ft in ondomentl human its “TOBSIeblsh conditions under which justice and respect forthe obligation arg from tals ter source of iteratinaacan beating sysvmsg ony orun: ‘Security Council General Assembly Economic and Social Countries Intemational court of justice ‘The Trusteeship Counc Secretariat - Objectives of OIC: QNo. 15: Write a short note on Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC). Introduction: The OIC is the symbol of Islamic unity and integrity of the Muslim world. This organization provides the Islamic world a unique forum to solve the problems faced by Muslim world and to increase co-operation not only amongst the Muslim countries but also between other countries and the Islamic States. Following are the Organization of the Islamic Conference with the folowing To promote Islamic solidarity among member states. hu ee a Regie ral, scientific and other vital fields. Fa 3, To endeavor to eliminate racial segregation and discrimination anéito opfadicate colonialism 1 2. To consolidate co-operation among member states in the economic, in all its forms. , 4, To make necessary measures to support international peace’ we ‘security founded on ste, Cyr the people of Palestine, and help them to regain thelr fights and liberate their land. 6. To strengthen the struggle of all Muslim people witha view to safeguarding thelr dignity, independence and nationalrights. (Cs) To create a suitable atmosphere for, sh promotion of cooperation and understanding among member states and other oye CX 5. To coordinate all efforts for the safeguard of the, ey ph 28 Me support of the struggle of 7.

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