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The number of capital crimes, in this country at

manner in which the soil is sometimes worked in the Kandahar

``including the jurisdiction of the admiralty of England or

(Herero) and Namaquas, often combining small trading operations

1 In the Eastern Church four small pieces of cloth marked

savages where the women of the tribe fought alongside the men,

gives the credit of this discovery to Ptolemy. He taught,

occur in the higher regions are exclusively alpine (or alpine

from Kabul to Afghan Turkestan must cross either one or

Tin chloride is used in the West Indies to produce the yellow

word. A story of Mahommedan origin, which is probably no

and Industrial School (for negroes). There are lumber mills,

the medieval palaces of Albenga have lofty brick towers.

country, offers the obstacles of magnificent, inaccessible

rarely fine enough for use in jewellery. Among these may be

and councillors of state were dismissed and replaced by new

separates the Kobdo basin on the north from the Irtysh basin

dormant (i.e. unclaimed) as being in abeyance. (J. H. R.)

meaning ``mainland'' or ``peninsula.'' The district of Alaska

took up the interrupted work of his father. That work was on

demonstrated that the great Zimbabwe and similar buildings

work. The hall of the Abencerrages in the Alhambra takes its

1793. He effected many improvements at the gardens, and in 1789

for philosophical speculations, and in 1830 he published his

at Amsterdam, are of alder-wood. Furniture is sometimes made

magazine. The various stores for explosives are classified

In England the Agricultural Society was founded in 1838, with

by Charles V. In 1534 he attempted to bring the province of

// \\

1869 .. 21,709,824
Comparative Grammar of South African Languages, 2 parts

been termed phycopyrrin and peridinine. Certain species,

AAL, also known as A'L, ACH, or AICH, the Hindustani

During the 18th century there is little to record in the history of

One of the most important duties undertaken by accountants

(q.v.), the place where animals intended for food are killed.

AHAZIAH (``he whom Yahweh sustains''), the name of two

for the manufacture of chlorine and its derivatives, which

could reasonably be expected to give, and finally on

IV. c. 11) adds nothing by way of definition or restriction,

virtual apologia for the absence of that earthly prosperity

with the forehead and kissing the ground. This striking of

and their severe loss in both engagements was over 500

reached the high-water mark of L. 18,500, a large sum for that

historian, was born about 988 at Chabannes, a village in

Castile. A passionate fighting-man (he fought twenty-nine

powders'' which came into general use towards the end of the

two years before, and at Cold Harbor (Porter's battle-field

was that our agricultural plants do not themselves directly

here to repeat such details as are given in the article

In this post his tact and diplomatic ability were put to a

ascertained by J. Fraunhofer, who defined the colours by means

Deutschen Shakespeare Gesellschaft (Weimar, 1898)

things continued until 1648, when a large part of Alsace,

establishment of a British protectorate, which, while putting

Mosque (Jamaa-el-Jedid), dating from the 17th century, is

only incorporates ideas which were the timely fruit of a

and declared himself ready to follow their advice and to

prescribe the dipping of sheep, irrespective of the presence

periods have been distinguished by the explorer of Cnossus,

in the empire, no less than by its original embodiment

theory of the equilibrium and the motion of fluids (Traite

corner. These crosses must have been anointed by the bishop

following is a list of the more important abdications of later

of Marrakesh, where he was murdered by a slave in 1269.

movement. They are, moreover, the two senses by the use of

causes the land to become fertile, and, on the other hand, the

of his curate's sermons and was not only ``cured'' forthwith,

York. The campaign of 1799 ended in disaster, but friend and

is navigable in the wet season to within 180 m. of Cuzco.

sea. South of these highlands, occupying a narrow strip on

functions. The cathedral church which he built at Sherborne,

in 1165 of a synod, where Catholic priests had to submit to

was represented by legates, who presided at the condemnation

the sexual differentiation. In Zygogonium, although no

attribute, namely (1) sensuous beauty, (2) beauty of form

Germs of aesthetic preference in children, etc.

1 1/4 acres and under

by three parallel steps with level ground between them. The

ft. Agha harbour has also an independent entrance on its

Meth., for method of aesthetics.

than theological in character, it marked an epochal change

prove that it must be identified as the shrine of the local goddess

that of Tramecourt, at the northern exit of which the army

underwent great hardship to accomplish her object, proving

Reiser (1628-1686) denounced the opera as antichristian.

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