DLP Final Demo

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Isabela Colleges, Inc.

Cauayan City, Isabela


DATE: 03/31/2023

The learner will understand the proper use of coordinating
Content Standards
The learner actively participates in creating sentences using
Performance Standards coordinating conjunctions , and recognize the conjunctions
used in the given sentences..

 Identify the coordinating conjunctions in the given
At the end of the discussion, sentences ;
the learners should be able to:  Use coordinating conjunctions appropriately ;
 Construct sentences using coordinating conjunctions.
MATERIALS PowerPoint Presentation, and Instructional Materials
REFERENCE(S) Grade 9 English Learner’s Modulepp. 72 –73




-Before we proceed to our main discussion, (The student will lead the prayer)
May I request , Mr.Dwayne to lead us in prayer?
Our most gracious and kind heavenly Father,
Thank you for this beautiful morning that you
given unto us,Thank you for sunshine,thank you
for rain,and thank you for joy. As we begin a
new topic this morning,kindly help us to fully un
derstand our lesson, and give us enough
knowledge.Forgive us to all of our sins.,in Christ
-Thank you very much Dwayne. name we pray, AMEN.

-Good morning/afternoon Class! - Good afternoon, sir / ma'am

-How are you today? - We’re fine ma’am.
-It is good to hear that class.Alright , before you
take your seats , please pick up pieces of
papers under your chairs.
-Okay , you may now take your seats. - Thank you, sir /ma’am.

Checking of attendance
(The students will response)
-Is anyone absent today? - None sir
-Good Job class, I am happy to see that all of
you are present today.

Giving instructions:

- Today I want you to listen very well, sit

properly. If you have any questions or if you
want to recite kindly raise your hands is that
clear? - Yes Sir
- Very good!


- Now, Who can tell me about what we (The students raised their hand)
discussed last meeting?
- Our last topic is about Types of Stage and
-Yes JM? Stage Directions ma’am.

- Exactly! JM.
(The students raised their hand)
I think you are now ready with our discussion.


-Before we proceed to our main topic,Let us

have a game first.It is entitled “ PASS THE
OBJECT”.I have here a spinning wheeI and it -Yes Ma’am.
consist seven words : For , and, nor, but, or,
yet ,so.I will play some piece of music,and then
you are going to pass the object,and when the
music stops,the last holder will spin the wheel -None ma’am
and construct a sentence using one word from
the spinning wheel.I will give 5 points to those
students who will participate. Is it clear class?Do
you have any clarifications before we proceed? (The learners actively pass the object )

-Okay Let us start.

(The teacher will play music)
(The student will spin the wheel)
-Stop! Alright ,Eugene you are the last holder. - I bought some flowers for Chloe.
-Eugene your chosen word is “For”.Constuct a
sentence using the word For.
-Good job! Eugene.
-Alright let’s continue (The learners actively pass the object )
(The teacher will play music)
(The student will spin the wheel)
-Okay,Stop! Jasper ,It’s your turn. Everyone was singing and dancing.
- Yor word is “And” use it in a sentence
Jasper.You can do it.
-Awesome!, Jasper .
-Are you enjoying our game class? Do You want
more? -Yes ma’am.

(The teacher will play music)

-Stop!.Alright ,Precious .Please come in front
and spin the wheel. (The student will spin the wheel)
-Your word is “So”.Use it in a sentence You are right, of course, so I think we will accept
Precious. what the bank offers.
-Very Good! Precious, You are all very smart in
making your own sentences .
Give yourselves a round of applause.

-Now,based in our game actitvity,What do you -Ma’am , I think it is called Conjunctions.

call ,those words from spinning wheel?
-Exactly, Stephanie. -Yes,Ma’am.
Take note class,That all the things that we’ve
been learning a while back is all about
coordinating conjunctions

-Are you ready to learn new topic?

-Alright,Let’s proceed.



- Our main topic for today class, is all about

coordinating conjunction. Today we will
learn about seven coordinating
conjunctions. For, And,Nor, But, Or Yet, and
So. However, we are going to focus on how
to use the in sentences. Are you ready to ( The students will answer)
understand Coordinating conjunctions -Yes ma’am.


C.DISCUSSION (The student raised her hand.)

-Anyone who can give me his/her insights - It connects words, phrases, and clauses that
about coordinating conjunction? are coordinate, or equal to each other.

-Yes ,Faith?
-Exactly!.When we say conjunction, it is used to
connect words, phrases, or clauses.
-There are seven coordinating conjunctions, and
people use this acronym to help them (The student will answer)
remember: FANBOYS. F = for
Can you tell me what FANBOYS stands for? A = and
-Yes,Jaylord? N = nor
Very Good.Jaylord. B = but
O = or
Y = yet FOR –shows reason or purpose.
S = so (sometimes because can be used
(The student will read)
1. Everyone thought he would lose for he
-Let’s start our discussion with FOR. Please -
read its meaning and example.Yes,Freya? was sick.

-Thank you, Ms.Freya.

-Alrigth .We use for to talk about a purpose or a

reason for something .In example umber 1, (The student raised her hand)
Why did they think he would lose?What’s the -Because he was sick ma’am.
-Yes,Dona? -Crystal clear Ma’am.

- Excellent.For is used to reason that ‘he is

sick.’Is it clear? (The student will read)
Our next Conjunction is AND. Juliana read the AND –connect two or more ideas
meaning and example with the same rank

.Example: Joana took the exam and

-Thank you very much,Juliana. waited for The result.
-now class, in that example.What did we (The student will answer)
connect? - Sir, took the exam and waited for the result.
-Yes,Marlou? -Yes ma’am
- Very good.The conjunction ‘and’ connects the (The student will read)
2 verb phrase. Is it clear class? -
NOR –shows a non-contrasting,
-For third conjunction, I want Charlie to read the negative idea.
meaning and example.
Example: Jeremy can’t play basketball
nor watch television.

(The students will raise their hands)

-Thank you, Charlie
- Can’t play basketball and watch television.
.What are the two phrases we connect?
-Yes, Angel? -No, Ma’am
Very Good,Angel. (The students will answer)
-Yes ma’am.
- Can Josh play or watch?
-Exactly! Remember that Nor is used to show
negative expressions.Understood class? (The student will read)
-Alright,Let’s proceed. BUT –shows a contrast or exception.
- Lovely, please read the next conjunction
Example: I read the book but I don’t

-Thank you ,Lovely.

- See how ‘BUT’ is used for contrast?In
Mathematics, there is a positive and negative
integer, Am I right? In English there is also
(The students will answer)
positive and negative. Whenever we use BUT
-Yes, Ma’am.
one statement should be positive or good while
OR –connects two choices
the other should be negative or bad.Do you
understand how to use the conjunction But? Is .Example: You will eat or you just want to sit
it clear now? there?.
Our next conjunction is ‘or.’ Angel please read it

- Thank you Angel. (The student will answer)

- Go to your class room and go to the
- Or is quite easy to understand because it is
simply about choices. What are the two choices
in the sentence? Eva
(The student will read)
-Exactly -
.We always use OR for choices. YET –shows exception and also contrast.

Our next conjunction is Yet. Now, Shonel can Example: Riana is allergic to cats, yet She has
you please read the slide? three of them.

(The student will answer)

-Riana is allergic to cats, ma’am.
-Okay,Thank you,Shonel.
- What could be the problem with the subject? (The students will answer)
-She has three of them
- Exactly, Now, what did she do even if she’s
allergic to cats?
-Let’s have,Andrea? It shows contrast,ma’am.

So what does it show?

-Correct. (The students will read)
- Well done. Yet can be also used for contrast.

For our last conjunction I want all of you to read SO –shows consequences or result.
the slide. Example: He copy my article so file a
case of plagiarism.

(The students will answer)

- Thank you, Grade 9. -He copy my article,Ma’am.

-In that example sentence,What action -Filing a case of Plagiarism.

happened first?
-Yes, Chris?
-Very good ,Chris.
- Now, what is the result of his action?
-Yes,Mika? (The students will answer)

Job well done,Grade 9. Now ,give yourselves -None sir.

three claps. Crystal Clear.
Do you have questions regarding the use of
coordinating conjunctions?

Any other questions or clarifications?

All clear?
Alright. Let’s proceed to our practice activity


Why do you think conjunctions are important?

-Alright,Let’s have Petty? (The student will answer)
-It is important because it connect ideas and
words together. Conjunctions is essential
because it helps u organize our ideas in writing
FANBOYS,stands for what?
Yes,Freay? (The student will answer)
F = for
A = and
N = nor
B = but
O = or
WOW!!! Since you really understand the lesson Y = yet
very well. Let’s give our self a HOORAY


Alright that would be the end of our

discussion.But before we leave ,kindly arrange
your chairs and pick up those litters under your
Now,I want you to remember the importance of
Using comjunction. A good knowledge and
understanding of various conjunctions enable us
to maintain both ways of communication, verbal
and written conveniently. In addition, the ability
of using conjunctions appropriately will help us
greatly to speak in a confident manner.


DIRECTION: Fill in the blanks using the

appropriate conjunction. Choose your answer
from the given choices. (The students start doing their task)
1. I don’t want to be late ____ I will wake up
early. (so, but)
2. She is the most beautiful girl ____ she is lazy.
(but, nor)
3. He can give Jessie flowers ____ chocolates
depending on what she wants.(for, or)
4. I did not finish neither my assignment ___ my
snack.(nor, yet)
5. She is a rich woman ___ she doesn’t have a
car.(for, yet)
6. He scolded by his mother ____ he was
sleeping all day.(for, and)
7.She run____ shouted my name.(for, and)
8.He already graduated in high school ___ he
will proceed to college level.(for, but)
9. The baby cries ____ her mother plays a
relaxing music.(so, or)
10. The father asks her son if he likes toys ___
book. (or, so)




Prepared by:
Practice Teachers

Checked By:


Cooperating Teacher

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