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Financial Management - GOAL: maximize firm’s wealth

Chapter 1 Broad Applicability
NATURE, PURPOSE, AND SCOPE OF FM - Principles of finance are applicable wherever there is cash
- Cash Flow
o Central elements of financial analysis, planning,
- Managerial finance
- Corporate finance control, and resource allocation decisions
- Business finance o Fin health depends on its ability to generate
- Decision making process sufficient amounts of cash for payments
- Concern with planning, acquiring, and utilizing funds - FM – equally applicable to all forms of business
- Process for and analysis of making fin decisions o Sole traders
o Partnerships
- Larder discipline o NPO
- Under nito ang FM
- Body of facts, principles, theories relating to raising and Reduction of Chances of Failure
using money - Strength of business lies in its financial discipline
- FM – primordial which enables the other functions to be
GOAL OF FM effective in achievement of org goals
- VAGUE - Make money and add value for the owners
Measurement of Return on Investment
- Maximize the current value per share of the existing - FM – study risk-return perception of owners and the time
stock or ownership in a business firm value of money.
o Shareholders – residual owners o Considers amount, risk attached, and timing of
 If residual portion is growing, others cash flows expected to be generated for the
benefit too benefit of owners
o Learn how to identify investments, arrangements o  Time and Risk with Cash flow =  ROR required
and distribute satisfactory amount of share in
profits that favorably impact value of share REL BETWEEN FM / ACCNTG / ECON
o FManger should best serve the owners by Help managers to make Discharges the function of
identifying g/s that add value to the firm business decisions (use of cash, systematic recording of trans
attainment of efficient ope, relating to the firm’s activities in
SCOPE OF FM allocation of funds among the books, summarizing, and
- TRADITIONAL: FManager will perform: assets, effective financing of inv. presenting in the FS
o Procurement of short-term & long-term funds from And ope)
financial institutions Capital Budgeting techniques Its info is used in making
o Mobilization of funds thru fin inst. Stat and math models financial decisions
 Equity Shares Computer Applications
 Pref Shares Key function
 Debentures Control on finances
 Bonds / Notes Fin function can be
o Compliance w/ legal and regulatory provisions decentralized with adoption of
relating to funds procurement, use, and distri and responsibility accntg – for
coordination with accntg function speeding up of info
FM is distinct and separate rather than an extension of accntg
Globalization Centralization / Decentralization of Accntg and Finance
- Caused to integrate the ntl economy with global economy depends on attitude of top-level management
- Created new fin environment
- Led to total reformation of finance function and FM ECONOMICS
responsibilities Can make better decisions if Econ Theory – seek the best
basic economic principles will allocation of resources
- MODERN: FM is expected to analyze the business firm be applied
and determine the ff: FManagers responsible to find Supply
o Total funds reqs of the firm the best and least expensive – control of production costs
o Assets / resources to be acquired sources of funds and invest into Hold cost down so prices can be
o Best pattern of financing the assets the best efficient mix of assets set at competitive levels
FManagers – better if they Demand
TYPES OF FINANCING DECISIONS understand how to respond to - Changes
Investment Financing Dividend changes of supply, demand,
Determine how Assert that the mix Determination of prices
scarce resources in of debt and equity quantum of profits Understanding changes in
terms of funds of chosen to finance to be distributed to demand allows FM to take
business are inv should the owners, advantage of market condi
committed to maximize the value frequency, and Must be familiar w/ micro and
projects. of inv made amounts retained. macroeconomic env aspects
Choose those inv Consider cost of Retained – Thru microecon: helps FM in Microeconomics – econ
with positive net finance available appropriations for decisions like: decision of indi
PV, and risks attached financing its future Pricing
growth Taxation
Consider the ROR Consider principle Determination of capacity and
that exceeds of fin leverage / ope levels
marginal cost trading on equity Breakeven analysis
Consider Reduced cost of CVP
profitability of each capital – overall Capital Structure decisions
project proposal weighted ave cost Dividend Distri Decisions
of capital and Profitable Product-Mix etc.
minimization of Gov’ fiscal and monetary Macroeconomics – looks at
risks will lead to policies influence strat financial economy as whole
profitability planning
FM should look macroecon
real interest rates, Long-Term
level of economic activity - Growth in the market value of the equity shares thru
trade cycles maximization of the firm’s market share and sustained
market competition growth in dividend to shareholders
etc. - Survival and sustained growth of the firm

FM PUBLIC RESPONSIBILITY Competing Viewpoints what the Primary Fin Obj should be:
Plan future growth and direction of a firm which can affect the - Owner’s perspective
community in which it is based o Only appropriate goal is to maximize SH / owner’s
Behave ethically and must follow the law and other society-imposed wealth
constraints  Thru providing sh with target attainable
FM must reconcile social and environmental reqs with profit-making combi of:
motive  Dividends per share
maintaining social needs when pursuing the goal of maximizing the  Share price appreciation
wealth of the form – primary responsibility
- Stakeholder’s perspective
o Emphasized social responsibility over profitability
Chapter 2
RELATIONSHIP OF FINANCIAL OBJECTIVES TO Financial practitioners believe that manager’s primary
ORGANIZATIONAL STRAT AND OBJ responsibility should be to maximize sh’ wealth and give only
secondary consi to stakeholder’s welfare
 To be a leader in technology in the industry, Adam Smith (18th century economist)
 To achieve profits thru a high-level manufacturing efficiency - Argued: in capitalism, an individual pursuing his own interest
 To achieve a high-degree of customer satisfaction tends also to promote the good of his community
- Acting thru compe and free price system, only those most
- In measuring perf/ degree of control: efficient and beneficial to society as a whole would survive
o Necessary to set obj in more precise / quantitative
terms within a time frame Wealth Maximization Goal is advocated on the ff:
1. Considers risk and time value of money
STRATEGIC FM 2. Considers all future cash flow, dividends, and EPS
Strategic Planning – long-range in scope 3. Suggest the regular and consistent dividend payments to
- Concept base on obj and assessment of present situation SHE
4. Fin decisions are taken with a view to improve the capital
Strategic Financial Planning appreciation of the share price
- Financial Planning 5. Maximization of firm’s value is reflected in the market price of
- Financial Forecasting share since it depends on sh’s expectations regarding
- Provision of finance profitability, long-run prospects, timing difference of returns,
- Formulation of finance policies risk distri of returns of the firm
- Enable the firm to:
o judicious allocation of funds Optimal allocation of the society’s resources should result in
capital formation and growth of the economy which should
o capitalization of relative strengths
ultimately lead to maximization of economic welfare and society.
o mitigation of weaknesses
o identification of shifts in envi RESPONSIBILITIES TO ACHIEVE THE FIN OBJ:
o counter possible actions of competitor etc Investing Financing Operating
- Needed to counter the uncertain and imperfect market Allocate funds wisely Ways in financing Concerns Working
conditions and highly competitive business env. within firm firm needs to Capital management
- Should concentrate on multidimensional obj like: support (Short term A and L)
o Profitability investments
o Expansion growth Asset Mix – amount Good knowledge of Day-to-day
o Survival of pesos invested in costs of raising responsibility
o Leadership etc current and fixed funds, hedging risk
Responsibility of FManager: Return > Hurdle How and where to Receipts and
- Provide basis and info for strategic positioning of the firm Rate (min raise money disbursements of
- Should take the inv and fin decisions in consonance with the acceptable return) Debt-equity mix cash
corp strategy
Decisions of FM Issues that have to
Strategic / Business Plan - Reflects how it plans to achieve its goals be resolved
and obk Eval and selection of Determination of Level of cash, secu,
capital inv proposal financing pattern of and inventory that
Historical FS SMLterm funds reqs should be kept on
- provide insights into success of company’s strat plan hand
- Important input of planning process Determination of Determination of best Credit policy
- Reveal areas that are less effective amnt of funds that capital structure or
- Provide info to help managers dev remedial action firm can commit for mixture of debt&
inv equity finan
Understanding a company’s strat plan helps focus our analysis of Prioritization of inv Procurement of funds Source of short-term
the company’s short and long-term financial obj by placing them alternatives financing
in proper context Funds allocation and Arrangement with Financing purchases
rationing bankers, suppliers of goods
SHORT AND LONG-TERM FIN OBJ OF BUSINESS ORG Determination of Eval of alternative
Short and Medium Term levels of inv in sources of funds
- Maximization of return on capital employed or return on inv working capital
- Growth in EPS and price/earnings ratio thru maximization of Determination of fixed
assets to be acquired
net income and adoption of optimum level of leverage
Asset replacement
- Minimization of finance charges
- Efficient procurement and utilization of short-term, medium- Purchase / Lease
term, long-term funds
Restructuring, Treasurer Controller
mergers and acqui Cash and Credit Cost and Fin Accounting
Securities analysis Financial Planning Tax Payments
and portfolio mngt Capital Expenditures Management Info System
- External Cost Cases
o Gov may be able to improve accountability and
protect rights more efficiently by regulation
- Courts help owners protect their property against invasions
by others, including polluters.
- Gov regulation is an alternative method of protecting the
- Regulatory approach has a number of deficiencies
o Gov regu sought precisely because the harms are
uncertain and the source of the problem cannot be
demonstrated  uncertain din yung benefits or
reducing them
o Regu overrides info and incentives provided by
market signals
o Regu allows special interests to use political power
to achieve obj that may be quite different from env
- Market-like schemes can reduce the costs of reaching a
chosen environment goal, but the programs provide little help
in choosing the right goal.

If an investor wants wealth maximization, mgt that minimizes

wastes might do the other little things right that make a company
well-run and profitable


Chapter 3
- one of the major functional areas of business
- integral part of total management and cuts across functional

Other Areas
- Could noy operate without funds

FManagers – shall interact with other managers to ascertain the goals

that must be met, when and how to meet them.

- Process of monitoring managers
- Aligning their incentives with the SH goals
- Managers
o Handle day-to-day ope
o They know that their work is mostly unknown to
 Lack of supervision = need for
- People / Org that help monitor corp Activities:

Appointed to
SH’s interest
Financial Decision making should take a longer-term perspective
- Why? Because in the long run, increased prices of the firm’s
stock reflect an increase in the value of the firm.

Daily Activities of FM:

1. Credit Management
2. Inventory Control
3. Receipt and disbursement of funds

Less Routine Functions

4. Sales of Stocks and bonds  BOD
5. Establishment of capital budgeting o Hires the CEO
6. Dividend plans o Evaluates management
o Design compensation contracts to tie mgt’s
The risk-return decision will influence not only the operational salaries to form perf
side of the business but also the financing mix (stocks vs bonds
vs RE)  External Auditors – examine firm’s accntg systems and
comment on FS fairly represent the firm’s fin pos.
- VP or Finance  Investment Analysts – tract of the firm’s performance,
- Chief Financial Officer conduct owns eval of company’s business activities, then
o Top officer of the firm associated with FM report to investment community
Income / Loss is Stock Cert –
 Investment Banks – help firms access capital markets, reported in owner’s evidenced ownership
monitors firm perf. personal ITR
Bylaws – govern
 Credit Analysts – examine a firm’s financial strength for its internal mgt
debt holders
 Government – monitors business act thru the SEC, BIR, ADVANTAGES
BSP Ease of entry and Ease of Formation Limited Liab
JOBS IN FINANCE Full Ownership and Additional sources Unlimited Life
Most Important mgt decisions are evaluated in terms of their control of capital
effects on the firm’s value. Tax Savings Management Base Ease in transferring
- It needs to understand that finance affects decisions in all ownership
areas such as marketing, HR, etc.
Few Gov regulations Tax Implication Ability to raise
- Finance is imp to individuals regardless of their jobs.
o Like for example for the Defined Contribution
 Pension plans where company puts
Unlimited Liab Unlimited Liability Time and cost of
specific amount into account of
Limitations in Lack of continuity Regulation
o Decisions in finance have a major effect on
Raising Capital
people’s lives
Lack of continuity Difficult transfer of Taxes
- Ethics Limitations in raising
o Primary importance in any practice of finance capital
- There are tempting opportunities in the jobs of finance to
make decisions that either benefit the client or benefit the FOR PROPRIE: Need of large
advisors themselves. - Anticipated risk is min and adequately business for outside
covered by insurance investors and
- Professional Associations for strong emphasis on creditors
Ethical Behavior and Ethics Training and Standards: - Owner is unable to maintain necessary org
o Finance Executives of the Philippines (FINEX) docu and tax returns
o Banker’s Association of the Philippines - Business does not require extensive
o Investment Professionals
- Governments all over the world have passed laws and
Increased Globalization of Business
regulations meant to ensure compliance with ethical codes of
- Investing abroad has proven to be highly profitable
- Low-cost labor and easy transfer of highly efficient
technology that gives competitive price advantages to foreign
FM must realize that they owe the owners / sh the very best
decisions to protect and further sh interest, but they also have a
- Desire to hedge against risk
broader obligation to society as a whole.
- Economic activity differs from one country to the next,
diversification abroad tends to dampen the overall
Chapter 4 fluctuations of sales and earnings
BUSINESS ORGANIZATION AND TRENDS o Reducing the risk exposure of a corporation
- Competition is intensified with emergence of foreign
- Business Firm - Globalization will continue to provide highly profitable
o Entity designed to organize raw mat, labor, and opportunities to domestic firms
machines o Requires careful decision making and highly skillful
o With goal of producing goods / s FM
 Purchase productive resources from
households and other firms Ever Improving Info Technology
 Transform them into different commodity - Spurring globalization
 Sell the product to consumers - Changing FM as it is practiced elsewhere


PROPRIETORSHIP PARTNERSHIP CORPORATION - Relates to the way the top managers operate and interface
Owned by single 2 or more agree to Artificial being with stakeholders
person who has contri capital / created by law - Investors who control huge pools of capital are constantly
complete control services looking for underperforming firms and they quickly take
LEGAL POV: Owner Divide the p/L that Legal entity separate control and replace manager.
is not separable from may be derived from its owners - Strong Codes of ethical behavior and training programs
the business therefrom o Ensure that employees understand proper
Owner is personally May operate under SH do not directly behavior in different situation
liable for all debts varying degrees of manage the firm
formality - select BOD Outsourcing
ACCTNG POV: Partnership BOD – authorized to - Attractive investment option
Business is separate Agreement act in corp’s behalf - Occurs when domestic firms invest and produce goods in
and FS of business - formal partnership foreign countries or
represent only the AL - filed with SEC - when these firms choose to rely on imports rather than build
pertaining to business
domestic plans and produce goods domestically
Owner is not paid thru General P – unlimited Incorporation - Growing competitive pressures are forcing domestic firms to
salaries but can liability - filing articles of invest abroad or to impost cheap foreign products.
withdraw funds - Partners manages incorp with SEC
Does not pay any Limited P Includes: - Major Factor responsible for outsourcing:
income taxes - 1 or more Gen P - Incorporators o Ease with which technology can be transferred
- 1 or more Lim P - Name of Corp abroad
- limited liability - Purpose
o Countries can claim technological parity while
- not active in mgt - Capital Stock
- Authorized Shares enjoying low costs of production
- When evaluating the merits of outsourcing, a corp - Regarding past and prospective returns and risk to faci
manager is forced to make central decisions: efficient contracting and risk-sharing
o Invest and produce domestically or move a plant
o Import cheaper foreign goods to take advantage of
low labor and other costs or shift to more capital- 1. Managers and Employees
intensive and technologically advanced operations o to raise financing for company, meet disclosure req
o Invest abroad in order to gain access to new and serve as a basis for renumeration and
rapidly growing foreign markets bonuses, for wage nego
- Advantages:
o relieves managers from having to purchase raw 2. Investors and Analysts
mat or to hedge against the risk that the prices of o To buy or sell equity shares
these raw materials will increase. o Releasing report regarding selling stocks
o Does not have to incur high cost of pension plans, o Predicting companies’ future performance
health benefits, pollution control, and work safety
o Technological obsolescence and unforeseen 3. Creditors and Suppliers
changes in demand become less important with it. o Determine loan terms, loan amounts, interest rates
and collateral (ability to pay)
- Learning how to work with probab models will help a o Establish credit terms and determine long-term
manager to evaluate the relative merits of outsourcing commitment to supply-chain rel.
compared to domestic investments
4. Shareholders and Directors
Chapter 5 o Assess its profitability and risks, eval managerial
UNDERSTANDING THE FS perf, help make leadership decisions (monitor
Financial Statements o Monitor compliance (for tax purposes /
- Report on a company’s perf and fin condition remittances)
- Reveal executive mgt’s privileged info and insights
- Serve the needs of different users 6. Customers and Potential Strategic Partners
- Provide crucial input for strat planning / corrective action / o Evaluate company’s ability to provide p/s as
new ope, inv and fin decisions)
o Assess reliability and staying power
Operation of AIS
o Strat Part - Estimate firm’s profitability to assess
- Involves application of accntg standards to produce FS
fairness of returns on mutual trans and trat
Accounting Info – should be used in the business context in which the alliances
info is created
7. Other Decision Makers
All business: o Assessing damages for env abuses etc
1. Plan business act
3. Invest on those acts - Quantity and quality of accntg info are determined by:
4. Engage in operating acts 1. BENEFINTS OF DISCLOSURE
o Establish credibility of company
General Obj of FS o Advantages of supplying accounting info extend to
1. Providing Info for Economic Decisions company’s (better compete in) capital, labor,
o Econ deci require an eval of the ability of input, and output markets
enterprise to generate cash and CE  Capital - The better the company’s
2. Providing info about Fin Pos prospects, the lower will be the cost of
o Fin pos is affected by economic resources such capital as reflected in higher stock prices
as: or lower interest rate
 Controlled by enterprise  Labor – recruitment efforts
 Info about fin structure useful in  Input and Output – maintain superior
predicting future borrowing needs supplier-customer relations
 Info is useful in predicting how
successful the enterprise is likely to be 2. COST OF DISCLOSURE
in raising further finance o Competitors may see
 Info (liquidity and solvency) in predicting o Competitive disadvantages is high
ability to meet fin commitments as fall o Possible lawsuits when disclosures create
due expectations and not met
- Liquidity (ST) – availability of cash in the near future after o Political costs are high because they are favorite
taking account of fin commitments targets for public security
- Solvency (LT)– availability of cash over the longer term to
meet fin commitments as they fall due. What must be filed by Publicly Listed Companies / Registered
Corp and Partnership with SEC?
3. Providing info about Fin Perf of an Enterprise 1. Audited annual report that includes 4 FS:
o Profitability – to assess potential changes in econ a. Statement of FinPos (BS)
resources b. Statement of CI
o Info about variability of perf c. Statement of SHE
 Useful in predicting the capacity of the d. Statement of Cash Flow
enterprise to generate cash flows from e. With explanatory notes and mgt’s discussion and
its existing resource base analysis of fin results
2. Unaudited Quarterly or interim reports include summary
4. Providing Information about Changes in Fin Pos version of 4 FS and limited addtnl disclosures
o Useful to assess its inv, fin, and ope acts during
o Basis to assess the ability to generate cash and 1. Timeliness
CE and needs to utilize cash flows o Undue delay or reporting info = lose relevance
o Solution:
 To report before all aspects of trans or - Over a period of time
other event are known, thus impairing - Changes in key types of equity over a period of time
reliability. - Contributed Capital
 If delayed = info highly reliable o cash company received from the sale of stock to
but little use to users (in making SH less any funds extended for the repurchase of
interim decisions) stock
 Bal between Relevance and Reliability
(how to satisfy econ decisions of users) 4. SCF
- Over a period of time
2. Balance between Benefit and Cost
- How ope, inv, and fin act increases / decreases cash balance
o Benefit > Cost
o Balance between B and C is pervasive constraint
rather than qualitative characteristics,
o Judgmental process
3. Balance between Qualitative Characteristics
o To meet obj of FS
o Professional Judgement of relative importance of
characteristics in different cases
4. True Fair View or Fair Presentation
o Thru application of principal quali characteristics
and of appropriate accntg standards

Articulation – linkage of 4 different statements across time
RE / Earned Capital / Reinvested Capital– updated each period and
reflect cumulative income not yet distributed to SH
- Ending RE = Beg + NI - Dividends Chapter 6
Net Income – explains all the change in RE reported in SSHE
Working Capital – currents assets (these assets turn over / used and ASSESSMENT OF FIRM’S OPERATING EFFICIENCY
then replaced throughout the yr) AND FinPos THRU FS ANALYSIS
Net Working Capital – CA less CL
Net Operating Capital – CA less non-interest-bearing CL FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS
- Process of extracting info from FS to better understand a
1. SFPos company’s current and future perf and financial education.
- At a point in time - Involves:
- Linked with SCI via RE o Comparing the firm’s perf to that of other firms in
- 2 Ways to Finance its Assets the same industry
o Owner / Equity Financing o Evaluating trends in the firm’s fin pos over time.
 from SHE - Help managers identify deficiencies and take corrective
 along with profit retained actions.
 no obligation for repayment
o Nonowner / Liability / Creditor / Debt Financing ANALYZING THE BROADER BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT
 from banks / creditors / suppliers 1. Life Cycle
 borrowed money 2. Outputs
 entails legal obligation to repay with 3. Buyers
severe consequences if failed 4. Inputs
5. Competition
o Both hold claims on assets 6. Financing
o Investing = Financing 7. Labor
o A = L+OE 8. Governance
9. Risk
- We must assess the broader business context in which a
- Investing Activities (A)
company operates as we read and interpret its FS.
o Represented by assets
- FS Analysis can only be effectively undertaken within the
o Assets are financed by OF and NONOF
framework of a thorough understanding of the broader forces
- Financing Activities (L & SHE) that impact company performance.
o Assets must be paid for
- FS are used to improve firm’s stock price, by lenders to eval
2. SCI credit if able to pay, by security analysis to forecast earnings,
- Over a period of time dividends and stock prices.
- Linked with SCI via RE
- Measures the change in company value as measured in LIMITATIONS OF FS ANALYSIS
accordance with Fin Rep standards 1. Infos are only indicators of degrees of profitability and
- List amount for rev / sales, expenses and OCI fin strength. Info are not absolute measures of perf in all
- COGS / COS – expense account areas.
- Gross Profit / Gross Margin = Rev less COGS 2. Inherent limitations in accntg data the analyst works
- Operating Activities a. Variation and lack of consistency in the application
o Use resources to produce, promote, sell p/s of accntg principles
o Input markets (suppliers / labor)  Output b. Too condensed presentation of ddata
Markets (customers) c. Failure to reflect change in purchasing power
 Input – generate most expenses 3. Limitations of the perf measures or tools and techniques
(inventories, salaries, mats, logistics) used in the analysis.
 Output – generate revenue / sales to a. Quantitative measures – not absolute measures
customers b. Timing of transactions / use of ave – can affect the
 Also generate expenses such results obtained in applying the techniques in Fin
as marketing and distri Analysis
- Effective management = increase profitability of company 4. Potential for mgt to influence the outcome of FS to
- Business models = play large part in determining appeal,
- Comparison in fraction, proportion, decimal or percentage of - Measures movement and utilization of current resources to
2 significant figures from FS. meet ope requirements
- Expresses direct rel between 2 or more quantities in the
SFPos and SCI 7. Payable TO
- Measures efficiency of company in meeting trade payable
1. Liquidity Ratios
o ability to pay off maturing debts within 1 yr or next 8. Operating Cycle
ope cycle - Measures length of time required to convert cash to finished
2. Asset Mgt Ratios goods, then to receivable and then back to cash
o How efficiently the firm is using its assets
o To keep costs low, net income high 9. Days Cash
3. Debt Mgt Ratios - Measures availability of cash to meet ave daily cash req.
o How firm financed its assets - Excess of ope cash flow over basic needs
o Ability of firm to repay its long-term debt
o Indicates how risky the firm & how much its ope 10. Free Cash Flow
- Excess of ope cash flow over basic needs
income must be paid to bondholders rather than
11. Investment or Assets TO
4. Profitability
- Measures efficiency of firm in managing all assets
o In ope and utilizing its assets
o Combine asset and debt mgt categories
12. Sales to Fixed Assets (Plant Assets TO)
o Show their effects on return on equity - Test roughly the efficiency of mgt in keeping plant properties
5. Market Book Ratios employed
o Consider stock price and give us an idea of what
investors think about firm and future prospects. 13. Capital Intensity Ratio
- Measures efficiency of firm to generate sales thru
ROE employment of its resources
- Tends to be the main focal point
- High ROE depends on maintaining liquidity, on efficient asset DEBT MGT RATIOS
mgt, and on the proper use of debt Ratios used to Evaluate Long-term FinPos or Stability / Leverage
1. Debt Ratio
LIQUIDITY RATIOS - Show proportion of assets financed with debt
Ratios Used to Evaluate Short-Term Fin Pos
(Short-term Solvency and Liquidity) 2. Equity Ratio
1. Current Ratio - Indicates proportion of assets provided by owners
- Primary test of solvency to meet current oblig from CA as a - Reflects financial strength and caution to creditors
going concern.
- Measure of adequacy of working capital 3. Debt to Equity Ratio
- Measures debt relative to amounts of resources provided by
2. Acid-test ratio / Quick Ratio owners.
- More severe test of immediate solvency
- Test of ability to meet demands from CA 4. Fixed Assets to Long-term Liabilities
- Reflects extent of investment in long-term assets financed
3. Working Capital to Total Assets from long-term debt
- Indicates relative liquidity of TA and distribution of resources
employed. 5. Fixed Assets to Total Equity
- Measures proportion of owner’s capital invested in fixed
4. Working Capital (CA – CL) assets
- Measures investment in long-term capital assets
5. Cash Flow
- Measure of short-term liquidity by considering as cash 6. Book Value per share of OS
resources (numerator) cash + CE + cash flow from ope acts. - Measures recoverable amount in the event of liquidation if
assets are realized at their BV.
6. Defensive Interval Ratio
- Measures length of time in days the firm can ope on its 7. Times Interest Earned
present liquid resources. - Measures how many times interest expense is covered by
ope profit
Ratios used to Evaluate Asset Liquidity and Mgt Efficiency 8. Times Preferred Dividend Requirement Earned
1. Trade Receivable TO - Indicates ability to provide dividends for preference SH.
- Velocity of collection of trade accnts and notes
- Test of efficiency of collection 9. Times Fixed Charges Earned
- Measures coverage capability more broadly than times
2. Ave Collection period or no. of Days Sales Uncollected interest earned by including other fixed charges.
(Day Sales Outstanding)
- Eval liquidity of AR and the firm’s credit policies PROFITABILITY
Ratios used to Measure Profitability and Returns to Investors
3. Inventory TO 1. Gross Profit Margin
a. Merch TO – efficiency in managing & selling invent - Measures profit generated after consideration of COGS
b. FGI – same 
c. Goods in process Inventory – same  2. Operating Profit Margin
d. Raw Mat TO – no. of times RMI was used and - Measures profit generated after consideration of ope cost
replenished during the period
e. Days Supply in inventory – ave no. of days to 3. Net Profit Margin
sell or consume the ave. inventory. - Measures profit generated after consideration of all expenses
4. Working Capital TO and revenues
- Indicates adequacy and activity of working capital
4. Cash Flow Margin
5. Percent of each CA to TCA - Measures ability of the firm to translate sales to cash
- Indicates relative investment in each CA
5. Rate of return on Assets
6. Current Assets TO - Measures overall efficiency of the firm in managing assets
and generating profits
- Reports the amount of cash that the firm generated and
6. Rate of return on Equity distributed during a particular period.
- Measures rate of return on resources provided by owners
- Its bottom line equals the change in cash on SFPos from
7. Earnings per share the previous year’s cash account balance
- Peso return on each OS.
- Indicative of ability to pay dividends - Reconciles the Income Statement and noncash statement of
Financial Position items
8. Price/Earnings Ratio
- Measures relationships between price of OS in open market
and profit earned on a per share basis USEFULNESS OF SCF
1. Creditors examine it. They are concerned about being paid
2. Analysts use cash-flow-based measures of income. They
9. Dividend Payout question accrual-accounting-based NI,
- Shows percentage of earnings paid to SH PAS 7 States that the info in SCF is used with info in the other FS,
should help users to assess and evaluate:
10. Dividend Yield 1. Company’s ability to generate positive future net cash flows
- Shows the rate earned by SH from dividends relative to 2. A company’s ability to meet its obligations and pay dividends
current price of stock 3. A company’s need for external financing
4. The reasons for differences between a company’s net
11. Dividends per share income and associated cash receipts and payments
- Shows portion of income distributed to SH on a per share 5. Both the cash and noncash aspects of a company’s financing
basis and investing transactions during the accounting period

12. Rate of return on average CA Other info that can be Obtained from CFS:
- Measures the profitability of CA invested

13. Rate of return per turnover of CA

- Shows profitability of each TO of CA


- Introduced by E.I. DuPont de Nemours and Company

Financial Liquidity
- Measures to cash of assets and liab
- Assessment thru current cash debt coverage ratio

1. Profit Margin
o To increase:
- Indicates whether the company can pay off its CL from its
o Increase Gross Profit Margin | Reducing its ope in a given yr
expenses, other than cost of Sales
Financial Flexibility
2. Asset Turnover - Company’s ability to respond and adapt to financial adversity
o To increase: and unexpected needs and opportunities
o Increase Sales volume with no increase in - Cash Debt Average Ratio – provides info about financial
assets flexibility
o Reducing the Asset Investment without
reducing sales

3. Financial Leverage
- Indicates whether the company to repay liab from net cash
ROE AND ROA provided by operating activities, without having to liquidate
- Maximized by a joint focus on both profitability and the assets employed in its ope.
Free Cash Flow
1. Profitability - Amount of discretionary cash flow a company has.
- Measured by profit margin - It can use this cash flow to:
o Gross Profit Margin – measures GP for each sale o purchase additional investments
o Expense Management – reducing manu and o retire its debt
admin OH expense to increase profitability o purchase treasury shares
2. Productivity o Add to liquidity
- Volume of sales resulting from invested in assets
- If declined, solutions are:
o Increase sales from existing asset base, or
o Decrease inv in assets w/o reducing sales volume

Chapter 7
CASH FLOW ANALYSIS Classification of Cash Flow Activities
Operating Investing Activities Financing
Activities Activities
- Not an accounting profit to pay obligations
Key indicator of the Represent the Useful in predicting
- To fund firm’s ope and growth
extent to which the extent to which claims on future
- Compensate firm’s ultimate owners
ope of the enterprise expenditures have cash flows by
have generated been made for providers of capital
sufficient cash flow resources intended to the enterprise
to repay loans, to generate future
maintain the ope income and cash
capability, pay flows
dividends, make
new investments


Indirect Method:



Calculating Cash Flow from Operating Activities:


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