Syllabus: Subject: Science, Technology and Society Units: 3

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The course focuses on the relationship between science and technology and society. Society, here, refers
to a group of people living together with shared cultures, having social interactions and inter-relationships,
and being shaped by the advancement in science and technology (CMO No. 20, series of 2013).
This intricate and comprehensive subject propelled students to face the truths about life that are brought
about by the advancement of science and technology in society. These truths permeate people’s life,
publicly or privately, and locally or globally, and are essential to human flourishing, at the same time, can
be fatal to human existence if understood wrongly.
This subject instills in the minds of the students that they can live the good life and exhibit ethical
decision-making in the context of scientific and technological advancement.
This subject includes indispensable topics on climate change and environmental awareness.

University Vision
Universidad de Manila is a paragon of learning, research, excellence, and empowerment for the
underprivileged youth of Manila.

University Mission
Universidad de Manila promotes…
i. free and quality tertiary education for underprivileged youth
ii. relevant curricular and research programs, and
iii. responsive extension services
all these features benefit the City of Manila and the country.

University Core Values

E – Ethics and Integrity
Q – Quality and Excellence
U – Unity and Collaboration
A – Achievement and Passion
L – Leadership and Innovation

Institutional Graduate Attributes and Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course, the student should be able to:
1. On Professional Competency.
Show a comprehensive understanding of the basic knowledge and skillfulness necessary for effective
practice of the profession in the field of specialization.
2. On Critical Thinking Skills.
Learn and employ intellectual curiosity, analytical reasoning, problem-solving and reflective judgment in
various situations in life.
3. On Productivity.
Contribute to nation-building through the utilization and application of new technology.
4. On Communication Skills.
Make use effectively of communication skills - orally and in writing.
5. On Interpersonal Skills.
Work constructively and consciously in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams.
6. On Cooperation and collaboration.
Allow team members to solve problems together without inhibiting one another to articulate new ideas
and contribute personal knowledge, thus speeding up finishing a task efficiently and aesthetically.
7. On Research-minded.
Demonstrate a passion for systematic and scientific inquiry to provide new knowledge in commerce and
industry for the nation's progress.
8. Lifelong learning.
Continue to pursue academic and professional excellence for personal growth and development.
9. Social and Ethical Responsibility.
Adhere to ethical, social, and moral responsibility in the workplace, family, and society, providing respect
to cultural diversity locally and globally.
10. Nationalism.
Put our country first in our consciousness for growth and development, rebuilding our nation to its
greatness and decency. But without neglecting our duties and responsibility globally; and upholding
multi-cultural awareness.

Program Intended Learning Outcome

At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
1. Enhance one’s communication skills (such as reading, speaking, and creative writing).
2. Identify various materials necessary for doing research.
3. Foster a critical and analytical mind.
4. Conduct oneself appropriately in society as a human being.
5. Manifest respect for the environment.
6. Show discipline and passion in your studies.
7. Respect the rights of every individual in the family, society, and the world.
8. Work responsibly in a group.
9. Create solutions to current problems in society, especially in our environment.
10. Demonstrate competency in the utilization of modern technology.

Intended Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, the students should be able to:

a) Knowledge
1. Articulate the impacts of science and technology on society, specifically in Philippine society
2. Explain how science and technology affect society and the environment and their role in
3. Analyze the human condition to deeply reflect and express philosophical ramifications that are
meaningful to the student as a part of society
4. Define and demonstrate the impact of social media on the student’s life and Philippine society in

b) Values
1. Imbibe the importance of science and technology in the preservation of the environment and the
development of the Filipino nation
2. Critique human flourishing vis-à-vis the progress of science and technology such that the student
may be able to define for himself/herself the meaning of the good life
3. Foster the value of a healthy lifestyle toward the holistic and sustainable development of society and
the environment
c) Skills
1. Creatively present the importance and contributions of science and technology to society
2. Examine shared concerns that make up the good life to come up with innovative and creative
solutions to contemporary issues guided by ethical standards
3. Illustrate how the social media and information age impact their lives and their understanding of
climate change

STS Intro

Science is a systematized body of knowledge based on facts verified through human experience by
observation, experimentation, and the conclusion of results.

Scientist -a person who is studying or has expert knowledge of one or more of the natural or physical
sciences. (Taken from Oxford Dictionary)

Scientific Method -an empirical method for acquiring knowledge that involves careful observation, and
applying rigorous skepticism about what is observed, given the cognitive assumptions can distort how one
interprets the observation.

Steps of Scientific Method

Technology is the application of science to solve problems

Technology is the making, usage and knowledge of tools, machine, techniques, crafts and system of
organization to solve problems.
Engineer -a person who designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, or public works. (Taken from
Oxford Dictionary)

Society -derived from the latin word “socius” meaning companionship or friendship
Society is a collection of individuals united by certain relations or mode of behavior which mark them
off from others who do not enter into these relations or who differ from them in behavior -Morris Ginsberg
Society is the complex of organized associations and instructions within a community. -G.D.M. Cole

Science Technology and Society

-The study of how social, political, and cultural values affect scientific research and technological
innovation and how it affects society.

Historical Antecedents of Science and Technology

Science and Technology in Ancient Times

-People are concerned with transportation and navigation, communication and record keeping, mass
production, security, and protection, health, aesthetics and architecture.
-Science and Technology keep on advancing in order to meet the growing needs of people.
-Science and Technology, has the end goal of improving lives and making the work easier, faster and

Ancient Wheel
-heavy flat disk made of hardened clay which was spun horizontally on an axis, for the purpose of
-ancient egyptians began writing on papyrus made from the pith of papyrus plant cyperus papyrus.
Lightweight, strong, durable, and portable.
-With the advent of papyrus, documentation and record keeping became efficient and widespread, and
-A hand-operated device used for lifting water Invented by early Egyptians to irrigate land and water
-Ancient precursor of sophisticated irrigation tools.
Antikythera mechanism
-Greeks ancient worlds analog computer orrery
-Discovered in 1902, retrieved from the waters of Antikythera, Greece
-Akin to a clock, the case has a circular face and rotating hands, a knob on the side makes it possible to
wound forward and backward, a mechanism which displays the celestial time.
-Hero’s engine, the steam engine.
-“temple wonders”
-A steam powered turbine spun when the water container at its center was heated
-Vitruvius, Roman author, architect and civil engineer described aeolipile as a scientific invention
through which “the mighty and wonderful laws of heavens and the nature of winds”
Science and Technology in Middle Age
-It includes a steady increase of new inventions, introductions of innovations in traditional productions
and emergence of scientific thinking and method.

Heavy Plough
-Most important technological innovation during the middle ages
-Harness different types of soil including clay soil.
-Heavy plough stirred the Agricultural revolution in Northern Europe
-Accidentally invented by Chinese alchemist
-By product of attempts made by the Chinese to invent the elixir of life which is why the Chinese called it
huoyao or “fire potion”
-Prior to this, swords and spears were used in battle wars.
-Gunpowder allowed for more advanced warfare
Paper Money
-The first known versions of paper money could be traced back to the Chinese in 17th century AD as an
offshoot of the invention of block printing similar to stamping.
-Before paper money, precious metals such as gold and silver were used as currency.
Mechanical Clock
-The development of the mechanical clock paved the way for accurately keeping track of time.
-It changed the way days were spent and work patterns were established.
Spinning Wheel
-A machine used for transforming fiber into thread or yarn and eventually woven into cloth on a loom.
-It is theorized that the Indians invented the spinning wheel between 6th and 11th century.

Science and Technology in Modern Ages

-Realized the utmost importance of increasing the efficiency of transportation communication, and
-Industrialization took place with greater risk to human health, food safety, and the environment which
had to be addressed s scientific and technological progress unfolded at an unimaginable speed.

Compound Microscope
-A Dutch spectacle maker Zacharias Janssen invented the first compound microscope in 1590.
-Capable of magnifying objects 3 to 10x larger than their original size.
-Today compound microscope is an important instrument in many scientific studies.
-Invented by Galileo Galilei, who made important astronomical discoveries.
-Can magnify objects 20 times larger
-Identified the craters and mountains on the moon,
Jacquard Loom
-Most critical drivers of the Industrial revolution.
-Built by French weaver Joseph Marie Jacquard, it simplifies textile manufacturing
-Demonstrated the ingenuity of loom in which a series of cards with punched holes automatically
created complex textile designs and made mass production easier.
Engine Powered Airplanes
-The first engine powered aircraft; Operated and designed by brothers Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright.
-Invented by Scottish engineer John Logie Baird.
-He successfully televised objects in outline 1924, recognizable human faces in 1925, and moving
objects in 1926 and projected colored images in 1928.

Inventions by Filipino Scientists

-Necessity has always been the mother of Philippine inventions
-Filipinos are responsible for developing scientific and technological innovations focused on navigation,
traditional shipbuilding, textiles, food processing, indigenous arts and techniques, and even cultural

Electronic Jeepney(E-Jeepney)
-Jeepney is one of the most recognizable national symbols of the Philippines and the most popular
mode of public transportation.
-E-jeepney was introduced in Metro Manila and Bacolod City .
This is an inventive response to traditional jeepneys that belched smoke causing air pollution.
-E- jeepney is Environment-friendly and economical.
-Ilonggo scientist Abelardo Aguilar invented erythromycin antibiotic out of Bacterial strain Streptomyces
Medical Incubator
-National scientist, a world-renowned pediatrician Fe Del Mundo invented the incubator and
jaundice-relieving device, particularly the bamboo incubator.
Mole Remover
-Rolando dela Cruz invented the local mole remover without surgical procedure. It is made up of
cashew nut extracts (Annacardium occidentale) which are very common in Philippines.
-He won a gold medal for this invention in the International Invention, Innovation, Industrial Design, and
Technology Exhibition in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia in 2000.
Banana Ketchup
-Invented by a Filipino food technologist Maria Orosa

May or may not be incomplete, Topic 2 - The Great Early Civilization not included.

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