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Name (optional):___________________

Grade and Section: ________________

Age: _____________________________

Please complete the following by shading on the circle for each item.

1. Do you buy food?

o Yes
o No

2. Where do you buy usually your food?

o Canteen
o Bossing’s Tempura (inside the campus)
o Smileys
o Stalls near the library

3. What do you buy?

o Salty foods
o Sweet foods
o Others please specify:____________________

4. How much is the food do you buy?

o Php 10 – Php 20
o Php 20 – Php 30
o Php 30 – Php 40
o Php 40 – Php 50

5. How often do you buy?

o Every day (school days)
o Twice a week
o Thrice a week
o 4 times a week
o Others please specify:____________________

6. Are you satisfied on the prices on the place you buy (Question #2)?
o Yes
o No

7. Should there be a new venture that will open a stall that will sell mango raindrop cakes with
affordable and quality services?
(Skip question #8 if you answered no)
o Yes
o No

8. Are you willing to patronize the new venture?

o Yes
o No

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