Final Project Proposal

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For the final project I am planning to make a simple game called “Keep It Up”. This game will
be an interactive game with a similar concept to “Geometry Dash” however the key rule of
earing points will be different because in this existing game you have to dodge obstacles but,
in the game, I will be creating you will try to touch the objects appearing.


In “Keep It Up” Initially the ball will be falling downwards and the player will try to keep the
ball bouncing off of rectangular platforms that will appear on the canvas for as long as

The platforms will appear on the canvas from left to right and will have random width to
keep the game interesting. The player will use the left arrow key and right arrow key to
move the ball and bounce it off the platforms.

The difficulty of the will increase over time as the platforms will speed up. Furthermore, to
increase difficulty random red “danger” platforms will show up on the upper side of the
canvas which if you touch the game will be over.

The central aspect of interaction in the game is to keep the ball alive for as long as possible,
which requires the player to control the placement of the ball and to use their quick thinking
and fast reaction time skills to get high scores in the game.

This is a rough sketch of how the game will look:

To make this game I will use the following list of concepts learnt in this course:

 Motion: I will make the platforms on the bottom of the canvas move on and off the
canvas by creating an update function and simply adding changeX.
 Bounce function – I will use the bounce function, so that when it touches the upper
side of the canvas it stays within the canvas and doesn’t go out.
 User Interaction- I will incorporate user interaction by adding onkey function learnt
in module 9 to make the circle move left and right using the respective arrow keys
on the keyboard.
 Collision Detection - I will use collision detection learnt In module 10 to make the
circle bounce back upwards when touched by a platform. It will also be included
between the interaction of the circle and the red “danger” rectangles.
 Random functions- I will use the random function to place the red “danger” platform
on the canvas which the player will have to dodge to keep the game going. I also
might use the random function to change the width of the blue platforms randomly.


I expect explore further into the concepts of Collison detection and user interaction than
what I have learnt in the class to create a cohesive game experience. Additionally, I will
explore the use of random functions and how they can be used to create a dynamic and
unpredictable gaming environment.
Furthermore, I plan on challenging myself by trying to implement more advanced features
such as adding sound effects and adding a score board. This will require me to do some
additional research outside of the class materials, which will further enhance my learning
and development as a programmer.
Overall, I believe this project is going will provide me with a hands-on experience in game
development and will give me a deeper understanding of the concepts I have learnt
throughout this course. I am also looking forward to problem solves any issues that I will be
facing throughout the making of this game.


Part-1 (March 28-April 1)

 Set up canvas and create the ball that will be bouncing on the platform
 Add bounce function to the ball so that it stays in the canvas.
 Create the rectangular platforms and add motion to it.

Part-2(April 2-April 7)

 Add collision detection to the ball and platforms.

 Implement basic user interaction to move the ball left and right
 Add the red platforms to the game.

Part-3(April 8- April 10)

 Add increasing speed and random width to the rectangular platforms.

 Add score board.

Part-4(April 11- April 13)

 Do problem solving for any errors occurring

 Add sound effects.
 Improve the game design if time allows.

Resources I might use:

, for getting help with part-2 and part-3 .

Overall, I plan on following this production schedule to ensure that I am making steady progress
throughout the weeks and I have ample time to test the game for any glitches or errors.
Additionally, I will be constantly referring to the course modules and any additional resources I
find while creating this game to ensure that I am able to implement all the features I want to
include in this game.

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