EST Question Paper

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Rooll Number:___________________________

Thapar In nstitute of E
Engineeringg & Technollogy, Patiala a
Departtment of Commputer Scieence and Enggineering
B.. E. (Second Year): Sem
mester-III (20 020/21) Couurse Code: UCS405
COE, CSE) Couurse Name: Discrete
D Maathematical Structures
Daate: Januaryy 25, 2021 Tim
me: 11:00 AMM – 13:00 PM M
Duuration: 2 Hours,
H M. Maarks: 50 Namme of Facultty: MJU, SMAA, RPK, VG

Note: Attemptt all questio
ons in a prop per sequencce with justtification.
Assume missing da ata, if any, suitably.
Attemptt any five ouut of seven questions.

Q1(a) Which of these collecctions of sub bsets are parrtitions of th

he set of inteegers? (5)
i. thhe set of eveen integers and
a the set ofo odd integeers
ii. thhe set of possitive integers and the set of negativ ve integers
iii. thhe set of integers divisible by 3, the set of inteegers leavingg a remaind der of 1 wheen divided
by y 3, and the set of integers leaving a remainderr of 2 when divided by 3
iv. thhe set of inteegers less th
han −100, th
he set of inteegers with absolute
a valu
ue not exceeeding 100,
annd the set off integers grreater than 100
v. thhe set of inttegers not divisible
d by 3, the set of even integgers, and th he set of inteegers that
leeave a remaiinder of 3 when
w dividedd by 6
Q1(b) Suppose that p and q are prime numbers and that n = pq. Use thee principle o of inclusion–
–exclusion (5)
to find the number of positive in ntegers not exceeding
e n that are relaatively prim
me to n.
Q2(a) Find the time
t compleexity of the following
f coode along wiith explanattion: (assumme n>0). (4)
x = n;
while (x>0) {
y=nn; {
while(y>0) { sum = sum m + 10;
y= ; }
x = x - 10; } }
Q2(b) The parking lot for a local restau urant has 41 1 parking sp paces, numb bered consecutively from m 0 to 40. (4+2)
Upon driv ving into this lot, a patrron is assignned a parkinng space by y the parkingg attendant who uses
the hashiing function h (k) = k mod
m 41, where k is the in nteger obtaiined from thhe last threee digits on
the patro
on’s license plate. Furth her, to avoidd a (where an a occupied space migh ht be assigned), when
such a sittuation arises, the patrron is directted to park in the next (consecutivve) availablee space —
where 0 is assumed to follow 40. 4 Suppose that eight automobiles
a s whose arrrive as the restaurant
opens. Thhe last threee digits in thhe license plates
p for th
hese eight patrons (in ttheir order ofo arrival)
are 206, 807,
8 137, 4444, 617, 330, 465, and 905 respectiv vely.
i. Finnd the spacees that are assigned
a to the
t drivers of o these eighht automobiiles.
ii. Fo
ollowing thee arrival of thet eight paatrons, and before any of the eightt could leav ve, a ninth
paatron arrivees with a liccense plate where the last three digits are 0 00x. If this patron is
assigned to sp pace 5, whatt is (are) thee possible vaalue(s) of x?
Q3(a) Let B = {11, 2, 3, 4} be a set. X= {(1 1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 2), (2, 1)), (2, 3), (3, 3),
3 (3,2), (4, 4)} and Y= {(1, 1), (2, (5)
2), (3, 3), (3, 4), (4, 4)), (4, 3)} aree two relatioons defined on given sett B. Find thee smallest eq quivalence
relation containing
c X and Y with proper algo orithms.
Q3(b) For the Hasse
H diagrram given in
i Figure 1,, find the fo
ollowing: (5)
i. Upper bound ds of {a, b, c}}
ii. Loower boundds of {a, b, c}}
iii. Upper bound ds of {j, h}
iv. Loower boundds of {j, h}
v. Upper bound ds of {a, c, d, f}
vi. Loower boundds of {a, c, d, f}
vii. Upper bound ds of {b, d, g}}
viii. Loower boundds of {b, d, g}}
ix. Leeast upper bound
b of {b,, d, g}
Figure 1
x. Greatest loweer bound of {b, d, g}

Q4 Consider a university with five building’s blocks A, B, C, D, and E. The blocks need to be connected (4+3+3)
so that computer network of each building block is accessible to the network in the other building
blocks. The distance between building blocks is given in the table as:
A - 1 8 1 3
B 1 - 12 2 9
C 8 12 - 7 6
D 1 2 7 - 2
E 3 9 6 2 -
The university needs to schedule the final exams in one building block of the students enrolled in
Math 115, Math 116, Math 185, Math 195, CS 101, CS 102, CS 273, and CS 473 subjects. There are
no students taking both Math 115 and CS 473, both Math 116 and CS 473, both Math 195 and CS
101, both Math 195 and CS 102, both Math 115 and Math 116, both Math 115 and Math 185, and
both Math 185 and Math 195, but there are students in every other pair of subjects. Find the
i. The shortest path from building block-B to all other building blocks.
ii. The length of minimum network from building block-D that require to connect all the
buildings using prim’s algorithm.
iii. The minimum number of different time slots required to conduct the exam.
Q5(a) Based on the given premises below, show that the conclusion is true. Give reasons along with the (4)
proper steps.
Premises: p ∨q →r
r→ s∨t
s∧ u
u→ t
Conclusion : p
Q5(b) Let Dx = N and Dy = N0. Define P(x, y) as “x divides y". (6)
Find the truth values along with proper reasons for the following quantified predicates:
i. ∀x P(x, 0)
ii. ∀x P(x, x)
iii. ∀y ∃x P(x, y)
iv. ∃y∀x P(x, y)
v. ∀x∀y [(P(x, y) ∧ P(y, x)) → (x = y)]
vi. ∀x∀y∀x [(P(x, y) ∧ P(y, x)) → P(x, z)]

Q6(a) The terms of a sequence are given recursively as (6)

ao=1, a1=1, and an =2an-1 + 3an-2 for n>=2
Prove by induction that bn=½3n + ½(- 1)n is a closed form for the sequence.
Q6(b) Identify the error or errors in this argument that supposedly shows that if ∀x(P(x) ∨ Q(x)) is true (4)
then ∀xP(x) ∨ ∀xQ(x) is true.
1. ∀x(P(x) ∨ Q(x)) Premise
2. P(c) ∨ Q(c) Universal instantiation from (1)
3. P(c) Simplification from (2)
4. ∀xP(x) Universal generalization from (3)
5. Q(c) Simplification from (2)
6. ∀xQ(x) Universal generalization from (5)
7. ∀x(P(x) ∨ ∀xQ(x)) Conjunction from (4) and (6)
Q7(a) Prove that the semigroup 𝐺, 𝑜 is a non-commutative group (5)
Where 𝐺 𝑎, 𝑏 ∈ 𝑄 𝑄: 𝑎 0 and the composition ′𝑜′ is defined by
𝑎, 𝑏 𝑜 𝑐, 𝑑 𝑎𝑐, 𝑎𝑑 𝑏 for 𝑎, 𝑏 , 𝑐, 𝑑 ∈ 𝐺. 𝑄 is the set of rational numbers.
Q7(b) Show that the set of complex numbers 𝑎 𝑖𝑏 (where 𝑖 1) for 𝑎 𝑏 1 is a group (5)
under the multiplication of complex numbers.


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