Biochem Assignmnet

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University of South Asia Lahore

Assignment 01
Name: Muskan Abbas
Roll no: m-18506
Subject: Biomechanics 1
To: Sir Haroon
Topic: Kinetic Quantities
Question: Describe any 5 kinetic quantities and give examples that relate to
human body?

Kinetic quantities
 Inertia
Tendency of body to resist a change in state of motion.
Proportional to mass.
Has no units.

Examples in human body

Passengers fall forward when a moving bus suddenly stops due to inertia.
Initially when bus is in motion every passenger remains in motion due to inertia
of motion.
Brakes are applied lower body in contact with bus comes to rest
Upper part of body that is free moves out due its inertia

Passengers in a bus when brakes are applied

 Torque
It is the rotatory effect of a force.
It is angular equivalent of force.
It is known as moment of force.

Examples in human body

Torque produced during elbow flexion (90 degree)
Two forces acting are
Internal force (tension in bicep brachii muscle)
External force that is gravity acting downwards.
Internal moment arm is the perpendicular distance between axis of rotation
(elbow joint) and internal force.
The product of these two gives internal torque.

Internal and external torque produced
during elbow flexion

 Density
Defined as mass per unit of volume.

Units are
Newton per cubic meter

Examples in human body

Density of the human muscle is greater than the fat.
A lean person and obese person both have same body volume but the density of
lean person is greater than obese due greater muscle mass and less fat.
 Volume
A body’s volume is the amount of space it occupies.
Has three dimensions (width, height, depth).


Examples in human body

Lung volumes are the volumes of air breathed by an individual.
They include
Tidal volume
Residual volume
Inspiratory reserved volume
Expiratory reserved

Pressures in lungs and thoracic cavity
during respiration

 Pressure
Defined as force distributed over a given area.
Pascal (Pa)
Newton per square meter

Examples in human body

Respiratory pressures are exerted in lungs and thoracic cavity during respiration
They include
Intrapleural pressure
Intraalveolar pressure
Trans pulmonary pressure
Intrapleural pressure is always negative and keeps the lung inflated.
All these pressure prevent the lungs from collapsing and reduce the elastic recoil
of lungs.

Pressures in lungs and thoracic
cavity during respiration

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