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Group 3 (10-Einstein)

Title: Synthesised Amorousness

Arabella - first old DNA strand, ex-partner of Enola.
Enola - second old DNA strand, ex-partner of Arabella.
Helicase - Enola's mother who doesn't approve of Arabella and Enola together.
Lagging Strand - Partner of Arabella whom she cheated on.
Primase - initiator of pairing Lagging Strand and Arabella.
Polymerase - built the bases of Lagging Strand.
Ligase - priest; the one who would make Arabella and Lagging Strand wife and husband.
mRNA - messenger RNA who cheated on Arabella.
rRNA - ribosome RNA who helped mRNA and tRNA meet each other.
tRNA - partner of mRNA whom he left with their children.
Amino Acids - children of mRNA and tRNA.

Preliminary Draft: Arabella, a DNA strand, was happily in a relationship with Enola,
another DNA strand, when Helicase, Enola's mother, separated them two for she
believed that two women cannot be together. Arabella was broken but was once again
happy when she met Lagging Strand. Lagging Strand was not like Enola for he is clumsy
and stutters a lot but Arabella did not mind. But things took a turn when Arabella
unexpectedly cheated on Lagging Strand with mRNA when Lagging Strand was abroad.
Arabella paired with mRNA who left Arabella immediately and ceased the Nucleus City.
mRNA immediately went to Ribosome City where she met rRNA and asked for her
beloved tRNA. When tRNA met mRNA, they paired together which made mRNA happy.
However, just like how mRNA left Arabella, tRNA left her with their child, Amino Acid.
mRNA was forced to take care of their children especially because they were continuing
to grow and grow until they became a protein, ready to serve.

"W-w-why are y-you d-doing this t-to us?" Lagging Strand blurted out loud. Leading Strand
could only afford to watch as Lagging Strand outraged and threw objects around the room.

"I'm sorry…" Leading Strand begged. "Let's end this."

"Is i-it because of H-Helicase? A-are you really g-g-going to let her separate our b-base

"Don't you dare blame my mother for this!" Leading Strand shouted back. She couldn't let
anyone insult her mother like that. Even though deep inside she knew Lagging Strand was

They both remained silent.

"You know I can't disobey my mother…" Leading Strand pleaded before leaving Lagging
Strand alone. The base pairs they once had, have now lost their connectivity.
And that was the last time they saw each other. A few years passed and Lagging Strand
moved on from his traumatic experience with Leading Strand. He finally realised that they
just weren't meant to be.

"Hi, is this seat available?"

Lagging Strand looked up and saw a tall and gorgeous woman looking down while flashing
him a sweet smile. Lagging strand was speechless. He has never seen someone as
beautiful as her.

"U-uhm…" his tongue seemed to malfunction. "N-no, y-you can t-take it…" he swallowed the
lump in his throat.

"Really? thanks!" The woman exclaimed and pulled the chair in front of him. "So…are you
new around here? This is the first time I saw you here." She then smiled, that made his heart
skip a beat.

He tried his best to remain calm. "U-uh, y-yes! I am n-new here…it's m-my first time i-in a

"Oh, I see. By the way, my name is New Strand. What's yours?" she extended her hand out,
waiting for his.

"Oh…" Lagging Strand hesitated but decided to take her hand. What's wrong with making
friends anyways? "I-I'm L-Lagging Strand…"

"Nice to meet you," New Strand replied with a big smile on her face.

The conversation of the two went smoothly, and that day marked their first day of friendship.
The day after, they met again, and the day after, and so on until they became close friends.

Lagging Strand started to notice every little thing about New Strand. From the way her
fingers ran down her hair to the way she smiled at every silly thing they talked about. But
there was one particular thing about New Strand that sparked Lagging Strand's interest.

"H-hey, New Strand…there's j-just one thing that I-I want to know…"

"Yeah?" New Strand raised her eyebrow.

Lagging Strand blew out some air before proceeding to ask, "W-Why don't you h-have any
b-base p-pairs?"

New Strand paused for a second. "Well, it's because…" It was clear that she hesitated to

"I-I'm sorry…" Lagging Strand immediately apologised.

New Strand took one glance at him and sighed. "It's okay!" She flashed another sweet smile.
"Well it's because…I have never been in a relationship with someone before. I mean never."
New Strand blushed in embarrassment. She hid her face in her hands before Lagging
Strand could see how red she was at that moment.

Days after days, lagging strand and New Strand strand got the chance to know each other
deeper. From small talks to deep talks, from comforting each other to becoming each other's

Lagging strand didn't realise it at first but when an unknown desire started growing inside
Lagging Strand, this urge made him feel confused, scared, nervous, and happy all at the
same time. That is, until he finally knew what it was.

He finally knew what it was.

They were both hanging out in the cafe, when lagging strand finally built up the courage to
speak. "H-hey New Strand, I w-wanted to ask you s-something."

New Strand looked up at him with her doe eyes, "Yeah? What is it?"

He held New Strand's delicate hands, staring at her eyes in awe. It was a special moment
where the two of them felt as if they were the only people in the world and the only thing they
could hear was their rapid heartbeats.

"Do you… want us to be paired?" Lagging strand asked.

New Strand's eyes were wide open. Not only was that the first time she has heard someone
ask her out but that was also the first time. The first time he did not stutter.

New Strand was shocked at the sudden request but was touched at Lagging Strand's
gesture. She held his hands and stared at his eyes, as she felt tears forming in her's.

"Yes! Oh yes!" New Strand screamed in joy and embraced Lagging Strand tightly, but
immediately fixed herself when she noticed other people were staring.

She coughed. "I mean, yes I would love that." she said, calmly this time. Lagging Strand
chuckled and gave her a kiss on the forehead in response.

Finally, Lagging Strand and New Strand can have connected base pairs. They asked
polymerase to help with their base pairs and he immediately built bases that paired the two
together. The couple was ecstatic to finally be together and after several years, they already
decided to be one.

"Would you take Lagging Strand as your lawfully wedded husband in sicknesses and in
health, in richer or in poorer, til death do you part?" Ligase asked.

"Yes, I do," New Strand replied without any hesitation.

"Lagging strand, do you take New Strand as your lawfully wedded wife in sickness and in
health, in richer or poorer till death do you part?"

Lagging strand gently held New Strand's hand and stared at her shining eyes. Until now, he
still cannot believe it. He cannot believe that the beautiful woman in front of him is going to
be his wife.

"Yes, yes I do."

After the wedding, the two really had a great time as husband and wife. Everything was
perfect as it should be. Every moment, every second, as if it is all in a dream. If only
everything would stay this way, Lagging Strand could live forever and ever with his wife.

But then, things that aren't really meant to be are expected to be broken.

"L-Love?" Lagging Strand shouted as he removed his necktie.

He just got back from work quite early today. He didn't tell his wife as he thought it would
definitely surprise her.

"L-Love? W-Where are you?" Lagging Strand shouted again. He was now imagining the
reaction on his wife's face once she saw him arrive early, it made him chuckle and eager to
find his wife as soon as possible.

But little did the poor lagging strand know, he would be instead the one surprised.

He checked the rooms, the car, the garden and the kitchen. He checked every corner of the
house, prepared just for a view of her adored wife and her flashing smile.

But a view he was not prepared flashed before his very eyes.

His heart shattered in a million pieces as he watched New Strand embraced the arm of
another man whom he wasn't familiar with across the street. The man was kissing the top of
her head and caressing her back.

He was frozen. Million questions circulated in his head. Who is he? Why are they hugging?
Are they aware of my presence? Is this what they are doing behind my back? What else did
they do when I was gone?

But instead of confronting them, Lagging Strand remained silent and went back to their
home. He waited until New Strand returned home and when she did, Lagging Strand couldn't
help but to confront her.

"W-who was that guy?" Lagging Strand asked which made New Strand frozen on her spot. "I
a-asked, w-who was that guy?"

When New Strand didn't respond, Lagging Strand couldn't help but explode. He started
throwing things and was outraged.
"I t-thought you are t-t-the one, w-why did you do this to m-me? After w-w-what we h-had?
H-H-how..." Lagging strand burst into tears as he knelt down after knowing what New Strand
had done.

New Strand was very startled seeing Lagging Strand kneeling and witnessing the act of
betrayal. But instead of feeling guilty and whipped by Lagging Strand's situation right now,
she felt pity and mocked him.

"I-I am so sorry, i-it's not you L-Lagging S-Strand, i-it's me…" New Strand suddenly laughed
psychotically as she mocked the way Lagging Strand stuttered. "I am so sick and tired of all
of this!"

Lagging Strand was hurt with New Strand's words as if they're daggers stabbing his heart.
But compared to the experience he had before, he remained calm.

"What comes to your mind? Huh?" Lagging strand immediately asked with tears falling. "I’m
not upset that you 'lied' to me, I’m upset that from now on, I can’t trust you anymore."
Lagging Strand's face was clouded with a mixture of disappointment.

However New Strand seemed to not even care. She scoffed. "I refused to stay any longer for
this grotesque misalliance" New Strand said to him as she walked away leaving Lagging
Strand heartbroken once more.

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