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University of South Asia Lahore

Assignment 02
Name: Muskan Abbas
Roll no: m-18506
Subject: Biomechanics 1
To: Sir Haroon
Topic: Bone Fractures
Question: An office worker suffered from back pain. After examination, it was
found he has developed fracture of spine. Physician says it was due to prolong
sitting over a period of decades, even though he did not lift any heavy weight.
What type of fracture is it and give the biomechanical justification of this

The officer suffered from a stress fracture of the spine.
Stress fractures
Such fractures occur when the spine is exposed to too much pressure or strain,
Such as when a person is sitting for long periods of time.
This can cause tiny cracks in the bones of the spine and eventually lead to a
The mechanical justification for this type of fracture is that a force is applied to
the bone for an extended period of time, which causes the bone to become
weakened and more susceptible to breaking.

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