LESSON 2 - WPS Office

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Activity No 2 Trace back!

(20 points)

Research on the major trends of each year starting from the year you were born. Highlight at
least two (2) major trends in the following areas:

A. Films
• The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

• Percy Jackson & The Olympians

B. Music

• Ang Huling El Bimbo, Song by Eraserheads

• Just the Way You Are, Song by Bruno Mars

C. News

• Typhoon Haiyan, known in the Philippines as Super Typhoon Yolanda, was one of the most powerful
tropical cyclones ever recorded. On making landfall, Haiyan devastated portions of Southeast Asia,
particularly the Philippines.

• Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Most people
who fall sick with COVID-19 will experience mild to moderate symptoms and recover without special
treatment. However, some will become seriously ill and require medical attention.

D. Sports

• Badminton is a racquet sport played using racquets to hit a shuttlecock across a net. Although it may
be played with larger teams, the most common forms of the game are “singles” and “doubles”.

• Basketball is a game played between two teams of five players each on a rectangular court, usually
indoors. Each team tries to score by tossing the ball through the opponent’s goal, an elevated horizontal
hoop and net called a basket.
E. Fashion

• Men casual street style

• Summer beach fashion

Only human being can exercise freedom because I believe that we have our own intellect and will.
Humans are endowed with values and codes of conduct in which we understand how others may feel
the way we treat them. Freedom gives us the right to choose freely based on how we perceive things
around. However, one has to take his freedom responsibly without compromising other people’s
feelings. Because of this freedom, we opt to do things morally or ethically because we make use of our
freedom accordingly. Leaving everything to the choices and will of men makes freedom limitless, not
only because you are not limited by anything, from the laws of nature to these codes of conduct that
may be instilled in us through religion or 6rtttculture. It is limitless because there is no standard telling
us how we should exercise our freedom accordingly. If a man chooses to harm another person through
physical violence, what’s stopping him from doing so? He can even kill just because he wants to do it.
You do not know this and may believe that such action is wrong. However, in the same way, another
person is not being told that he cannot kill just because it is unethical.

Freedom is limitless because it allows you to do whatever you want without any rules or constraints.
However, I believe that there are some limitations that come with freedom. For instance, taking away
someone’s freedom of choice by force would amount to an act that has no sense of morality. If a
murderer wants to kill someone but fails to do it, he will be punished. This is a limitation of our freedom
because if you deprive someone of their choice to live, it is an act that serves no real purpose. It is
useless and there is no meaning for such an act.

Freedom has certain limitations that may prevent a person from exercising it. These limitations are
reasoned by the existence of other people in the same world as we are in. If we disregard these
limitations, then it may cause conflicts with other people. For instance, if we were to live on our own,
then there would be no other people to get in our way. However, humans are not meant to live in
isolation, especially not in this world. We all have the same purpose and that is to survive and maintain a
healthy ecosystem. The concept of freedom has been built around us and it offers us the right to do
whatever we want with each other. However, some people take this right too far and start exploiting
others by taking their freedom away at any cost.
I had an experience that required me to make a firm decision for the next chapter of my life, and that
event was the time for me to choose my college major. My mom and I are the only ones who live in our
house since I was the only child back when I was in senior high school. I could not enroll in a school far
from our house because my mother would be the one who would be left in our house, and I felt sad for
her, so I chose to go to a school that was not far from home. I felt okay with it. I was happy with the
decision I made since I had made some friends. I enrolled in the HUMSS program since I wanted to take
Criminology in college. My mother knew that I wanted that major so badly and she was willing to
support me with it.

So here comes the college, and my decision was changed because I didn't want to go far again and left
my mother alone. She said it was fine for me to explore my left on my own because the school I wanted
to attend was in Bacolod City and I needed to stay in a boarding house when the ftf class started. She
was okay with it, but I am the only one who was not because she is getting old and no one will take care
of her at home. I had to choose if I would pursue my first choice, which is crim, or my second choice,
which is tourism. It was difficult for me to choose, so I prayed to God that whatever decision I made
would lead me down the right path. I asked for help from him to let me pass one exam. Whatever the
first exam result comes out, that's what I would take. The result of the exam for nonescost is the one
first to come out, so I chose my second option, which is tourim, and I'm happy with the result since I
could take care of my mom and I can enjoy my school without worrying about her safety because I can
see her every day.

in the lesson, I learned that maybe this is God's plan for me since I prayed for him to guide me and my
choice made me happy.Sometimes our lives do not go according to our plan because God's plan is much
better for us . We are frequently confronted with life-altering decisions and choices that define our
future course of action. When there is a choice between two equally good options, it is preferable
because the future always promises to be better, regardless of which option is chosen. The decision-
making process is tough since it has far-reaching consequences and is accompanied by the fear of
missing out on a better alternative. And this is a moral dilemma that is unique to each individual.
Sometimes the morally right thing to do isn't always the best thing to do, and that you have to be
prepared to make tough choices.

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