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David Noel N. Dionisio 11 STEM-2 Mr.


Nations around the world experiences different environmental and socio-economic
problems that threatens Earth. Sometimes it is cause of a natural phenomenon, or
sometimes this is cause of the illegal activities dealt by humans. Climate Change is one of
the problems that causes our environment or so we called Earth, gets ruined by this
problem we face. According from the survey that conducted by Potential Energy Coalition,
says that there are 60% of Americans are concerned about climate change. It says that 83%
percent of moms are concerned about climate change and want to do something about it.
Because for them as moms having changes on the climate is hard, especially when they
have children because it affects the growth of their child.

According to Dr. Emily Fischer, an atmospheric chemist & associate professor in the
Department of Atmospheric Science at Colorado State University says that "It's hard to
study climate change and aspects of climate change and be a mother because the data's
very real to you," This explains that Dr. Emily is focusses on moms that they are the
responsible ones to act of the climate change. As she says “It’s the mother’s job to protect
their children” Emily motivates other moms to teach their children and tell them what the
causes and effects of this climate change problem are. Like for example the burning of fossil
fuels. Once it gets burned gasses will fly up in the atmosphere and acts as a blanket and as it
goes thicker the warmer it gets and tends to melt ice sheets and the weather will get warm
and once the weather is hot, children cannot play outside because of the hotness of the
weather. And for her stand to prevent climate change the government should change of
how we produce energy, because burning of fossil fuels is bad for the atmosphere, yes, it is
the production of energy but also it emits harmful gasses like the commonly called
greenhouse gasses. So, in the end she encourages all the parents especially the moms to
take action and educate themselves about the effects of climate change and by being
educated it helps them to understand and find out what is best for their children and be
able to avoid the bad effects of climate change.

Climate change is a periodic modification of Earth’s climate brought because of

changes in the atmosphere as well as interactions between the atmosphere and various
other geologic, chemical, biological, and geographic factors within the Earth. Climate is
often defined loosely as the average weather at a particular place, incorporating such
features as temperature, precipitation, humidity, and windiness. Because the atmosphere is
composed of a dynamic fluid which it has a continuous flow of motion and its direction of
motion varies whenever it gets influenced by a variety of factors such as solar radiation,
ocean currents etc. And as weather varies from day to day, so too does climate vary, from
daily day and night cycles up to years that will pass. Since 1990, carbon dioxide are so far
the biggest share of radiative constraining and its commitment proceeds to develop at a
relentless rate. carbon dioxide increases 30% in radiative forcing. While in 2015, the
Yearly Greenhouse Gas Index was 1.37, which speaks to a 37% increase in radiative forcing,
due to its warming influence since 1990.

An assortment of physical and chemical changes can influence the global energy
balance and drive changes within the Earth’s climate. When the energy from the sun comes
to the Earth, the planet assimilates a few of this energy and radiates the rest back to space
as warm. The Earth’s surface temperature depends on this adjust between approaching
and active energy. Normal conditions tend to stay steady unless the Earth encounters a
drive that shifts the energy adjust. Greenhouse gases that produced by humans absorbs
energy that radiates upward from the Earth’s surface, re-emitting heat to the lower
atmosphere and warms the Earth’s surface. And the so-called “Ozone layer” is now
depleting because of this amount of greenhouse gasses that is being release by burning of
fossil fuels to produce energy. The gasses built up and get stuck on the upper atmosphere,
and the cause of this is it tends to make the weather warm because of the gasses
accumulated on the top atmosphere that is why the climate change from time to time.

In February 2004, A new research was published, and it says that “a short-lived
resurgence in the emission of ozone-depleting pollutants in eastern China will not
significantly delay the recovery of Earth’s protective sunscreen layer”. Earth’s ozone layer
helps shield us from the Sun’s harmful Ultraviolet rays that the sun releases. Compounds
like CFC-11 (Trichlorofluoromethane) it decreases the ozone layer globally and
contributing to a “hole” within the layer. In 1987 they come up with an agreement called
“Montreal Protocol” where all nations around the world in restoring the Ozone layer by
banning the production of ozone depleting substance like CFC 11 to prevent climate
change. In 2018 the amount CFC 11 production had decreased.

Since the mid-20th century, greenhouse gases are the most significant cause of
climate change that been produced by humans due to their activities that releases carbon
dioxide in the air. As greenhouse gas increases due to emissions of human activities, it
starts to build up in the atmosphere and warm the climate, and as it warms it starts to
change the condition of the atmosphere, on the land or the bodies of water. Greenhouse
gasses gives a warming and cooling effect over time which it causes changes in Earth’s
energy balance that we so called Radioactive Force. It constrains the contrast between sun-
oriented daylight ingested by the Earth and energy transmitted back to space. It is the
logical premise for the nursery impact on planets and plays a critical part in computational
models of Earth's energy to adjust the climate.
Climate Change brings an enormous contrast to the quality of the air we breathe. It
is also the most dangerous threat to human survival in the modern world. The impacts of
climate alter incorporate different conditions such as inconsistency of temperatures,
precipitation changes like Lung diseases, increases ozone level, mental issues etc. We
cannot stop the climate from changing, but all can contribute a little to reduce the impacts
of change by controlling some activities and adapting some ways to manage the possible
sources of climate change. Like be more energy efficient, this act can really help to prevent
climate change because if there is fewer carbon dioxide that is being release in the
atmosphere, the lesser climate changes. Turning off lights, appliances, using led lights,
using green energy sources like solar panels etc. Also, another way is reduced emission
from transit, instead of driving its better depend more on biking or riding public transports
especially when your distance is just near. Because when you use a car, it releases smoke
that we called carbon dioxide, while riding a bike it does not contain gas and at the
meantime it does not release smoke. Lastly but not the least is we need to learn how to
recycle our waste, because recycling waste helps and lessen the waste materials that are
being burned. Burning fossils fuels are the most significant reason why our ozone layer
gets depleted and the cause of climate change. So as the best as we can we need to perform
the 4R’s to maintain cleanliness and prevent climate change. Planting of trees is also a
better way of preventing climate change because at first, when cars, factories, power plants
release gasses that we called carbon dioxide it goes up the atmosphere and this is where
the trees do their jobs. They manipulate and inhales the carbon dioxide from the air to
lessen the gas that get stuck from the atmosphere. In these simple ways we can help lessen
the carbon dioxide and bad gasses that is being released from our atmosphere. Also, this is
one way to prevent climate change. Now we have done our acts in our own ways to prevent
climate change. It’s time for the government to do something about it to make reduce the
changing of our climate.

The government is the number one powerful in a country, because they are the ones
that leads and acts among different problems that we face, it may be good or bad its still
their responsibility to make a stand to withstand the problems that our people face. And
here goes climate change where this is one of the common problems that the world face.
There are two main roles of the government to play in this. First is they need to decrease or
lessen the emissions that is being produced in the Earth, by finding another way to produce
electricity by not burning fossil fuels. Because burning fossil fuels releases emissions called
“CFC 11” and these gasses can quickly destroyed our ozone layer and be a cause of climate
change because of its chemical substances. Although the government had made a program
about this that I said earlier “Montreal Protocol” where nations will join together and
banned the companies that produces CFC 11 substances. The program is effective and but
not truly effective because there are still a lot more factories that produces this kind of
substances. The second role that they need to play is on the adaptation side. The
government should provide a better structure of homes for the people that are frequently
experiencing flooding and fires. Because in this way if a structure of the people’s home are
resilient from these disasters (flood and fires) it can help to reduce the impacts of climate
change. Like by restoring the National Flood Insurance in the U.S. for the years passed
many communities get flooded whenever a typhoon arrives because it can’t withstand the
dealt and impact of the storm because the climate is keep changing and increases the risks
of a community. So one way to reduce this impacts is to strengthen the structures of their
homes that the government will provide.


Climate change is important to understand because it refers to the atmospheric conditions
of our world. It is how the characteristics of the weather we experience in a certain place
change. Greenhouse gases are the most significant cause of climate change that been
produced by humans due to their activities that releases carbon dioxide in our atmosphere.
We have a place to stay and rest, and that is our mother Earth, so we need to act now and
save our home.

Reasons why you chose this Social Issue

Climate Change brings an enormous contrast to the quality of the air we breathe, and it
affects the life of humans and damages the stability of our ecosystem. If we do not do any
actions, we will suffer, and our future generations will not live an easy life. That is why we
chose this social issue because we want to save Earth, to bring back its beauty and
replenish all the resources we’ve lost in our environment. We should act now to save our
home so that we can live a happy, clean, and safe future with our family.

Personal Position/Opinion
For me as a student, my opinion about climate change is that it is not good for our world
because climate starts to change where the weather is now hotter, and a lot of storms start
to build up. These weather changes, storm and other disasters has a big impact for us
humans because it affects our lives just like the storm surges, some lives are being lost
because of the rain and win it has. Also, it can destroy houses and might even flood one
community or city. So, for me I think that climate change is a big impact for us, that is why
we need to act now to save our planet. With the help of our simple acts, we can be able to
prevent our climate to change and live a better life.

How: Call to action or advocacy

We cannot stop the climate from changing, but all can contribute a little to reduce the
impacts of climate change by organizing some activities and doing small acts. Like, being
more energy efficient such as turning off lights and appliances when not in use, proper
disposal of garbage, planting trees and using eco-friendly materials. Another way is
reduced emission from transit, instead of driving its better depend more on walking or
riding a bicycle especially when your distance is just near. In this way it can help reduce the
air pollution that builds up in our atmosphere. Last but not the least is we need to learn
how to recycle our waste, because recycling waste helps to lessen the waste materials that
are being burned. Because burning fossils fuels are the most significant reason why our
ozone layer gets depleted and the cause of climate change. So as the best as we can we need
to perform the 4R’s to maintain cleanliness and prevent climate change. In these simple
ways we can help lessen the gasses that harms our atmosphere and be able to prevent
climate change. Because if we want to live a life here on Earth, we need to do make a stand
and protect Mother Nature at all costs.

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