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Ultrasound report (2/11/23)

● Gallbladder sludge - Gallbladder sludge is a collection of cholesterol, calcium, bilirubin,

and other compounds that build up in the gallbladder.
● Ureteropelvocaliectasia, bilateral - Pelvocaliectasis is a condition in which describes the
dilation of renal pelvis and the collecting system of the kidney.
● Normal liver, pancreas, and spleen by ultrasound
● Markedly distended urinary bladder with cystitis and sediments
○ Distended bladder causes pelvic or abdominal discomfort and feeling of fullness.
○ Cystitis is a strong, persistent urge to urinate. Pain and burning feeling when
● Atrophic uterus with arcuate artery calcifications
○ Atrophic uterus is a uterus which is slightly smaller in size. This is usually seen in
women who have undergone menopause. This mainly results because of
hormone deprivation, especially estrogen.
○ Arcuate artery calcification formation of calcium deposits in the arteries.

Abdomen Supine and Upright (2/11/23)
● Thoracolumbar Spondylosis - Spondylosis refers to the natural wear and tear that can
happen in the spine. Therefore, thoracolumbar spondylosis refers to a weakening of the
middle and bottom of the spine.
● Ovoid density, right paravertebral aspect of S1 - there is an elliptical or “egg shaped”
density present in the apical segment (S1), which is the most superior aspect of the lung.

Chest PA (2/13/23)
● Atherosclerosis, aorta - gradual buildup of plaque in aorta

Pelvis APL and Right Oblique (2/13/23)

● Enostosis (Bone Island), ALA Sacrum, Right, Primarily considered - a noncancerous
benign lesion; a tiny, dense piece of bone that grew within another section of the bone —
specifically, a piece of compact (cortical) bone within cancellous bone (a network of
spongy bone tissue). The bone is isolated, like it’s on an island.
● Ureterolithiasis, right, not ruled out – calcified stones in the ureter

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