The Story of Babylon

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The Story of Babylon: The glory of the Chaldeans and modern times
This part will be based on Genesis 9-11, all verses were studied in KJV unless otherwise, other
verses are quoted throughout the bible.

1. After the flood when God caused water to rain on the surface of the earth, when everything
was destroyed Genesis 6:17 KJV, Genesis 7:23 KJV including plants. God commanded
Noah and his sons Genesis 9:1 KJV they were to scatter through out the surface of the earth
to be fruitful and multiply as He had commanded the first parents at Eden before there was
sin in the earth.
Water had drained off the surface of the earth and Noah started to till the ground and
planted a vineyard Genesis 9:20 KJV Noah drank of the vine and became drunk and lay
naked within his tent Genesis 9:21 KJV. The wine that Noah drank was in Hebrew word
yayin which is juice of the grape. In most if not all scriptural contexts it is fermented which
in Greek is oinos Ephesians 5: 18 KJV, new wine tîyrôsh tîyrôsh fresh prepared grape juice
by squeezing which is rarely fermented can also be intoxicating sometimes hence take
away understanding Hosea 4:11 KJV. There is not a righteous person that does good and
does not sin Ecclesiastes 7:20 KJV, 1 Kings 8:46 KJV that is what happened with Noah,
who thought a man who was a just man and perfect in his generation, who walked with
God could fall to drunkenness? but we have victory over sin by the faith of the Son of God
1 John 5:4-5 KJV and fruits of the Spirit including temperance even at the hour of
temptation 1 Corinthians 10:13 KJV we are able stand Jude 1:24 KJV.
Ham, by seeing his father’s nakedness and told his brothers, what he did was dishonoring
his father. Noah cursed Canaan, the fourth son of Ham after he woke from his drunkenness
and had realized what Ham had done. It seems Noah prophesied what God through him
had foresaw concerning Canaan who walked in the sins of Ham, his father to which the
Canaanites were very wicked Psalm 106:38 KJV to fill the cup of Lord’s indignation and
had to be utterly destroyed Exodus 20:5 KJV, Deuteronomy 7:1-2 KJV.
God did not leave Canaanites without any witness of Him, for Rahab who was a Canaanite
prostitute who believed in God of Israel and did not perish with the rest of the Canaanites
that believed not at Jericho Joshua 2:1-13 KJV, Hebrews 11:31 KJV.
Ham begat sons and one of them was Cush, who begat Nimrod. Nimrod was a mighty one
in the earth. He became very powerful in honor and praise of men. The first kingdom and
city that was established by him was Babel/Babylon which means gate of god also
referred to as confusion.
The people of the earth disobeyed the command of God which He gave to Noah and his
sons Genesis 11:1-4 KJV. They had one language, and spoke same utterance. At the plain
of Shinar, they assembled together. Instead of replenishing the earth, they wanted to
replenish Shinar. Under the leadership of Nimrod, they decided in their hearts to build a
city and tower whose top was to reach the high heights to the sky Genesis 11:4 KJV. This
imagination of the wicked heart of man Jeremiah 17:9 KJV was manifesting the spirit of

Lucifer the son of the morning, a created cherub Ezekiel 28:13-14 KJV who became Satan,
the adversary and accuser of man Zechariah 3:1 KJV the enemy of the souls of men 1 Peter
5:8 KJV who by wanting to exalt his throne, his position above the angels of God and to
be like God Isaiah 14:12-14 KJV even to be worshipped like God Matthew 4:8-10 KJV
which is the position of Christ, the first-begotten and only begotten Son of God Hebrew
1:5-6 KJV was cast out of heaven together with the angels whom he had influenced to rebel
against the government of God and authority of Christ Revelation 12:7-10 KJV. The people
at Shinar wanted to make a name for themselves instead of glorifying the name of God
hence, their foolish heart was darkened.
As in heaven, this evil plot was interfered by God and Christ who is equal with God, His
Father John 5:18 KJV, Philippians 2:5-6 KJV it was not robbery to be equal with His
Father, He is only begotten Son, who took the form of a servant Philippians 2:7 KJV,
Romans 8:3 KJV, Luke 2:11-12 KJV because He came not to receive honor and praise
from men John 5:41-44 KJV, He did not come to honor Himself, His Father honored Him
John 8:54 KJV, the Son in whom God is well pleased whom the world is to hear Him
Matthew 17:5 KJV. He came to glorify the name of His Father on earth John 8:48-50 KJV,
John 12:28 KJV, John 17:4 KJV. He obeyed all the commandments of His Father, John
15:10 KJV, the law of His Father was in His heart Psalm 40:8 KJV.
At the time when Jesus Christ walked on earth as a man, among the chief rulers believed
in Him but did not publicly follow Him, they wanted honor of the Pharisees John 12:42-43
KJV but some later confessed Him openly like Nicodemus John 19:39 KJV. Those who
are to be different from Babylon, who are to be Israelites indeed, Jews in the inward parts
are to receive praise from God as Nathaniel received praise not from the Pharisees but from
Jesus Christ John 1:49 KJV, Romans 2:29 KJV.
Not as the Pharisees who exalted themselves to the position of God and authority of Christ
as infallible teachers of the law and interpreters of doctrine while their teachings were
contrary to commandments of God by their traditions. Matthew 23:5-12 KJV
Some men today are called “holy father”, “reverend” and other titles to which what they
speak is considered to be more authoritative than plain words of the scriptures, this is the
same spirit of Babylon today. Proverbs 16:18-19 KJV, Proverbs 18:12 KJV.
The building of the city stopped when God confused the language of men hence, they
could not understand each other what they spoke. Therefore, the name of that city was
called Babel or Babylon. The earth had diverse of tongues hence, the people of the same
language were scattered in the face of the earth.

2. This part will be based on historical record sources and books, all books were studied and
carefully chosen. Verses that were used to test the reliability of the resources were studied
in KJV unless otherwise.
From The Story of Daniel The Prophet by Stephen N. Haskell he writes " The plains of
Shinar were chosen; the people whom God told to fill the whole earth were gathered
into a city. Babylon grew, and its mighty walls three hundred and fifty feet in height
and eighty- seven feet thick, with the massive gates of brass, were designed to imitate
the strength of the city of God. At the time of the founding of Babylon, Satan was still
meeting with the council of the representatives of worlds, which was held at the gates of
heaven. It was his design to counterfeit the plans of God. The earthly city was patterned
after the heavenly. The Euphrates flowed through it as did the river of God through
Paradise. The government was an absolute monarchy; a man occupied the throne, and
as it grew, every knee of earth was caused to bow to its king. Tyranny took the place of
love. This is always true when man is exalted above God. There was a close union of
church and state, for no power was tolerated above that of the monarch. It was to such a
kingdom that Nebuchadnezzar fell heir, and the beauty and power of the kingdom were
increased by him in every possible way, until it was spoken of everywhere as "Babylon, the
glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldees' excellency." He continues to write " Not
only the power, but the wisdom also, of Nebuchadnezzar was exceedingly great. The king
favored education, and during his reign Babylon was the educational center of the world.
Every art and science was taught in the schools of Babylon. The wisdom of the
ancients was made known to the students who sat at the feet of her magicians and wise
men They reveled in the study of astronomy and the higher mathematics. There were
linguists who could teach the language of every nation. The king himself was highly
educated, for it was he who examined the students on the completion of their course,
and granted their degrees. Babylon was proud of her educational system; she trusted to
it for salvation, but it was the cause of her ruin. "Thy wisdom and thy knowledge, it hath
caused thee to turn away." God himself speaks, saying: "Hath not God made foolish the
wisdom of this world?" In the Babylonish court this was exemplified. Nebuchadnezzar
and his counselors, –the wise men, astrologers, and soothsayers, –on one side,
represented the education of the world.

Before the times of Nebuchadnezzar when Babylon became the empire that ruled the world
with splendor and great riches "golden city" Isaiah 14:4 KJV "the glory of kingdoms, the
beauty of Chaldee’s excellency" Isaiah 13:19 KJV "lady of kingdoms" Isaiah 47:5 KJV.
According historical resources, Babylon was not a political city but also had its own
religion. The religion of Babylon began after the death of Nimrod, his wife told the people
who revered her husband that, Nimrod had become the sun-god. She later became pregnant
with a son. The son was named Tammuz Ezekiel 8:14 KJV who was the Babylonian god
of food and vegetation. Semiramis claimed that Tammuz was Nimrod reborn after the sun

rays had filled her womb. Tammuz means "true son" who was also referred to as "savior".
Satan has always been waging war against the true plan of salvation ever since sin entered
the world and from when the promise of the coming Savior was announced at Eden Genesis
3:15 KJV. The son who she claimed was after miraculous birth was being worshipped
together with her mother Semiramis, Semiramis was later believed to be the goddess of
heaven hence the title "queen of heaven". When the people scattered in the face of the
earth, they took with them the worship of three deities; father, son and mother
together with mystery symbols behind that worship.
From Babylon Mystery Religion: Ancient and Modern by Ralph Woodrow he writes "
Herodotus, the world traveler and historian of antiquity, witnessed mystery religion and its
rites in numerous countries and mentions how Babylon was primeval source which all
systems of idolatry flowed" he continues to write "When Rome became a world empire,
it is a known fact it assimilated into her system the gods and religion from the various
pagan countries over which ruled. Since Babylon was the source of the paganism of
these countries, we can see how the early religion of pagan Rome was but Babylonish
worship that had developed into various forms under different names in the countries
to which it had gone"

The Bible records even the father of Abraham was an idolater and from hence Almighty
God called Abraham to come out of Ur of the Chaldeans by preaching to him the gospel
concerning His Son Jesus Christ Genesis 12:1-3 KJV, Joshua 24:1-3 KJV, Galatians 3:8

The worship of three deities; father, son and mother can be traced from many different
nations as shown by the table below. Even, Israel the people of God were affected by the
mystery religion of Babylon. Table adopted from Ukweli Usemwe by Walter J. Veith

Nation Father deity Son deity Mother deity

Ancient Babylon Nimrod Tammuz Semiramis
Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon Bel Tammuz Ishtar/Rhea
Israel Baal Tammuz Ashtoreth
Phoenicia El Bacchus Astarte
Assyria Ninus Hercules Beltis
Greece Zeus Dionysius Aphrodite
Rome Jupiter Attis Cybele
Egypt Ra Osiris/Horus Isis/Hathor
India Vishnu Krishna Isi/Devaki
China Pan-Ku Yi Heng-o/Ma Tsoopo
Mexico Teotl Quetzalcoatl Frig/Freyda

Does Bible support that the sun was worshipped as god and any of these deities? Let us
search the scripture for answers

At the time of Judges even down to the days of prophet Jeremiah, Baal worship instead of
that of true God became very common among the professed people of God. After Joshua
and the fathers who knew the LORD God of Israel who brought them out of Egypt, the
land of idolatry and house of bondage, rested. There rose up a generation that became
unequally yoked with the pagans, and followed after their ways and doing by serving Baal
and Ashtaroth (Ashtoreth in singular) the goddess of Zidonians whom even king Solomon
backslid into worshipping her. Apostles of Jesus Christ have admonished us to contend to
the faith that was once delivered to the saints by Jesus Christ, the faith of Jesus Jude 1:3
KJV down to modern Christianity of 21st Century is doing the same way by adopting the
ways of infidels and think they can be used to glorify Jesus. The father of Gideon was a
Baal and Astarte/grove worshipper to which Christ ordered Gideon that the altar of Baal to
be destroyed and Astarte to be cut down Judges 2:8-13 KJV, Judges 6:22-31 KJV, 1 Kings
11:5 KJV, Jeremiah 11:13 KJV. We should touch not unclean thing and God will receive
us 2 Corinthians 6:17 KJV.
At the very days of Jeremiah’s ministry some of the Judeans went to Egypt after the fall of
the kingdom Judah into the hands of Nebuchadnezzar king of kings Daniel 2:37 KJV they
vowed to continue worshipping Ishtar, the queen of heaven Jeremiah 44:17 KJV it greatly
displeased the LORD Jeremiah 44:25-27 KJV. Are we in the same danger as them? See 1
Corinthians 10 KJV.

At the time of king Josiah and prophet Jeremiah a contemporary of prophet Ezekiel, women
worshipped Tammuz and the elders worshipped the sun at the temple. Sun worship was
even revered by horse chariots by the wheels which was symbol behind the worship. Sun
worship among the elders at LORD’s house was the greatest abominations against the
LORD 2 Kings 23:11 KJV, Ezekiel 8:14-18 KJV, 2 Chronicles 36:14 KJV.

Concerning the origin of sun worship, Albert Pike makes the following concise statement
in his Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry "To
them [aboriginal peoples] he [the sun] was the innate fire of bodies, the fire of Nature.
Author of Life, heat, and ignition, he was to them the efficient cause of all generation, for
without him there was no movement, no existence, no form. He was to them immense,
indivisible, imperishable, and everywhere present. It was their need of light, and of his
creative energy, that was felt by all men; and nothing was more fearful to them than his
absence. His beneficent influences caused his identification with the Principle of Good;
and the BRAHMA of the Hindus, and MITHRAS of the Persians, and ATHOM, AMUN,
PHTHA, and OSIRIS, of the Egyptians, the BEL of the Chaldeans, the ADONAI of the
Phœnicians, the ADONIS and APOLLO of the Greeks, became but personifications of
the Sun, the regenerating Principle, image of that fecundity which perpetuates and
rejuvenates the world's existence."

Note: ADONAI means lord, it was also used for other gods too as Paul addressed in 1
Corinthians 8:5-6 KJV. Christians have only one Lord Ephesians 4:5 KJV and by the word
of Christ all things are held up together, including the sun. God by Jesus Christ spoke and
it stood fast Genesis 1:14-16 KJV, Hebrews 1:1-3 KJV.
Sons of Korah praised the LORD by saying the LORD God is a sun Psalm 84:11 KJV this
is not literally but sons of Korah are praising the eternal power and Godhead of the Creator
Romans 1:20 KJV. As we see the sun, we should think of the Creator who is more powerful
than the sun. As the sun gives us light not by its own power but by the word of Him that
said “Let there be lights”. Therefore, God is the source of light materially and spiritually,
for Christ is the Sun of Righteousness Malachi 4:2 KJV hence the light of the world John
8:12 KJV who came to turn us from the power of Satan, spiritual darkness of sin unto God
Acts 26:18 KJV who is light 1 John 1:5 KJV. The same divine power of Him that wrought
creation of the worlds is the same power that can work righteousness in us.

Graven art of Ra with sun disk

When Paul was in Greece, the city of Athens it was full of graven images to which the
people worshipped those idols made with man’s hands Acts 17:16 KJV, according to
historical sources the city was protected by Greek goddess of wisdom, skills and warfare,
Athena. He preached to them about Jesus the true Son of God and the resurrection, to them
Jesus was a strange god Acts 17:18 KJV. Paul stood in the Mar’s (Greek god of war) hill,
and preached to them about the true God who created all things by Jesus Christ Ephesians
3:9 KJV, Acts 17:24-25 KJV which goes in hand with the gospel of Jesus Christ Acts
17:30-31 KJV. He also told them that if truly God created them (Paul and Athenians) by
Jesus Christ then they should not think God and Christ can be worshipped by idols Acts
17:29 KJV see also the Psalm 115:3-8,15-16 KJV, Acts 17:26 KJV. We should not think
that the Godhead can be illustrated by man’s hands Habakkuk 2:18-19 KJV, Deuteronomy
4:12-16 KJV.

God by Jesus Christ has created all things, He cannot give that glory to graven images
Isaiah 42:8 KJV, Isaiah 44:9-19 KJV. Some believed Paul’s teaching and went with him,
Acts 17: 32-34 KJV.

Graven Image of Athena Graven image of Mars

When apostle Paul was in Asia at Ephesus, he had taught the gods made with hands are
nothing Acts 19:26 KJV. To them it was an offence because they made much money out
that business of selling the graven arts for goddess Diana, therefore to them it was a threat
to their craft, wealth and the reverence of their goddess Diana Acts 19:27-28 KJV.

Graven image of Diana of the Ephesus

3. This part will be based on historical record sources and books, all books were studied and
carefully chosen. Verses that were used to test the reliability of the resources were studied
in KJV unless otherwise.
Is Christianity today in the same state of worshipping the gods of Babylon knowingly
or without knowing including the sun-worship?

From The Secret Teachings Of All Ages by Manly P. Hall he write "Among other allegories
borrowed by Christianity from pagan antiquity is the story of the beautiful, blue- eyed sun
god, with his golden hair falling upon his shoulders, robed from head to foot in spotless
white and carrying in his arms the lamb of god, symbolic of the vernal equinox. This
handsome youth is a composite of Apollo, Osiris, Orpheus, Mithras, and Bacchus, for he
has certain characteristics in common with each of these pagan deities."
(slight changes have been made from the original to not avoid confusion)

Graven art of the Babylonian iconography adopted as the picture of Jesus

From History, when Rome was the kingdom that ruled the world Luke 2:1 KJV to the times
of the Roman Emperor Constantine, ‘Long before Constantine’ s time the Sun god had
already become a central Deity in Roman religion. Indeed, we can follow the growth of
this element right from the beginning of the monarchy. This growth is fostered by, among
other factors, the old affinity of the one emperor on earth to the one sun in the sky. Two
important steps in this development are marked by Augustus and Nero, who both make
extensive use of solar symbols in their imperial propaganda. The latter in particular
introduced an iconographic element which was to become the solar epithet of the emperors
par excellence, namely the radiate crown. The big era of the sun cult came during the crisis
of the empire in the third century; the reign of Elagabalus at the beginning of that century
remained a short, if significant episode’ Martin WALLRAF Bonn says.

From the paper Constantine’s Devotion to the Sun after 324 published by Martin
WALLRAF Bonn writes about the time when the Christians backslid to image worship of
Constantine which was related to sun worship “ Philostorgius reports in the middle of the
5th century that ‘the Christians try to appease with sacrifices the image of Constantine,
which stands on the porphyry column, they venerate it with incense and candles, and they
worship it like a god, and perform apotropaic rites against mischief ’. The cult of the
emperor (and of the sun at the same time), for the sake· of which Christians had once
suffered martyrdom, had now become part of Christian popular religion.” This is the time
when the pagan doctrines had already entered the church of Christ Revelation 2:12-14 KJV

Graven image of Roman Emperor Constantine on a porphyry column

While the Bible says there is one God John 17:3 KJV, 1 Corinthians 8:6 KJV, Ephesians
4:6 KJV, James 2:19 KJV, 1 Timothy 2:5 KJV the Father who is also the God of our Lord
Jesus Christ Ephesians 1:17 KJV and one Lord Jesus Christ who is the divine Son of God
John 1:1 KJV only begotten by God John 8:42 KJV the image of the invisible God and
firstborn of every creature Colossians 1:15 KJV and one Spirit Ephesians 4:4 KJV which
came out forth from the Father John 15:26 KJV which is the Spirit of God whom God has
given His Son, hence the Spirit of Christ Romans 8:9 KJV whom God has sent to us in our
hearts Galatians 4:6 KJV it the same Spirit that was in the prophets of the Old Testament
that inspired them to speak oracles 1 Peter 1:11 KJV. Many professed Christians believe
in one God; the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit such that there is God the Father, God the
Son and God the Holy Spirit which are co-equal, co-eternal and co-substantial and none
proceeded or came out from another. It is logical to say there are three Gods but they say
it is three persons in one God hence the Trinity. Is this Biblical? Is this even logical? I will
leave that question for you to answer. But some are stuck when the Bible says that there is
one God, the Father does that mean Jesus is not God? and only the Father is God and not
the Spirit too? One God it means the Father is the source of everything even Jesus Christ
came out from God John 16:27 KJV from everlasting Micah 5:2 KJV. A question can
come, how did He came out from God? I personally, my mind is finite, I cannot understand
this great mystery of the infinite mind. God had a Son to send into the world for sin John
3:16 KJV. The Father is the most High God even demons knew that Jesus was the Son of
the most High God Mark 5:7 KJV. If the Father is the most High God, then He comes first
because it is Him who even sent Jesus Christ into the world. There can not be two most
High Gods. The Father commanded angels to worship His Son Hebrews 1:6 KJV He calls

His Son God in Hebrews 1:8-9 KJV and Creator Hebrews 1:10 KJV because Christ is the
express image of the Father, being the very Son of God He has same nature as His Father
John 1:1 KJV Him and the Father are one John 10:30 KJV. God created all things by Jesus
Christ Ephesians 3:9 KJV, Colossians 1:16 KJV. Hence there are two beings Daniel 7:13
KJV having two distinct personalities, the Ancient of days and the Son of man, God is the
Father of Christ and Christ is the Son of God. What about the Spirit? I personally by reading
the scripture I do not find anywhere that the Spirit is to be worshipped but were are to
worship the Father in the Spirit and not worship the Spirit Philippians 3:3 KJV. God is
present everywhere by His Spirit Psalm 139:7 KJV while having a localized presence in
heaven, He is omnipresent by His Spirit. God dwells inside the believer by the Spirit 1 John
3:24 KJV. Christ glorified God and the Spirit glorifies Christ John 16:14 KJV. The Spirit
was sent from the Father in the name of Jesus hence personifies Jesus John 14:26 KJV.
The Spirit makes a believer a partaker of the divine nature 2 Peter 1:3-4 KJV hence bearing
the fruit of the Spirit Galatians 5:22-23 KJV.

Why the Trinity then?

“The ancient Babylonians recognized the doctrine of a trinity, or three persons in one god
as appears from a composite god with three heads forming part of their mythology, and
the use of the equilateral triangle, also, as an emblem of such trinity in unity.”
(Thomas Dennis Rock, The Mystical Woman and the Cities of the Nations, 1867, pp. 22,

The Trinity equilateral triangle


In a “Discussion between Summerbell and Flood on Trinity”, p. 38, in regards to the Trinity
he says, “it is certain the Jewish church held to no such doctrine. “Says Mr. Summerbell,
“A friend of mine who was present in New York synagogue, asked the Rabbi for an
explanation of the word ‘Elohim’. A Trinitarian clergyman who stood by replied, ‘Why,
that has reference to the three persons in the Trinity, ‘when a Jew stepped forward and
said he must not mention that word again, or they would have to compel him to leave
the house; for it was not permitted to mention the name of any strange god in the
Why would the Rabbi respond this way? For Elohim as some of the Biblical scholars teach
that it is a plural word hence using it to support the Trinity doctrine, however Elohim shows
the singularity of one God. Elohim means the Almighty Creator Revelation 4:10-11 KJV.

The Catholic church said, “Our o p p o n e n t s s o m e t i m e s c l a i m t h a t n o belief

s h o u l d be held dogmatically w h i c h is not explicitly stated in scripture ... But the
Protestant Churches have themselves accepted such dogmas, as the Trinity, for
which there is no such precise authority in the Gospels,” Assumption o f Mary,
Life magazine, Oct 30,1950, p. 51
Therefore, the Catholic Church does not deny to hold a doctrine that is not in the
Bible which other Protestant Churches also hold. The Catholic Church explains the
doctrines of the Bible according to traditions received of their fathers hecne, they
might have an excuse for that but not to the Protestants who say the Bible and Bible
only as a rule of faith and yet support an unbiblical doctrine.

4. This part will be based on contemporary event of COP 27 meeting 2022 that took place
from 6th November 2022 to 18th November 2022. Some of the information have been
retrieved from

In November 6-18, 2022 was a gathering of world leaders to seek climate hope from a
nearby place of spiritual paramount, Sharm el-Sheikh at Sinai peninsula. The main issue
is to make amends with the Creator who is uniting all the world religions to omit sins
committed against the environment. Sharm-el-Sheikh is a narrow strip of biblical land,
from the Red Sea to the Dead Sea, is not only the pathway of the Israelites during the
Exodus, but it is also the birthplace of our climate redemption. This November, world
leaders will gather down the coast from here in Sharm el-Sheikh to try to hammer-out yet
another climate plan for the too-distant future that miraculously has already been
successfully implemented in the Arava Valley: The region is the first in the world to be
solely powered by the sun during the day—producing 150 percent of the region’s
needs. And by 2025 it will be lit up night and day with solar power alone.
When you think deeply about that statement, I personally agree that solar power has a lot
of benefits because God by Jesus Christ created all things for our good. The sun helps us
to get vitamin D, it provides a suitable environment for plants to produce their own food
which in turn we use plants for food and also to light our homes. But the main agenda is
not about fostering solar energy development to fight climate change but to unite all
religions to worship the sun.

Humanity is losing the race to beat back catastrophic climate change. Yet the Arava
region’s solar success serves as a prophetic rebuke to those who claim that going 100
percent green energy is not technically feasible, economically advantageous or would take
decades. The technology and economics are here; missing is moral climate leadership.
Climate hope may not come from the 27th gathering of world leaders on the issue but
instead from a nearby place of paramount spiritual power. A group of us, under the auspices
of the Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development and the Elijah Interfaith Institute,
recently came together at Mount Sinai to envision what message of hope and
transformation religions can offer to humanity as we grapple with the challenges of
climate justice. One of the ideas was returning to the 10 commandments, given at
Sinai. While not set in stone, here’s my version (with a little bit of help from my friends):

The logo of Elijah interfaith movement has interwoven 2 hexagons with 6 sides hence 66
for two hexagons. In freemasonry, hexagon has a mystic meaning, a hidden message
behind the symbolism see Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike pg. 826-827. How can you
get wisdom and peace from other faiths except that the faith that is in Jesus? Christ is the
wisdom of God 1 Corinthians 1:30 KJV, and Prince of peace Isaiah 9:6 KJV peace by
Jesus Christ should be preached unto all men Acts 10:36 KJV for forgiveness of sins
Romans 5:1 KJV and sanctification by faith that is in Him Acts 26:18 KJV.
From the website the version of those Ten Commandments are:

1. Acknowledge a Higher Power

Like in Alcoholics Anonymous, the first commandment is to acknowledge, with humility, that we
are partners with and subservient to the Creator.

Whose is that Creator than unites the religions? It is evident it is not the God of Israel who created
all things by Jesus Christ. We are told by the scriptures to not be unequally yoked with unbelievers,
there is nothing common between a believer and an infidel, we have our part with Christ and not

2. Vote Climate
James Sternlicht, from the non-governmental organization The Peace Department, teaches that we
have to hold governments and corporations accountable, since they are the ones desecrating our
common home with each new drilling license and pipeline. In sun-rich Israel, for example, Prime
Ministers Yair Lapid, Naftali Bennet and Binyamin Netanyahu all allowed the gas companies to
lock-in an expensive and polluting monopoly for at least another generation, putting the People of
the Book on the wrong side of climate history.

3. Do Not Murder
Since we know that millions of people—usually the poorest and indigenous—will die and suffer
from the effects of extreme heat and cold, wild-fires, rising sea levels, and super-charged storms,
why doesn’t the business-as-usual approach of most leaders make them accessories to murder?

4. Do Not Steal
“Climate change is robbing our future,” says Gili Berkovitz, 16, of Strike4Future in Tel Aviv. “We
are also robbing nature of her ability to regenerate.”

5. Do Not Bear False Witness

There are sins of omission—politicians not telling the truth about the real and immediate dangers
of climate change; and there are sins of commission—the same leaders at the annual world climate
conference, COP 27, who are approving new drilling and pipeline licenses. Together, says the
writer David Hazony, these distortions of truth and policy lead to the sin of increased emissions.

6. Keep the Sabbath

Emissions are down 30 percent over the sabbath every week in Israel and are almost zeroed out on
Yom Kippur (the Jewish Day of Atonement, the holiest of the year). A global weekly non-carbon
day of rest could reduce emissions of the world by a seventh, and can be observed by different
faith communities on different days.

Sun-day is considered to be the Sabbath in the majority of those in Christendom hence, preferred
in the place of Biblical Sabbath which Saturday Exodus 20:8-11 KJV. Sun-day has pagan roots
which was a day of the veneration of the sun to Pagan Rome. Whose religion has its origin from

7. You Shall Innovate

Last month I was hiking up Mount Sinai at 3 am and coincidently—is that even a thing on Mount
Sinai? —ran into my friend Avi Jorisch, author of the book by the name of this commandment.
Technology can accelerate decarbonization; collaboration can accelerate implementation.

8. Honor Mother Earth

Kristina Greer, 15, from California says that climate change is a form of arson against the very
home that nurtures our lives and that of all living creatures.

Mother Earth here is referred to Gaia, Greek goddess of Earth so this is nature worship Isaiah
1:29-30 KJV, 2 Chronicles 28:4 KJV, Romans 1:24-25 KJV.

9. You Need Not Covet

Rabbi Jennie Rosenn teaches, “Dayenu. We have enough. And we have the science and technology
we need to build a world in which all people can have enough. We just need to achieve the political

10. Do Not Continue to be Hoodwinked

Oil and gas companies and disingenuous leaders want you to believe that reducing your carbon
footprint through individual action is the key. Yet Alan Divack teaches we must not place the
burden of solving climate change on individual action. Fossil fuel companies and governmental
leaders together gamed the system to favor long-term burning of fossil fuels for energy, industry,
and transportation no matter what individual action you take.

Another commandment is added to make a total of 11 Commandments

And +1: Do Not Give Up Hope or the Fight

The rise of the ancient Egyptian dynasties coincided with the rise of worship of Ra, the sun god.
A new era of renewables must shine out of Egypt this November or our civilization, like that of
the ancient Egyptians, will be doomed. When religious leaders of all faiths ascend Mount Sinai on
Nov. 13, during COP27, they will seek to touch the heart of humanity and deliver a prophetic
message. Sinai power worked once before to fuel moral revolutions; it must work again. To keep
global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius by the end of this century, we need a miracle.
(slight changes have been made from the original)

This is the same worship of the ancient Egyptian worship of Ra, the sun god. The logo of COP 27
climate summit (see the beginning of this section) summit is related to the images in the ancient
Egypt depicting sun worship.

Sun worship of Ancient Egypt

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