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The Story of Egypt: Exodus and End-times Prophecy

As we have learned from the previous lessons God created all things by Jesus Christ for our good,
for after Jesus Christ had wrought the will of His Father in creation Ephesians 3:9 KJV; Revelation
4:10-11 KJV. His Father said it was very good Genesis 1:31 KJV. Sin had tainted and brought
curse upon the creation of God Romans 8:20-21 KJV which He had said it was very good Genesis
1:31 KJV. Death Genesis 2:16-17 KJV, Romans 5:12 KJV since all have sinned 1 John 3:4 KJV,
diseases Exodus 15:26 KJV, getting old Genesis 25:7-8 KJV; Psalm 90:10 KJV; 1 Kings 1:1 KJV
and eternal death Galatians 6:8 KJV was the result of disobedience to the commandments of God
John 12:49-50 KJV
all the words of God are righteousness Psalm 199:172 KJV; Isaiah 45:19 KJV. We thank God by
Jesus Christ hath destroyed death, and hath brought eternal life John 5:24 KJV and immortality
John 11:25-26 KJV to light through the gospel 2 Timothy 1:9-10 KJV. The fact that death 1
Corinthians 15:26 KJV and diseases and getting old still exist, in Christ whom God has sent to
bless us in turning us away from all our perversities Act 3:26 KJV, we have the gift of repentance
and forgiveness of sins Acts 5:31 KJV, righteousness John 6:28-29 KJV; Psalm 106:3,119:1-4
KJV; 1 Corinthians 7:19 KJV healing of diseases and hath preserved our souls from destruction
Psalm 103:3-4 KJV; Hebrews 2:9 KJV. We have faith that God shall fulfill His promise Revelation
7:17,21:4-5 KJV; Isaiah 66;22 KJV.
Egypt was a kingdom that originated from ancient Babylon after God had confused the language
and speech of the people who were scattered upon the face of the earth. It was the nation that knew
not the LORD Leviticus 18:3 KJV therefore Jesus Christ by Moses told the Israelites that they
should not do the heathen ways of the Egyptians that did not please God Ezekiel 20:7 KJV since
the worship of lifeless idols and not the living God included riotous and immoral behavior such as
illicit dancing, drunkenness and indiscriminate sexual activity Exodus 32:1-6,25 KJV; 1
Corinthians 10:7-8 KJV; Romans 1:23-28 KJV; Ephesians 4:17-20 KJV. Pharaoh was referred to
as son of Ra, the Egyptian sun-god who is also referred to as Re. Pharaoh claimed to be the
incarnation of Ra. Hence, the divine kingship of Pharaoh was prominent in the religious beliefs of
Egypt. We Become What We Worship by G. K. Beale he writes “Pharaoh Seti I (1302-1290 B.C.)
built for the underworld god Osiris “a temple like heaven; its divine ennead are like the stars in
it; its radiance is in the faces (of men) like the horizon of Re rising therein at early morning.” The
Egyptians believed that the sun god, Re, would empower other lesser deities to enter stone
images placed in temples. Accordingly, an inscription from the Pyramid Age affirms that the
Creator Ptah “fashioned the [lesser] gods. . .. He installed the gods in their holy places . . . he
equipped their holy places. He made likenesses of their bodies. . .. Then the gods entered into
their bodies of every wood and every stone and every metal.” Rameses III (1195-1164 B.C.)
said that in the temple of the sun god Re he “fashioned the gods in their mysterious forms of
gold, silver, and every costly stone.” Indeed, “the King is a sacred image, the most sacred of

the sacred images of the Great One.” The Egyptian king is not merely a “sacred image” of the
deity,” but he is a living image of the god. Furthermore, other Egyptian texts say that the god
“Horus has acted on behalf of his spirit in you [the Pharaoh],” and one king is recorded as
saying, “I am the essence of a god, the son of a god, the messenger of a god.” Perhaps most
striking, because of its similarity to Genesis 1:26, is the statement by Rameses II (1290-1224 B.C.)
about his relationship to his god: “I am thy son whom thou hast placed upon thy throne. Thou
hast assigned to me thy kingdom, thou hast fashioned me in thy likeness and thy form, which
thou hast assigned to me and hast created.” In the context of an inscription about a temple for
the god Amun, the god is recorded as calling the king Amenhotep “My son . . . My living image.””
This part will be based on Exodus 5-13, all verses were studied in KJV unless otherwise, other
verses are quoted throughout the bible.
1. At the time of Egyptian bondage of the Israelites, Moses the servant of God and Aaron as
his spokesman told Pharaoh to let the Hebrews go and worship God by offering him
sacrifices in the wilderness. Pharaoh the king of Egypt by arrogance replied that he does
not know who Yahweh is and will not let the Hebrews go. That is the spirit of an infidel,
not that God had to not revealed Himself to Pharaoh but Pharaoh was persistent to not
acknowledge that there is a living God who is different from lifeless idols that breath not.
At the time of Joseph, the LORD had a purpose to bring Joseph to Egypt not only for the
will of saving the land and his family from famine Genesis 45:5-7 KJV but also that the
knowledge of the God of the Hebrews would be known in Egypt Genesis 40:8,16 KJV
since the Egyptians did not believe in God. Therefore, when Joseph was alive the God of
the Hebrews was known even by Pharaoh Genesis 41:38-39 KJV. But at the time of Exodus
there rose a Pharaoh who knew not Joseph and Egypt was back into worshipping her gods
down to the time of prophet Jeremiah Jeremiah 43:11-12 KJV. Even, some of the Hebrews
had adopted the heathen worship of the Egyptians and paid homage to their gods by bowing
down unto them Ezekiel 20:6-7 KJV. God did not forget His people and leave them in
bondage under the heathen nation of Egypt but, the Hebrew people did not fully serve Him
in Spirit and truth as Abraham their father Genesis 26:5 KJV whom God had sworn that
all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him Genesis 18:18 KJV and his household
after him, surely God had spoken that they would keep His ways Genesis 18:19 KJV but
their hearts were not fully given unto God Exodus 16:28 KJV. It was in God’s timing for
Him to deliver His people from Egyptian bondage as He had sworn to Abraham Genesis
15:13-21 KJV, Exodus 6:1-8 KJV and Christ had come down as the Captain of salvation
to bring them out Egypt Exodus 3:2 KJV, 1 Corinthians 10:1-5 KJV; Jude 1:5 KJV.

2. In the house of Pharaoh by the power God, Moses and Aaron his spokesman miracles were
wrought before Pharaoh to give him the knowledge of the true and living God who can
make even a dead stick into a live creature for, he had demanded a sign as evidence that

Moses and Aaron were truly sent by the God of the Hebrews. God hath life in Himself and
gives life and breath to all things, Satan the arch rebel by the magician and sorcerers of
Pharaoh produced counterfeit miracles of deceivableness of unrighteousness by casting
their rods which became serpents but, were swallowed by the Aaron’s rod. The magician
were resisting the truth and the king rested his security upon them 2 Timothy 3:8 KJV since
Pharaoh did not love the truth, that he and the Egyptians to be spared against the
judgements of God, God would send strong delusion that he should persist in his
foolishness and be punished with them that believe not. Soon their foolishness was to be
made known unto all men 2 Timothy 3:9 KJV that the God of heaven and earth reigns
sovereign over everything and He alone is the God of gods.
This part will be based on the Ten plagues of Egypt towards Exodus. The historical books
and documentaries were used to give a vivid picture of why these plagues.
i. The first plagues was Nile water, streams of water, ponds and pools of water were
turned into blood throughout all the land of Egypt. The fish that was the living
creature in the Nile river died. The magicians of Egypt did in like manner by the
power of Satan and Pharaoh believed that even his magicians have the same power
as the God of the Hebrew. During climate changes in Ancient Egypt when the desert
rivers went dry, only one source of water remained the Nile river. To the Egyptians
Nile river was “Iteru" the gift of gods, they revered the Nile river as a god for it was
a source of water for food since the plains around Nile had fertile soil and it was a
source of great riches. Now the Nile river was giving out a foul smell of dead
organisms and blood rather than riches.
ii. The second plague was the frogs came out from the rivers and ponds unto the land
of Egypt. The magician of Egypt did likewise with their satanic spells. The frogs
became many in the land of Egypt and a disturbance to Pharaoh, he begged Moses
and Pharaoh that provided that the frogs are removed from land of Egypt, he would
let the Hebrews go that they may sacrifice unto God. God by the word of Moses
made the frogs die out of the land of Egypt. These were judgements of God and not
after the working of the magicians. But Pharaoh did not humble himself to
acknowledge that the LORD is the true God Exodus 8:10 KJV. The frogs were held
sacred by the Egyptian and one of their goddess was Heqet a frog-headed deity. It
was a contempt that their goddess had failed to protect them and the dead frogs were
collected upon heaps.

iii. The third plagues was the dust of the earth was turned into lice. The magician could
not do likewise, Satan’s weakness had been made manifest that Yahweh is stronger
than he. The lice was upon man and the beasts. The magician witnessed to Pharaoh

that it was evident that the God of Hebrew was sovereign over these plagues and,
and Pharaoh continued to resist the truth. Some of the beasts were held as gods by
the Egyptians, Apis bull was given to god Ptah, the father of all the gods, the cow
was worshipped as Hathor and the ram was worshipped as several gods such as
Khnemu and the ram headed Amun Jeremiah 46:25 KJV, the chief god of the New
Empire of Egyptians. The lice stroke these beasts to show that even their gods are
weak against the God of the Hebrews.

iv. From the rest of the seven plagues, were directed not to the whole land of Egypt.
Goshen was protected by God for it was a dwelling place of his people from the
time of Joseph Genesis 45:10 KJV. The fourth plague was the swarm of flies against
the house of Pharaoh, his servants and into all the land of Egypt apart from Goshen.
Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron and told them that they can sacrifice unto the
LORD in Egypt. Moses by the wisdom of God understood that the bulls and rams
were held as gods to the Egyptians. If, they could offer them as a sacrifice which
typified the death of Jesus Christ on the cross Hebrews 10:4-5 KJV to the Egyptians
it would be an offense Exodus 8:26 KJV so it was pleasing for them to come out of
Egypt and worship God in the wilderness with liberty. Pharaoh begged that they
should not go far away and to ask God to release the land from the plague. God by
the word of Moses made the swarm flies to cease in the land of Egypt. And Pharaoh
did not humble himself to acknowledge that the LORD is the true God.

v. The fifth plague was a very grievous disease for cattle against the land of Egypt.
The cattle of Egypt died of the disease. However, the disease did not come near the
cattle of Israel the people of God, none of their animals died from the plague. And
Pharaoh did neither acknowledge the LORD as the true God nor let the people of
God go.

vi. The sixth plague was a boil with painful sore upon man, beasts, magicians of Egypt
and upon all the land of Egypt. This was to give them knowledge of the true God
upon the people of the earth Romans 9:17 KJV. As yet Pharaoh exalted himself
against the people of God to not let them go.

vii. The seventh plague was a grievous hail mingled with fire such as it was never before
since Egypt became a nation. The message was given to Egyptians that those who
would leave their cattle outside they will die from the hail. Some of the Egyptians
believed the word of the LORD and obeyed, others regarded not the word of the
LORD. Only in Goshen there was no hail. The hail smote man, beast, every herb of
the field and broke every tree that was outside. The earth is the LORD’s, God has
treasures of hail against them that battle with him Job 38:22-23 KJV. Pharaoh lacked

a godly repentance that was genuine, the repentance that could made him be sorry
for his sin to forsake it and not the outcome of his sin, him and his people who have
disobeyed the word of the LORD. Then, Moses stretched his hand unto the LORD
and the hail stopped, the goodness of God that was to lead Pharaoh to repentance
was despised, he sinned yet more and made his heart as stone to hear not the word
of the LORD.

viii. The eighth plagues was the locusts into the coast of Egypt. They covered the land
of Egypt the sun could not be seen. They ate what had been not destroyed by the
hail, the filled the house of Pharaoh and his servant’s. This thing has not happened
to Egypt from since the previous Pharaoh’s have been. The servants of Pharaoh had
now retained God in their minds and told Pharaoh that Egypt is destroyed, why is
he persistent to not let the Hebrews go and serve their God? He called Moses and
Aaron: Moses told him that they will go with everything of theirs leaving nothing
behind. Then, Moses asked the LORD to take away the plague and the LORD
turned a mighty strong west wind which took the locusts from the land of Egypt
and cast them into the Red sea. Yet, Pharaoh was adamant to let not the children of
Israel go.
ix. The ninth plague was darkness in the land of Egypt that stayed for three days. The
land of Goshen there was light. In the land of Egypt, it was total darkness, no one
could see another person such that no one moved from his place for three days. Sun
worship was the center of the religion of Egypt, the plague was also directed to sun
god Ra whom to the Egyptians was believed to have a never-ending power of life,
warmth and light. Now, Ra was could not give light to the Egyptians. But Pharaoh
would not let the children of Israel go, and he told Moses to not see him again
otherwise Moses would be killed. Moses agreed to not see Pharaoh again, for the
last plague would allow Pharaoh to let the children of Israel go.
x. The tenth and last plague towards the passover and Exodus, the death of all the
firstborn in the land of Egypt. Pharaoh had been given the message to let the
firstborn of God to go away out of Egypt so that he may serve the LORD Exodus
4:22-23 KJV and obey His commandments. For in Egypt Israel could not even keep
the Sabbath Exodus 5:4-9 KJV for they labored daily for Pharaoh therefore God
was to give them rest from their burdens Deuteronomy 5:12-15 KJV and remind
them that He is the LORD their God and it is Him that set them apart to be holy
Ezekiel 20:12, 18-20 KJV. By faith the children of Israel had to eat the passover
lamb, for only by faith that is in the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ 1 Corinthians
5:7 KJV that was to be applied to the door posts, they were to be delivered from the
wrath to come Exodus 12:13, 27 KJV; 1 Thessalonians 1:10 KJV; Romans 5:9 KJV.
In the midnight the LORD smote the all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, from

Pharaoh’s first born that sat on his throne unto the firstborn of all cattle but also
animals were held as gods Exodus 12:12 KJV. Pharaoh called upon Moses and
Aaron and gave them an order to go out among the Egyptians and told them to go
and worship the LORD as he had been witnessed by the servants of God. The
LORD gave them favor in the sight of the Egyptians and they gave them wealth.
They made haste to come out of the Egyptians Exodus 12:33-36 KJV. This last
plague stroke directly one god, and that was the king of Egypt who revered as a god
by the Egyptians. Pharaoh considered himself to be the son of Ra, hence he was
the living Horus and when he died, he became Osiris, the Egyptian god of the
dead and underworld. By his arrogant statement Exodus 5:2 KJV now he had
been abased by letting the children of Israel go.
After Exodus God by Moses commanded that the Israelites should not go to Egypt ever
again Deuteronomy 17:16 KJV because as we had learned, Egypt was the land of the gods,
the land of idolatry. The Son of God went to Egypt and was called out Egypt as an example
of all who shall be saved out of sin, from the transgression of the law hence believers are
to come out of Egypt spiritually as Moses did Matthew 2:13-15 KJV; Hebrews 11:24-28
4. The LORD by bringing out the Israelites from Egypt with a mighty and outstretched arm,
He had made known His name among the nations that only He can save Hosea 4;13 KJV;
Isaiah 43:11-12 KJV; Isaiah 45:22 KJV the fallen race of Adam from sin Matthew 1:21
KJV. By believing the God of Israel that sent John 5:24 KJV and raised Jesus from the
dead Romans 4:23-25 KJV, it was imputed to all for righteousness as was Rahab the
prostitute Joshua 2:8-11 KJV who believed that God had given Abraham and his seed
which is Christ the land of Canaan Genesis 12:1-3 KJV; Genesis 15:4-7 KJV.
5. This gospel Galatians 3:8 KJV of the kingdom is to be preached in all the world for a
witness unto all nations, and then the end shall come Matthew 24:14 KJV. In the book of
Revelation of Jesus Christ before the seven last plagues Revelation 15:1 KJV are poured
on the earth and against the inhabitant thereof it written Revelation 14:6-12 KJV this is the
last message that is to be given to the whole world. To call people to hate evil, to give glory
to Him for the hour of judgement is come, to worship Him that made heaven, and earth and
the sea, and the fountain of waters. Many believe before these seven last plagues, the church
will be raptured but, the question can come. Were the Israelites raptured before the plagues
fell upon the land of Egypt? The answer is no. They were protected against the seven last
plagues that did not touch the land of Goshen. Therefore, I believe while the seven last
plagues will be falling upon the earth, the people of God will be here on earth and will be
protected from the plagues. The plagues shall upon them that have the mark of the beast
and upon them that worship his image only Revelation 16 KJV. As the Israelites were in
physical Babylon, the modern-day Israelites are in spiritual Babylon also. They are faithful
people of God in all other protestant churches even among those who have professed

Catholic faith, they shall hear the last warning message and come out of confusion and
strange doctrines see the Great Controversy by Ellen G. White pg. 603-604 paragraph 3-4
Chapter 38. When seventy years of serving the king of Babylon and his son’s son were
fulfilled Jeremiah 25:11-12, 27:7 KJV, the Israelites had to flee from Babylon Isaiah 48:20
KJV for God’s judgement were upon the nation Jeremiah 50:13 KJV, hence before the
plagues spiritual Israelites are told to come out spiritual Babylon Revelation 18:4 KJV,
Zechariah 2:6-8 KJV. This is not running away from one physical location to another for
safety but, coming out of every doctrine that exalteth itself against the Bible and the
systems of the world that have united to fight God and Christ. This includes Ecumenical
movements which exalt man made decrees over the Bible and Interfaith institutions that
bring all world religions under the banner of peace without Jesus Christ.
6. Summary of the seven plagues of Revelation 16
i. The first plague is the noisome and grievous sore as the sixth plague of Egypt.
ii. The second plague is the sea turning into blood as of a dead man and the death of
every sea creature.
iii. The third plague is the rivers and fountains of water turning into blood as the first
plague of Egypt.
iv. The fourth plague is the sun is given power to burn men with fire and great heat, as
was Pharaoh, men will neither repent nor give God glory. They will harden their
heart and sin yet more by blaspheming God.
v. The fifth plague is darkness upon the seat of the beast and his kingdom as the ninth
plague of Egypt.
vi. The sixth plague is drying up of Euphrates river.
vii. The seventh plague is great hail that fell upon men as the seventh plague of Egypt.
As the plagues of Egypt were real plagues that happened physically, so are the last
seven plagues. They are not symbolic but, these plagues will fall after the gospel of the
kingdom has been made known under every creature of heaven.

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