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Christine A.

3rd Year Bachelor of Science in Criminology
Questioned Documents

1. What are the kinds of documents?

• Bond: an agreement made binding by a payment of money if the
agreement is not honored; also, an adhesive, restraining, or uniting
element, force, or object, or, as a verb, to create such an effect.
• Certificate: a document attesting that something is true or someone is
qualified, or proving debt or ownership, or, as a verb, to certify.
• Charter: a written contract or instrument, or grant or guarantee, that
defines conditions, privileges, or rights, or a lease of all or part of a
vessel, or, as a verb, to confer such an agreement, or to offer for hire.
• Compact: an agreement (related but not identical to compact, meaning
• Constitution: a written instrument detailing a political or social entity’s
rules and the rights of its citizens or members, the laws or principles of
such an entity, or any custom or law; also, the composition or
establishment of something.
• Contract: a document detailing an agreement, often enforceable by
law, between people or parties, or the agreement itself, or, as a verb,
to enter into an agreement; also, in criminal jargon, an arrangement to
assassinate someone..
• Covenant: a document recording a formal binding agreement, or the
agreement itself, or an action to remedy breach of such an agreement,
or, as a verb, to make such an agreement.
• Diploma: usually refers to a record of a degree earned from an
educational institution, although it also applies rarely in general to a
document conferring an honor or privilege or to an official document.
• Guarantee: a written or stated agreement about possessing or using
something or about the longevity or quality of a product, or the agent
of such as agreement, or, as a verb, to provide such an agreement
• Guaranty: synonymous with guarantee, but also an agreement to be
responsible for payment of a debt or performance of a duty, or a pledge
(see below), or, as a verb, to provide such an agreement.
• License: a document or other item that is evidence of the granting of a
license, or the authority to engage in an activity, or assignment of some
or all rights by a patent or copyright holder to another, or, as a verb to
grant such a document; also, straying from artistic forms or standards
and, generally, freedom or permission to act, or, specifically,
irresponsibly or with disregard for standards (in the latter senses, also
referred to as licentiousness).
• Passport: a document authorizing the bearer to pass into and out of
sovereign nations, or, as a verb to send or take items through a
country; also, generally, authorization or permission to travel, or,
figuratively, something that enables achievement of a goal.
• Pledge: a binding promise to do or not do something, or a contract for
performance of an act or security of a debt, or the security itself, or, as
a verb, to agree to such a promise or contractSurety: synonymous with
guarantee or pledge, or certainty, confidence, or the foundation of
confidence or security.
• Warrant: a document assigning authority to do or act, or, as a verb, to
assure, declare, or guarantee.
2. List down 5 importance of documents.
• To remember the information that was given in the lecture specially for
the students.
• To know the identity of the person.
• To have an official record.
• To establish a history so that we can know that there is an official record
on what could happen today.
• To enforce the law with the written laws that was amended or made.

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