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Learning Objectives

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

A. discuss the concept of soul making;

B. develop student’s artistic potential through soul making;
C. enhance student’s sensitivity and awareness towards their
Soul Making?
 It is connecting to our deepest
nature. It is communicating
deeply with the inner realm.
Being fully awake and aware by
flooding our consciousness with
eternal images.
How to perform Soul Making?
5 Phases of Soul Making

 Seeking
 Settling
 Surrender
 Soul making
 Soaring
Start out with an image
that has “good bones”. It needs
to be pleasingly composed and
it needs to have something that
compel you to want to look at it
and to suspend some time
working with it.
How to develop students’
artistic potentials
through soul making?
1. Craft your premise
2. Roughly sketch scene ideas
3. Interview your characters
4. Explore your settings
5. Write your complete outline
6. Condense your outline
7. Put you outline into action
How to use
Recycled Materials
for Artworks?
This is a very simple artwork that
you are willing to recycle by cutting up,
along with the two pieces of a clear
contact paper to make the bookmark
sturdy. This is the best example to recycle
your less – than – perfect – artwork or
preserve your child’s treasured drawings.
The Purpose
Recycled Art
To encourage the reuse of variety of
materials in new, different creative forms,
and to promote recycling and resources
Leonardo da Vinci (1452 – 1519)
The Seven (7)
Leonardo da Vinci
1. Curiosita
 An insatiable curious approach to life and an unrelenting
quest for continuous learning. (Curiousity)

 2 basic questions:
a. What if?
b. How come?

Here are some ways you can capture more Curiosita:

 A Hundred Questions
 Ten Power Questions
 Daily Themes
2. Dimonstrazione
 A commitment to test knowledge through experience,
persistence and willingness to learn from the past
 This is pretty much the scientific method applied to
everyday life. (Knowledge)
 Dimostrazione is the embodiment of your own hands
controlling your life.

This principle tells us:

a. Test every idea.
b. Don’t take anything for granted.
c. Experience life first hand
3. Sensazione
 Continual refinement of the senses as the means to
enliven experience. To be innovative we must be aware
of what is going on around us. (Improvement)

Here are some ways you can capture more Sensazione:

A Sense a Day: Plan out 5 experiences in the next few months where
you practice honoring each of your senses:

 Smell
 Taste
 Sight
 Touch
 Hearing
4. Sfumato
 The literal translation for this term is going up in smoke.
 It is about our willingness to embrace ambiguity, paradox, and
 As the old saying goes, the only two things that are certain in business
are uncertainty and change. (Willingness)

Here are some ways you can capture more Sfumato:

• Stop Googling
• Embrace Your Ambiguity
• Cultivate Confusion Endurance
5. Arte/Scienza
 Developing a balance between logic and imagination.
After all imagination without logic is day dreaming, and
logic without imagination is boring.
 Other term for this is balancing between art and science
as well as whole brain thinking. (Balance)
Right Brained: Left Brained:
___ I like details ___ I am highlyimaginative
___ I am almost always on time ___ I am good at brainstorming
___ I rely on logic ___ I love to doodle
___ I am skilled at math ___ I often say or do the unexpected
___ I am organized and disciplined ___ I rely on intuition
___ I like lists ___ I often lose track of time
6. Corporalita
 This is about maintaining a healthy body as well as healthy mind.
 One of the core concept of this principle is keeping our bodies fit
being a function of keeping our minds fit.
 Fit minds lead to more innovative and creative solution. (Grace)

Here are some ways you can capture more Corporalita:

1. earn the Science of Eating
2. Get on a Sleep Schedule
3. .Cultivate Ambidexterity:
7. Connessione
 This is the simple recognition of the interconnectedness of
all things and phenomena.
 As we talked about early on, it isn’t always just an issue of
coming up with something totality new, sometimes it’s about
seeing the links between how to use old things in new ways.

Here some ways you can capture more Connessione:

1. What’s Your Book Outline
2. 3 Objects
Are you in favor (or against) the seven (7)
principles for quality life by Leonardo da Vinci?
Justify your answer.

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