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Examiner’s Report

Unit Title: Innovation and Business Performance

Unit Code: 5UIBP

RQF Level: 5

Session: November 2022

Question 1 Question 1a: This was a 20 marks sub-part in a 30 marks
question that had a very specific requirement. A
majority of candidates understood the what’s meant by
qualitative and quantitative data. However, a majority of
candidates gave only basic explanation. The application
and analysis in context were at best very limited.

Question 1b: This was a straightforward question that

received a wide variety of responses, each one with
some correct elements. Mostly, the responses reflected
basic understanding. Since this was points-based
marking, it offered a great scope for positive marking.

Question 2 Question 2: This question demanded answers

underpinned with a specific framework of innovation

The question was very accessible and well articulated in

terms of requirements. A majority of responses,
however, comprised of key points from the study guide
showing very little evidence of research. However, albeit
basic development, many candidates understood the
significance of ‘Diffusion of Innovation’.

There were not many responses that gave evidence of

good quality analysis.

Question 3 Question 3: This was also a 25-marks question which

required understanding of the impact of innovation on
performance of the chosen organisation. However, the
barrier that majority of candidates were unable to cross
was the development of key points. The result was
compilation of basic points related to high profitability,
market leadership etc. The examiners expected from
LEVEL 5 candidates to delve into risks and rewards of
R&D and patents; budget overruns and its impact on
short term profit and similar such points.

Question 4 Question 4: Most candidates were NOT able to develop

their response strictly in the domain of innovation
management. The result: most answers were generic
and devoid of research in the chosen context.

However, from a generic viewpoint, the overall

performance in this question was generally good.

Question 1

1. Comments on learners’ performance

The requirement of both Part(a) and Part(b) is ‘discuss’ key points in a coherent manner and within context.

The importance of coherence cannot be understated. Good development is supported with a reference, is
meaningful and complete in itself. The best way to address this kind of a question is to apply KPIs through
the lens of balanced scorecard. For instance, pick just 2 elements of the balanced scorecard, e.g. financial
and process, and explain in depth the significance of one 1 KPI from each of this element.

2. Recommendations for learners

Depth in discussion (evidence of understanding) is more important than producing a wide variety of valid
points (demonstration of knowledge).

3. Quick Tips
Good academic references make the response robust.

Question 2

1. Comments on learners’ performance

For answering a question like this, it is not only important to know concepts, but also understand their
meaning and significance. One simple way to build a cogent response around a key concept, for example
‘creative destruction’ (Schumpeter, 1911), is to think aloud: ‘Has the chosen organisation deliberately
cultivated an innovative culture to protect its market leadership?’ If yes, then it simply implies that
maintaining competitive advantage is an important strategic objective of the organisation, and its leadership
is well aware that nimble innovators can dislodge incumbent leaders. This approach to development also
offers the opportunity to introduce and develop the notion of an ‘ambidextrous organisation’ (Tushman and
O’Reilly, 1996). Similarly, raise another question, by thinking aloud. For example, is ‘change in legislation’ an
important driver of innovation for this organisation? If yes, then identify and develop it in your response,
supporting it with references and examples.

2. Recommendations for learners

It is not advisable to reproduce knowledge verbatim from sources. It shows lack of originality and would be
considered as poor academic practice. It is important to show originality in development for gaining high

3. Quick Tips
For a 25 marks question, a sound in-depth discussion, when supported with meaningful analysis and relevant
examples, can help in gaining marks in higher-level bands.

Question 3

1. Comments on learners’ performance

One of the finest frameworks to apply in the chosen organisation’s context would be the ‘Typology of
configurations of anticipated innovation rent. For example: There are several risks associated with
innovation. For instance, competitors can imitate the idea, and with slight modification, come up with
a product that serves the market better (Mazzarol and Reboud, 2009). Though this could be an
expensive and time-consuming exercise, in the long run this has the potential to improve financial
performance through greater sales and/or market share.

2. Recommendations for learners

It is important to dive deep into the theory. Serious effort should be made to understand frameworks and

3. Quick Tips
It is important to practice development. A good practice is to develop one point with 250 words.

Question 4

1. Comments on learners’ performance

The requirement of this task was to assess the legal and ethical issues. Candidates who choose a
multinational organisation would typically find that their chosen organisation has experienced some
instance of risk that derailed their innovation performance.

It is important to identify critical requirements and underpin it with theory.

2. Recommendations for learners

This was a task that would have allowed getting a high score by spending more time in reading and
researching the topic.

3. Quick Tips
Do not just compile knowledge points. Bring depth in discussion.

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