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Portfolio 1:

Pollution causes and effects badly to the environment and humanity.

Pollution including many types such as Air Pollution, Water Pollution,
Soil Pollution, Noise Pollution…. These pollution causing a serious
damage to the atmosphere and living place. Firstly, one of the most
dangerous type, air pollution. Air Pollution is polluted gas, waste gas
from factory drop out to the environment, these gas including
chemical waste (sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, phosphorus oxide…)
effecting harmfully to the place. Next, Water and Soil Pollution,
another type effecting badly to humanity life. Wasting chemical
compound, especially arsenic and water including waste such as base,
acid, poisonous compound… and also soil pollution is. Last but not
least, noise pollution, person think that not damaging so much but
critically hard damaging. It seriously attacks our hearing system in
long period, can lead to deafen and many other issues in ear. In
general, pollution has bad effect on environment so humanity have to
start to stop this action or will be kill day by day.

Portfolio 2:
Visiting any famous place on a random tour is very important and
have to prepare plan and schedule. For me, I have my own schedule to
visit The Temple of Literature – the first university of Vietnam. In the
early morning, for more specific 5.30am, me and my mate go on a bus
through road to come to the place at about 6.30am. Then we will take
a look around the temple and cap some picture in the garden, it takes
about 3 hours. During the time, we can go for food around the temple,
look up to the Writer who is writing many letters in the red paper…
Then in 9.30am we will go to the main temple, which is worshipping
many Buddhist …. After 2 hours, we will have lunch at the side right
there. Then we will have a relaxation for the rest then come home.
That’s all schedule that me and my mate come up for.

Portfolio 3:
Last time we had a trip to The Temple of Literature, it was amazingly
fun and knowledgeable. We started our adventure in the early
morning, considering many of nervous and excitement. Then after 1
hours, we arrived and go for checked in the class. Then we wait for
the ticket, we travel around the temple and debate about the historical
proofness inside the temple. Consecutively debating is my teacher and
my guide are talking to each other about the safety every students
should have. Then we have lunch and relaxation then end the trip in
happiness and also tiredness.

Portfolio 5:
Another planet is also a considerable living place that human used to
think about. For example, Mars and Jupiter, also the Earth in
multiverse because scientists can define that multiverse is existing.
But for all, they are all alien with no knowing about there physical
attachment and also equipment. They could be a single cell living in
an individual, could be a type of vegetable (mushroom, broccoli…)
Scientists have not yet proved that they are friendly and want to live
along with humanity and other animals. No proof seems to have its
own logic, it just contain many assumption without any quote. So at
this time right now, we couldn’t define how they look like, what they
really are, what they are standing for.

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