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IRNewswires Public Corruption Investigative Reports.

Breaking News—The Manhattan-based U.S. Court of Appeals for the

Second Circuit’s Officials and Employees Chief Circuit Judge Debra Ann
Livingston, Circuit Judges Robert D. Sack, and Amalya L. Kearse, and
other court officials today are under criminal investigation by the
General Counsel for the Administration Office of the U.S. Courts for RICO
Crimes, NYS Torts of Fraud, Conspiracy, and the Theft of Judicial Court

April 25, 2023

New York federal courts are under the death grip and control of an
organized criminal enterprise and corrupt politicians.1
New York Federal Judges and Court Employees Must
Immediately be Suspended from Office until the AOC’s
Investigation is Completed.2

IRNewswires Public Corruption Investigations

Alan Reitman and Meredith Kammler, Sr. Int’l Investigative Reporters
New York, NY
April 25, 2023

1 The facts show that the federal judges and court officials “stole” the government’s “principal witness”
Jeremy Jones’ alleged September 2006 purported illegal Rule 11 plea and USSG 5k1.1 cooperation contracts
where Jones was bribed by the Office of the U.S. Attorney (SDNY) to knowingly commit perjury during
Ulysses T. Ware’s 2007 trial in U.S. v. Ware, 05cr1115 (SDNY). Jones’ official court records have never been
found, and the court officials cannot produce the files related to Jones.

2 See the following links for the FTCA petition filed with the AOC’s General Counsel: (i); (ii); and (iii)

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25 April 2023
IRNewswires Ulysses T. Ware’s actual innocent and exoneration project.
IRN's lawyers obtained a copy of Ulysses T. Ware’s FTCA petition filed with the
General Counsel, Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts on April 24, 2023. The lawyers
have taken an in-depth review of the charges, claims, and allegations raised by Ulysses T.
Ware in his FTCA petition filed with the AOC's General Counsel, and have come to
conclude the Court employees involved are in serious criminal and civil legal jeopardy.
The allegations of NYS torts and RICO crimes are not only extremely egregious but also
pose an unprecedented serious threat to the integrity of the judicial system.

As officers of the court, the accused individuals high ranking officials, and
employees of the Court of Appeals and District Court (SDNY) have a moral and ethical
duty to immediately step down from their court positions until the investigation is
completed, and all of the facts are revealed to the public. This is not only necessary to
ensure the integrity of the investigation but also to ensure that the public's trust in the
judiciary is restored.

The accusations made by Mr. Ware are not to be taken lightly. If proven true, which
the evidence presented in the FTCA petition suggests the claims are true, they indicate a
serious breach of the public's trust in the justice system. This is not just about Mr. Ware
but about every citizen who has ever had to rely on the courts to uphold their rights. The
fact that court employees, who are entrusted with upholding the law, may have acted in
such a manner is beyond concerning.

IRN's lawyers have reviewed the allegations raised in Mr. Ware's FTCA petition
and have found them to be credible. The fact that the Court employees refused to file and
adjudicate the recall of mandate motions and may have conspired to obstruct justice is
deeply troubling. These are not minor infractions but serious violations of the law that
cannot go unpunished.

The accused individuals U.S. Circuit and District Court judges, and court officials
have an ethical duty to step down from their court positions immediately. Their
continued presence in these positions not only undermines the
investigation but also poses a risk to the integrity of the justice system. It is
imperative that the investigation is conducted transparently, and all of the facts are

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revealed to the public. This is the only way to ensure that justice is served, and the public's
trust in the judiciary is restored.

The allegations of NYS torts and RICO crimes committed by Court employees
against Ulysses T. Ware have shocked the legal community and raised serious concerns
about the integrity of the judicial system. As reported earlier, Mr. Ware has filed an FTCA
petition with the General Counsel of the Administrative Office of the U.S. Court, alleging
that the Court employees failed to file and adjudicate his motions and recall of mandate
petitions, violated NYS, NV, and GA tort law, and thus denied him his constitutional
rights to due process of law and access to the courts.

If these allegations are proven true, it would be a gross violation of the public trust
and a serious breach of the ethical obligations of the Court employees. Such conduct
strikes at the very heart of the legal system and threatens the fundamental principles of
justice and fairness. It is imperative that the allegations be investigated thoroughly and
that those responsible be held accountable for their actions.

The allegations of NYS torts and RICO crimes against Mr. Ware are a reminder of
the need for transparency and accountability in the judicial system. It is important that
the public have confidence in the integrity of the courts and the judges who preside over
them. The courts must ensure that they are operating in a fair and impartial manner and
that they are upholding the rights of all citizens.

If the allegations are true, then it is clear that the Court employees in question have
failed in their duty to uphold the law and protect the rights of citizens. It is time for the
legal community to take a strong stand against such misconduct and to demand that those
responsible be held accountable. The public deserves nothing less than a legal system that
operates with the utmost integrity and fairness.

In conclusion, the allegations of NYS torts and RICO crimes committed by Court
employees against Ulysses T. Ware are a cause for serious concern. The legal community
must take these allegations seriously and work to ensure that the integrity of the judicial
system is upheld. The courts must be transparent and accountable, and those responsible
for misconduct must be held accountable for their crimes and misconduct.

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