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The Fairchild Times

Dear Residents, I hope your academic year is off to a great start! Hurricane Irene added some extra flavor to the opening weekend but Fairchild (and UNH) emerged unscathed from the weekend. If anything, we had a beautiful sunny Monday off to kick off the semester. I want to take some time in this first newsletter to introduce myself to you again. My name is Nadir (much like the word father but with an N). I am the new hall director in this building. I have spent the last eight years studying as many things under the sun as I could all of it at Bucknell University in central Pennsylvania. I have now settled with the study of students. I shall be taking residence amongst all of you and will hopefully get to know you more than just superficially over the course of the semester. I will keep my door open as often as possible and will make it my goal to walk around the building and interview all of you. While the newsletter is one way for me to communicate with you, I will probably be in touch with you through other means as well. In order to keep the newsletter fresh and exciting, I invite your suggestions to make it better. I am always open to having guest contributors from the hall as well. So if you have something interesting relevant to the community that you would like to publish in The Fairchild Times, let me knowand I will work with you to make it happen. Until next time, I bid you all farewell. But I hope you will stop by the office or my apartment and say hello. Sincerely,


September Hump-Nights:
Sept. 7th: Rock Band Sept. 14th: Trivia Night Sept. 21st: A cappella Group Sept. 28th: Aint Got No Talent Talent Show

Upcoming Events

meet our housekeeper!

Laurie is responsible for making sure that our common areas (the bathrooms, lounges, hallways, stairwells, laundry room, lobby, etc.) are safe and looking fabulous. Keep in mind that it is NOT Lauries job to clean up the messes you make - thats your responsibility! Please do not be surprised if you are asked by a staff member to clean up messes you or members of your floor have made. If you appreciate the work shes doing, be sure to tell her!

Doing laundry? Keep in mind that it is CHEAPER between the hours of midnight & noon than it is between noon & midnight! The prices change automatically on the card reader. Make sure you leave the washers and dryers in the same condition you found them in! This means, make sure you clean EVERYTHING out of them. Also, pay attention to the time. Make sure youre prompt in removing your clothes so that other people can use the laundry room. If you leave your clothes in the washers or dryers after the cycle is finished, another resident has the right to remove your clothes and put them on the table in the laundry room! For more information go to:

Its not okay to leave your trash out in the hallways. Please take trash out to the dumpsters. Youll be charged $20 PER BAG of trash that must be removed from in front of your door or the hallway. Remember, pizza boxes are not recyclable and must be taken out to the dumpster. Please do not leave anything in the hallways. All of your personal belongings must be kept in your room. It is important to be conscious of the messes you make in bathrooms. If you make a mess in sinks, showers, or toilet stalls, please clean it up! Ladies, please use the disposals in your restrooms for sanitary products. Think of this as your home - dont do anything here that you wouldnt do at your own house. We all have to live here together, and everyone deserves the right to a healthy, safe, and clean living space!

Housekeeping Tips:

Is something broken in your room? For non-emergency items, you can submit a maintenance request on line! You can access the maintenance request form through your Blackboard page. This system is for non-emergency items only. If you notice something that should be repaired immediately, please notify a hall staff member right away! Items such as a lack of hot water or heat, flooding or overflowing tolilets should be reported immediately. If we dont know its broken, we cant fix it!


Sunday - Thursday: 10pm to 8am Friday and Saturday: midnight to 8am What does this mean? A general
guideline is, if someone can hear your noise from two doors down, youre being

Quiet Hours

Residence Halls are locked 24 hours a day

You have access to your own building at all times with your Student ID (its your responsibility to have your ID with you at all times on campus) . You have access to other residence halls from 7am to 10pm. Please ask your guests to use the emergency phone located at the door to call you and dont let people in you do not know! Keep your neighbors and your belongings safe!

All Residence Halls are SMOKE FREE! That means no smoking anywhere in the building and you must be at least 20 feet from the building when you smoke, no matter what the weather! This means you cant sit on the steps in front of the doors you have to head out to the quad to smoke. If you are found smoking too close to buildings you will be held accountable through the UNH conduct system.

Thank you, Opening Crew, for volunteering your time and working hard this weekend! Amy Booth, Jess Martin, Charles True, Cedric Williams
In the next few weeks we will experience our annual FIRE DRILL.The staff would like to remind you that anytime you hear a loud alarm, you should do the following immediately:

Put on shoes and grab a sweatshirt or coat--we never know how long we will be outside Evacuate the building using the nearest stairwell Close any open doors & windows on your way out, but leave your lights on Once outside, move away from the building to the middle of the Quad Do not go back inside the building until you are instructed to do so by the staff or fire officials

If we are successful in our first drill--which means completely and correctly evacuating in under 90 seconds--we will not have another practice drill. If we fail, the fire department will keep doing drills until were successful.

Hall Council!
Hopefully youve all heard from our Hall Council President Emily Lauer and Vice President Cedric Williams about the upcoming hall council elections. Hall council meetings will tentatively be held at on Wednesdays at 9 pmright before our weekly Hump-Night event.

Do you prefer to use your own aol, yahoo, gmail, or other email account instead of the one assigned by UNH? Dont miss important academic information, events, or deadlines. Forward your CIS Unix mail to the account of your choice!

If you are interested in being a Hall Council execuE-mail Forwarding Maintenance. tive board member (which you should be since you have most likely paid a precious $25 to the Council!) Keep in mind you are responsible for all you should hurry over to the Main Lounge and sign information sent to your cisunix account. up for a position that you are most interested in :)

Just go to, click on E-mail, then CIS Unix and then

Meet Cedric and Emily!

Hi! I am Emily Lauer and your new Hall Council President. I am currently a Junior and am majoring in History with a minor in Asian Studies. Ive lived in Fairchild since I started at UNH and absolutely love this dorm. I enjoy watching tennis and am a huge fan! I like to play foosball, so I am sure you will all see me in the lounge very often. I live in room 441 so come by and say hello my door is always open. I am looking forward to meeting you all and making this year great.

Hi my name is Cedric Williams and I am the Vice President. I am a junior accounting major. I love pretty much any sport so if you want to play something let me know! My room is 132 and I am usually there so if you have any questions feel free to stop by. I cant wait to meet all of you and get to know you this semester!

Meet the Fairchild RA Staff

Hello residents of Fairchild! My name is Sidian but you can call me CD. Its easier to remember if you know the alphabet. Although I am hilarious I also have a serious side and it appears when people dont follow the regulations and policies of the university. My citizenship is Chinese but I grew up in Greece. Yeap, its a weird combination but there are a lot of Asian-Europeans out there. Some of my interests are video games, soccer, and party without alcohol. Its more fun when you remember what you did. I also love to socialize with people so when you get bored or have nothing to do just come by my room and we will talk about anything you want. I hope to get to know all of you guys and hope you have an amazingly successful semester.
Hey dudes/ladydudes! Im Conor- Im a senior majoring in international affairs and political science, recently returned from study abroad in TOKYOand Russia. Im a total Foreign Service brat and have lived in the US for a grand total of 3 years! Ive just come back from a convoluted 15 month long academic adventure and Im looking forward to the year! Fairchild seems like a great dorm, with anexcellent air conditioning system. I am FASCINATED and EXCITED. I love to keep my door open and play music- Im always up for movies, videogames, stuffing my face in the dining hall, or just a nice romp in the great outdoors! Bear in mind- If presented with a Frisbee, Ive been known to chase after it hyper-active golden retriever. Also, I will never turn down a duel in Super Smash Bros. Feel free to come by and say hi!

Greeting Fairchildren! My name is Julia and I am very excited to be your second floor RA this year! Im a junior, English/ Journalism major with an interest in sustainability and the environment. Last semester, I went abroad to India where I studied Integral Sustainability, and the year before that I lived in Smith Hall, the former International Dorm. I am originally from New Jersey, but since college, Ive spent most of my time in New Hampshire. I am a reporter for The New Hampshire, UNHs student newspaper, which has been a big part of my experience at UNH. Outside of the classroom, I really like to be outdoors, hiking, swimming or ice skating. Im also really into fashion, and making the most of my time here at UNH. This year, I hope to help create a tight-knit community in Fairchild and to get to know each and every one of you! If you ever want to talk, or ask me anything, please dont hesitate, my door is always open!

Hey everybody! My name is Yesenia and I am the RA on the 4th floor. I am a senior studying Classics here at UNH. I was an RA in Christensen in 2010 and have lived in a number of other dorms around campus in addition to having studied abroad in both London and Sicily. When I started college I took up fencing and have been on the school's team ever since. My other hobbies include drinking tea, reading, going to the gym, writing, sleeping, travelling and being awesome. When I'm not at school I live in upstate New York.

One of our goals as a Residential Life staff is to create an inclusive environment where each resident is valued and heard in the community. Acts of bias and hate are present in our communities and they disrupt our inclusive environment. Whether you are the target of bias or you witness bias, you should take an active role and REPORT BIAS to an RA, Hall Director or through the University Reporting site:

Interested in Joining a Sorority?

All Are Welcome To Attend!

Information Session Details: th Wednesday, September 7 from 7:008:00pm in Christensen Halls First Floor Lounge th Thursday, September 8 from 7:00-8:00 pm in Fairchild Halls First Floor Lounge th Monday, September 12 from 7:00-8:00 pm in Scott Halls First Floor Lounge th Monday, September 12 from 8:00-9:00 pm in Stoke Halls First Floor Lounge th Tuesday, September 13 from 3:30-6:30 pm at University Day, Thompson Hall Lawn th Thursday, September 15 from 7:00-8:00 pm in Christensen Halls First Floor Lounge th Thursday, September 15 from 8:00-9:00 pm in SERC B th Monday, September 19 from 7:00-9:00 pm in the MUB Strafford Room nd Thursday, September 22 from 7:00-9:00 pm in the MUB Strafford Room
If you have any questions or concerns please email Panhellenic Recruitment Chair Samantha Quimby at or call at 603.978.6600.

Please join us for our 2011-2012 Leadership Workshop series that will feature childrens books, movies, and toys to demonstrate essential practices for effective leadership. Attend one workshop or all ten, and be taken back to memories from our youth!

Workshops will take place in MUB I from 6:00-7:00PM October 5 Global Leadership All I Need to Know, I Learned in Kindergarten, by Robert Fulghum
MaryAnne Lustgraaf, Director of the MUB

October 19 Passion, Follow-Through, & Opportunity The Lorax, by Dr. Seuss

Dave Zamansky, Assistant Director of the MUB

Lieutenant Colonel Testerman & Captain Parsons, USAF ROTC

November 2 Relationships, Ethics, & Creativity LEGOs, Rubiks Cube, & Yo-Yos

November 9 Vision, Mentoring, & Efficiency Slinky Dog, Play-Doh, & Rocking Horses
Sara Pope, Coordinator Student Organizations & Leadership

Rev. Larry Brickner-Wood, Chaplain & and Executive Director of the United Campus Ministry

November 30 Initiative, Risk, Having Fun, & Caring for Others Where the Wild Things Are, by Maurice Sendak

Sexual Harassment & Rape Prevention Program

Our educators and advocates provide free & confidential support and information for sexual violence, relationship violence & stalking.

Call SHARPP 24/7 Help Line

(888) 271-SAFE (7233) or (603) 862-SAFE (7233)


WE MOVED! Monday Friday, 8:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m. Wolff House (in front of Health Services)
No appointment needed


Ask A SHARPP Advocate

Our educators and advocates provide free and confidential support and information for: Sexual Violence - Any sexual contact that lacks consent and/or capacity to give consent. Relationship Violence - Physical, sexual or emotional/psychological harm, or threat of harm, by a current or former partner . Stalking - Actions targeted at an individual or group that would cause one to feel afraid of following, gifts, Facebooking, texting, emailing, calling, etc.).

Watch what happens when real UNH students are arrested! choicesmatter.htm
Look for show times on Channel 17 throughout September and October

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