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M.B.A SEM 3rd


Human Resource Development is not new concept but it is improving day by day with the
dynamic surroundings of business. It has a major role in the Human Resource Department in
any organization. The research is empirical in nature, constituting the responses of 50
respondents from HR employees of organizations of service sector. The survey is done with
the help of a questionnaire. After the analysis it was concluded that HRIP has many advantage,
it can easily serve as a database for various HR functions like Human Resource Planning,
Training & Development, Performance Appraisal, etc. The overall contribution of HRIP is that
it helps in managing various strategic activities of HR department very efficiently and


Human Resources Development (HRD) as a theory is a framework for the expansion of human
capital within an organization through the development of both the organization and the
individual to achieve performance improvement. It is the integrated use of training,
organization, and career development efforts to improve individual, group and organizational
effectiveness. HRD develops the key competencies that enable individuals in organizations to
perform current and future jobs through planned learning activities. Groups within
organizations use HRD to initiate and manage change. Also, HRD ensures a match between
individual and organizational needs.

According to Nadler who coined the term” HRD is defined as organized learning experiences
in a definite time period to increase the possibility of improving job performance and growth.”
McLean and McLean (2001) have offered the following global definition of HRD after
reviewing various definitions across the world:

“Human resource Development is any process or activity that, either initially or over the longer
term, has the potential to develop adults’ work based knowledge, expertise, productivity and
satisfaction, whether for personal or group/ team gain, or for the benefits of an organization,
community, nation or ultimately the whole humanity.” Another popular definition of HRD
given by Patricia McLagan of ASTD is “HRD is the integrated use of training and
development to improve individual, group and organizational effectiveness.”

According to Rao and Pareek’ “HRD in the organizational context is a process by which the
employees of an organization are helped in a continuous planned way, to:

1. Acquire or sharpen capabilities required to perform various functions associated with their
present or expected future roles;

2. Develop their general capabilities as individuals and discover and exploit their own inner
potentials for their own or organizational development purposes, and;

3. Develop an organizational culture in which supervisor subordinate relationships, team work

and collaboration among sub-units are strong and contribute to the professional well being,
motivation, and pride of employees.”
HRD it is obvious is not a set of mechanisms and techniques but a process. The mechanisms
and techniques such as performance appraisal, counseling, training, potential appraisal, career
planning etc. are used to initiate, facilitate and promote this process.

HRD is needed by any organization that wants to be dynamic and growth-oriented or to

succeed in a fast-changing environment. In the wake of globalization, liberalization and
privatization on economic front, organizations are expected to make objective assessment of
existing status of their HRD system and processes in order to evolve need based pragmatic
HRD agenda for the future.


The Indian service sector accounts for a large part of the Indian economy – be it in terms of
employment potential or its contribution to the national income. Making-up for almost 60 per
cent of Asia’s third largest economy, the industry spans from sophisticated fields like
telecommunications, satellite mapping, and computer software to simple services like those
performed by the barber, the carpenter, and the plumber; highly capitalintensive activities like
civil aviation and shipping to employment-oriented activities like tourism, real estate, and
housing; infrastructure-related activities like railways, roadways, and ports to social sector
related activities like health and education. India Has Highest Increase in Share of Services in
GDP at 8.1% . India’s services sector has emerged as a prominent sector in terms of its
contribution to national and state incomes, trade flows, FDI inflows and employment. For
more than a decade the sector has been pulling up the growth of Indian economy with great

However recently in June,2013 it has been observed that Indian services firms lost momentum
as new business trickled in at the slowest pace in nearly two years, dashing hopes of a
sustained pick-up in economic growth, So a big question that arises is how the sustainable
growth of service sector can be maintained? And for achieving the growth one

factor which can help a lot is Human Resource. The availability of trained manpower is
essential to achieve excellence in the service industry. The recent scenario of economic
liberalisation and process of globalization increased the importance of Human Resource
Management by mani-fold. The more stress should be given on Human Resource
Development. For effective human resource utilization Human Resource Development

becomes very essential. The need of the hour is to develop human resources to maximum
possible extend. Human Resource Development is, therefore, a continuous process of
sharpening the skills, knowledge of the people, which are adopted by all most all the
organisation. It is therefore presumed that the expenses incurred on Human Resource
Development and Training is investment, the investment which yields income. The effective
Human Resource Development is very essential for the growth and prosperity of the
organisation and society in large.

HR Challenges in Banking:

According to the Hudson report (2008) the critical HR challenges in Indian Banking Sector
are hiring right staff, retaining talent, cutting staff, staff development, salary inflation, external
threats, etc.the other challenges are Changing working conditions, re-skilling, compensation
etc. Coping with the massive technology adoption programme – change management from
employees’ as well as customers’ perspectives.

HR Challenges in Social Sector:

According to the researcher the various HR challenges in Social Sector of India are, recruiting
qualified staff (70%) is indicated as the biggest human resource challenge in the socent space.
Many socents are growing, and therefore, are on the constant lookout for qualified employees.
Given that socents are perceived to be more risky and less well paying compared to traditional
organizations, they tend to struggle with attracting the best talent.

This challenge is further emphasized by the limited availability of talent to socents. The second
and third biggest HR challenges cited by respondents include clearly defining roles and
responsibilities (39%), and distributing decision making authority beyond the founding team
(34%). These challenges indicate that socents possibly struggle to create a strong layer of
middle managers.

HR Challenges in Oil and Gas Sector:

The key HR challenges in the Indian Oil and gas Sector are Aging Workforce leading to
difficulty in replenish talent loss due to heavy retirement in the coming years. A study of total
attrition by level reveals that the upstream oil and gas sector is faced with significant attrition
at the middlemanagement level, while other sub-sectors are facing this challenge at junior-
management levels. Middle management attrition in the E&P sector is due to various
international opportunities available for employees with more than 10 years of experience.
The lack of career opportunities and extreme working conditions are other primary reasons for
employee attrition. The sector is also facing issues around the availability of a solid talent pool
from universities and institutes that typically contribute to its talent base.

HR Challenges in Tourism industry

The researcher has found that the tourism industry lacks competent people and one of the
reason behind that is most of the people joining the industry are simply graduate or under
graduate not having any specific degree or diploma in tourism course. Moreover the industry
does not have any specific recruitment policy regarding recruitment of specialised people in
the industry. Moreover most of the respondents agree to the fact that the salary package is very
less and the HRD practices are missing in most of the organisation. It has also been studied
that the tourism courses are not promoted well and lacks saleability and also the courses taught
by university lack promotability.

“A human resource development is software containing a database that allows the entering,
storage and manipulation of data regarding employees of a company. It allows for global
visualization and access of important employee information.”

Human resource departments require large amount of detailed information about the various
activities of the organization, including human resource planning, recruitment and selection,
training and development, payroll, employee-employer relations etc. The quality of personnel
management department’s contribution towards the organization’s working largely depends
upon the quality and quantity of information held by it. Many HR activities and much effort by
HR professionals are applied to obtain and update the database of all such information.
Acquisition, storage and retrieval of information, is a significant challenge to the management.
However, once the database is created, maintenance becomes a much easier task but it should

always be taken into consideration that the data is secured and privacy of employees is

A Human Resource Management Practices (HRMS) or Human Resource Development (HRIP)

refers to the practices and processes at the intersection between Human Resource Management
(HRM) and Development. It merges HRM as a discipline and in particular its basic HR
activities and processes with the information technology field, whereas the programming of
data processing practices evolved into standardized routines and packages of Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP) software.

The use of human resource development has been advocated as an opportunity for human
resource professionals to become strategic partners with top management (Lengnick-Hall and
Moritz 2003). The idea has been that HRIP would allow for the HR function to become more
efficient and to provide better information for decision-making.

Organizations have become more complex and the amount of information they need
increased the need for automated development. The organization determines the kind of
information it needs by deciding what kind of decision it is making based on the HRIP

HRIP is more than a simple aggregation mechanism for inventory control and accounting; it is
the foundation for a set of management tools enabling managers to establish objectives for the
use of their organizations human resources and to measure the extent to which those objectives
have been achieved.

A significant problem with deciding whether HRIP benefits the organization in measuring the
effect of HR and more particularly HRIP. While it is difficult to measure precisely the return
on investment and specific improvements in productivity within the HR, there is a link
between human resource development (HRIP) and strategic human resources. To gain vital
information to be able to compete in the competitive environment, the study seeks to have an
in depth analysis of the issue at hand.


There are three major components of any Human Resource Development, that is, Input
Function; which provides the capabilities needed to enter information into the HRIP. Some of
the first things that must be established are the procedures and processes required to gather the
necessary data. We can also refer to it as where, when and how will the data be collected.
Details as to who collects data, when and how data are processed need to be specified; Data
Maintenance; after the data are processed by the input function, they enter the data
maintenance. It updates and adds new data to the existing database.

The data maintenance function is responsible for the actual updating of the data stored in the
storage devices and the Output Function; the output reports are the crucial links to the users.
The output function of an HRIP is the most familiar one because the majority of HRIP users
are not involved with collecting, editing/validating and updating data, but they are concerned
with the information and reports produced by the practices.

To reduce the routine transaction and traditional HR activities and to deal with the complex
transformational ones, the organizations began to electronically automate many of these
processes by introducing specialized HRIP (human resource development) or HRMS (human
resource management practices). HRIP refers to the practices and processes at the intersection
between HRM (human resource management) and information technology.

It is a practices used to acquire, store, manipulate, analyze, retrieve, and distribute information
regarding an organizations human resource. An integrated HRIP is a database shared by all HR
functions that provide common language and integrates all HR services. A data base nuclear
containing information about the competency is required of jobs and competencies of people
by all HR functions.

HRIP has increasingly transformed since it was first introduced at General Electric in the
1950s. HRIP has gone from a basic process to convert manual information-keeping practices
into computerized practices. Because of the complexity and data intensiveness of the HRM
function, it is one of the last management functions to be targeted for automation (Bussler&
Davis, 2001/2002). This fact does not mean that HRIP is not important, it just indicates the
difficulty of developing and implementing it compared with other business functions (e.g.,
billing and accounting practices). Powered by development and Internet, almost every process
in the every function of HRM has been computerized today. Currently, HRMS encompass:
(1) payroll;

(2) time and attendance;

(3) appraisal performance;

(4) benefits administration;

(5) HR management development;

(6) recruiting;

(7) learning management;

(8) trainingpractices;

(9) performance record;

(10) employee self-service;

(11) scheduling;

(12) absence management.

The design, selection, and use of HRIP are contestation as a range of meanings that are
attached to the technology that either undermine or highlight its perceived value and
significance and which impact on the extent to which it is to be used in a strategic or more
administrative fashion. Recent debates about technology and organization have highlighted the
importance of social context and sought to develop frameworks which acknowledge both the
material and social character of technologies including HRIP.

Accordingly, theories which can be considered as “social constructivist” can play an important
role in the study of technology as they explicitly recognize that technologies, such as HRIP,
cannot be evaluated and analyzed without having an explicit understanding of the context of
individuals and groups which consequently comprehend, interpret, use, and engage with the


Development increase administrative efficiency and produce reports capable of improving
decision making. Based on this premise, Kumar (2012) identified three dimensions of HRIP:

 Operational Human Resource Development—

Kumar (2012) stated that an operational human resource development provides the manager
with data to support routine and repetitive human resource decisions; a number of operational
level development collect the data relating to human resources including the information about
the organization’s positions, workforce and governmental regulations.

 Tactical Human Resource Development—

are used to provide managers with support for decisions related with allocation of resources.
Major important decisions in human resource management include recruitment decisions; job
analysis and design decisions, training and development decisions, and employee
compensation plan decisions.

 Strategic Human Resource Development—

helps the organization to implement strategic human resource management .


A well developedHRIP offers the following advantages:

1. Reduction in the cost of stored data in human resource.

2. Higher speed of retrieval and processing of data and availability of accurate and timely data
about human resources.

3. Better analysis leading to more effective decision making and more meaningful career
planning and counselling at all levels.

4. Improved quality of reports and more transparency in the practices.

5. Better ability to respond to environmental changes.

Leading management thinkers suggested that, “It is not technology, but the art of human and
humane management” that is continuing challenge for executives in the 21st century (Drucker,
Dyson, Handy, Saffo, &Senge, 1997). Similarly, Smith and Kelly (1997) believed that future
economic and strategic advantage will rest with the organizations that can most effectively
attract, develop, and retain diverse group of the best and the brightest human talent in the
market place. Many HR (human resource) executives and managers are so busy taking care of
their daily duties, which are generally administrative, that they neglect to consider important
issues that are coming down the road.

This is a trap that any department can fall into, but it can be especially devastating for HR,
which must battle decades of preconceived notions about the department’s ability to contribute
to corporate planning. Thus, today with an increase in the number of organizations, HR is now
viewed as a source of competitive advantage (Michael et al., 2012). It is necessary for firms to
have highly skilled human capital to provide them with a competitive edge. So, an effective
management of HR in a firm is to gain advantage in themarketplace which requires timely and
accurate information on current employees and potential employees in the labor market. With
the changing world and evolution of new technology, meeting this information requirement
becomes important.

HR managers need to be aware that the change in technology will not only increase the quality
of employee information, but also will have a strong effect on the overall effectiveness of the
organization. To reduce the routine transaction and traditional HR activities and to deal with
the complex transformational ones, the organizations began to electronically automate many of
these processes by introducing specialized HRIS (human resource information system) or
HRMS (human resource management system). HRIS refers to the systems and processes at the
intersection between HRM (human resource management) and information technology.

It is a system used to acquire, store, manipulate, analyze, retrieve, and distribute information
regarding an organizations human resource. An integrated HRIS is a database shared by all HR
functions that provide common language and integrates all HR services.

A data base nuclear containing information about the competency is required of jobs and
competencies of people by all HR functions. HRIS has increasingly transformed since it was
first introduced at General Electric in the 1950s. HRIS has gone from a basic process to
convert manual information-keeping systems into computerized systems.

Because of the complexity and data intensiveness of the HRM function, it is one of the last
management functions to be targeted for automation (Bussler& Davis, 2001/2002). This fact
does not mean that HRIS is not important, it just indicates the difficulty of developing and
implementing it compared with other business functions.

HR professionals began to see the possibility of new applications for the computer. The idea
was to integrate many of the different HR functions. The result was the third generation of the
computerized HRIS, a feature-rich, broad-based, and self-contained HRIS.

The third generation took systems far beyond being mere data repositories and created tools
with which HR professionals could do much more (Lloyd, Byars, Leslie, & Rue, 2004). It has
the potential to assist the HR function in developing business strategy, and thus enhancing
organization performance (Barney & Wright, 1998; Broderick & Boudreau, 1992; Gueutal,
2003; Lawler, Levenson, & Boudreau, 2004; Lengnick-Hall & Moritz, 2003).

HRIS is used to acquire, store, manipulate, analyze, retrieve, and distribute pertinent
information regarding an organization’s human resources (Kavanagh, Gueutal, &Tannenbaum,
1990). It provides HR professionals with the time needed to direct their attention towards more
business critical and strategic level tasks, such as leadership development and talent
management. HRIS provides an opportunity for HR to play a more strategic role, through their
ability to generate metrics which can be used to support strategic decision-making (Lawler
&Mohrman, 2003).

The current generation of HRIS automates and devolves routine administrative and compliance
functions traditionally performed by corporate HR departments and can facilitate the
outsourcing of HR. More recent research shows greater use of HRIS in support of strategic
decision making by HR. With an appropriate HRIS, HR staff enables employees to do their
own benefits updates and address changes, thus freeing HR staff for more strategic functions.
Additionally, data necessary for employee management, knowledge development, career
growth and development, and equal treatment are facilitated. Finally, managers can access the
information they need to legally, ethically, and effectively support the success of their
reporting employee.

With the increasing effect of globalization and technology, organizations have started to use
development in various functions and departments in the last decades. Human Resources
Management is one of the departments that mostly use management development. Human
Resources Units in organizations now place much emphasis on sharing information, especially
ones that affect the workforce .

As a result, someorganizations deem it fit to employ HRIS in their transactions [4]. Human
Resource Information System (HRIS) is a computer-based system that is used to manage the
administration of HR processes and procedures. Its purpose is to become more efficient in
providing better information for decision making.

Mayfield, Mayfield and Lunceadded that the “functions of HRIS comply with organizational
interests in maintaining and managing the human capital based on the organizational vision
and the strategy of achieving that vision”. This contributes to effective decision making which
may guide spending of human resources in an organization.

According to Kumar, to meet the competition in the global market, firms need to balance their
available resources (human and capital) to achieve the desired profitability and survival. It is
believed that management of human resources is the most important function for every
organization that wants to have a competitive edge over its competitors because systems in
organizations are formed and ran by humans. This paper therefore researched into the benefits
of HRIS, its contributions to organizations and the challenges associated with its usage. The
research reviewed various articles to understand the concept of HRIS, and interviewed HRIS
managers to identify the benefits and contributions of HRIS, the challenges of using this
system, profiled findings, conclusion and recommendations of the study.

An organization became dynamic and growth oriented if their people are dynamic and
proactive. Through proper selection of people and by nurturing their dynamism and other
competencies an organization can make their people dynamic and proactive.

Armstrong and Baron, (2002)To survive it is very essential for an organization to adopt the
change in the environment and also continuously prepare their employees to meet the
challenges; this will have a positive impact on the organization. Human resource development
(HRD) is concerned with the provision of learning and development opportunities that support
the achievement of business strategies and improvement of organizational, team and individual

Rodrigues and Chincholkar, (2005)HRD is the process of improving, moulding and

changing skills, knowledge, creative abilities, aptitude, attitude, values, commitment, etc.,
based on present and future job and organizational requirements.

The service sector industries of India is facing problems for sustained pick-up in economic
growth .To survive and excel in the new economy, the HRD practices is a matter of serious
concern in Indian service sector organizations. There are certain studies in different service
sector stated below depicting various HR problems.

Wan et al. (2002) examined the relationship between HR practices and firm performance. HR
practices were creating positive effect on organizational performance. Results calculated
through regression suggested that effective implementation of key HR practices increases
organizational performance. On the other hand, companies interested in enhancing HR
performance may emphasize the need for empowerment and training. (.

MadhuchandaMohanty and Santosh Kumar Tripathy (2009)analyzed the HRIS of

NALCO in their study. The authors exhibit that the use HRIS in NALCO has improved the
overall pace and competence of HR functions, but still needs some more developments. The
study also states that HRIS cannot be used for analytical purpose but can only be done for
administrative purpose.

Delaney, J.T and Huselid, M.A. (1996) took 727 organizations and examined the relationship
on HR practices- corporate performance. The HR measures taken were staffing selectivity
index (3 items), training index (3 items), incentive compensation (3 items), grievance
procedure, decentralized decision making, internal labour market index (5 items) and vertical
hierarchy. The outcome measures included perceptual measures of organizational performance
assessing organizational performance over the last 3 years relative to similar organizations (on
product quality, customer satisfaction, new product development) and on perceived product
market performance (profitability, market share) over three years relative to product market

MD. Sadique Shaikh (2012) discussed about three models for HRIS designing namely basic
HRIS design model, HRIS hexagonal and HRIS phase’s model. The author emphasized on the
payback of HRIS designing and execution for all levels and domains of businesses; in the form
of profitable strategic HR and related business plans and decision, to forecast and to control
HR process inside and outside of business organization using HR-databases or
HRKnowledgebase’s, which includes information related to human resource maintained and
processed by HRIS.

Prof.Dr. Anil C. Bhavsar (2011) has discussed about various advantages, applications and
importance of HRIS. The study also highlights “today's HRIS has the potential to be an
enterprise wide decision support system that helps achieve both strategic and operational

Kenneth et. al. (2002) in his research paper has stressed upon various administrative
advantages which may include employee self service, interactive voice response etc. and
strategic advantages of HRIS which can be in the course of information gathering, processing,
and sharing.

Dr.Shikha N. Khera, Ms.Karishma Gulati (2012) in their research paper have stressed upon
Impact of HRIS on Human Resource Planning and the advantages of HRIS with special
reference of IT companies.

MadhuchandaMohanty and Santosh Kumar Tripathy (2009)analyzed the HRIP of
NALCO in their study. The authors exhibit that the use HRIP in NALCO has improved the
overall pace and competence of HR functions, but still needs some more developments. The
study also states that HRIP cannot be used for analytical purpose but can only be done for
administrative purpose.

MD. Sadique Shaikh (2012) discussed about three models for HRIP designing namely basic
HRIP design model, HRIP hexagonal and HRIP phase’s model. The author emphasized on the
payback of HRIP designing and execution for all levels and domains of businesses; in the form
of profitable strategic HR and related business plans and decision, to forecast and to control
HR process inside and outside of business organization using HR-databases or
HRKnowledgebase’s, which includes information related to human resource maintained and
processed by HRIP.

Prof.Dr. Anil C. Bhavsar (2011) has discussed about various advantages, applications and
importance of HRIP. The study also highlights “today's HRIP has the potential to be an
enterprise wide decision support practices that helps achieve both strategic and operational

Kenneth et. al. (2002)in his research paper has stressed upon various administrative
advantages which may include employee self service, interactive voice response etc. and
strategic advantages of HRIP which can be in the course of information gathering, processing,
and sharing.

Dr.Shikha N. Khera, Ms.Karishma Gulati (2012)in their research paper have stressed upon
Impact of HRIP on Human Resource Planning and the advantages of HRIP with special
reference of IT companies.

KhushbuArora(2010)in his study importance of HRIP a critical study on service sector

identified that HRIP has many advantage it can easily serve as a data base for various HR
functions like human resource planning, Training & development performance appraisal, etc.
the overall contribution of HRIP is that it helps in managing various strategic activities of HR
department very efficiently and effectively.

Kovach and Cathcart (2009) in their study does HRIP matter for HRM today identified that
an HRIP can be used first, for administrative purpose in organization. It is related to
administrative and operational efficiency, which reduce costs and time.

Martinsons (1994) categorizes two types of HRIP usage according to their degree of
sophistication he suggests that payroll and benefits administration and employee absence
records were electronically unsophisticated because of their electronic replication of the
contents for a HR department.

It is perceived that technology is everything to human existence. It is assumed by Mathis and

Jackson [9] that technology enhances human resource (HR) activities at the workplace (2010).
In support of that Lederer declared that HRIP has been in operation since 1960s (1984).

Harris and Desimone, (1995)Researchers averred that whenever HRIP function was
computerized, fast decision making was able to take place in the development, planning, and
administration of HR because data became much easier to store, retrieve, update, classify, and
analyze. Therefore, HRIP can strengthen an organization’s character in general. Tracking
information concerning an applicant’s or an employee’s qualifications and demographics,
recruitment, professional development, performance evaluation, payroll, retention, and attrition
are essential for success at the HR functional level; so the introduction of HRIP.

HRIP applications show contrast in its functionality from administrative applications, talent
management applications, workforce management applications, service delivery applications
and workforce analysis and decision support applications. This means a shift has been made
from labour-intensive HRM to technology-intensive HRM.

Human resources are very important asset for any organization and specifically for the Service
Sector where employees can be referred as the combination of all 4M’s of Management, that is
Man, Machinery, Material and Management. Due to this great importance of human resources
in the service sector, all the HR functions have to be taken good care of. To utilize the
employee’s efficiency and effectiveness to the fullest it is very important to manage them
properly. Sometimes the employee could be the critical factor for the organization but not
doing well in his present position or role in the company. Also both, surplus and shortage of
employees affects the organizations. HRP helps the organization to overcome from such
challenges by scheming the number of employees, as well as their job description. Not only
this, performance appraisal being the top motivating factors in the organizations need to be
managed properly and HRD helps for the same by analyzing the employee’s devotion to his
work and his regularity in the organization. In this dynamic scenario, the importance of HRD
can’t be neglected. This research work focuses on the contribution of HRD in HR department
of organizations in service sector.

 To study the effectiveness of HRD strategies in Service Sector
 To know the impact of HRD strategies in services sector

Present study is an exploratory type of study. It attempts to study the effectiveness of HRD
strategies in service sector. Our study relied on a random sample that was distributed through
self-administered survey questionnaire.

Place of the Study:

The study will be conducted in Mohali city.

Data Collection Methods:

Primary Data Collection:

A structured questionnaire will be used as instrument to conduct the study.

Secondary Data Collection Method:

Journals, Articles, Newspaper, Magazines, Books, Internet and other sources have been used
as secondary data for the study.

Data Interpretation:
Pie Chart, Bar Graph, will be used to interpret and present the data.


1. The foremost research limitation is on the subject of the industry perspective. HRIP role can
be studied in any of the sector as human resources are assets of the organizations irrespective
of the sector. Future research efforts could be focused into exploring the differences between
traditional methods of HRM and HRIP.

2. Other limitation is the static nature of the study, that is, the study is based on the existing
scenario of the level and usage of HRIP in Service Based Organizations; but HRIP can be
enhanced in future. Consequently, same research can be conducted in future to know whether
HRIP is improving with changing time or not.

3. The research study was restricted to those respondents whom the researcher wants to
interview; therefore future research might focus on a generously proportioned sample of
respondents, in order to validate the results of the study.

[1] Marcia Moore [online]

[2] Gupta C.B. (2009), Human Resource Management, 13 ed., Sultan Chand & Sons, New
Delhi, pp. 35.9-35.14.

[3] Khanka S.S., Human Resource Management, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi, 1st
Edition, 2003, Reprint 2005 pp. 384-389.

[4] MadhuchandaMohanty and Santosh Kumar Tripathy (2009), “HRIP of Indian Scenario:
Case study of large organizations, South Asian Journal of management”, Vol. 16 No. 2, pp

[5] MD. Sadique Shaikh (2012), “Human resource development (HRIP) designing needs for
business application”, ZENITH International Journal of Business Economics & Management
Research, Vol.2 Issue 1, January, pp 256-264.

[6] Prof.Dr. Anil C. Bhavsar (2011), “A Conceptual Paper on Human Resource Development
(HRIP)”, Golden Resrach Thoughts, Vol.1 Issue V, pp 14.

[7] Kenneth A. Kovach, Allen A. Hughes, Paul Fagan and Patrick G. Maggitti (2002),
“Administrative and Strategic Advantages of HRIP”, Employment Relations Today, Vol. 29
Issue: 2, pages 43–48.

[8] Dr.Shikha N. Khera, Ms.Karishma Gulati (2012), “Human Resource Development and its
impact on Human Resource Planning: A Perceptual Analysis of Information Technology
Companies”, IOSR Journal of Business and Management, Vol.3 Issue 6, pp 06-13.


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