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Bajaj Institute of Management & Research

Approved by A.I.C.T.E., Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Plot No. 2, Knowledge Park-III,
Greater Noida

PGDM BATCH-2021-2023




Issue of environment Sustainability

You are the Managing Director of Metro Rail Corporation (MRC) of a metropolitan city and you
have received orders and funding for the construction of the metro track and a parking space in a
densely forested area of the city with houses of few underprivileged families as well in it.

For the construction, the forest has to be cleared and the families have to be moved to some other
place. The locals have started a protest after knowing about the order. They are highly raged
about cutting down thousands of trees and the affected families have also joined them because
the forest holds emotional value for them.

On the other hand, the minister who directly controls the MRC is pressuring you to start the
forest-clearing process as soon as possible. You know that going against his orders will have
serious repercussions.

Ques 1: - What are the ethical issues involved and the options available to you in such a
Ans: if I am the Managing director of the Metro Rail Enterprise, my preeminent obligation is to
keep up with the manageability of tasks alongside satisfying my established and moral obligation
towards the climate and the oppressed.

According to the Gandhian way of thinking, the community workers are the legal administrators
of normal assets, thusly the improvement cycle ought to be comprehensive of the voice of all
without settling on future formative necessities.

 Partners Included
 Government
 Oppressed individuals living in the woods region
 Individuals from Common Society challenging natural harm
Metro Rail Company
 Future suburbanites
The Ethical issues included:
 Improvement versus Climate: As the populace in urban communities is expanding,
infrastructural advancement is fundamental to oblige the developing interest, yet
ecological security is a need for the manageability of life which can't be ignored at any
 Privileges of Oppressed: Advancement isn't possible at the expense of minimized area
and their freedoms ought to be protected at any expense. In this way, expelling
individuals from their homes isn't simply treatment.
The different choices available are:
Beginning the felling of trees and ousting process according to the orders: This choice permits
me to satisfy my obligation of following the authoritative orders. In any case, it abuses general
goodness by taking advantage of nature and the lawful privileges of the oppressed.
Stop the felling of trees and ousting orders: It might satisfy my obligation towards the climate
and will mirror my moral worries towards the minimized individuals. Be that as it may, I might
confront reformatory activities for not releasing the authority orders as the priest is by and by
engaged with the case.
Framing a board of trustees to determine the issue: It will give a potential chance to integrate the
perspectives of various partners and show up at a quiet arrangement. It will make the
improvement cycle more comprehensive.

(b) Also, suggest a course of action you would like to follow.

Ans: In such conditions, it would be important to guarantee the maintainability of the
undertaking so that necessities and freedoms are not thought twice about one or the other side.

 Firstly, two-way correspondence, right off the bat, ought to be laid out between the
protestors and specialists so the two sides get a due opportunity to introduce their

 Furthermore, a legitimate arrangement for the restoration of the oppressed (to be

removed) ought to be set in motion to shield their privileges, alongside dealing with their
occupation and sufficient pay. For this reason, the Corporate Social Obligation (CSR)
Asset could be used.

 Thirdly, the plan of the undertaking ought to be reevaluated to hurt least the climate. A
pooled asset could be made, where a specific level of income procured from the task
could be utilized for ecological rebuilding.

 As a matter of fact, the protestors ought to be propelled to assist neighborhood specialists

with making a significantly greater green fix in the city and Compensatory Afforestation
Asset (CAMPA Asset) could be involved by the nearby government for afforestation.
 At last, the political and public tension can be turned away by framing an autonomous
panel including individuals from common society, climate specialists, plan architects and
government agents to determine the issue at the earliest opportunity.

Improvement needs in this unique world can't be compromised however ecological security as
commanded by Order Standards of State Strategy is likewise a State liability, subsequently a
legitimate harmony between the two is fundamental for a serene presence.

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