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Adjective, adverb

1. Laipsniuojami:
1. Vienskiemeniai (-er (II); -est (III))
Small – smaller – the smallest
Big – bigger – the biggest
2. Daugiaskiemeniai (more (II); most (III))
Beautiful – more beautiful – the most beautiful
3. Dviskiemeniai:
a) Kurie baigiasi – er; -ly; -y dažniausiai laipsniuojami kaip vienskiemeniai (-er; -est)
Clever – cleverer – the cleverest
Silly – sillier – the silliest
b) Kitais atvejais laipsniuojami kaip daugiaskiemeniai
Famous – more famous – the most famous
4. Išimtys:
Good/well – better – the best
Bad/ badly – worse – the worst
Little – less – the least
Many/much – more – the most
Far –farther – the farthest (tik nuotoliui žymėti)
Far – further – the furthest ( ne tik nuotoliui, platesnė reikšmė)
He has promised to give further information
Old – older – the oldest
Old – elder – the eldest (kai kalbama apie šeimos narius)
My elder brother
5. Galimi palyginimo būdai
Much/ a lot /a bit/ a little/ slightly/ cheaper than…
Harder and harder
The sooner the better / the bigger the better – kuo …tuo …
Quite near to…; as crowded as…; isn’t as / so old as he looks (Ist degree)
nowhere near…; as cold as…; not as /so rich as…; twice as… as…;
By far the IIIrd degree
By far the most interesting book I have ever read.
6. Po than ir as palyginimuose reikia vartoti
Me him her us them, jei po jų nėra veiksmažodžio
You are taller than me. (not I)
You are taller than I am. (not me)
7. Po aukščiausio būdvardžių laipsnio vartoti prielinksnį in vietai žymėti
What’s the longest river in the world?
The happiest day of my life
The hottest day of the year
8. Most + būdvardis be the, kai most = very
Thank you for the money. It was (not the) most (very) generous of you.
Būdvardžiai, kurie baigiasi –ing (jie apibūdina savjiautą)

Fascinating Fascinated
Exciting Excited
Amusing Amused
Amazing Amazed
Astonishing Astonished
Shocking Shocked
Disgusting Disgusted
Embarrassing Embarrassed
Confusing Confused
Horrifying Horrified
Terrifying Terrified
Depressing Depressed
Worrying Worried
Annoying Annoyed
Exhausting Exhausted

The film was boring (nuobodus) and I was bored (nuobodžiavau)

II. Būdvardžių tvarka:
What is it like (opinijos būdv.) How big; How old ;What shape; What colour; Where was it
made; What is it made from Noun
a handsome, tall, young man
An ugly, large, wooden table
IV. Prieveiksmiai su –ly: beautifully, nicely, well (gerai) būdvardis geras – good
Near – near
Fast (greitas) – fast (greitai)
Hard (sunkus) – hard (sunkiai) hardly ( vargu ar)= almost not
Late (vėlyvas) – late (vėlai) lately =pastaruoju metu, recently
Early (ankstyvas) – early (anksti)
Carefully – more carefully – the most carefully
Kaip būdvardžiai:
Fast- faster – the fastest
Hard – harder – the hardest
Late – later – the latest
Early – earlier – the earliest
Veiksmažodžių feel, smell, taste, sound, seem, looks=seem) vartoti būdvardį, o ne
It sounds strange (not strangely, nors lietuviškame variante vartoju prieveiksmį skamba keistai)
You look nice (Tu atrodai gražiai)
V. So + būdvardis so stupid
Such + būdvardis + daiktavardis Such a stupid boy

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