De Jose - Assignment 1

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De Jose, Jhon Oliver A.


1. Define Ethics
- Ethics is what society deemed to be a good behavior. It is the right conduct an individual must
do to be professional in their field. Ethics give guidelines for how one should behave in such a
setting toward other individuals and organizations.

2. Define Engineering Ethics

- Engineering ethics are standards that engineers must abide by in order to make decisions that
are consistent with their responsibilities to the general public, their clients, and the industry.
Engineers must deliver services with integrity, objectivity, justice, and equity, and they must
be committed to preserving the health, safety, and welfare of the general public. Engineers
are held to a professional code of conduct that mandates adherence to the highest standards
of moral behavior.

3. Differentiate Morale and Ethics

- While the terms moral and ethics are used interchangeably, they have different literal
definitions. Morals, which are the ideals that a person uses when dealing in personal and social
relationships, establish personal character. The beliefs or theories that regulate a person's
moral ideals are referred to as ethics.

4. What is the method used to solve an Ethical Problem?

- Recognize the ethical dilemma.
Recognizing the conflicting obligations and clearly stating the dilemma.
- Identify points of view.
Recognizing several points of view in a circumstance. Restating the problem properly to
someone else might also help you determine whether you have correctly evaluated the
circumstance. It is critical to comprehend how the individual getting assistance feels.
- Gather resources and assistance.
Collecting resources and support that may aid you in determining what to do. This stage
encourages you to consider other persons who may be able to assist you now that you
have an accurate grasp of the situation and multiple viewpoints.
- Have a plan
Making a strategy will assist you in determining the best method to put your ideas into
action. When you've evaluated the following challenges, make a strategy and describe the
steps you intend to do.
- Take action based on ethical standards
Putting your idea into action in the way you selected. Finally, to assist you reflect on your
choice, it is critical to monitor its performance using the success indicators you selected
throughout the planning phase.

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