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Brand Management Case Analysis



Submitted to:

Prof. Sanket Vatavwala

Submitted By:

Group 7

Sachin Verma (MBA/07/045)

Palash Kukwas (MBA/07/090)
Shubham Verma (MBA/07/108)
Kartik Mathur (MBA/07/140)
Eeshita Mallik (MBA/07/211)
Shivam Bagel (MBA/BA01/021)
About Brand Elements

Harmonie Water is a premium bottled water brand that emphasizes its purity and unique origin,
obtained from a natural sand filter in pristine mountain peaks.

The brand positioning highlights the revitalizing and refined attributes of the water, appealing to
discerning palates and emphasizing physical well-being.

“The brand meaning was shaped through the efforts of Project Unify, which aimed to convey
a consistent image for Harmonie as the world's best water.”

Harmonie's advertising campaigns, which vary based on the market's maturity and harmonie's
market share, position the brand as premium and aim to promote new occasions when harmonie
might be used.

1. Brand Name: Harmonie Water

Harmonie Water is a company that sells premium bottled water sourced from protected
mountain springs. The company takes daily samples to ensure consistent quality and sells
in over 130 countries.

2. Logo: A stylized representation of the word "harmonie"

3. Tagline: "Find Your Balance”.

4. Slogans:
● "Stay Hydrated, Stay Harmonie",
● "Drink to Your Health with Harmonie"

5. Graphics and Fonts: The graphics may include imagery of water, nature, and balance.
The font used should be simple, clean, and modern.
6. Packaging: The packaging of harmonie water should be modern, eye-catching, and easily
recognizable on store shelves. The design may include graphics of water, nature, and

7. Other brand elements could include the color palette used, the tone of voice used in
communications and advertising, and the overall brand identity and personality.

Part - 1


How to create a worldwide brand identity that would become the company's identity and provide
it a lasting competitive edge What stance should Harmonie Water take? Should the business use a
worldwide branding strategy or should it develop unique plans for every nation?


The case discusses the difficulties of maintaining the Harmonie Water brand's consistency across
the globe. First, they want Harmonie Water to be a global brand rather than a local brand; second,
they want to express a consistent image for Harmonie as "the best bottled water," with the concept
of "revitalizing" and "refined" water advertising because of its purity and distinct origins. These
are some of the major issues that we have identified. Third, there was a lot of creative freedom
allowed to Harmonie's national managers. These executives said that because they were closer to
their markets, they needed this freedom. Additionally, national markets usually outperform local
markets in terms of brand dominance. Finally, the company had to decide how much of the
Harmonie brand's appearance and advertising should be standardized.

Harmonie Water used a variety of communication strategies. Their primary strategy was to
standardize worldwide brands while incorporating local adjustments and providing country
managers with innovative training. They took the action of airing many television ads using
language suitable for each nation while maintaining the brand's logo and color scheme. The
creation of a Web address, localization of the brand's social networks, including customer service
and helpline phone numbers, and, lastly, strategy and action training for national managers with
an emphasis on innovation. They provide training sessions so that managers may discover new
marketing strategies and push themselves. Second, by completing Internet marketing courses,
Managers will have a better knowledge of social networks and their ability to cross boundaries.

● Strong presence in key markets, such as ● National managers believed that each
Indonesia (282% market share) and market was distinct, thus they were not
Argentina (10.4% market share) receptive to a worldwide one-size-fits-
● second-best-selling bottled water in all strategy.
France and globally ● Low CPC in Middle East and North
● Marking approach was effective in America
meeting the demands and preferences
of markets. Models were priced
competitively within each price or
feature segment.

● With globalization, more industrialized ● The market for water bottles is
nations are turning to bottled water for saturated
health reasons and as an alternative for ● Consumers are gravitating towards
sugary drinks. local brands
● Total worldwide consumption of ● Local companies dominate their
bottled water climbed by 33% between national markets; and the competition
2010 and 2015. is globalizing its strategy.


Global standardization with local adjustments is the method most frequently advised for
addressing an issue that is becoming more and more serious inside an organization. The business
must adjust to two factors: local rules controlling the product's components and language
restrictions. Additionally, the company should use two themes—refined and revitalizing—that are
popular in the specific target market or country. Seasonal packaging should also be used by the
company since it would increase consumer preferences, spur more sales, offer new products, bring
in customers, give it an edge over rivals, and provide them a better chance to sample the product.

The business should also run several television advertising campaigns to improve sales within a
certain market and brand communication.

The product's box color, social media marketing, and its brand are other components that should
be consistent when aiming for global markets. The company should also focus on a tailored
approach, such as emotional marketing, and put a strong emphasis on boosting client confidence.
The company may differentiate itself from its rivals by infusing innovation into the creation of its
Part - 2

By 2028, the market for premium bottled water is projected to reach a value of USD 28.85
billion, growing at a 6.6% CAGR. The demand for the product over the past several years has
been significantly influenced by the growing worries about the high sugar content and
sweeteners in carbonated drinks. People are switching from tap water to premium bottled water
as awareness of the value of living a healthy lifestyle grows. Customers choose premium bottled
water over standard bottled water because it contains more minerals, such as sodium,
magnesium, and calcium.

Premium Bottled Water Highlights

 Sparkling water is anticipated to grow at the quickest rate throughout the forecast period
due to the increasing demand for the product and its multiple health advantages,
including better digestion, weight loss assistance, and body hydration compared to
regular water.
 Due to the simplicity of finding products on a single platform, the online distribution
channel sector is anticipated to grow at the quickest rate over the projection period.
 Due to rising consumer demand for healthy foods and drinks and expanding adoption of
active lifestyles nationwide, the Asia Pacific region is anticipated to experience the
highest rate of CAGR growth over the course of the projection period.
 Businesses concentrate on producing high-end bottled water made from precious
materials. The bulk of market participants use product innovation and launches as their
primary tactics to keep ahead of the competition.


Due to the rising demand for functional and flavoured water products, flavoured water is
becoming more popular among consumers. It is considered healthier than soft drinks and has
fewer calories than juices and carbonated beverages. Manufacturers are also concentrating on
providing consumers with premium bottled water that has vitamins or other added ingredients.
This market research and analysis indicates that one of the major factors driving the expansion of
the premium bottled water market will be the rising demand for flavoured water.
Increasing Environmental Pollution to Impede the Market Prospects
One of the key elements that is projected to restrict the expansion of the Bottled Water Bottle
over the course of the analysis is the rise in environmental pollution from plastic bottles. The
plastic used to make the bottles may also contain hazardous materials.
Increasing Criticism for Manufacturing Companies to Impede the Market Prospects
Due to the high energy requirements for water extraction, processing, and bottling, the
manufacturers of bottled water are coming under growing pressure from environmentalists for
their manufacturing practises. Another factor acting as a brake on the market for bottled water
throughout the projection period is a lack of awareness about health problems caused by
inexpensive tap water.

For Brand Advertising
First, Harmonie needs to identify its target consumer. Will they be appealing to people who
regularly consume bottled water or premium water? We think they ought to focus on the luxury
market and come up with a global catchphrase that can be said in any language. All nations
where the product is offered should use the same colours and logos. Harmonie could discuss
their position in the premium water market and how they differ from rivals. Commercials and
advertisements should frequently feature shots of pristine springs. In order to generate positive
press and raise awareness, Harmonie might choose regions that are experiencing a water shortage
and donate larger amounts of water to these places.
Start with places like flint, which are a great location to look. In sports, a celebrity endorsement c
ould be advantageous. If Comeau wants to be more successful in the US, he should focus on con
venience stores and make his product widely accessible. Additionally, we believe that a glass con
tainer with a distinctive design would increase sales.

For Brand Identity

We recommend a global standardization with local adaptation as the best strategy for Harmony
Water. Comeau is right to believe that branding needs to be standardised, but he also needs to be
aware of what is successful in each country. When he is aware of what each country is
accomplishing well, he should work on a plan to implement it broadly throughout the company.
Second, Comeau must develop clear guidelines for what should be included in advertisements.
Consistency should be maintained in all logos, slogans, and mission statements. The target
markets for some countries will differ slightly. Some African nations, for instance, could not be
as wealthy as those in North America. Therefore, being flexible would help in marketing the
water as "a luxury product at an inexpensive price."

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