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Task 1: Analyze the organization/ structure of each paragraph in the text (6

types of paragraph organization: description/cause-effect/problem-

solution/comparison-contrast/ opinion/ process)
P1: Comparison-contrast
P2: Description
P3: Description
P4: Problem- Solution
P5: Cause - Effect
P6: Description
P7: Cause - Effect
P8: Description
P9: Comparison - Contrast
Task 2: Write a summary paragraph of the text Unit 4 using the suggested
headlines in Ex. 4.5
The text entitled “The lure of lost treasure ship” is about how the cargo of ships is
valuable and why they can attract everyone. Missing ships in the 20th century
contained the large amount of priceless things. Up to now, there were few
treasure ships recaptured. Specially, the legend of Titanic with treasures was
made excursions until the 1980s. Then Titanic became the most famous
shipwreck. Thanks to advanced technology, the opportunities for discovery were
increased as diver safety. Moreover, they were allowed to connect to wrecks by
submersibles and robot technology. However, some obstacles prevented hunters
from detecting treasures during the way. In addition, there was no guarantee of
ownership for treasure hunters.

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