Important Questions To Revise Geography!

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1. Which type of soil in India is most widespread and important ? (2) [CBSE2019]

2. How is the cement industry responsible for degradation of land ? (2) [CBSE2019]

3. Why is resource planning essential? Give some examples which explain its need.
(3) [CBSE 2020]

4. How can we solve the problem of land degradation? Suggest any six
measures.(5) [CBSE 2015]

5. Discuss the anthropogenic factors of land degradation. (5) [CBSE 2019]

6. “ India has land under a variety of relief features” Justify the statement with
examples . (3) [ CBSE 2020]

7. How is overgrazing responsible for land degradation in Gujarat ? (2)

8. Explain three reasons why forest resources are depleting after independence in
India ? (3)

9. Write important features of Joint forest management programme. (2)

10. “ Water scarcity may be an outcome of the large and growing population in
India”. Analyse the statement. (3)

11. Give two reasons why rain water harvesting is important in India. Name two
states which practice rainwater harvesting

12. Narmada Bachao Andolan or Save Narmada Movement is a Non-Governmental

Organisation (NGO) that mobilized tribal people, farmers, environmentalists and
human rights activists against the Sardar Sarovar Dam being built across the
Narmada river in Gujarat. It originally focused on the environmental issues
related to trees that would be submerged under the dam water. Recently it has
re-focused the aim to enable poor citizens, especially the oustees (displaced
people) to get full rehabilitation facilities from the government.People felt that
their suffering would not be in vain… accepted the trauma of displacement
believing in the promise of irrigated fields and plentiful harvests. So, often the
survivors of Rihand told us that they accepted their sufferings as sacrifice for the
sake of their nation. But now, after thirty bitter years of being adrift, their
livelihood having even being more precarious, they keep asking: “Are we the only
ones chosen to make sacrifices for the nation?”
Source: S. Sharma, quoted in In the Belly of the River. Tribal conflicts over
development in Narmada valley. A.Baviskar. 1995.
(a) With what objective ‘Sardar Sarovar Dam’ was built? (1)
(b) Analyse the reason of protest by the tribal people. (1)
(c) Highlight the issues on which ‘Save Narmada Movement’ worked on.(2)

13. Analyze the merits of multi-purpose projects. (3)

14. Suggest any two ways to conserve energy resources in India. (2) [SQP2022]

15. Suggest any two ways to improve the usage of Solar energy (2) [SQP2022]

16. “ Minerals are an indispensable part of our lives.” Justify the statement with
suitable examples. [CBSE 2015]

17. “ Natural gas is an important source of energy. “ Support the statement.(3)

[CBSE 2017]

18. Crude oil reserves are limited all over the world. If people continue to extract it at
the present rate, the reserve would last only 35-40 years more. Explain any three
ways to solve this problem. (3) [CBSE2019]

19. “ Nuclear energy is expected to play an increasingly important role in India. “

Give arguments to support this statement. (5) [CBSE 2016]

20. ‘Manufacturing sector is considered as the backbone of general and economic

development.’ Examine the statement in the context of India. (5) [SQP2022]

21. 'Determining an ideal industrial location is a challenging undertaking.' Examine

the above statement and elucidate.(5) [SQP2022]

22. Suggest any three steps to minimize environmental degradation caused by

industrial development in India. (3)

23. Examine the factors that influence the distribution pattern of the railway network
in India. (3) [SQP2022]
24. “ Efficient means of transport are prerequisites for fast development of the
country” Support the statement with examples.(2) [SQP2022]

25. (a) Why are metalled roads better than unmetalled roads?
(b) What is the role of national highways in roadways ?
(c) Explain the importance of roadways in India ?

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