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crwt reviewer

 Grasp the gist- Skimming

 Keywords- Scanning
 Human memory- Human device
 Student crying- Inferring
 Headings and sub headings- Questioning
 #11-13-15- Scanning
 #12-14-16-17-18- Skimming
 #19- Inferring
 Memorization w/o understanding consider the problem- A. coz memorization can be
 Best describe as critical reading- C. Reading w/ evaluation
 Non academic text- C. Journal
 DOI- Digital Object Identifier
 Certain credibility of the text or Credibility equals references- A. References
 Conceptual references- Non-Academic Text
 Author’s achievements and background are briefly explained- A. Bio note/Biography
 General speed reading- D. Skipping
 Majors of a text- B. Intro, Body, Conclusion
 Optimum learning- B. Review
 Why skimming in the last paragraph recommended- D. is not recommended in the
last paragraph
 WPM/ Words Per Minute- 700-1000
 Reading should be in the morning not in the evening- mind is clear
 Academically text referred to- A. Research article
 Denotative- Literal meaning
 2-4 words recommend in speed reading- A. Human mind
 SQ3R “S”- A. Pre-reading stage
 Citation and Reference- Longest among the choices
 Longest form of intelligent- Memorization
 Body of words- Vocabulary
 Pre-requisite of discovery- Curiosity
 Reading for leisure- Objectivity
 Introduction to a book- Preface
 Secondary sources, non-academic text- Journal
 Process of recognizing & understanding the meaning of written works- Reading
 Representation of other author’s work w/o giving proper credit- Plagiarism
 Marker that connects the text to the references – Citation
 Linking key concepts using images, lines and lengths- Mind mapping
 Longer range of validity- Non-academic text
 More suitable for logical writing- Linear
 Consider choosing a book author- Credibility
 Note taking primarily highlights all of the ff. EXCEPT ONE- Reader’s Reaction
 Least of words and def./for reviewing purposes- Glossary
 Critical reading component- Keywords & Organization
 #62-65-69-73- LETTER A. (True or False)
 #63-64-67-71-74- LETTER D.
 #68-70-72- LETTER B.
 #73-75- LETTER C.

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