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The Skull & Vertebral Column

The sup. part of axial sk., that:
1. Covers & protect the brain
2. Provides facial sk. (shape of face)

Skull = 22 bones:
1. Cranial Bones (Brain box)

2. Facial bones
Cranial Bones (8 bones)

Frontal Parietal Occipital Temporal Sphenoid Ethmoid

(1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (1)
Facial Bones (14 bones)

Zygomatic (2)

Maxilla (2)

Nasal (2)

Lacrimal (2)

Vomer (1)

Palatine (2)

Inferior Conchae (2)

Mandible (1)
Neurocranium (Brain Box)
1. Cranial Vault:
- forms the roof & sides of brain box
- (Frontal, Parietal, Squamous of occipital, squamous of
temporal & greater wing of sphenoid)

2. Cranial Base:
- forms the floor of brain box
- (orbital frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid, petrous temporal &
basilar occipital)
Cranial Vault (Calvaria)

Oval shape and broaden post.

Made up of:
Which bones?

Cranial Vault bones are:

Diploe bones

Supraorbital margins (ant.)

Sup. Nuchal Line & EOP (post.)

Cranial Vault
3 sutures:

1. Coronal suture
which bones?

2. Sagittal suture
which bones?

3. Lambdoid suture
which bones?
4 points
1. Bregma:
intersection of sagittal &
coronal sutures
2. Vertix:
sup. topmost point of the
3. Lambda:
intersection of sagittal &
lambdoid sutures
4. Pterion:
-sup. to midpoint of zyg. arch
-indicated by H-shaped sutures
-very dangerous area (why?)
Cranial Base (Base of The Skull)

The floor of brain box

2 surfaces

I. Internal surface (endocranial):

3 fossae (depressions)
Ant., Middle, & Post.

II. External surface:

inf. aspect of the skull
Anterior Cranial Fossa
Made of:
1.Orbital plates of frontal bone:
frontal crest & foramen cecum

2.Lesser wing of sphenoid

posteriorly, sharp boundary

3.Cribriform plate of ethmoid

central, roof of nasal cavity
perforated for transmission of olf. Ns.
crista galli:
median projection from Ethmoid that
provides attachment site for ?
Middle Cranial Fossa

sella turcica (sphenoid body)

2 depressed parts

Post. Lesser wing of sphenoid

Sup. Border of petrous temporal
Sphenoid Bone
Middle of skull base (keystone)

Consist of:
sphenoid air sinuses
Greater Wing
floor of ??
Lesser Wing
post. part of ??
Pterygoid processes:
pterygoid plates
Sella Turcica
Composed of
1. Tuberculum sellae:
Ant. elevation
horn of the saddle

2. Hypophysial fossa:
pituitary fossa

3. Dorsum sellae:
post. bony elevation
back of the saddle

Surrounded by:
Clinoid processes (bed post)
Foramina in Middle Cranial Fossa
1. Optic canal:
lesser wing
optic n.

2. Sup. Orbital fissure:

between lesser & greater

3. Foramen Rotundum: (round)

greater wing
post. to medial end of
sup. Orbital fissure
4. Foramen ovale: (oval)
greater wing,
posterolat. to rotundum

5. Foramen Spinosum:
greater wing
posterolat. To ovale
middle meningeal a.

6. Foramen Lacerum:
between sphenoid & temporal
covered by cartilage in life
artifact foramen after death
Posterior Cranial Fossa
The largest & deepest fossa

Made up of:
Post. Petrous, occipital,
small portion of sphenoid

F. Magnum
Int. Occipital Crest
contains the cerebellum

2 broad grooves: transverse & sigmoid V. Sinuses

Foramina in Post. Fossa
1. Foramen Magnum
occipital bone (basilar)
M. oblongata & meninges,
V.a., spinal XI

2. Jugular Foramen:
between temporal & occipital
Int. Jugular V. & ???

3. Hypoglossal Canal:
anterolat. Wall of F. magnum

4. Int. Acoustic Meatus:

ant. to jugular, VII & VIII
External Surface of Cranial Base
(Inf. Aspect of Skull)
Facial Sk. (viscerocranial) Part:

Alveolar Processes of Maxillae

Palatine Processes of Maxillae*

Horizontal Plates of Palatine



*Hard Palate*
Braincase (neurocranial) Bones:

pterygoid plates & greater

Temporal Bone:
mandibular fossa
styloid & mastoid processes
S-M foramen & carotid canal

Occipital Bone
(Facial Skeleton)

Made by:
frontal bone (which part)

Extensions ?

intersection of frontal &
nasal bones
Orbital Cavity
Pyramidal in shape, 4 walls?

Contents ?

2 fissures (inside):

Sup. Orbital fissure

between?, communicates?

Inf. orbital fissure

Nasal Cavity
Located between:
Ant. Cranial Fossa
Oral Cavity

Nasal Septum:
1. perp. Plate of ethmoid
2. vomer

Nasal Conchae:
lateral wall
Body & 4 Processes

hollow inside (max. sinus)

2 foramina:
Infraorbital F.
ant. wall, infraorbital n.

Incisive Foramen:
between palatine processes
post. to central incisors
incisive n. (nasopalatine n.)
Maxillary Processes

projects lat.,
ant. zyg. Arch

lat. to nasal bones

contains upper teeth

ant. 2/3 of hard palate

Largest & strongest facial bone

Only movable skull bone

Horizontal part:

Vertical Parts:
Rami (ramus)

mental foramen
alveolar process

mandibular notch
coronoid process
condylar process:
head & neck
lingula & mand. foramen
Vertebral Column
(33 Vertebrae):

7 Cervical

12 Thoracic

5 Lumbar

5 Sacral
4 Coccygeal
IV Discs
2 parts:

Annulus fibrosus (fibrous):

Concentric layers of
Strengthens the disc, & protects
the central part

Nucleus pulposus (gelatinous):

Central core of the disc
More elastic ( water)
Shock absorber

Structure of Typical Vertebra

Vertebral arch
(P & L)

7 processes
Cervical Vertebrae
7 vertebrae:
C3-C6 = typical
C1, C2 & C7 = atypical

Characteristics of typical C.V.:

1. small body (rectangular)

2. transverse foramina (v.a.)

*exception: C7

3. short bifid spinous process

* exception: C7 (longest s.p.)

4. large triangular V. foramen

Atlas (C1)
1st cervical V. (ring-like bone)

1. no body
2. no spinous process
3. ant. & post. arches
4. 2 lateral masses
Axis (C2)

2nd cervical vertebra

*Odontoid process (dens= tooth):

binds to atlas at A-A joint
(hence the name= axis)

* Dens represents the body of atlas

that has fused with body of axis
Thoracic Vertebrae
12 vertebrae:

Characteristics of typical T.V.:

1. heart shaped body

2. small circular V. foramen

3. long spinous process


4. costal facets on the body and

T. processes
Lumbar Vertebrae
5 vertebrae:

Characteristics of typical T.V.:

1. large kidney shaped body

2. triangular V. foramen

3. short quadrangular spinous

process (post. projected)

Mammillary process: small tubercles

located on the posterior aspect of
the superior articular processes
The accessory process lies inferior
and lateral to the mammillary body

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