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Advertising Project


Submitted to
Ms. Haadiyah Yasir

Submitted by:
Ahmed Idrees
Aymen Shahid
M Faateh Awaan
Feza Mannan
Naba Tariq
M Rayyan Tariq
Waleed Tariq
Sana Sanaullah
Market Information ( Naba)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
Brand Imperatives (Fezza and Aymen)---------------------------------------------------------------------7
Brand Logo Brand Packaging (Naba)-----------------------------------------------------------------------9
Facets (Rayyan)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10
Segmentation (Sana)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12
Profiling (Waleed)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13
Perceptual Mapping Feature Analysis (Naba)-------------------------------------------------------------14
Message strategy (Ahmed and Faateh)---------------------------------------------------------------------17
Media Strategy (Ahmed and Faateh)—--------------------------------------------------------------------18
Storyboard (All)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------22
Print Advertisement (All)—----------------------------------------------------------------------------------23
Market Information

Market Analysis

The buyers of the detergent were surveyed to analyze the trait that dominates their decision while
purchasing it and their likelihood of accepting the paper detergent. Through the survey it was revealed
that the majority of the sample looks at the functionality aspect of a detergent. Another major finding was
that 95% of the sample finds doing laundry a messy task and most of them are interested in a mess free
detergent. The survey also showed that the people of Pakistan are willing to accept detergent in any other
form besides powder to avoid the mess caused by the detergent powder. Lastly, it was found that 65% of
the sample buys detergent from grocery stores while 25% buys from convenience stores.
Since Pakistan does not have any brand of detergent offering paper detergents, our competitors are based
overseas. Our competitors are listed below

It offers detergent sheets in different scents and offers eco-friendly packaging. Each sheet washes 7 kg of
loads and each sheet is priced at RS 385 (calculated on current exchange rate). They don't operate in

Blue Earth Clean

This brand has sheets in two scents and it washes 5 kg of loads. This brand’s sheet is priced at RS 220
(calculated on current exchange rate). It is not available in Pakistan
Earth Breeze
Each detergent sheet is priced RS 281 and washes a load of 4 kg (calculated on current exchange rate).
This brand focuses on environmentally friendly packaging.

This brand is available on Daraz and claims that each sheet is equivalent to 8 times the cleaning force of
ordinary detergent of the same quality. Each sheet is priced at RS 40 and a box contains 120 sheets at a
price of Rs 4659.


Brand identity

The brand identity framework mainly aims to ensure that consumers get to know about the
brand, see or hear about the brand; the brand is supposed to pass through any of the five senses
of consumers. Creating a brand identity is the job of the designers of the product as well as of the
marketing communicators. Some brand identity cues include the brand name, symbol used as the
logo, packaging etc.

In the case of Paperify, the name itself creates some sort of association for the buyers. The name
carries a couple of characteristics of a successful brand name, for instance, the name offers
benefits; the name suggests that this product has something to do with paper, paper can be used
to purify. It is also easy to pronounce and simple.

The slogan of Paperify, ‘purifying sheet of paper for loads of laundry’ helps consumers
understand what the product is all about.

Brand position

Brand position is the position of a brand in the market, relative to that of competitors. Paperify
should be made available in big departmental stores (Alfatah, Carrefour, Metro, Jalal Sons etc)
or other high-end stores (Esajee’s etc). It is also important that this product is not available in
small general stores or other mom and pop shops in order to maintain exclusivity. As this is a
product that can be afforded by only the upper or upper middle class (SEC A and B), availability
must be made according to that.

In the stores, the product must be placed at an attractive shelf level. This is important as it will
ensure high value and high brand awareness which is vital for a product that has just been
launched in the market.

Brand positioning

Brand positioning is the position of a brand in the minds of consumers, relative to that of
competitors. Paperify being priced higher as compared to competitors establishes the idea in the
minds of consumers that it is a high-end brand. Also, the fact that it will be made available only
at high-end stores and can not be found everywhere, gives an impression of how it is not so
easily accessible; it will give consumers the idea that it is an expensive detergent, a luxury
purchase, not affordable by the masses.

Brand association

Brand association is mainly linked with the attributes that come to the minds of consumers when
a brand is being talked about. The attribute which Paperify aims to associate itself with is how
just a paper will help you perform the job. The name is quite self-explanatory as well, giving
people the idea that this is a paper detergent. The slogan, packaging along with the brand name
itself give consumers a very clear message regarding what Paperify is and what it promises to do.

Brand slogan

The slogan of Paperify is:

“Purifying sheet of paper for loads of laundry”

This slogan plays a major role in reinforcing the brand identity to the consumers; it tells what can
be expected of Paperify in just a few words, setting the expectation of consumers.

Brand promise

Brand promise is what you say to the customer and what is delivered. Paperify aims to deliver
what it claims. It is a detergent sheet which aims to wash up to 10 kg of load that will help satisfy
the consumer needs. Moreover, it also has a nice fragrance attached to it giving the clothes a
fresh and clean overall look.

Brand image

Paperify associates itself with the upper or upper middle class (SEC A and B) who can afford to
use this detergent sheet on a regular and consistent basis. It also associates itself with all those
people who do not wish to carry loads and will be comfortable using a paper sheet as a detergent.
Moreover, the slogan itself helps create an image that it will clean loads of dirty laundry using
one sheet of paper.

Brand personality

As of the brand personality, purify is a brand that helps promote sustainability, refreshment and
happiness. As per the story board, it will target individuals who want to save time, and hassle of
washing clothes. Moreover, they will be able to maintain an active lifestyle, and social circle
without missing out on their events because of loads of dirty laundry, or even due to lethargy
from their busy schedules.

Brand logo

Brand packaging

Perception Facet – Perception is an important factor to consider in advertising for detergents, as it can
influence how consumers view and evaluate the product. Here are a few ways that drive perception in
advertisements of Paperify:

Exposure – The exposure driver for Perception facet will be used for Paperify advertisement as it
is a new brand and building awareness is one of the main goals of the brand, so the audience are aware of
what the brand has to offer which the competitor does not. Paperify advertisement will incorporate an
exposure element by using a specific jingle which would also include our tagline “Easy Wash, Easy
Life”, and a color theme for the brand which would be “blossoms and pink”.

Selection and Attention – Selection and Attention are important factors in advertising, as
advertisers need to choose which elements to include in their ads and then grab the attention of their
target audience which in the case of Paperify would be through emotional appeal by using emotions to
persuade and influence the audience. This will be achieved by highlighting the impact of brand on
people’s lives such as by showing how the detergent made them feel better about themselves, in order to
create an emotional connection with the audience.

Interest and Relevance – Interest and relevance would be important driving factors in
advertising Paperify. As we have identified our target audience, we will be using relevant language that
resonates with them which might involve using terminology that is familiar to them and highlighting the
benefits that are specific to their needs such as time consumption and the mess after cleaning clothes.

Recognition – In order to ensure remembrance and identification of the brand in the minds of the
audience, recognition drivers are used. First step would be to create an ad that is memorable and easily
recognizable and for that, the tagline “Easy Wash, Easy Life” is used. Now in order to distinguish the
brand from its competitors, a Pink color theme would be used and the logo would be displayed at the top
left of the ad throughout the duration of the ad with the Paperify jingle in the background.

Recall – After making the audience aware of the brand, a recall driver would be used to engage
the audience in recognition of the brand after it has been presented to them. In order to achieve this, heavy
repetition of advertisements will be done while simultaneously changing the context of the ad to avoid
advertising wearout.

Persuasion Facet – The persuasion facet in advertising refers to the use of various tactics and techniques
to persuade the audience to buy the product. For Paperify, persuasion is used by highlighting the benefits
of the product, using influencers to endorse, and involving emotional appeal

Motivation – Motivation drivers would be used to influence the behavior of consumers. We will
be highlighting the benefits of the product by showing how the character gets tired and exhausted after
doing laundry and is forced to cancel his/her other plans.

Influence – Opinion leaders that are influential within our target audience and are able to shape
the opinions and attitudes of others will be used. They will be used as endorsers for Paperify in order to
increase credibility and appeal to the target audience. Word-of-mouth will also be used, as
recommendations by these opinion leaders are likely to be taken more seriously by the target audience.

Involvement – Involvement typically depends on time, effort, or financial investment from the
consumer. The involvement for Paperify is more subjective in terms of the buyer. If the person who does
the laundry themselves is buying the product, it will be high involvement because they will have to take
into consideration various factors before buying it.

Conviction – Conviction driver will be used in Paperify advertisement through the imagery that
is used as well as through the actions and behaviors of the characters featured in the ad where the
character after using the product will feel better about him/her-self and continue with the plans that were
initially canceled due to excessive exhaustion caused by doing laundry

Behavior Facet – The behavior Facet of advertising refers to the actions or behaviors that the advertiser is
trying to encourage or motivate the consumers to take. This facet will be incorporated into the ad by
mentioning “Available at your nearest grocery stores” at the ending note of the advertisement. This
reinforces the “buying” driver of the behavior facet


The marketing campaign of Paperify will tend to target both males and females. People who fall in the
income bracket of (PKR Rs30,000) will be our segment. Socio economic class A and B. Our concerned
marketing strategies will be for adults because they are the buyers; highly involved in making decisions
about the product.


Since this is an inventive product which is in its initial stage of launch Paperify will aim its market
campaigns to the main areas of Lahore like defense, model town, gulberg etc. The main purpose of
choosing these areas is to first see the desired response in main high social class areas and then move
forward in aiming for other areas.


We will be aiming our product for adults who are really busy in their life. They want their work to be
hassle free, easy and quick. Along with catching up with all house errands as well as Officeworks, this
product will be a one time solution for all our consumers.


Being a new and innovative product, all audiences will be non-users. Since no one has used it before. So,
all marketing efforts will not be segmented by user status and usage rate. Once Paperfiy will be in the
market, we’ll analyze usage rate accordingly.

After narrowing down the segment, we have targeted an audience who prefer our special feature which is
eco friendly paper-based detergent. We are targeting the buyers that are innovators or early adopters.
They want to shift from basic detergents to paper based as it's easier and efficient to use. We are targeting
both genders as men as well as women are capable of doing hassle free laundry. They don’t have to
decide on which detergent to choose, how much to use as Paperify specifies how much wash does one
paper do.

These people are from families that belong mostly from the posh areas such as DHA, Model Town, Blue
Area etc. who have the resources and knowledge to purchase eco-friendly detergent. These people prefer
quality, uniqueness and ease over money so they do not have a problem with paying extra just to get a
better, unique quality product.


Profiling Using Demographics:

· Age: 25-45 years, Buyers: Adults

· Income: Rs 70000 or above

· Education: Educated enough to read and understand English as the product solely aims to target the
socio-economics class of class A and B.

· Gender: Both Male and Female (Gender neutral product)

Profiling Using Psychographics:

Lifestyle: We will be aiming for our products who are really busy in their lives and they are only looking
for convenience in their daily routines. People who do not like messy stuff and doing laundry, to make it
convenient for them, we are launching Paperify to the market. This product will be convenient for these
users because it is handy like a USP, easy to use and Paperify specifies how much you can wash at once.

Attitudes: People who are willing to try new ways to make their workload easy, hassle free and quick to
use. The target audience who wants to adapt new technology rather than staying in the traditional ways
because this product specifies the people of DHA, Blue Area etc. who have enough knowledge and
resources but they are not looking for hard work in these kinds of things, instead they want their clothes
to be washed right away without putting efforts into it.

Profiling Using Behavior:

As this product is entirely new in the market, the response that we will get from the users will be based
upon how much the product is useful for them. Mainly, adults who live in DHA, Model town side are the
basic audience because their lifestyle, behaviors and attitudes towards this new product will impact on
how we are going to market the product more successfully.

Perceptual Mapping

Perceptual mapping will allow Paperify to have visual representation of it in comparison to the
competitors based on the attributes of the brand. The unique selling point is that Paperify’s each detergent
sheet will wash up to 10 kg of loads and will be easily available in all the leading grocery stores. The
perceptual mapping shows the position of Paperify in regards to the other competitors in the industry.
Feature Analysis

Paperify Tirtly Blue Earth Clean Earth Breeze HomeInn

Fragrance yes yes no no

Washes 10 kg loads no no no no

Availability no no no yes

Price no no no yes

Message objective:
There will be multiple objectives for the message. One objective could be to attract people's attention by
depicting a relatable situation. In certain instances, shirts tend to acquire the most difficult stains, making
it difficult to get them washed as quickly as possible. The advertisements demonstrate that Paperify is an
easy-to-use product that anyone can use because it comes on paper and only requires insertion into a
machine. This demonstrates the ease of use. A second objective is to convince the audience by appealing
to their intelligence.
The advertisements are clever since they are based literally, but have been showcased figuratively to the
audience. The audience is also provided with the closest possible solution, as the product is user-friendly,
saves time, and is less complex than other detergents. This facilitates usability.

Big Idea/Creative Idea:

Do you worry about having to clean up all the clothes that are lying around the house? Do your kids and
husband come home from playing outside or working with a lot of dirt on them? Do you want your kids
to be able to have fun in any way they want without you having to worry about laundry? Paperify helps
you figure out how to clean your clothes. This detergent is the only one of its kind on the market, so
mothers, housewives, and other women can't help but buy it. It works well for most washing needs. As
the slogan "Easy Wash, Easy Life" says, this detergent can help a lot of women with their laundry. When
a woman sees certain types of stains, she doesn't have to worry about how to get them out because she has
Paperify to help her. With Paperify, she could wash 30 or more clothes with just one sheet, saving time
and money to the fullest.

Key Visuals:
The way the detergent is sold to customers is the most important thing to see about Paperify. Customers
usually get detergent in the form of powder, but Paperify has changed that by making detergent in the
form of paper, which makes it easier to use. This helps Paperify get the attention of the people it wants to
reach and the audience it wants to reach. The product will only be available in one version that can be
used for all kinds of washing. The Paperify print ad also shows a happy housewife who doesn't have to
worry about washing all the clothes separately with regular detergent powder. The logo and shape of the
product should also be shown in the ads for the product so that people will know that the product exists.

Strategic advertising approach:

Paperify's ads are made to appeal to a person's intelligence because they deal with how people think.
Different techniques have been used in ads to make people think about using the product and getting its
long-term benefits. People have been drawn to the product by using cognitive appeals. Since the brand is
trying to get into the mind of the customer, it will use the hard sell method. In the ads for the product, the
audience will be told about the possible benefits of the product. This will have an effect on the minds of
the customers and help convince them to buy the product and try it.
Strategic advertising format:
The ad is convincing because it shows how easy and simple it is to use the product. Anyone who knows
what a detergent is for can use Paperify without much trouble. Also, the advertisers have tried to show
how easy it is to use the product, which makes it a user-friendly product.
The selling premise is also used, as in the ads, attempts have been made to show customers what Paperify
can do and what it says it can do. This is mostly done to try to convince customers in their minds to buy
the product. It has been shown that using Paperify saves customers time and makes the product less
messy than other detergents, which come in powder form and often make a mess when they are used.
The last thing that has been shown in the ads is the problem-solution approach. This is usually done by
showing that Paperify's detergent can clean up to 10kg of clothes with just one sheet, so people who are in
a hurry and need to get their clothes clean quickly don't have to use the detergent over and over again.

Media strategy:

Marcom/Advertising objectives
Facets used: Perception, Persuasion and Behavior

The perception facet would allow consumers to identify the brand and raise awareness regarding the
features and benefits of the paper detergent. Our Tvc also focuses heavily on the perception facet as to
allow the consumers to get educated regarding the paper sheet and how it’s a much more convenient and
easier way to do your laundry as compared to the powder detergents. It is so for the very reason that the
brand is new and so is its product, it is extremely necessary that the perception facet is integrated into the
Tvc so the people would know that the brand actually exists as well as change the perceptual filters of the
audience regarding the powder form of detergents being the most effective way of doing laundry by
showing/providing them a much better and mess free alternative.

The drivers which will be used are exposure, selection & attention, interest and relevance, recognition and
finally recall. Our main focus would be to develop a strong impact onto the customers through our Tvc
such as that the brand and the message is effectively remembered by the audience through striking an
interest among them.

The second facet which we would be using is the persuasion facet as it is utmost necessary for the
audience to actually purchase the product. It is so through this facet the audience would be forced to take
actions on their decisions to fulfill the marcom objectives and so the tvc would be focused on the
elements which make the product extremely appealing to the audience by connecting with them on a
personal level through real life scenarios that most of the target audience might be going through such as
highlighting the stress involved in doing laundry and then completely transforming the experience by
making it more fun and interactive through the paper sheet detergent.

The drivers for this facet include: motivation, influence, involvement and conviction. It is so through
these drivers we aim to generate the appropriate customer response that helps to accomplish our overall
objectives of advertising such as emphasizing the mess-free laundry to our audience and how it is
extremely effective and efficient such as the paper sheet washing up to 10kg of load which is also our
unique selling point and try shaping the audience perspectives regarding paper detergents as being a better
and an innovative way to do the laundry through by making convincing arguments to attract the

The third facet which we will be using is the behavior facet as it is one of the most important goal of
advertising and revolves around making sales and developing loyalty among the consumers. It is so the
Tvc would be focused on motivating the customers to take the necessary steps required to bring the
product to their daily use by incorporating certain triggering and enticing lines “Now available at your
nearest stores..” etc to make people step out and make the purchase.

The driver which would be used for this facet is: Buying. It is so the main goal of the company is to
generate revenue by maximizing their sales which is only possible if the people are forced/convinced to
take action which would be made possible through incorporating this facet along with its driver.

Summary of the Marcom objectives:

• Create awareness and knowledge about the product “Paper detergent” for our audience.
( Perception facet)
• Connect with the audience on a personal level by presenting real life scenarios. (Persuasion facet)
• Convincing customers to purchase the product through highlighting its benefits and
distinguishing factors such as “mess-free laundry”.(Behavior facet)
• Breaking the customers perceptual filters such as making them shift from powder detergents to
paper detergent to promote our brand.(Perception facet)

Media selection:
We will use a variety of media tools in our advertising campaigns to make people more aware of the
Television will be the first form of media that will be used. Since we want to sell the product to all kinds
of adults, this media tool will directly reach those people. For our product, a TV ad has been made that
will show the different benefits that users can get from using our product. This will show what kind of
product we are selling. Most of the time, television ads are the biggest marketing tool, and with their help,
a larger audience can be reached. Also, there is no way to skip TV ads in Pakistan, so television
marketing makes it possible for people to watch the whole ad.
Also, we will put up ads on billboards near offices and grocery stores, which are usually places where
adults can go and do so often. By putting ads on billboards in areas with a lot of people, the brand will be
able to reach more of its target audience.
YouTube will be the last media tool we'll use for our product. This is because, as the world has changed,
more and more adults have started to watch videos on YouTube to pass the time. Because of this, the ad
will show up when they are watching their favorite shows or looking at a recipe online.
Vehicle selection

Media Tool Budget allocation(Pkr)

Television 3 Million

Billboard 1.5 Million

YouTube 2 Million

Television advertisements:
We intend to air a total of three TV commercials. They will be evenly distributed across several media to
enhance customer visibility. A single commercial will air for 50 seconds to maximum one minute.

Channel Time at which the Tvc's will be shown

Ary News 17:00-19:00

Geo News 21:00-23:00

Ary Digital 11:00-13:00

Aag Tv 15:00-17:00

Hum Tv 22:00-00:00

Play Entertainment 2:00-5:00

Billboard advertisements:
We will be advertising on bulletin boards as well digital boards.


DHA Phase 4,5,6 & 7 Gulberg

Johar town Ferozepur road


Bahria town Clifton

DHA Phase 5 & 8 Malir Cantt


Centaurus Mall F7

Faisal Masjid Karakoram Highway

YouTube advertisements:
We will be targeting channels popular among adults.

Channel Time at which the Tvcs will be shown

Food Fusion In the middle of the video

Ary Digital In the middle of the video

Geo Tv In the middle of the video

Sooperchef In the middle of the video

Hum Tv In the middle of the video

Lazeez Recipes In the middle of the video


The guy enters the house after an He is tired

exhausting day
He sees pile laundry and says to
“it will be a very exhausting
and messy task”

Mahira khan Voice over,

He then sees the time and murmurs Then Mahira Khan enters the scene and “Aik sheet dhoye 10 kg tak kay
“if i do the laundry i will miss the is holding Paperify Detergent sheets and kapray jhatt pat bina kisi mess
dinner with my friends” says kay”
“Ab laundry karna tension nahi, use

Mahira Khan Voice over The guy gets happy and energetic
“Aur payein saaf aur khushbudaar
kapray” The guy is having dinner with
his friends and enjoying
Packet appears on the screen with
Mahira Khan Voice over
“Use paperify, easy wash easy life
Now available in all leading stores
around you or place your order online
Source: Vector Stock & Freepik for the character

Print Ads- Billboards

Earth Breeze Eco Sheets - Eco Friendly Laundry Detergent Sheets. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Earth Breeze website:

HomeInn Laundry Paper Eco-friendly Liquidless Technology Detergent Paper. (n.d.).

Retrieved January 2, 2023, from website:


Laundry Archives. (n.d.). Retrieved January 2, 2023, from Blue Earth Clean website:



Tirtyl | Australia’s #1 Zero-Waste Home Care Products. (n.d.). Retrieved January 2,

2023, from Tirtyl Australia website:





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