My Experience During Sports Fest: Charlizze S. Martin 8 Piety A

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Charlizze S. Martin 8 PIETY A


I. Introduction

a. Analyzation of what is the purpose of SportsFest

b. Anticipations/Assumption

II. Body

a. Preparations and planning

b. Moments during the time of the event

III. Body

a. Opinion

b. The satisfaction and enjoyment it gave me

IV. Conclusion

a. Celebration and ceremonies

b. Summarization
The SportsFest, first of all, what is it? The SportsFest event is a kind of event

where the students of STCJA show their skills and talents while playing all sorts of

games or sports rather. Games like basketball and volleyball were the main event

(We held those games at the Sports Complex, a place that I didn’t know existed).

But chess, badminton, table tennis, darts, etc., also occurred during the time of

the SportsFest event. The only difference is that these were held at the school

grounds. Though I found it upsetting that the students were not allowed to watch

any of those for some reason. Tough times. Considering that I was fighting the urge

to skip classes and just watch how the other students win and lose.

Before the SportsFest event, I couldn’t help but feel the excitement and rush it

gave me, As the word SportsFest sounded new to me (after what happened during

the Pandemic obviously). Although if I’m being honest, it wasn’t that new to me

since, during the time that I was studying at LCDM (La Cabeccera De Montessori),

which was when I was in Elementary, we had a similar event where we try out

different sports and games as a team. But as much as I had experienced the same

kind of event when I was younger, I still found the experiences I had this 2023,

different from it (Surely because I’ve quite grown up over the years).

Well here’s the most shocking part. At least for me. I, Myself, Participated in the

game of darts. (Quick tip, I played darts when I was a kid, as my dad owned a dart

board and its bullet or whatever it is called). But even if I did play it during my

childhood days, I was still not familiar with the mechanics. How did I get into this
situation? Let me elaborate on that for you. So you see, as Ms.Aira was assigning

the students that want to join the program, My friend here got the urge to tell our

adviser that I knew how to play the game of darts. Yes, I knew how. But of course,

I would deny that I’m good at it. Because I know to myself that I don’t know how

to play it and I hadn’t even played darts for years. YEARS. So technically, I’ll be

clueless and rusty at it. But I certainly do not know what happened to my system

that I agreed to participate in it.

When it was finally the day to play darts, I was nervous. Overthinking is truly my

best friend during this kind of time :)). I wasn’t sure if I can even score, as I

developed the fear of embarrassing myself in front of others. But surprisingly, I was

on the lead at first. Though everything went downhill when I couldn’t aim properly

for that one number. So yeah, in the end, I lost. I lost in the first round. A big

capital word “disappointment” was imprinted on my head but of course, I had to

pretend that it didn’t bother me. Because it is important and essential to display

sportsmanship even if you lost. Besides, there are many other opportunities that

may await me. So I just basically convinced myself that I was not a big deal. Even

if it was quite the opposite for me.

Moving on to the experiences I had at the Sports Complex. The gameplays were

surely intense. Maybe because of the way the students and teachers cheered for

the players. And to be honest, sharing the same side with the Senior High students

broke my eardrums. They were very loud, but I found the approach that they had,
such as trust and commitment to win, quite entrancing.

Because they seemed happy to celebrate their victory in the sports they played, as

well as the cheer dance. I mean who wouldn’t be happy at such an achievement?

Which I adored. (even if some were trash-talking our team when it was our time to


Speaking of the cheer dance, I found it very exhausting and disappointing. I

was so exhausted that I am still currently regaining

the energy I lost during that time but sure, it was quite worth it. I may not gave

the best dedication to the dance, yet I did enjoy our practices even if the steps

and preparations we did was not enough for us to win against the other grade

levels. They are good and in my honest opinion, I think their steps and formations

were far more unique than ours. They were also cooperative and had good

leadership unlike ours (because we were messy and chaotic).

Another memorable memory that I would like to share, is about our cheer dance

practice. Not much happened but we were all pretty tired after that. Because

every practice happens after school hours. So basically we are mentally and

physically tired from school stuff. During our cheer dance practice, I saw

dedicated and unenthusiastic people. Our energy was immaculate. Not in a good

way tho. Cause we absolutely lack experience and diligence. Though we had fun

moments together that I would forever carry and cherish, I would like to admit

that majority of us were not made to be performers. Not performers but maybe
players. If not players, then maybe in other ways that they are good at.

As I recall the moments and reactions I had during the SportsFest event, I would

say that the scariest part was when Mrs. Prim got mad at us and sent us to the

stadium while we were confused about our entrance formation. We were

disorganized and pretty much bold enough to shout at each other as people were

watching us. I would never go back to that moment ever again. But in the end,

everything worked out. Despite the fact that they were kind of unimpressed with

what we showed.

But without a doubt, I saw how talented my classmates are while playing sports. I

saw them excel, even if not much of a crowd was cheering for them. Surely

because they only support their own team and other players. But enough evidence

was clear that we don’t need a lot of people chanting for us to

prove that we can win. We do not need a large crowd to cheer for Golden Dragons,

when our advisers are enough to show the amount of support, no other can give.

There was a lot of dismay during the SportsFest event but I am glad that, those

didn’t let our guard down. Nor become a reason for us to give up.

There was also the time when I found the matches hilarious. (The amount of

laughter I had during this event was actually more than the amount of laughter I

made last year). Good times. It was truly unforgettable and entertaining to watch.

Even if some may say that every match was boring and uninteresting.
What I loved the most was that, the players do not hold grudges against one

another as they still help and cheer for their opponents. Sure there was tension

around the court but I never saw them carry a burden alone. One’s burden is a

Team’s problem. And I really appreciated that, given the fact that they care for

each other’s condition. Sportsmanship was truly visible during it.

And lastly, the ceremony. When they called every student to join and come

together at the large court, I was confused. I thought we were going to have a

picture together but instead, they awarded the players. I saw how their face lit up

as their name got called and receive a medal or medals. It was a sight to see and

I don’t know if I’m the only one who found it wholesome and adorable.

Our lovely advisers also held a celebration for us. They treated our food to show

that we’ve done great and enough. And even if it was not a big commemorate, we

appreciated it a lot. So I would like to thank you for them, that they love us even

if we are not the best students or players they would have as teachers. Thank you

for the memorable memories, we’ve made this 2022-2023. Especially this

SportsFest. I also loved the fact that my classmates, they were proud of

themselves even if they didn’t win first place. And of course, I am also proud of

them. And as a Theresian, I pledge to cheer and show support for people that

deserves it. No matter if they are my team or not.

“Win or lose, it is alright to feel disappointed. But losing brings us as many

lessons and opportunities as winning.”

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