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How I can make a difference in the world

Hello to everyone. My name is Lucciana Peña and I´m going to talk about
how important is to reduce the use of plastic.

¿Did you know that since the plastic was invented we have made 8,300
millions metric tons of plastic garbage?.This is dangerous because the
plastic pollute our planet. Due to the plastic can take in degrading up to
1000 years, reduces the hope of life of the species here.
The mission of taking care of the planet is from all, as much as the elderly
and the young people, because we just have one planet to live.

The purpose of my presentation is to informate the people about ways to

reduce the use of plastic. Because we use plastic daily unnecessarily.
-We have to stop using straws.
-Stop using plastic bags, use recyclable bags.
-Stop using plastic bottles, use recyclable bottles.
- If you are woman stop using tampons or sanitary towels, you can use a
menstrual cup.
- Avoid consuming packaged products.
- You can use bamboo tooth brushes.
- Stop consuming bubble gums.

The big change comes from small changes in the daily life, every little act
can make a difference and all togheter a big one.

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