Copia de Lucero Cabriales - Rough Draft La Primeraaaaaaaaaaa

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Cabriales 1

Lucero Cabriales

J.Snyder/K. Merriott

2023 Final Draft

March 20, 2023

All You Have To Do Is Fly!

INTRO Throughout my life, when I started high school, I began to question what

would be of my future, what was it that I was really passionate about to do the rest of my life,

a good career that would give me a job that I would enjoy and I feel happy with what I do but

the more I think about all the obstacles that lie ahead I begin to question if I really want that

or if it is much better to take another option, I always fear not being able to find what I am

really passionate about . Like all of us, I want to succeed in this life and have a better life, I

also want to provide a better life for my family because thanks to them I am here and I have

the opportunity that perhaps they did not have. So I hope that I can find what I'm really

passionate about in order to be someone who is successful in this life and that they are proud

of me.

BIO I am Lucero Zaray Cabriales, a senior at Lee High School. Something that

excites me a lot is being able to travel and visit parts of different countries, I really like music

more when I feel identified with the lyrics or when it simply has a rhythm to dance to, since I

love dancing, as well as choreographies and even “huapangos”; this is a traditional dance

from Mexico.I have a very large family but for me the most important are my grandparents

since they were always with me. Since I was little they took care of me and were like parents

to me and my sister. My aunts were also important in my life, as were my cousins and clearly

my mother as well. When I graduated from elementary school, in which I spent my entire

childhood and in which I have very beautiful memories and great friendships from many

years ago after graduation, my mother left for Michigan, I didn't look at her until after I
Cabriales 2

almost graduated. from high school, which unfortunately I could not graduate because it was

when everyone went through the covid 19 pandemic, which was a bad time for everyone, it is

sad to know that I did not graduate with my classmates. I didn't see my friends again either

because we were all quarantined, as the days went by my mother told me that I would go to

Michigan to get to Michigan when I got to work and some time later they enrolled me in the

Lee high school where I am currently and I only I still have a few months to graduate if

everything goes well, I still remember how I went through difficult times because of the

language, I couldn't participate in many of the events or sports because I was afraid of

rejection, since when I first arrived I had no friends and When I worked to make them, many

times they treated me badly, but even so, good people came into my life with whom I

currently get along.

FUTURE GOALS I have many goals and dreams to achieve, like all of you,

graduating from high school is one of the first on the list because it is the closest to achieving

it, since in a few months I will achieve it. The English language is a bit difficult for me since

it is not my first language.Based on that, one of my many goals is to learn English. I want to

enter a course to learn English after high school. Working at the Procare company where I am

currently working part time, to be able to raise money for my own car, since I am about to

achieve the goal of obtaining my driver's license. Having a job is extremely important,

because thanks to the money I get from there, it will be to be able to meet all those goals, as

well as to pay for my flight attendant course, which is the most important of all these goals.

ROUTE/PATH To reach my future goals I will take first of all to work as much as I

can in the current company of Procare, where I am currently working. I will go to a school or

a small course to learn English that the same company offers a course for that. “For this job it

is essential to have an acceptable level of conversation in English”(What does it does it take

to be a flight attendant?). Upon achieving this and feeling prepared for what follows and
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exercising the career that I like so much, I will enroll in The Travel Academy in which I will

take two years of course and training. To later be able to apply for a job in any airline that

interests me the most, which is American Airlines, since “To become a flight attendant, it is

not necessary to have a university degree" (What requirements are needed to be a flight


CONCLUSION These last 4 years of my life taught me many things and I went

through many difficult situations, one that I share with everyone was the covid 19 pandemic,

which for many was a difficult time and for others unwanted, but welcome. Thanks to those

difficult times I realized what I would really like to study and pursue as a career, with which I

feel happy and not obligated to do my job. Because it is what I want to be that I am really

passionate about, knowing that one of my big dreams is to travel the world and visit new and

interesting places, studying for this excites me even more. I feel good with the simple fact of

achieving everything I have achieved to this day and for everything I still have to do. One of

the things for which I put more effort into all this is for the simple fact that I miss my family

very much, they are the reason why I am still here in this life trying hard and always looking

forward, which is not. easy for no one, I know, but here we continue.
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Work Cited

"What does it take to be a flight attendant?" Indeed, 17 Mar. 2023,


"What requirements are needed to be a flight attendant?" cursostop, 25 Oct. 2018,

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