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Class notes

Buddy was a dog who loved to run fast and perform circus acts. He could
jump through hoops, balance on balls, and do flips in the air. He
dreamed of joining a circus and becoming a star.

One day, he saw a poster for a circus that was coming to town. It said
they were looking for new talents and anyone could audition. Buddy was
overjoyed. He decided to go and try his luck.

He packed his favorite toys and treats and headed to the circus tent.
He saw many other animals waiting in line, such as a lion, a monkey, a
horse, and a parrot. They all looked very confident and skilled.

Buddy felt nervous. He wondered if he was good enough to compete with

them. He started to doubt himself. He thought maybe he should go back
home and forget about his dream.

But then he remembered how much he loved running and performing. He

remembered how happy he felt when he made others smile and clap. He
decided to stay and give it his best shot.

He waited patiently for his turn. When he was called, he entered the
ring and saw a large crowd of people watching him. He saw the
ringmaster, who was holding a microphone and a clipboard.

"Hello, little dog. What is your name and what can you do?" the
ringmaster asked.

"Buddy, sir. I can run fast and do circus acts," Buddy answered.

"Very well, let's see what you've got. Show us your skills," the
ringmaster said.

Buddy nodded and began his performance. He ran around the ring, faster
than the wind. He jumped through hoops, higher than the sky. He
balanced on balls, steadier than a rock. He did flips in the air,
graceful as a bird.

The crowd was amazed. They cheered and clapped for Buddy. They loved
his speed, his agility, and his style. They thought he was the best
performer they had ever seen.

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