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DAY 01


1. Janet was understandably quite nervous, never ....... spoken in front of such a
large crowd before.
A has
B. had
C. have
D. having
2. Ms. Mertenson will be unavailable next week ............. you have made a previous
A. until
B. unless
C. except
D. so
3. He tries hard, but I......... don't think he is doing a good job.
A. very
B. really
C. almost
D. exceptionally
4. Any employees who ........... not attended the seminar on sensitivity in the workplace
should do so before the end of the month.
A. has
B. have
C. are having
D. having
5. When we ........... the door, he was working on a computer.
A. open
B. was opening
C. have opened
D. opened
6. Mike .................. repaired the car.
A. did not
B. does not have
C. did not have
D. has not
7. Alex..... that he had taken the test five times.

1|P a g e
A. says B. tells
C. said
D. told
8. When they are competing against brand-name chains, stores relying.............. on word-of-
mouth referrals should consider purchasing a print advertisement.
A. otherwise
B. further
C. solely
D. less
9. Despite recent losses totaling millions of dollars, Bayside Construction………… its
shareholders the situation would be rectified in the near Future
A. assuring
B. assured
C. have assured
D. was assured
10. After speeding to the airport and sprinting across the terminal, the Pelcro Corp.
executives arrived just ............. time to catch their flight.
A. on
B. at
C. in
D. below
11. Employers............ in obtaining information concerning grants for technician
certification may contact us at the e-mail address below.
A. interested
B. listed
C. hopeful
D. enclosed
12. As the sales seminar ran longer than we expected, we had only a ............. period of time
to brief the potential clients.
A. some
B. few
C. short
D. much
13. Monarch Co. is a prominent food manufacturer that is.............around the world for its
high-quality ingredients.
A. recognizes

2|P a g e
B. recognizing
C. recognized
D. Recognize
14. .............. heavy rain, this afternoon's baseball game has been rescheduled for Friday.
A. Due to
B. Because
C. As
D. Despite
15. As we............. in our guidelines for applicants, please submit documents in triplicate
before 5:00 p.m. on Friday.
A. exceeded
B. indicated
C. conducted
D. reserved
16. The company president will visit our office this Friday, and all managing editors are
expected to ........... with him for lunch.
A. meet
B. met
C. have met
D. will meet
17. Much of investors' long-held esteem in the company.................. during the share-market
boom when executives were involved in accounting irregularities.
A. losing
B. loses
C. was lost
D. is lost
18. The latest emerge from our production lines is considered by many to lead the
field in the area of mobile communications.
A. product
B. produce
C. producing
D. productivity
19. All employees are reminded that there is much satisfaction to be gained from ..............
the community in some voluntary capacity.
A. serving
B. deserving

3|P a g e
C. reserving
D. preserving
20. The Rochet Organization .......... on expanding its scope of operations into the
international market.
A. are planned
B. is planning
C. will planning
D. to plan


Câu 1: Home Furnishings up to 50% Off
Alters Department Store is having a sale on home furnishings. It's time again for our annual
sale, and you can make big savings. Alters is ......... for the high quality of its merchandise, so
you can be sure
1. A. know
B. knowing
C. knew
D. known
you are buying wisely. We are offering 20% off all silk cushion covers. 30% off the price of
ready-made curtains, and an incredible 50% off Persian rugs (offer applies only to ticketed
rugs). Our color specialists will be on hand to offer advice on color coordination of the items
you buy. For a special reduced fee, they will visit your home to create a theme for the room of
your choice. This service .................. costs $50 per visit, but we are offering it for the bargain
price of $75.
2. A. as usual
B. usually
C. unusual
D. usual Hurry — these special offers will be for one week only!
Câu 2 : To: All Employees:
From: Janet Toulons, President, KHG Shoe
Corporation: "We Love Shoes-Do You?”
Re: Fall Fashion Show We are preparing for our participation in the upcoming Fall Fashion
Show and I wanted to update you all on our progress. We have been fortunate enough to come
up with a new line of fabulous shoes that will appeal to older clients as well as younger ones.
Thanks to ourinventive designers, these shoes are both classic and comfortable. They will be

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the main feature of the fashion show and I am confident that they will be a huge success. The
best ............. is that they are all manufactured
and ready
1. A. ideas
B. awards
C. news
D. offerings
go and they look terrific! As you know, not all of you will be attending the show, but I want to
extend my heartfelt thanks for the hard work you have done this past year. Our revenues show
us that we have achieved the .................we set earlier in the year.
2. A. goals
B. beliefs
C. testimony
D. credit
As a result, you will each be receiving a bonus, based on your salary. I am sure this is good
news for all. Again, I am very happy with our progress. We are definitely a leader in this field.
Câu 3: Mr Albert Di Beni,
333 Spring Road
Dear Mr. Di Beni, The Penshurst Medical Practice invites you to make an appointment for a
medical ........
1. A. exam
B. examination
C. quiz
D. test
After the age of forty, we recommend that you have a full physical every year. Our records
show that you recently have celebrated your fiftieth birthday. However, it is over seven years
since your last appointment with our clinic. If you contact the Penshurst Medical Practice
before September 15th, you will be able to take advantage ............... a free checkup.
2. A. from
B. in
C. of
D. to
In this medical we will check blood pressure, blood cholesterol, and blood sugar. For a small
extra charge, it is possible to have a more detailed examination. If you are available in this
offer, please call the Medical

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Practice at your earliest convenience.
Penshurst Medical Practice


Câu 1: Mr. Thompson,
This is just a short email to update you on your medical test results from your physical
examination on January 10th. Our records show that you took a blood pressure test. Your test
this time showed that your blood pressure is doing quite well for a man at your age. I am very
pleased to note that your blood pressure is much lower than it was last time. It seems that the
medication you have been taking is working well. Unfortunately, we do not have a record of
the name of your medication on file. Can you remember the name of the medication that you
are taking? If you could send an email to my nurse with the name of the medicine, that would
be very helpful to us. His email address is
Also, there is a note in your file stating that you want your medical test results sent to your
insurance company. Which department do you want them sent to? Please let us know as soon
as possible.
Regards, Dr. Huxley
1. What kind of test did Mr. Thompson have?
A. a stress test
B. a high blood pressure test
C. a department test
D. a blood test
2. Where will Mr. Thompson's medical test results be sent to
A. his doctor's office
B. his employer
C. his insurance company
D. the doctor's nurse
3. What is true about Mr. Thompson's blood pressure?
A. It is extremely high
B. It is normal
C. It is non-existent
D. It is very low
Câu 2 : Grocery retailer Matthison has announced a series of changes to its senior management
structure that will improve organizational efficiency.

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Greg Ford, the Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, will now be given
responsibility for the company's supply chain organization.
This added responsibility includes inventory management, distribution,
warehousing, and logistics. Ford now becomes Executive Vice President, and Karen Anderson,
formerly Executive Vice President, is leaving the company to pursue other interests. Gabriel
Karros, Chief Marketing Officer, will now be responsible for all the company's food
operations. This added responsibility includes food division operations, asset protection and
customer service.
1. Who is the current Executive Vice President?
A. Gabriel Karros
B. Karen Anderson
C. Greg Ford
D. Karros Matthison
2. Which responsibility is Not included for the Executive Vice President? A. Inventory
B. Distribution
C. Sales
D. Logistics
3. Who is responsible for food division operations?
A. Matthison
B. Ford
C. Karros
D. Anderson
Câu 3 : Read the following agenda and e-mail
International Environmental Protection Group (IEPG)
Meeting & Awards Ceremony
Thursday, August 09:00AM_7:00 P.M.
Place: Room 1, Sofitel Hotel
1. WelcomeBirsen Aksay
2. Fall projects & plansAri Tabaku
3. Introduction of Nominating
CommitteeKazadi Koite
4. Presentation of awardJakob Skolnik
Recipient: J.S Choi, CEO
5. Reception

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To: Jakob Skolnik
From: Victoria Williams
Subject: Yesterday's awards ceremony
Mr. Skolnik,
We were all concerned about your sudden illness yesterday and hope that you are feeling better
today. I know that you will feel reassured to learn that last night's awards ceremony went very
well despite your absence. We had Kazadi Koite lead both items 3 and 4, and I am happy to
report that he did an excellent job. The CEO of B.J. Technology accepted the award for “most
environmentally friendly company” on his company's behalf and expressed great delight on
receiving it. The reception was enjoyed by all. We had reserved the room for only three
hours,and some guests stayed until the last possible moment. More guests attended than we
expected, so we barely had enough room for everyone. Perhaps we should ask for a bigger
room next year. Rooms 2 and 3 are also small, but either room 4 or room 6 would be a good
size, I think. Even though the ceremony and reception were a great
success, I have several other ideas for improvements for next year ceremony. We can discuss
them when you return to work. Please rest well. We hope to see you healthy and back at work
1. What company does J.S. Choi work for?
B. B.J Technology
C. Sofitel Hotels
D. Williams Inc.
2. Who presented the award?
A. Jakob Skolnik
B. Victoria Williams
C. Kazadi Koite
D. Ari Tabaku
3. In which room was the reception held?
A. Room 1
B. Room 2
C. Room 3
D. Room 4
4. What does Victoria Williams suggest doing next year?
A. Asking Jakob Skolnik to present the award

8|P a g e
B. Using a larger hotel
C. Inviting more guests
D. Reserving a different room
Câu 4 : 32 Turtle Rd.
Wilmont, WI 20548
August 23
Dear Mrs. Malloy,
We recently discovered that your subscription to Gourmet Chef Monthly will expire in
September and you have not decided to renew it. To encourage you to reconsider your
decision, we'd like to offer you a special, one-time-only offer: if you choose to renew your
subscription, we will give you a fifty percent discount on each monthly issue from October to
March. According to our database, you were paying $6 per issue; with this discount you would
only have to pay $3.00. This offer is only valid if you apply to renew your subscription before
September 15th. We'reoffering to cut the cost of your subscription in half. Can you really ask
for a better deal? To accept our offer, please call us at 1-800-254-9864. Our office is open
Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Don't miss out on this wonderful opportunity; call one
of our helpful customer service agents today. We look forward to your business.
Warmest Regards,
Ross Cather
Sales Director, Gourmet Chef Monthly
1. Why did Ross Cather write the letter?
A. To request some personal information
B. To encourage the customer to extend her service
C. To inquire about the bill that has not been paid
D. To introduce a new service at the restaurant
2. When will Mrs. Malloy's existing subscription expire?
A. In March
B. In August
C. In September
D. In October
3. How much is Mr. Hopkins paying per month now?
A. $3.00
B. $6.00
C. $9.00
D. $15.00

9|P a g e
May 15
Dear Mr. Jenson
We appreciate your registration to become a member of our health club. We know that you
have many options to choose when you pursue physical fitness, and we truly thank you for
choosing us. Therefore, we assured that our staff will make avery effort to satisfy you with our
We will provide free weekly OK Health newsletter, training tips, and nutrition programs. The
OK Health newsletter will provide you with a lot of useful information, including a weight loss
program designed to fit your lifestyle and specific menus for a diet.
We enclosed a complimentary ticket to invite you to our highly-effective personal training for
a month. Please come and achieve maximum results in minimum time. Thank you again for
choosing us.
Rod Wood
Sales Manager
OK Health Center
The group exercise room is under construction. We regret any inconvenience; group exercise is
expected to reopen next Monday.
Visit our center website at for detailed diet information.
* Tue.- Thur. 9:00a.m.- 6:00 p.m.
* Fri.- Sat. 10:00a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
* Sun. 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
138 South Elm St. Toronto 03 L5K3N7 416-555-3947
1. Why did Rod Wood send a ticket to Mr. Jenson?
A. To offer help to achieve personal goals for well-being
B. To introduce a new powerful training program
C. To thank the new member
D. To provide nutrition information
2. What services does the OK Health Center NOT provide for its members?
A. Free OK Health newsletter
B. A discount on health products
C. Effective training tips

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D. Nutrition programs
3. What facility is currently closed?
A. The childcare facility
B. The production shop
C. The fitness room
D. The group exercise room
4. What information is NOT listed on the ticket?
A. The Center’s address and name
B. The hours of operation
C. Details about available personal training hours
D. The Center’s telephone number

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