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Thursday, 30 March 2023 9:54 pm


SWOT Analysis

- Strengths

○ Land freedom; project's site is offshore, there is more flexibility in designing the form
and area of the land because there are fewer restrictions compared to onshore sites.
This allows for greater freedom in planning and designing the project.

○ The site is protected from potential weather issues by the mountains of Bataan
Peninsula and Cordillera Central, which provide a shield against strong winds and other
adverse weather conditions. This protection makes the site's weather conditions more
stable and predictable.

○ The site is located in close proximity to Manila, which is a major destination for both
incoming and outgoing passengers, especially foreigners. This means that the site is
conveniently located for travelers who are entering or leaving the country via Manila.

○ Gentle breeze of the site averaging 10.64 kmh

○ Low sea level pressure average to 0.13mb to 2.04 mb

- Weaknesses

○ The road network of the Sangley terminal airport is poorly designed and not suitable for
accommodating a large number of passengers, which could cause congestion if a bridge
is built connecting to the site.

○ According to Cavite's latest flood hazard map, the site's entry points is prone to flood -
high susc.

○ Unpredictable water current

○ Mudflat soil is prone to settling, that can cause columns to sink of shift over time,
compromising the structural integrity of a structure.

- Opportunities

○ Expansion of commercial activities, the site is required to build a connecting bridge from
to land to the main site making it as an opportunity for commercial areas along the

○ MCX Toll gate as entry and exit point for the airport, having a toll gate directly
connected to the site makes it more easier to enter and exit the site to avoid traffic

○ Runway expansions; being an offshore airport project makes it easy to expand the

- Threats

○ The site and its entry points according to Cavite's tsunami hazard map, it is prone to

○ Site is located in the path of port ferries of Manila Ferry Rte/inc and CCP dock.

○ According to Storm Surge Hazard of Cavite, the site is prone to storm surge ranging from
1-4m high surge.

○ According to Ground Shaking Map of Cavite, the site's entry and exit points are prone to
intensity scale of VIII and above

○ Oppositions from environmentalists and local residents, fearing noise pollution and
traffic congestion.

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