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• Ms Smith 

(work)  as a sales representative for three years.

• In her job, she (drive)  around a lot to meet her customers all over the
• Today she (travel)  500 km to meet a customer.
• At the moment, Ms Smith (stand)  in her hotel room.
• She (arrive/just) .
• She always…plays...(play) well in tennis championships. She …has
been plaing…(play) well for a long time.
2. The weather…is geting….(get) worse.
5. Pop stars…earn…(earn) much more money than the Prime Minister.
They…pay a lot more tax….(pay a lot more tax) too! 
7. We…have benn waiting…(wait) for hours. Where …are…you (be)?
The bus…leaves…(leave) any second. Hurry! 
8…Have…you…heard…(hear) of David Bowie? Yes, I…have seen
…(see) him three times. 
9…Do…you…know...(know) Patricia? No, we…have never met…
never (meet) before. 
10. What…-....they (do)? Oh no, there …is … (be) an accident! 
• It’s still snowing. It has been snowing (snow) for hours.
• Steve has dated (date) four girls this weekend.
• You are always complaining (always to complain) that waiters are
• I walk (walk) to school every day. I don't take (take, not) the bus.
• They have won (win) two prizes so far.
• I have been visiting (attend) a swimming-pool for 5 years.
• The river is flowing (flow) very fast today — faster than usual.
• You are always borrowing (always to borrow) money!
• The number of people without job is increasing  (increase).
• I have been peeling (peel) onions, that’s why my eyes are red.
• Crank has been (be) in hospital for 2 weeks already
• Robert is a vegetarian. He does not eat (eat, not) meat.
• Do you cook (you, cook) your own dinner every day?
• Holidays abroad are becoming (become) increasingly popular.
• Are you in a hurry? — No, I am walking (walk) quickly because I’m
• Where’s your father? — He is (be) in the bathroom. He is shaving
• The neighbours are always slamming  (always/slam) doors and
shouting  (shout) during the night.
• My sister takes (take) part in the competitions almost every weekend. 
• We have known (know) each other since.
• Our neighbor has had (have) that car for 20 years.
• The baby has been crying (cry) for a couple of hours.
• My wife normally works (work) at home, but she is spending (spend)
this month in Italy.
• Don’t worry, the film hasn't started (not start) yet.
• Most days, Tom usually cycles (cycle) to work.
• When does the lesson start (start) today?
• What’s your brother doing? He is doing (do) the crossword in the
newspaper He does (do) it every day.
• What’s she doing? — She is mending (mend) her husband’s socks. She
always mends them. (mend)
• Re
• Why are you short of breath, guys? – We have jogged (jog) in the park
since morning.
• The dish-washer is OK now. Dad has repaired (repair) it.
• Mum is very tired. She has cleaned (clean) the house all day.
• The room looks so cosy now. I have hung (hang) up the curtains. That
dog has been barking (bark) since last night.
• The war has been rageing (rage) for 9 months now.
• How long have be (work) for this company?
• I have been standing (stand) in a queue for half an hour.
• Don’t shout! The baby  is sleeping. (sleep) The baby always sleeps after
dinner. (sleep)
• Have you seen (You, see) that man over there? —  Which man? The
man in the brown jacket? —  No, I am talking (talk) about the man
who is wearing (wear) the blue shirt. —  Oh, that man!— Do you
know (You, to know) him? — No, I don't think ( not think)  so.  —  I
don't know (know, not) him either.
• I not haven't heard (hear) from him for ages.
• We haven't had (not, have) such a snowy winter since my daughter was
• A lot of things has changed (change) since you left.
• It has been snowing (snow) since yesterday morning.
• I have been trying (try) to catch a taxi for an hour now.
• Have you passed (pass) your driving test yet?
• Have you booked (book) the plane tickets?
• Has his plane landed (land) yet?
• We have stayed (stay) at this hotel several times.

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