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For Digital Marketing:A spotlight.So this will be of the assessment that you are given.

You'll be
able to read this yourselves from next week.So it's an individual assignment, and the waiting is
hundred percent, because this is an elective, is a very, very quick causes is, uh, is just.Three
weeks, and I'll see you have to read these case studies and produce an assignment at the end of
that. So it's a pretty.A pretty rapid learning process.You have 2500 words, um, and.Best possible
minus 10%. So.You can write up to 2750 words in theory, I mean, that's not target, but you could
do that.Or you could write it as little as to consent to her.Yet 2250 words.
So that's that's what we're asking you to do, and the question is to think of a case study from the
course they were done, kingdom of Saudi Arabia were about to do that.I want you to write about
what you to pick one of those case studies.And I know that some of you will ask me at some
point, um, can I pick more than one.Or something like that, please just stick to one case study,
OK.Because if you pick more than one.Essentially, you could probably write perfectly decent, um,
essay, about two or three or all of the case studies.But you giving yourself a lot of work, so I say
one for your benefit, not so much for mine.So when you to write an analysis of around 2500
words.Which explains and critically analyses.What you learned.That's a spelling mistake. There.
So the this is really, really so critical here.The what we're looking for, um, is, uh, what? What you
learned.And that is.Using critical analysis, so that's super important. What we mean by that.Um is
something that is personal. So your evidence, um, those of you who.Um, well, all of you are on
delivering performance, so I will be loading up a lecture that we recorded.This morning, what I'm
talking about, academic writing, and you see now that I took a lot about structure.About
evidence and about critical analysis.So where are you going to get your evidence for, from.For
this particular assignment is your own personal experience.So you don't need to cite lots and lots
of academic references for this one.You can't cite some.

By money, mainly interested in what you learned.Not simply just describing what you've
learned.It's about critically analyzing. So what did you think before you started this course What
did you learn.When you read the case study in question, and why is that important, that's the
really critical path as the critical analysis problem. Why is an important what you learned, don't
just describe it.Tell me why it is important.I'm so.Use case study to give examples of each of the
learning object to see, you will need to go look at the learning objectives for this course, which is
in neutral.And as a setback, because cooled by reflecting on both theory and practice for each
point, so you can.A cup, some theories, for instance, we can talk about disintermediation, that
big J.The rise.

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