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MARCH 2023







Đề thi ngày 2/3
01 SPEAKING ......................................................................................................1
WRITING TASK 1 ............................................................................................5
WRITING TASK 2 ............................................................................................7

Đề thi ngày 4/3

02 SPEAKING .....................................................................................................9
WRITING TASK 1 ...........................................................................................13
WRITING TASK 2 ..........................................................................................15

Đề thi ngày 11/3

03 SPEAKING .....................................................................................................17
WRITING TASK 1 ...........................................................................................20
WRITING TASK 2 ..........................................................................................23

Đề thi ngày 18/3

04 SPEAKING .....................................................................................................25
WRITING TASK 1 ............................................................................................28
WRITING TASK 2 ...........................................................................................30

Đề thi ngày 25/3

05 SPEAKING ...................................................................................................32
WRITING TASK 1 .........................................................................................35
WRITING TASK 2 ........................................................................................38

Bonus - Đề thi trên máy tính

06 Ngày 16/3
WRITING TASK 1 ..........................................................................................40
Part 1 - Birthday

1. What do you usually do on your birthday? Vocabulary

Well, usually on my birthday, I try to do something special out of the ordinary

or out of the ordinary. Maybe I'll treat myself to a nice (phrase): lạ, bất thường
meal or do something fun with my friends or family. It's a
good excuse to indulge a little bit and celebrate another excuse (noun): cớ; lời biện
year of life. hộ

2. What did you do on your birthday when you were indulge (verb): nuông chiều

When I was young, my birthdays were all about parties

and cake! I would invite all of my friends over, we'd play
games, open presents, and eat a whole lot of sugar. It was
always a really exciting day for me.

3. Do you think it is important for you to celebrate your


acknowledge (verb): công

I mean, I think it's important to acknowledge your
nhận; thừa nhận
birthday in some way. It's a milestone in your life and a
chance to reflect on the past year and look forward to the
milestone (noun): cột mốc,
next one. But I don't think it has to be a big, elaborate
sự kiện quan trọng
celebration. It can be something as simple as taking a
moment to appreciate the people in your life or treating
elaborate (adjective): công
yourself to something you've been wanting.
Part 1 - Chocolate

4. Whose birthday do you think is the most important to Vocabulary

celebrate in your country?
a big deal (phrase): một sự
Well, I would say that the most important birthday to việc quan trọng
celebrate in Vietnam is definitely the birthday of President
Ho Chi Minh. He's considered the father of our nation. His parades (noun): cuộc diễu
birthday is on May 19th and it's a national holiday in hành
Vietnam, so it's a pretty big deal. People usually gather to
celebrate with parades and fireworks. It’s super fun and fireworks (noun): pháo hoa

Part 2 - An experience

Describe a time when you taught a friend or relative something.

You should say:

who you taught
what you taught
how the result was
and explain how you felt about the experience


I remember a time when I taught my younger cousin how training wheels (noun): hai
to ride a bike. She had just turned six years old and was bánh nhỏ gắn sau xe đạp để
really excited to learn how to ride without training giúp giữ thăng bằng
wheels. I had been riding my bike for a few years by then,
so my aunt asked me to teach her. balance (verb): giữ thăng
I started by showing her how to balance on the bike and
how to pedal. I held onto the back of the bike to give her pedal (verb): đạp; dùng bàn
some support at first, and then gradually let go as she got đạp
more confident. It took a little bit of patience and
guidance, but eventually, she was able to ride on her own patience (noun): sự nhẫn nại
without any help!
thrilled (adjective): phấn khởi
The result was great - my cousin was thrilled to have
learned how to ride a bike, and she was so proud of rewarding (adjective): bổ ích;
herself. She kept saying "Look, I'm riding a bike!" and we thoả mãn (về một hoạt
all cheered her on. động..)

I felt really happy and proud of my cousin for learning wobble around (phrasal
something new, and it was really rewarding to see her verb): di chuyển không vững
progress from wobbling around to riding confidently on
her own. Plus, we got to bond over something fun, so it a win-win situation (noun
was a win-win situation! phrase): trường hợp có lợi
cho cả hai bên

Part 3 - Learning Vocabulary

1. What practical skills can young people teach old


set up (phrasal verb): đăng

There are so many practical skills that young people can

teach old people. For example, young people are usually
pretty good with technology, so they could teach older
possibilities (noun): khả
folks how to use a smartphone or tablet, how to set up an
năng (có thể xảy ra)
email account, or how to use different apps and programs.
The possibilities are endless! It's really just a matter of
figure out (phrasal verb):
finding something that the older person is interested in
tìm ra
learning and figuring out how to teach it in a way that
works for them.

2. Do you think “showing” is better than “telling” in


I think both "showing" and "telling" can be effective in

demonstrate (verb): minh
education, depending on the situation. Sometimes it's
hoạ, làm rõ
really helpful to have someone physically show you how
to do something or demonstrate a technique. Other
verbally (adverb): bằng
times, it might be more efficient or easier to understand if
miệng, bằng lời nói
someone explains it verbally or in writing. It really just
depends on the context and the individual learner.

3. Do people in your country like to watch videos to learn


Yes, I think people in my country definitely enjoy

watching videos to learn new things! There are so many
tutorials (noum): bản hướng
resources online these days, from tutorials on YouTube to
online courses and webinars. Videos can be a really
engaging and immersive way to learn, and they often
make complex topics easier to understand. Plus, they're
usually more entertaining than reading a textbook.

The table below shows the production of milk annually in four countries in
1990, 2000 and 2010.

Phân tích đề bài

Dạng bài: Bảng số liệu có sự thay đổi theo thời gian.

Độ khó: Dễ - Đề bài không có quá nhiều số liệu (4 nhóm), đồng thời nội dung thông tin
trong đề cũng không quá xa lạ với hầu hết thí sinh (sản lượng sữa).

Cách tiếp cận trong bài mẫu:

Sản lượng sữa tăng qua các năm ở hầu hết các quốc gia, trừ Australia.
Netherlands và Australia là 2 nước có sản lượng lớn nhất.
Body 1: Miêu tả số liệu tổng, số liệu của Australia và Netherlands.
Body 2: Miêu tả số liệu của Tanzania và Guatemala.

Band điểm ước tính cho bài viết mẫu: 8.0

Bài mẫu Từ vựng

The table compares how many liters of milk is produced

annually in four countries including the Netherlands,
Australia, Tanzania and Guatemala between 1990 and

Overall, during the 20-year period, milk production

increased in all countries, except for Australia. In addition,
the Netherlands and Australia were always two major
producers of milk during the period.

In 1990, The Netherlands ranked first in annual milk

production among the four countries with exactly
11,262,000 liters, followed closely by Australia with a
production of only 20 thousand liters less. After a decade,
the figures for two countries both dropped by over 100
thousand liters. However, in 2010 the amount of milk
produced annually in the Netherlands rose again to over
11,466,000 liters, while the production in Australia
continued to drop by nearly 2 million liters.

Tanzania made 87 million liters of milk annually in 1990,

over threefolds the annual milk production in Guatemala (at over threefolds (phrase):
only 26 million liters). The figure for Tanzania then doubled hơn gấp ba lần
to 155,000 after 20 years, while Guatemala tripled the milk
production, reaching 84,000 liters by the end of the period. triple (verb): gấp ba lần

(187 words)

Some people say free time activities for children should be organised by
parents. Others say that children should be free to choose what they do in
their free time.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Phân tích đề bài

Dạng bài: Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Keywords cần lưu ý: free time activities - children - organised - parents - free to choose

Độ khó: Trung bình - Nội dung không quá xa lạ với hầu hết thí sinh, tuy nhiên giới hạn của
đề khá hẹp (hoạt động trong thời gian rảnh của trẻ em). Thí sinh cần lưu ý đến điều này để
đưa ra ý tưởng và lựa chọn từ vựng phù hợp.

Cách tiếp cận trong bài mẫu:

Ý kiến tổng quan: Cha mẹ nên cho phép con cái lựa chọn hoạt động trong thời gian
Body 1: Giải thích tại sao một số người cho rằng cha mẹ nên kiểm soát việc con cái
làm trong thời gian rảnh.
Body 2: Đưa ra lý do tại sao việc để con cái tự lựa chọn hoạt động trong thời gian rảnh
lại hợp lý.

Band điểm ước tính cho bài viết mẫu: 7.5

Bài mẫu Từ vựng

People have different views about whether children's free

time should be organised by parents or children
themselves. In my opinion, parents should let children
choose their pastimes for their own sake.

On one hand, it is understandable why some people think

parents should have control over their children's leisure
activities during their early childhood. Preschoolers and preschoolers (noun): trẻ
school-age children may not know what activities are chưa đến tuổi đến trường
beneficial to them, and if given the choice, they often
choose entertaining but unproductive ones, such as unproductive (adjective):
playing games on phones or watching cartoons. On the không hữu ích
other hand, parents can use their knowledge and
experience to make informed choices and expose their enrichment activities (noun
children to enrichment activities. Examples of such phrase): hoạt động mang lại
activities may include puzzles and educational board nhiều lợi ích
games, which are designed to stimulate a child's mind and
foster their cognitive development. Additionally, parents stimulate (verb): kích thích,
can discover and nurture their children's potential by khơi dậy
observing them during play. Therefore, it is beneficial for
children to engage in a free-time activity that is well- cognitive development
thought out by their parents. (noun phrase): phát triển
nhận thức
On the other hand, I believe it is more reasonable to allow
children to decide their pastimes, as this can be a way to
build their independence and enable them to find their
consuming passions. Allowing children to choose their
leisure activities can be the first step towards developing a autonomy (noun): tự chủ
sense of autonomy and educating them about taking
responsibility for their choices, which will foster their independence (noun): tính
independence. In addition, the primary purpose of a tự lập
hobby is to keep people amused. Thus, if children are
forced to engage in a pastime not of their interest, such a
hobby no longer serves its purpose. If given the chance to
choose the activities aligned with their interests, children
will be more engaged and stick with them longer.

In conclusion, although parents have decent reasons for

regulating how much freedom children should have to
decide their own pastimes, they should not have complete
control over it. Instead, they should empower their
children to make their own choices.

(330 words)
Part 1 - Puzzles Vocabulary

1. Did you do puzzles in your childhood?

Yeah, I did puzzles all the time when I was a kid! My family
had a bunch of jigsaw puzzles and crossword puzzles, and jigsaw puzzles (noun
I remember spending hours putting them together or phrase): trò chơi lắp hình
trying to solve them. It was always really satisfying to
finish one and see the completed picture or word grid. satisfying (adjective): đem
lại sự thoả mãn
2. When do you do puzzles, during your trip or when you
feel bored?

I usually do puzzles when I'm feeling bored or when I want

to relax and unwind. Sometimes I'll do a crossword puzzle
or Sudoku while I'm on a long plane ride or waiting for an a plane ride (noun phrase):
appointment, but mostly I do them at home in my free một chuyến đi máy bay

3. Do you like doing word puzzles or number puzzles?

word searches (noun): trò
I like both word puzzles and number puzzles, but I think chơi tìm từ
I'm better at word puzzles. I love doing crossword puzzles
and word searches, and I find them really fun and tedious (adjective): chán
challenging. Number puzzles like Sudoku are also cool, but ngắt, buồn tẻ
sometimes they can get a little bit tedious.

4. Do you think it is good for old people to do puzzles?

Yeah, I think it's great for older people to do puzzles!

Doing puzzles can help keep the mind active and engaged, cognitive function (noun
which is really important for maintaining cognitive phrase): khả năng nhận
function as you get older. Plus, it's a fun and enjoyable thức
activity that can help reduce stress and keep you
entertained. Whether it's a jigsaw puzzle, crossword
puzzle, or Sudoku, I think there's something for everyone
to enjoy!

Part 2 - An object
Describe a photo you took that you are proud of.

You should say:

When you took it
Where you took it
What is in this photo
And explain why you are proud of it

I took a photo of Nha Trang beach a few years ago when I Vocabulary
was on vacation there with my family. We were there
during the summer, and the weather was perfect for waves (noun): sóng biển
spending time at the beach.
jet skis (noun phrase): một
I took the photo from a spot on the sand, looking out phương tiện phản lực nhỏ
towards the water. The beach was really busy that day, lướt trên mặt nước và
with lots of people swimming and playing in the waves. thường được điều khiển
You could see boats and jet skis out on the water, and in như một chiếc xe máy.
the distance, there were these tall, jagged cliffs rising up
against the sky. jagged (adjective): có mép
lởm chởm như răng cưa;
I'm really proud of this photo because I think it does a không đều
great job of capturing the energy and excitement of Nha
Trang beach. The colors are so bright and vibrant, with vibrant (adjective): rực rỡ
the blue of the water and the green of the trees and cliffs và gây ấn tượng sâu sắc
all coming together in this really beautiful way. I also like (nhất là về màu sắc)
the way the photo shows all the different things
happening on the beach - people playing in the waves, cliffs (noun): vách đá (nhô
lounging in the sun, and even flying kites in the distance. ra biển)

But mostly, I'm proud of this photo because it reminds me lounge (verb): đi thơ thẩn,
of that day and that experience. Every time I look at it, it’s nằm ườn
like I'm transported back to that sunny beach. It's a special
photo that always brings a smile to my face.

Part 3 - Photographs
1. Why do some people like to record important things
with photos?

Some people like to record important things with photos capture (verb): nắm giữ
because it allows them to capture a moment in time and,
you know, preserve it for the future. Photos can serve as preserve (verb): bảo quản,
a tangible reminder of special events or experiences, and giữ gìn
looking back on them can bring back memories and
emotions that might otherwise fade over time. tangible (adjective): hữu
hình, có thể sờ được
2. What can people learn from historical photographs?
fade (verb): nhạt; phai (màu)
I think historical photographs can teach people a lot about
the past. They can give us a window into what life was like
in different time periods, and show us how people and
places have changed over time. By studying historical
photographs, we can gain a better understanding of our
own history and the events that have shaped our world. shape (verb): định hình

Part 3 - Photographs
3. Is taking photos the best way to remember something?

Well, not really. While taking photos can be a great way to priorities (noun): ưu tiên
remember something, it's not necessarily the best way for
everyone. Some people may prefer to remember things routine (noun): thói quen
through writing or other creative means, while others sinh hoạt hàng ngày
might simply rely on their own memory to recall important
moments. I suppose the best way to remember something a hassle (noun): rắc rối
will depend on the individual and their own preferences.
grow apart (phrasal verb):
dần trở nên xa lạ

The chart below shows the expenditure on three categories among
different age groups of residents in the UK in 2004.

Phân tích đề bài

Dạng bài: Biểu đồ cột không có sự thay đổi theo thời gian.

Độ khó: Trung bình - Số liệu trong đề bài không nhiều và không quá khó để miêu tả. Tuy
nhiên các số liệu không có quá nhiều điểm tương đồng, và điều này có thể gây khó khăn
cho một số thí sinh trong việc gom nhóm các thông tin.

Cách tiếp cận trong bài mẫu:

Người dân ở các nhóm tuổi chi nhiều tiền nhất cho Entertainment, Food and
beverage, ngoại trừ nhóm tuổi dưới 30.
Người ở các nhóm tuổi trẻ chi nhiều tiền hơn cho Restaurants and hotels hơn
những người từ 60 tuổi trở lên.
Body 1: Miêu tả số liệu của nhóm dưới 30 tuổi, từ 31 đến 45 và 46 đến 60.
Body 2: Miêu tả số liệu của nhóm tuổi 61 đến 75 và trên 76.

Band điểm ước tính cho bài viết mẫu: 7.5

Bài mẫu Từ vựng

The bar chart compares the proportions of spending on

three categories among different age groups from under
30 to over 76 in 2004.

Overall, citizens of all age groups in the UK allocated the

majority of their budget to entertainment, food and
beverage, except for the under-30 group. In addition, the
younger groups spent significantly more money on
restaurants and hotels than the over-60 aged groups.

In 2004, people under 30 and people aged 31 to 45 in the

UK both spent nearly the same proportion of their spent nearly the same
budget on entertainment (at around 7%), while the proportion of their budget
proportion of total spending on the same category among on... (verb phrase): đã chi
the 46-60 aged group was almost double (at 14%). gần như cùng một tỷ lệ
Similarly, both 31-to-45 and 46-to-60 groups allocated ngân sách của họ vào...
12% to restaurants and hotels, only 2% lower than the
figure for residents under 30. Regarding the expenditure
on food and drink, only over 5% was spent on this
category among the under 30 group, compared to 12%
and 17% among the 31 to 45 and 46 to 60 aged group in

Meanwhile, those aged 61 to 75 and over 75 spent 2 %

and 7% of their expenditure on restaurants and hotels,
respectively, while their spending on food and beverage
was much higher, at 20% or more. However,
entertainment accounted for 23% of total spending
among the 61 to 75 aged group, double the figure for the
same category among the oldest age group.

(235 words)

Some students take a gap year after graduating high school to work and/or travel.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of this?

Phân tích đề bài

Dạng bài: Positive - Negative

Keywords cần lưu ý: gap year - high school - work - travel

Độ khó: Dễ - Đề bài nói về chủ đề rất gần gũi với nhiều thí sinh, đồng thời cách đặt câu hỏi
cũng rất đơn giản khi chỉ yêu cầu liệt kê các mặt lợi - hại thay vì yêu cầu sự so sánh.

Cách tiếp cận trong bài mẫu:

Ý kiến tổng quan: Việc nghỉ 1 năm giữa cấp 3 và đại học có cả lợi và hại.
Body 1: Lợi ích của gap-year
Bổ sung kinh nghiệm thực tế về công việc.
Bổ sung trải nghiệm và khả năng thích ứng nhờ vào việc đi du lịch.
Body 2: Mặt trái của gap-year
Việc đi du lịch có thể tiêu tốn nhiều tiền bạc.
Việc nghỉ 1 năm có thể khiến học sinh gặp khó khăn trong việc bắt nhịp lại với việc học.

Band điểm ước tính cho bài viết mẫu: 8.0

Bài mẫu Từ vựng

Many students opt for a gap year between university and

high school to work or travel to experience new things.
There are certain benefits and drawbacks that arise in this
hands-on experience (noun
phrase): kinh nghiệm có được
nhờ thực hành
On one hand, spending a gap year working enables
students to expose themselves to different fields of their
career path (noun phrase): con
interest, get hands-on experience, and decide which
đường sự nghiệp
career path is suitable for themselves. This is essential for
an informed decision when students choose a major and
aspirations (noun): nguyện
their career aspirations. Additionally, working during a
gap year can help students gather funds for tuition fees
and living costs, taking a huge financial pressure off their
funds (noun): nguồn tài chính,
shoulders whilst at university. In other cases, traveling
experience during a gap year can foster valuable skills
such as adaptivity and problem-solving skills. Whether
adaptivity (noun): khả năng
students travel within their country or go abroad, they will
thích ứng
certainly encounter problems in such unfamiliar places
and be exposed to people with different beliefs. This
trade-offs (noun): sự đánh đổi
forces them to adapt to the situations so that they can
opportunity cost (noun
phrase): chi phí cơ hội
On the other hand, there are certain trade-offs between
taking a year off and continuing their study. For one, if
momentum (noun): đà, động
gap-year students solely spend a year traveling to gain
experience, a big trade-off is the resources that would
otherwise be invested in getting a university degree.
discouraged (adjective): chán
Another opportunity cost of taking a gap year rather than
nản; thoái chí
continuing their study is that students can lose the
academic momentum. Although working or traveling
during a gap year can be a rewarding experience, students
are likely to struggle to shift their focus back to their
study, thereby making slow progress in their academic
performance. This can cause students to feel discouraged
from their study and drop out of college.

In conclusion, taking one year off to work or travel can

help students accumulate money and experience.
However, there are certain drawbacks that gap-year
students should carefully consider, such as reduced
motivation of study and the unwise use of their resources.

(321 words)

Part 1 - Home Decoration

1. What kind of decoration do you prefer? Vocabulary

Personally, I prefer a cozy and comfortable decoration cozy (adjective): ấm cúng;

style. I enjoy having soft blankets, pillows, and warm thoải mái dễ chịu
colors around my home. I also like to have flowers as
decorations, but unfortunately, I can't because I have four blankets (noun): chăn
cats who tend to eat them all. So, I've had to give up on
using flowers as a decoration in my house.

2. What’s your favorite color when decorating your calming (adjective): êm

home? đềm, nhẹ nhàng

My favorite color when decorating my home is blue. I find go well with (phrasal verb):
it very calming and soothing, and it goes well with a lot of phù hợp với
other colors. Plus, there are so many different shades of
blue to choose from, so it's easy to find one that matches seasonally (adverb): cthay
my style and preferences. đổi theo mùa

3. Do people in your country like redecorating their sustainable materials (noun

homes? phrase): vật liệu bền vững

Yeah, definitely. Many people in Vietnam like

redecorating their homes. It's common to refresh the look
of a room or add some new decorations to make the
home feel more inviting and comfortable. Some people do
it seasonally or for special occasions like Tet or Christmas.

4. What is the new decorating trend for this year?

Hmm, I'm not entirely sure what the new decorating trend
for this year is since I don't read a lot of design magazines.
However, I’ve seen many people decorate their houses
with natural elements like plants, wood and stone. So I
guess the new decorating trend for this year seems to be
about natural and sustainable materials?

Part 2 - An experience

Describe a problem you had while shopping online or in a store.

You should say:

When it happened
What you bought
What problem you had
And explain how you felt about the experience


... I was trying to buy an Iron Man action figure online action figure (idiom): mô
the other day. I'm a big fan of the Marvel movies, and I hình
wanted to add the Iron Man figure to my collection.
reasonable (noun): vừa
I found the perfect one on this online store that I've never phải; phải chăng
shopped at before. It had a reasonable price, good
reviews, and the pictures looked awesome. So, I added it cart (noun): giỏ hàng
to my cart and proceeded to checkout.

But then, when I tried to pay for it, the website kept
giving me an error message. I tried a few more times, but browser (noun): trình duyệt
the same thing kept happening. I even tried using a (ví dụ: Chrome, Safari...)
different browser and device, but still no luck.
frustrated (idiom): khó
I was super frustrated because I really wanted that figure chịu, nản lòng, nản chí
and didn't want to miss out on it. I even reached out to
their customer support, but they took forever to get back be sold out (phrase): bán
to me, and by the time they did, the figure was sold out! hết hàng

I was so disappointed and annoyed. I really wanted to add mess everything up

that Iron Man figure to my collection, and this website's (phrase): làm mọi thứ rối
technical issues messed everything up. Maybe I'll have tung lên
better luck next time.

Part 3 - Shopping

1. What kind of customer service do you think is good? Vocabulary

I'd say good customer service is when the people who go above and beyond
work at the store or company are friendly, helpful, and go (idiom): làm nhiều hơn
above and beyond to make sure you're satisfied. Nobody hoặc tốt hơn được mong
likes dealing with rude or unresponsive customer service, đợi
rude (adjective): thô lỗ
2. What are the differences between shopping online and
in-store? unresponsive (adjective):
không thông cảm, lãnh đạm
Well, let me see. With online shopping, you can do it from
the comfort of your own couch, but you can't try things couch (noun): ghế bành
on or see them in person before buying. In-store shopping
gives you the opportunity to see and touch items, but you have the best of both
have to physically go to the store and deal with crowds worlds (idiom): một tình
and lines. You can't have the best of both worlds. huống mà trong đó bạn có
thể tận hưởng những lợi
3. What problems do customers often have while ích của hai thứ khác nhau
shopping? cùng một lúc

There are so many potential problems when shopping.

Maybe the item you want is out of stock, or the size you out of stock (phrase): hết
need isn't available. Sometimes the checkout lines are hàng
super long, or you can't find what you're looking for. And
then there's the frustration of dealing with pushy pushy (adjective): hay hối
salespeople. They never know when to stop! thúc một cách quá mức

The table shows the number of exchange students from universities in
Europe to Australia and vice versa.

Phân tích đề bài

Dạng bài: Bảng số liệu có sự thay đổi theo thời gian.

Độ khó: Khó - Đề bài dù chỉ cho số liệu ở 2 năm nhưng có 12 số liệu ở mỗi bảng, đồng
thời thông tin trong mỗi bảng cũng không giống nhau. Thí sinh rất cần lưu ý đến việc gom
nhóm số liệu để tránh làm bài viết trở nên quá dài.

Cách tiếp cận trong bài mẫu:

Số lượng sinh viên trao đổi từ Europe tăng sau 2 năm.
Số lượng sinh viên từ Australia giữ nguyên.
Body 1: Miêu tả số liệu của sinh viên từ Europe qua Australia.
Body 2: Miêu tả số liệu của sinh viên từ Australia qua Europe.

Band điểm ước tính cho bài viết mẫu: 8.0

Bài mẫu Từ vựng

The tables illustrate how many students were exchanged

from European universities to Australia and vice versa in
2007 and 2009.

In general, the number of exchange students from Europe

rose after two years, with the biggest increase recorded
for German students. On the other hand, the figure for
those exchanged from Australia remained the same.

In 2007, 186 university students were exchanged from

Europe to Australia, with the biggest number coming from
France (61 students), compared to only 27 from Germany.
The numbers of students from Sweden, the UK, and the
Netherlands were quite similar in this year, standing at 32,
31, and 36, respectively. Two years later, the total number see the biggest
of exchange students from Europe rose by 40, with increase (phrase):
Germany seeing the biggest increase of 36 students, chứng kiến sự gia
followed by 10 students from Sweden. In contrast, the tăng lớn nhất
figures for Sweden and the Netherlands both dropped by
10, while that for France was almost the same as in 2007.

The number of exchange students from Australia to

Europe stayed at 152 in both years. The figures for those
sent to France saw the most significant rise, from 37 in
2007 to 58 in 2009, followed by Germany, whose number
increased from 18 to 26. The numbers of students sent to
Sweden, the UK, and the Netherlands were around 32 to
33 in 2007, but later fell to 27, 23, and 18, respectively.

(231 words)

The advantages of the spread of English as a global language will continue to outweigh
its disadvantages.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Phân tích đề bài

Dạng bài: Agree - Disagree

Keywords cần lưu ý: advantages - spread of English - global language - continue -
outweigh its disadvantages

Độ khó: Trung bình - Đề bài đưa ra một chủ đề không quá xa lạ nhưng ít được nhắc đến
trong đời sống hàng ngày (việc tiếng Anh trở thành ngôn ngữ toàn cầu). Điều này có thể sẽ
gây khó khăn cho một số thí sinh trong việc lựa chọn ý tưởng cho bài viết.

Cách tiếp cận trong bài mẫu:

Ý kiến tổng quan: Hoàn toàn đồng ý với ý kiến trong đề.
Body 1: Việc sử dụng tiếng Anh làm ngôn ngữ toàn cầu có một số mặt trái.
Body 2: Tuy nhiên, những lợi ích mà nó mang lại hoàn toàn vượt trội so với mặt trái.

Band điểm ước tính cho bài viết mẫu: 8.0

Bài mẫu
Từ vựng

Some people believe that the benefits of using English as

a lingua franca will outweigh the drawbacks. I completely
agree with this statement for the following reasons.

On one hand, the increasing use of English certainly

comes with a few disadvantages. First, the spread of
English could lead to the decline of other languages,
particularly those spoken by smaller communities. This cultural heritage (noun
could lead to the loss of cultural heritage and identity. phrase): di sản văn hóa
Second, the popularity of English can create and facilitate
social inequality. It can create a gap between those who identity (noun): danh tính
have access to English education and those who do not, or
between native English speakers and those from non- inequality (noun): sự không
English-speaking countries. bằng nhau; sự không bình
On the other hand, the benefits of having English as a
global language are much more significant. As the lingua lingua franca (noun): ngôn
franca, English enables people from different countries to ngữ để những người nói
communicate effectively with each other. This can be nhiều thứ tiếng khác nhau
especially important for international business and giao tiếp với nhau; ngôn
diplomacy, as the challenges caused by language barriers ngữ chung
no longer exist. In addition, English is the language of
science, technology, and the internet. Knowledge in these diplomacy (noun): thuật
fields is largely written in English, which means it will ngoại giao; ngành ngoại
become more accessible when English grows in giao
popularity. Moreover, the spread of English can foster
cultural exchange. As people around the globe use English
for communication, those from different cultures can
easily share their ideas and experiences, which can tolerance (noun): sự khoan
promote greater understanding and tolerance among dung, sức chịu đựng
different peoples.

In conclusion, while there are some disadvantages to the

spread of English as a global language, the benefits it
brings in terms of communication, access to information,
and cultural exchange are likely to continue outweighing

(271 words)

Part 1 - Your Country

1. Where is your country located? Vocabulary

Well, Vietnam is located in Southeast Asia, neighbouring

countries like China, Laos and Cambodia. We're also lucky coastline (noun): bờ biển;
to have a beautiful coastline that stretches along the East
hình dáng bờ biển
stretch (verb): kéo dài ra
2. Which part of your country do most people live in?

Most people in Vietnam live in the northern and southern regions (noun): vùng; miền
regions. These regions are where most of the major cities
and urban areas are located, like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh
City. You know, these areas are where the action is, with
tons of cool things to see and do.

3. What are the main industries in your country?

agriculture (noun): nông
There are a variety of industries in Vietnam, but some of nghiệp
the main ones I can think of right now are manufacturing,
textiles (noun): vải dệt
agriculture, and services. My country is well-known for
producing goods like textiles, electronics, and footwear, (hàng dệt tay hoặc dệt
as well as agricultural products like rice, coffee, and
bằng máy)
seafood. Plus, there are many amazing places to visit, so
tourism is a big deal too!
diverse (adjective): đa dạng
4. What makes you feel proud of your country?

One of the biggest things that make me feel proud of iconic (adjective): có tính
Vietnam is our history and culture, which is incredibly rich
chất hình tượng
and diverse. And of course, Vietnamese food is amazing.
Names of dishes like “banh mi” and “pho” are added into
the Oxford English Dictionary because of how well-
known and iconic they are. You know, Vietnamese cuisine
is also voted among best in the world. So that's definitely
something to be proud of!

Part 2 - A person

Describe a person who inspired you to do something interesting.

You should say:

Who he/she is
How you knew him/her
What interesting thing you did
And explain how he/she inspired you to do it

So there's this guy named Huy that I used to work with
back in 2019. He's a few years older than me and we met sociable (adjective): dễ
at a job we both had at an English centre. As I remember gần gũi, hoà đồng
it, he was a very sociable and friendly guy. As for his
appearance, he was the tallest in our office and he looked well-built (adjective):
really well-built.
(thân hình) rắn rỏi

One day, Huy was telling me about this really cool hiking
wilderness (noun): vùng
trip he had just taken where he camped out overnight in
hoang vu
the wilderness. I had never done anything like that before
and it sounded amazing.
passionate (adjective):
nhiệt tình; say mê
Huy was really passionate about the outdoors and he
talked about it in such an inspiring way that I felt like I had
to try it myself. So, I decided to plan a hiking and camping have a blast (idiom): có
trip with some friends. một thời gian tuyệt vời

We ended up going on this awesome weekend trip to a trails (noun): đường mòn
nearby national park and we had a blast. We hiked (nhất là xuyên qua vùng
through some gorgeous trails, set up our tents, and spent đất gồ ghề)
the night under the stars.

Honestly, if it wasn't for Huy, I don't think I would have

taken the leap and done something like that. He really
inspired me to step out of my comfort zone and try new
and exciting things. I'm so grateful to have had him as a
colleague and friend.

Part 3 - Role model

1. What qualities make someone a role model? Vocabulary

I suppose someone can be a role model if they have

qualities that inspire and motivate others. For example, motivate (verb): thúc đẩy,
they might be kind, hardworking, confident, or have a
tạo động lực
strong sense of integrity, you know. A good role model is
someone who sets a positive example and shows others
how to behave in a way that is admirable and respectful.
integrity (noun): tính liêm

2. Why should children learn from role models? chính

Well, children can actually learn a lot from role models

because they look up to and admire them. Role models admirable (adjective): đáng
can teach children important values and skills, and help khâm phục
them develop a sense of purpose and direction. When
children have positive role models, they are more likely to
make good choices and become responsible adults. a sense of purpose and

3. Who can influence children more, teachers or parents? direction (noun phrase): ý
thức về mục đích và
It’s hard to say, honestly, because both teachers and
phương hướng
parents can have a big influence on children, but in
different ways. Teachers can inspire children to learn and
can be good role models in the classroom. Parents, on the
emotional support (noun
other hand, have a more personal relationship with their
children and can provide emotional support and phrase): hỗ trợ tinh thần
guidance. All in all, I think both teachers and parents can
be important role models for children.


The graph below shows the average house prices in 3 countries between
the years 1997-2014.

Phân tích đề bài

Dạng bài: Biểu đồ đường

Độ khó: Dễ - Đề bài chỉ cung cấp 3 nhóm số liệu và sự thay đổi của các nhóm số liệu này
qua các năm khá đơn giản.

Cách tiếp cận trong bài mẫu:

Giá nhà ở cả 3 quốc gia đều tăng, với mức tăng lớn nhất ở Country A.
Country C có mức giá nhà thấp nhất.
Body 1: Miêu tả số liệu ở Country B và C.
Body 2: Miêu tả số liệu ở Country A.

Band điểm ước tính cho bài viết mẫu: 8.0

Bài mẫu Từ vựng

The graph illustrates the housing prices in three countries,

A, B, and C, from 1997 to 2014.

In general, the housing prices in all three countries saw

increases throughout the years, with the most significant
being recorded in country A. In addition, Country C saw
the lowest housing price in the surveyed period.

All three countries had almost the same real estate prices real estate (noun): bất
in 1997, at around 150,000 dollars. The figure for Country động sản
B later increased to nearly 400,000 dollars in 2005 but
plummeted to under 300,000 dollars just three years plummet (verb): giảm
later, before soaring to around 500,000 dollars from 2010 mạnh
to 2014. The price in Country C saw a similar pattern, but
to a smaller degree. It climbed gradually to roughly soar (verb): tăng vọt
250,000 dollars in 2007, plunged to under 200,000 dollars
in 2008, and later rose to nearly 300,000 dollars in the
final years.

The housing price in Country A increased minimally by

only around 20,000 dollars from 1997 to 2000, reaching skyrocket (verb): tăng vọt
170,000 dollars. However, it then skyrocketed to
550,000 dollars after only three years, far surpassing the surpass (verb): vượt qua
figures for the other two countries. The number later fell
to under 500,000 dollars in 2006 but then quickly
recovered and remained at 600,000 dollars from 2009 to

(218 words)

Some people think that the increasing use of computers and mobile phones for
communication has a negative effect on young people’s reading and writing skills.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Phân tích đề bài

Dạng bài: Agree/ Disagree

Keywords cần lưu ý: increasing use of computers and mobile phones for communication -
negative effect - young people - reading and writing skills

Độ khó: Trung bình - Đề bài nói về chủ đề quen thuộc với nhiều người (ảnh hưởng của công
nghệ trong giao tiếp), tuy nhiên thí sinh cần lưu ý rằng đề bài chỉ giới hạn ở ảnh hưởng đối
với kỹ năng đọc và viết ở người trẻ.

Cách tiếp cận trong bài mẫu:

Ý kiến tổng quan: Hoàn toàn đồng ý với ý kiến trong đề
Body 1: Ảnh hưởng xấu của việc giao tiếp trên điện thoại và máy tính đối với kỹ năng
Body 2: Ảnh hưởng xấu của việc giao tiếp trên điện thoại và máy tính đối với kỹ năng

Band điểm ước tính cho bài viết mẫu: 7.5

Bài mẫu Từ vựng

Some people believe that young people’s reading and

writing abilities are deteriorating because of the frequent
use of mobile phones and computers for communication. I
completely agree with this statement for the following

As mobile phones and computers become more popular, erode (verb): ăn mòn, huỷ
reading is among the first skills to be affected. Digital diệt dần dần
communication often involves reading short bursts of
information, such as social media posts and text messages. comprehension skills (noun
This can make young people less likely to read longer, phrase): kỹ năng hiểu/ lĩnh
complex texts in print form, which could erode their hội
comprehension skills and ability to analyse complex
arguments. In addition, the constant notifications and
constant notifications
distractions that come with digital communication can
(noun phrase): thông báo
make it difficult for young people to focus on reading
tasks. This can lead to a lack of deep reading skills and an liên tục
inability to concentrate for long periods of time.
inability (noun): sự không
Young people’s writing skills can also be hampered due to có khả năng, sự bất lực
modern communication methods. Mobile phones and
computers often include autocorrect features, which can hamper (verb): cản trở,
lead to a dependence on technology to correct spelling ngăn trở
and grammar errors. This can harm young people's ability
to recognise and correct mistakes on their own and may
lead to poor writing skills in the long run. Moreover,
digital communication often relies on abbreviations and
slang, which means young people would rarely use proper
grammar, spelling, and punctuation when texting. For
example, young people may become accustomed to using become accustomed to...
"u" instead of "you" or "lol" instead of writing out "laugh (phrase): Trở nên quen
out loud". Gradually, this can turn into a habit and cause với...
young people to make frequent spelling errors and
reduce their writing ability. frequent spelling errors
(noun phrase): lỗi chính tả
In conclusion, I agree with the idea that communication thường xuyên
on computers and mobile phones can reduce young
people’s reading and writing skills. The popularity of
shallow (adjective): nông,
digital communication can lead to shallow reading,
cạn, không sâu
reduced attention spans, and more frequent writing

(305 words)

Part 1 - Art

1. Would you like to become an artist? Vocabulary

Probably not, because being an artist involves a lot of uncertainty (noun): sự

uncertainty. It's really hard to establish a name for không chắc chắn
yourself in this field, and while it might seem like a purely
practical concern, it's true that it can be difficult for artists a purely practical concern
to support themselves. (noun phrase): một mối
quan tâm hoàn toàn thực
2. Are there many art galleries in your area? tế

Yeah, my city has a lot of art galleries, but I can't say that I
appreciate (verb): đánh giá
appreciate them all that much. Once you've been to one,
cao, hiểu rõ giá trị, thưởng
there's little motivation to go back since there usually
aren't any changes to the exhibits. thức

3. Do you have any artwork in your house?

Yes, I do. I have a few paintings and some cool prints in be drawn to... (phrase): bị
my house. I've always been drawn to unique and lôi cuốn bởi...
interesting pieces, and I love how art can really add
personality and character to my living space. showcase (verb): thể hiện,
trưng bày
4. Do you like modern art or traditional art?

boundaries (noun): giới

I like both modern and traditional art, but for different
reasons. Traditional art is cool because it can really hạn, ranh giới
showcase the details of a particular piece, while modern
art is all about breaking the rules and pushing boundaries.
So, it's hard to choose one over the other.

Part 2 - A movie

Describe a movie you would like to watch again.

You should say:

What type of movie it was
What it was about
Where you watched it
And explain why you would like to watch it again
The Conjuring 3 is one movie I'd want to see again. So,
the movie is based on a real-life murder case that involved
a demon possession - super freaky, right? The movie is freaky (adjective): quái đản;
the third part of the Conjuring series. This series is kỳ cục
basically about paranormal investigations.
paranormal (adjective):
Back to The Conjuring 3, well, the movie tells the story of huyền bí; siêu linh; dị
Arne Johnson, who claimed that he killed his landlord thường (ngoài phạm vi khoa
while under a demonic spell. This demon had previously học giải thích)
taken over a young boy called David Glatzel. The main
characters in the movie are on a mission to find the origin main characters (noun
of the curse and dispel it before it's too late to prove phrase): nhân vật chính
Arne's innocence.
mission (noun): sứ mệnh,
Last year, I saw this movie at a cinema with my friends, nhiệm vụ
and it was insane! The movie had me at the edge of my
seat with all its suspense, jump scares, and creepy scenes suspense (noun): tình trạng
that made me feel like I was in the story. hồi hộp

I loved the story, the characters, and the overall

atmosphere of the movie so much that I'd watch it again
in a heartbeat. It's one of the best horror movies I've ever in a heartbeat (idiom): ngay
seen, and I'm sure there are tons of details that I probably lập tức
missed the first time. I also appreciated how it connected
with the other movies in the series and brought out
additional aspects dealing with relationships and faith.

Part 3 - Movies

1. Where do people normally watch movies? Vocabulary

I think people watch movies in different places based on

their preferences, availability, and budget. Some common availability (noun): sự khả
places are cinemas, streaming platforms, television dụng
channels, and DVDs. Some people may also watch movies
on their laptops, tablets, or smartphones. budget (noun): ngân sách,
ngân quỹ
2. What are the differences between watching movies at
home and in a cinema? streaming platforms (noun
phrase): nền tảng phát trực
Well, let’s see. At home, people can enjoy more comfort
and privacy. They can pause, rewind or fast-forward the
movie. They can also choose their own snacks and avoid
distractions from other viewers. However, they may miss privacy (noun): sự riêng tư
out on the immersive experience of a cinema, which
offers a larger screen, better sound quality. In a cinema, rewind (verb): quay lại từ
people can also enjoy the collective reactions of the đầu, tua lại (phim, băng
audience. nhạc...)

3. Are actors or actresses important to movies? Why? fast-forward (verb): tua tới;
quay nhanh
Of course actors and actresses are essential to movies.
You know, they bring the characters to life and convey
convey (verb): truyền đạt
the emotions and messages of the story. They also attract
viewers who are fans of their work or admire their skills
and charisma. charisma (noun): uy tín


The graph and chart below give information about migration to the UK. The
graph shows how long immigrants from 2000 to 2008 intended to stay in
the UK. The pie chart shows reasons for migration in 2008.

Phân tích đề bài

Dạng bài: Biểu đồ kết hợp có sự thay đổi theo thời gian.
Độ khó: Trung bình - Thông tin ở cả 2 biểu đồ không quá nhiều, tuy nhiên nội dung của số
liệu có thể gây một số khó khăn cho thí sinh trong việc chọn từ.

Cách tiếp cận trong bài mẫu:

Phần lớn người nhập cư ở Anh ở lại từ 2 đến 4 năm.
Vào năm 2008, việc học và làm việc là 2 lý do phổ biến nhất cho việc nhập cư,
Body 1: Miêu tả biểu đồ đường.
Body 2: Miêu tả biểu đồ tròn.

Band điểm ước tính cho bài viết mẫu: 8.0


Bài mẫu Từ vựng

The line graph illustrates the intended stay duration of duration (noun): khoảng
immigrants in the UK from 2000 to 2008, while the pie thời gian, thời hạn
chart shows the reasons why they migrated in 2008.

In general, the majority of surveyed immigrants only

intended to stay in the UK for two years or less. In 2008,
working and studying were the most popular reasons
why people moved to the UK.

Regarding the immigrants’ length of stay, the numbers of

those wanting to stay for up to two years or more than
four years were equal in 2000 and 2001 at around 150,
while only around 50 people intended to stay between
two and four years. The number of immigrants staying
for two years or less peaked at 250 in 2004 and then drop minimally (verb
dropped minimally by around 10 in 2008, while the phrase): giảm tối thiểu
figures for those staying for four years or more remained
almost the same over the years. On the other hand, the
remain almost the same
number of people intending to stay in the UK for two to
(verb phrase): gần như giữ
four years slightly fluctuated around 50 until 2004
before soaring to 100 four years later. nguyên

In 2008, working was the most popular reason for slightly fluctuate (verb
migration to the UK, accounting for 38% of the surveyed phrase): dao động nhẹ
immigrants, followed by 32% who came to the country
to study and 16% who came to accompany their families.
The percentages of those migrating to the UK for no
particular reason or other purposes were equal, at 7%.

(240 words)

Some cities have vehicle-free days, when private cars, trucks, motorcycles are banned in
the city centre. Public transportations like buses, taxis and metros are advised.

Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Phân tích đề bài

Dạng bài: Advantages - Disadvantages

Keywords cần lưu ý: vehicle-free days - public transportations - advised

Độ khó: Trung bình - Câu hỏi trong đề bài không quá khó, nhưng chủ đề có phần xa lạ với
nhiều thí sinh (ngày cấm phương tiện trong thành phố). Ngoài ra thông tin trong đề cũng
khá nhiều, nên thí sinh cần lưu ý xác định rõ các giới hạn để đưa ra ý tưởng phù hợp.

Cách tiếp cận trong bài mẫu:

Ý kiến tổng quan: Lợi ích của vehicle-free days lớn hơn mặt trái.
Body 1: Trình bày những điểm bất lợi của vehicle-free days, bao gồm sự bất tiện cho
người dân và ảnh hưởng đến một số doanh nghiệp.
Body 2: Trình bày các mặt có lợi của vehicle-free days và nhấn mạnh rằng những điều
này vượt trội hơn so với mặt trái.

Band điểm ước tính cho bài viết mẫu: 7.5

Bài mẫu Từ vựng

Some cities now ban private vehicles from entering the imposition (noun): sự áp
city centre on certain days and allow only public đặt, bắt buộc
transportations. Although this can have certain
drawbacks, I believe the benefits are much more the disabled (noun): người
significant. khuyết tật

The imposition of vehicle-free days can cause

inconvenience to people and affect certain businesses.
(adjective): chậm phát
Many people, especially the disabled or elderly, often rely
triển, chưa thực hiện được
on private vehicles in their daily travels, so the banning of
private vehicles is certainly inconvenient for them. This is tiềm năng trong phát triển
also the case in cities where public transport systems are kinh tế (về một nước..)
still underdeveloped, as buses, trains, or even taxis in
these cities may lack the capacity to serve people’s travel capacity (noun): sức chứa
demands. In addition, businesses in city centres may
experience reduced sales due to decreased accessibility accessibility (noun): khả
on vehicle-free days. năng tiếp cận

However, the advantages that this policy brings far

carbon emissions (noun):
outweigh the disadvantages mentioned above. First,
lượng khí thải carbon
when private vehicles are not allowed in the city centre,
the level of carbon emissions and, along with that, air
pollution will be reduced. This can benefit people in the respiratory (adjective):
long run, as air pollution is a major contributor to thuộc về hô hấp
respiratory problems and other health issues. Second,
with fewer vehicles on the road, traffic congestion is pedestrians (noun): người
reduced, leading to smoother traffic flow, reduced travel đi bộ
time, and increased safety for pedestrians and cyclists.
Thirdly, by promoting public transportation and cycling, cyclists (noun): người đi xe
vehicle-free days can encourage people to use these đạp
modes of transportation more often, reducing their
dependence on private vehicles.

In conclusion, though the policy of vehicle-free days in

some cities can have unwelcome consequences for some
people and businesses, I believe it is a beneficial trend in
the long run. This policy can help reduce air pollution and
traffic congestion in city centres, as well as encourage
more people to use public transport on a daily basis.

(293 words)


The diagram shows the differences in temperature zones between tropical

mountains and temperate mountains.

Phân tích đề bài

Dạng bài: Diagram - so sánh 2 địa điểm

Độ khó: Khó - Đề bài so sánh 2 địa điểm rất ít khi xuất hiện trong bài thi IELTS, ngoài ra đề
bài ngày 16/3 có rất nhiều thông tin ở cả 2 hình, trong đó có nhiều thông tin có thể gây
khó khăn cho thí sinh trong việc hiểu hoặc diễn đạt.

Cách tiếp cận trong bài mẫu:

Tropical mountains cao hơn và có nhiều khu vực hơn temperate mountains.
Tropical mountains phù hợp với nhiều loại cây trồng hơn.
Body 1: So sánh khu vực từ alpine meadows đến đỉnh núi ở cả 2 nơi.
Body 2: So sánh những khu vực còn lại.

Band điểm ước tính cho bài viết mẫu: 8.0

Bài mẫu Từ vựng

The diagram highlights how temperature zones in tropical

and temperate mountains are different from each other.

In general, tropical mountains are taller and more diverse diverse (adjective): đa
in temperature areas than the ones in temperate areas. In dạng
addition, tropical mountains are suitable for more types of
crops than their temperate counterparts.

In a tropical mountain, the alpine meadows begin at the meadows (noun): đồng
limit for pine and fir trees at around 4000 metres (14000 cỏ, bãi cỏ
feet) and end at the snow line (about 4300 metres). From
this point to the top, the mountain is permanently be permanently encased
encased in snow. The meadows in a temperate mountain in snow (phrase): bị bao
start at a lower altitude (1700 metres), from the limit for phủ vĩnh viễn trong tuyết
spruce trees, but cover the next 1100 metres until they
meet the snow line at 2800 metres. The tip of a
temperate mountain is also full of snow.

Below the meadows in a tropical mountain is the forest,

which occurs from 3200 metres to 4000 metres (11000
to 15000 feet), and the 1500-metre area below is the cool
zone used for grain cultivation. A temperate mountain
also has similar areas, but the cool zone begins from the
bottom to the height of 1200 metres, and the next 1000
metres is the forest. The tropic mountain has two extra plantation (noun): đồn
areas: the warm zone for growing tropical crops at the điền, khu đất trồng cây
bottom 500 metres and the temperature zone used for
coffee and cacao plantations in the following 1000

(236 words)



Biên tập và chỉnh sửa: Huỳnh Đình Trúc Khuê

Biên soạn nội dung Speaking: Huỳnh Đình Trúc Khuê
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