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Marine Pollution Bulletin xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

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Marine Pollution Bulletin

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Quality index of the surface water of Amazonian rivers in industrial areas in

Pará, Brazil
Adaelson Campelo Medeirosa,c,⁎, Kleber Raimundo Freitas Faiala, Kelson do Carmo Freitas Faiala,
Iris Danielly da Silva Lopesa, Marcelo de Oliveira Limaa, Raphael Mendonça Guimarãesb,
Neyson Martins Mendonçac
Instituto Evandro Chagas, Seção de Meio Ambiente, Rodovia BR-316, Km 07 S/N, Levilândia, Ananindeua, PA CEP: 67030-000, Brazil
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Avenida Brasil, 4365 Manguinhos, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, CEP 21041-360, Brazil
Universidade Federal do Pará, Faculdade de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental, Rua Augusto Corrêa, S/N Guamá, Belém, PA CEP: 66075-110, Brazil


Keywords: In this study was to evaluate the waters quality of the Murucupi River, located in urban agglomerate area and
Index intense industrial activity in Barcarena City, Pará State. The Arapiranga River in Abaetetuba City was used as
Water quality control area (Background), next to Barcarena. Was used the Water Quality Index (WQI) based on nine variables
Surface water analized. Waters quality of the Arapiranga and Murucupi rivers were regular to good and bad to good, re-
Water pollution
spectively. Anthropogenic influence on the Murucupi River was higher, mainly by the disposal of domestic
effluents from the urban agglomerate and of the industrial waste tailing basins upstream of this river. Due to its
less inhabited environment and further away from the area urban and industrial, the Arapiranga River was more
preserved. Waters pollution of around these area is increasingly intense, and restricted its uses for various

1. Introduction studies investigated important variables, also used for calculation of the
WQI, providing information about rivers water quality to population
The classification of the water quality based on the degree of purity (Silva and Jardim, 2006).
and pollution dates back to 1848, in Germany. Over the years, several The city of Barcarena, in Pará State, Northern Brazil, has its en-
water quality indexes (WQIs) and environmental indicators have been vironment continuously impacted by industrial and port activities. A
developed based on physical–chemical and microbiological character- significant part of its territory in Barcarena was used for the installation
istics (Sladecek, 1973; Ott, 1978; Steinhart et al., 1982; Dojlido and of industries. In these, large areas were deforested and traditional po-
Best, 1993; Lumb et al., 2011). pulations had to leave their homes (IEB, 2012). Records showed that
In 1908, one of the first WQIs was used, denominated Saprobic environmental accidents occurred in the surrounding industrial area
Index (SI), in order to estimate the level of easily degradable organic since 2000, resulting in the contamination of the surface and under-
matter in running water (Sladecek, 1969; Washington, 1984). The SI ground waters (MP-PA/MPF-PA, 2015). Located next to Barcarena,
was insufficient and led to the search for a better index in the following Abaetetuba is a city in which there are no records of industrial activ-
decades. From there, the numerical indices were developed through ities. However, Abaetetuba and Barcarena have the same problems as
mathematical calculations associated with physical, chemical, and other Brazilian cities, such as basic sanitation and health services pre-
biological variables and were applied to classify and evaluate the sur- carious.
face waters quality (Horton, 1965). In 1950, the scientists Olaf Helmer For instance, due to an accident occurred in this region, the in-
and Norman Dalkey created a new method after several meetings with fringing company had to sign a Term for the Adjustment of Conduct
experts. This technique marked the beginning of a new field of research (TAC), in which they established mitigating factors including the
called “opinion technology” (Magalhães Júnior, 2007). The surface transfer of financial resources to research entities and others to sub-
water quality is fundamental for water resources management and sidize the monitoring activities in the affected area for a period of four
multiple uses. Many studies have been carried out to evaluate the years (2009 to 2012) (IEC, 2009).
characteristics of the waters used as public supply sources. These Hence, we report a seasonal evaluation of the surface water quality

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A.C. Medeiros).
Received 8 March 2017; Received in revised form 31 August 2017; Accepted 1 September 2017
0025-326X/ © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Please cite this article as: Medeiros, A.C., Marine Pollution Bulletin (2017),
A.C. Medeiros et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

near the industrial areas were carried out in 2009 using the WQI for the water column (CETESB, 2001). Polyethylene flasks with a capacity
Murucupi river located in Barcarena. As a regional background, the of 1 L were used for the physicochemical analyses. The samples were
same evaluation was carried out on the Arapiranga River in Abaetetuba. collected, refrigerated ( ± 4 °C) in isothermal boxes, and transported to
In the last years, the Murucupi is one of the most impacted rivers by the Laboratory of Toxicology of the Environment Section of the
domestic and industrial sewage in this region. The Arapiranga River is Evandro Chagas Institute in Ananindeua (PA) shortly after sampling.
farther away from the industrial area in Barcarena, and effluents dis- Amber polyethylene flasks with a capacity of 1 L were used for the
charges were not found in it the tool used in this study (WQI) to assess analysis of the biochemical demand of oxygen (BOD) based on the same
the waters quality can subsidize the public polices and reduce the socio- conservation criterion discussed above. Furthermore, 100-mL NASCO®
environmental problems observed in this region. bags were used for the water samples for the microbiological ex-
amination. The samples were conditioned in isothermal boxes ( ± 4 °C)
2. Material and methods and transported to the field laboratory in Barcarena, where the neces-
sary procedures were performed.
2.1. Study area
2.3. Analyzed variables
The Abaetetuba and Barcarena cities are located in the northeast of
the Pará State and next to Belém City. The territory for both cities is The following physicochemical and microbiological variables were
~ 1,610 and 1,310 km2, respectively. In 2016, the population was es- used in the calculation of the WQI: temperature, pH, total dissolved
timated in 151,934 and 118,537 for Abaetetuba and Barcarena, re- solids, total suspended solids, dissolved oxygen, BOD, thermotolerant
spectively (IBGE, 2017). coliforms, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and turbidity. The sum of
The Arapiranga River is ~ 20 km long. No anthropogenic activities the total dissolved solids and total suspended solids resulted in the total
have been reported along its banks. Its sources are located in the residue values.
Abaetetuba City, passing the Highway PA 409 near kilometer 3, and its The analytical methods used for the determination of the variables
mouth is adjacent to Vila de Beja on the right bank of the Pará River. obeyed the procedures and methodologies recommended in the
The Murucupi River is ~ 10 km long; its sources are near a sedi- Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater (APHA/
mentation basin (red mud) in the alumina production area. The rupture AWWA/WEF, 2005) and manuals of the DR 2000 and 2800 spectro-
of this sedimentation basin and red mud spill in the Murucupi River bed photometers (HACH®, 1990 and 2007). The pH, temperature and total
have been reported, with abrupt changes of the physicochemical dissolved solids and dissolved oxygen concentrations were determined
characteristics of the surface water (Pereira et al., 2007). In its natural at the time of sampling using previously calibrated HANNA® equipment
course, this river flows through the urban districts of Vila dos Cabanos HI 769828. The total suspended solids, total nitrogen, and total phos-
and Laranjal in the Barcarena City. Untreated sewage was observed in phorus contents and turbidity were characterized with the DR 2000 and
both districts and the riparian forests have been partially destroyed by 2800 spectrophotometers (UV–ViS). The determination of the BOD5 at
human activities (IEC, 2009). 20 °C was performed on the BODTRAK equipment of HACH®.
The Arapiranga and Murucupi rivers present characteristics of fresh
water based on the Brazilian legislation that deals with the classifica- 2.4. Calculation of the WQI
tion of the surface water and associated environmental guidelines
(CONAMA Resolution 357, 2005) regarding the salinity of the water The calculation of the WQI was carried out following the criteria of
bodies. The Amazon Rivers can be classified into three categories: the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) adapted by the
white, dark, and clear water (Horbe and Santos, 2009). Based on the Environmental Company of the State of São Paulo (CETESB). Was
classification of the water in the Amazon, the visual characteristics of performed the weighted products calculation from i-th quality (qi) for
the Arapiranga and Murucupi rivers changed from dark to clear in the each variable raised to respective weights (wi). The WQI calculation is
direction from their sources to mouths. described in Eq. (1) (CETESB, 2017):
In case of the Arapiranga River, eight sample points at > 1000-m n
distances spread over an area of ~7677 m were evaluated. In case of WQI = ∏ qi wi
the Murucupi River, eight sample points in a region of ~ 5269 m were i=1 (1)
analyzed, with a minimum and maximum spacing between the sample
The WQI assumes a number between 0 and 100. The WQI can be
points of 584 m and 875 m, respectively. The sampling points (Fig. 1) in
divided into five categories and weights: 0 to 19, worst water quality;
the Arapiranga and Murucupi rivers are upstream and downstream of
20 to 36, bad quality; 37 to 51, regular quality; 52 to 79, good quality;
small tributary drains along the evaluated regions, from their source to
and 80 to 100, optimum quality. The qi were obtained from the re-
mouths, considering the navigability, accessibility, and field staff and
spective average CETESB quality variation curves, as a function of the
financial cost to carry out the work.
concentration of each determined variable. The wi correspond to a
Both rivers are located in the tidal zone of the Amazon Estuary. The
given value of each observed variable as a function of its importance for
primary land cover along the shores of these water sources comprises
the overall quality. The sum of the wi is equal to one based on Eq. (2):
capoeiras, flooding plains, and sandy plains influenced by the flooding
tide. Based on the classification of Köppen, the temperature is of type
Am and hot equatorial, with an annual average of 27 °C. The seasonal ∑ wi = 1
i=1 (2)
periods are well defined: rainy from January to June and dry during the
remaining months of the year (Amaral et al., 2002; Souza and Lisboa,
2005). Table 1 shows the regional climatic characteristics of the year 2.5. Statistical treatment
2009 according to the public meteorological database and tidal fore-
casts (INMET, 2009 and Marinha do Brasil, 2009). Descriptive statistics and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) were
applied to the WQIs of the two water bodies. The normality tests for the
2.2. Sampling procedures confidence level α = 95% were used to identify the sample distribution
(H0 = 0 for normal distribution and H1 = 0 for non-normal distribu-
The sampling for the analysis of the physicochemical variables and tion), with a p-value of the normal distribution > 0.05. The t and
microbiological was carried out at the sampling points using the col- Wilcoxon tests were applied to the normal (H0 = 0) and non-normal
lection vessel immersion technique at a maximum depth of 30 cm from (H1 ≠ 0) data, respectively. The Minitab 17 software (license

A.C. Medeiros et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Fig. 1. Study area and respective sampling points.

Table 1 tests of the dry and ebbing tide period and the flooding tide data re-
Sampling months and regional climate characteristics. vealed a normal (p-value = 0.125) and non-normal distribution (p-
value = 0.008), respectively. The hypothesis tests showed differences
Sampling Seasonal period Rainfall Temperature (°C) Tides (m)
(H0 hypothesis rejected) between the rainy and dry period data during
Maximum Minimum High Low ebbing tide; the t-test (p-value = 0.005) indicated a good level of sig-
nificance. During flooding tide, the t-test (p-value = 0.244) showed a
January Dry-rainy 354.5 31.3 23.1 3.4 −0.5 low level of significance, indicating the similarity (hypothesis H1 re-
April Rainy 469.9 30.2 23.2 3.1 0.0
jected) of the WQIs. In general, these similarities and differences in the
July Rainy-dry 193.1 32.7 23.1 3.4 −0.4 two rivers are observed in Fig. 2.
transition There is a great influence of the rainy period on the quality of these
October Dry 45.1 33.7 22.9 3.1 0.2 waters, with a considerable difference between the tidal conditions,
where there are very heterogeneous qualities, probably due to the
leaching of surface materials and water dilution through rainfall and
317201144883580098) was used to create time series graphs and
tidal dynamics, specifically in the dry period, it is observed conditions
perform Anderson–Darling Normality, t, and Wilcoxon tests and mul-
of more homogeneous qualities with improvement in the flooding tide.
tivariate analysis. The results for the rainy and dry seasons were com-
Bad quality conditions were determined during ebbing tide in January
and April at the sampling points MUR 1 and MUR 2 at which the un-
treated sewage of the Village of Cabanos and Laranjal Communities are
3. Results
The variables that influence the water quality of the studied water
3.1. Water quality index of the Arapiranga and Murucupi Rivers
bodies the most are the pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, BOD, and
mainly thermotolerant coliforms. Some statistical data and the quality
The values of the WQIs of the Arapiranga River reveal a regular
notes (qi) of the variables used in the calculation of the WQI can be
quality of 48.44% of the data and good quality of 51.56% of the data,
observed in Tables 2, 3 and 4.
indicating a quality improvement in the source–mouth direction of the
water body.
The WQIs of the Murucupi River revealed a bad quality of 7.81% of 3.2. Principal component analysis for the rainy period
the data, regular quality of 50% of the data, and good quality of 42.19%
of the data, indicating a quality improvement in the source–mouth di- Based on PCA, three groups were identified: 1, 2, and 3 (Fig. 3).
rection of this water body. Subgroups A (EA1 to EA6, and FA1) and B (EA7, FA2 to FA5, EM5,
Arapiranga River, the Anderson–Darling normality tests revealed a EM6, and FM4) constitute group 1; the sampling points of the Arapir-
normal distribution between the rainy and dry season data during eb- anga River are dominant. Group 2 includes the subgroups C (EA8, FA7,
bing tide (p-value = 0.739) and flooding tide (p-value = 0.071). The FA8, EM7, and EM8) and D (FA6 and FM5 to FM8) and sampling points
hypothesis tests implied similarities (H1 hypothesis rejected) of the at the mouth of both water bodies. Group 3 comprises the two sub-
ebbing tide data of rainy and dry periods; the t-test (p-value = 0.914) groups E (EM1 and EM2) and F (EM3, EM4, and FM1 to FM3), with a
indicated a low level of significance. However, the Wilcoxon test (p- predominance of the sampling points of the Murucupi River.
value = 0.052) for the flooding tide showed good significance (hy- The WQIs of the subgroup A range from 43 to 50 (AI1–EA6 and
pothesis H0 rejected). FA1), indicating regular quality conditions for these sampling points.
Murucupi River, the comparison of the Anderson–Darling normality The values of the subgroup B vary from 45 to 53 (EA7, FA2 to FA5,

A.C. Medeiros et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Fig. 2. Seasonal comparison of WQI values in the Arapiranga

Arapiranga River Murucupi River and Murucupi rivers, ebbing and flooding tide, 2009. Note: ARA
(Arapiranga River); MUR (Murucupi River).





Rainy Dry Rainy Dry Rainy Dry Rainy Dry

Ebbing Tide Flooding Tide Ebbing Tide Flooding Tide

Table 2
Descriptive statistics for variables in the rainy and dry season.

Season/tide Variables Unit N Arapiranga River N Murucupi River

X G ± SD Max Min X G ± SD Max Min

Rainy ebbing tide Temperature °C 32 26 ± 0.47 28 26 32 28 ± 0.94 29 27

pH – 32 – 6.2 4.6 32 – 7.2 6.1
DO mg·L− 1 32 6 ± 0.70 6.5 4.5 32 5 ± 1.50 6.8 1.4
BOD mg·L− 1 32 5 ± 1.50 9 4 32 12 ± 4.01 18 6
Thermotolerants ThCU 32 *3.87E + 00 ± 0.26 2.01E 3.26E 32 4.38E + 00 ± 0.67 2.42E 1.48E
coliforms 100 mL− 1 + 04 + 03 + 05 + 03
Total nitrogen mg·L− 1 32 0.29 ± 0.15 0.6 0.2 32 0.84 ± 1.00 3.5 0.4
Total phosphorus mg·L− 1 32 0.06 ± 0.02 0.09 0.04 32 0.16 ± 0.17 0.50 0.05
Total residue mg·L− 1 32 18 ± 6.03 33 12 32 42 ± 7.19 53 26
Turbidity FTU 32 23 ± 7.69 38 15 32 32 ± 8.20 47 18
WQI – 32 48 ± 3.66 57 43 32 43 ± 9.35 60 29
Rainy flooding tide Temperature °C 32 26 ± 1.13 29 26 32 28 ± 1.16 29 26
pH – 32 – 8.1 4.8 32 – 7.2 5.7
DO mg·L− 1 32 6 ± 0.55 7.0 5.1 32 5 ± 1.32 6.9 3.1
BOD mg·L− 1 32 4 ± 1.59 8 2 32 10 ± 2.49 14 6
Thermotolerants ThCU 32 *3.75E + 00 ± 0.22 1.20E 2.69E 32 3.62E + 00 ± 0.66 4.35E 7.76E
coliforms 100 mL− 1 + 04 + 03 + 04 + 02
Total nitrogen mg·L− 1 32 0.24 ± 0.13 0.5 0.1 32 0.63 ± 0.49 2.1 0.3
Total phosphorus mg·L− 1 32 0.05 ± 0.02 0.07 0.03 32 0.12 ± 0.13 0.50 0.04
Total residue mg·L− 1 32 13 ± 6.61 29 6 32 38 ± 5.78 49 30
Turbidity FTU 32 15 ± 5.47 25 8 32 28 ± 8.03 44 18
WQI – 32 53 ± 6.08 62 46 32 50 ± 10.30 63 37
Dry ebbing tide Temperature °C 32 27 ± 1.15 29 26 32 29 ± 1.10 30 27
pH – 32 – 7.3 4.7 32 – 6.6 5.6
DO mg·L− 1 32 6 ± 1.22 7.9 4.3 32 6 ± 0.74 7.5 5.3
BOD mg·L− 1 32 8 ± 2.78 13 4 32 10 ± 2.31 14 6
Thermotolerants ThCU 32 *3.70E + 00 ± 0.93 6.49E 9.80E 32 3.87E + 00 ± 0.79 1.73E 4.10E
coliforms 100 mL− 1 + 04 + 00 + 05 + 02
Total nitrogen mg·L− 1 32 0.22 ± 0.05 0.3 0.1 32 0.46 ± 0.30 1.1 0.2
Total phosphorus mg·L− 1 32 0.04 ± 0.02 0.08 0.02 32 0.02 ± 0.02 0.07 0.01
Total residue mg·L− 1 32 21 ± 10.28 40 11 32 40 ± 9.28 57 26
Turbidity FTU 32 18 ± 4.75 25 11 32 27 ± 3.43 34 22
WQI – 32 48 ± 4.61 59 42 32 50 ± 8.26 66 39
Dry flooding tide Temperature °C 32 27 ± 1.06 29 26 32 29 ± 0.94 30 27
pH – 32 – 7.6 4.8 32 – 7.1 5.6
DO mg·L− 1 32 6 ± 0.60 6.8 4.8 32 7 ± 0.69 7.9 6.0
BOD mg·L− 1 32 5 ± 2.73 11 2 32 8 ± 2.17 13 5
Thermotolerants ThCU 32 *3.30E + 00 ± 0.41 7.22E 1.60E 32 3.92E + 00 ± 0.81 2.42E 8.40E
coliforms 100 mL− 1 + 03 + 02 + 05 + 02
Total nitrogen mg·L− 1 32 0.19 ± 0.06 0.3 0.1 32 0.41 ± 0.29 1.2 0.2
Total phosphorus mg·L− 1 32 0.02 ± 0.01 0.04 0.01 32 0.02 ± 0.02 0.08 0.00
Total residue mg·L− 1 32 18 ± 9.72 39 10 32 36 ± 7.72 50 25
Turbidity FTU 32 17 ± 5.00 32 13 32 23 ± 2.02 27 20
WQI – 32 55 ± 5.75 65 47 32 52 ± 8.56 67 41

N: data number; X G : geometric average; Max: maximum; Min: minimum. *- values on log 10 base.

Table 3
Quality parameters of the variables in the Arapiranga and Murucupi rivers during ebbing tide.

Points Variable quality notes (q)

A.C. Medeiros et al.

pH Dissolved oxygen BOD Thermotolerant coliform Total nitrogen Total phosphorus Total residue Turbidity

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

ARA 1 17 25 19 52 30 56 31 57 50 36 30 61 14 9 15 5 98 97 98 98 95 95 96 94 82 82 81 82 66 59 75 64
ARA 2 20 32 19 71 37 59 29 57 50 45 45 54 14 8 13 6 98 97 99 98 95 93 97 96 82 83 81 83 61 54 74 62
ARA 3 19 42 22 79 39 57 34 58 61 50 28 45 12 9 13 5 99 97 98 98 95 94 97 95 82 83 82 83 68 53 72 59
ARA 4 18 37 24 80 35 59 37 69 61 50 40 45 10 10 16 5 99 97 98 98 95 95 95 92 82 83 82 84 69 55 69 57
ARA 5 23 57 20 87 37 60 39 70 50 40 30 50 13 8 13 6 99 95 98 98 95 94 96 94 82 83 82 84 67 52 67 59
ARA 6 26 44 29 79 42 60 41 75 54 50 31 50 11 7 67 5 99 96 98 98 93 91 96 96 82 83 82 85 63 48 67 58
ARA 7 36 65 36 90 56 62 47 76 61 54 30 50 12 7 12 7 98 96 98 98 93 92 96 97 82 84 83 84 61 47 67 58
ARA 8 65 68 64 93 62 64 60 71 61 61 25 50 12 8 13 6 98 96 98 98 92 91 96 94 82 84 83 85 62 46 66 58
MUR 1 67 65 48 60 23 9 48 52 17 21 30 30 3 3 3 8 82 97 92 97 63 91 93 97 85 85 85 84 54 41 60 57
MUR 2 66 71 50 70 32 23 52 56 17 14 28 31 5 3 3 11 70 96 91 97 63 95 94 98 85 85 86 84 52 44 53 53
MUR 3 69 76 56 60 35 31 44 60 17 15 25 25 5 4 4 11 89 96 93 97 75 94 94 97 85 85 86 85 52 40 50 53
MUR 4 73 75 57 42 40 41 49 63 30 14 31 21 7 4 5 14 90 97 93 98 75 92 93 98 85 85 85 84 50 47 52 54
MUR 5 79 85 47 79 52 57 74 70 31 28 36 28 10 5 7 23 90 97 94 98 75 95 95 98 85 85 86 85 52 48 49 54
MUR 6 84 91 55 94 59 59 66 72 31 21 30 28 12 7 8 17 90 96 95 98 75 93 96 98 83 85 85 84 57 43 52 55
MUR 7 92 85 55 74 63 64 76 74 40 36 40 45 17 9 8 22 90 97 96 97 69 93 97 98 84 85 84 84 61 48 56 58
MUR 8 92 87 62 90 67 62 80 75 50 45 50 40 18 4 10 27 90 97 96 99 69 90 98 98 84 85 83 84 64 53 59 58

ARA: Arapiranga; MUR: Murucupi; 1: January; 2: April; 3: July; 4: October; Obs: The constant value of 94 was adopted according to CETESB because the temperature values were in equilibrium and maximally varied by 2 °C between the sampling

Table 4
Quality parameters of the variables in the Arapiranga and Murucupi rivers during flooding tide.

Points Variable quality notes (q)

pH Dissolved oxygen BOD Thermotolerant coliform Total nitrogen Total phosphorus Total residue Turbidity

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

ARA 1 21 21 19 32 41 44 35 51 61 40 40 78 11 12 21 15 99 98 99 98 82 95 98 97 82 81 82 82 70 82 72 71
ARA 2 26 22 20 35 45 44 41 44 61 54 54 78 11 9 19 14 99 98 98 98 82 95 98 96 82 81 82 81 64 80 72 72
ARA 3 22 28 22 44 46 44 46 42 78 61 36 69 11 10 18 13 99 98 98 98 82 95 98 96 82 81 82 82 64 67 70 64
ARA 4 28 33 25 54 42 42 49 45 78 61 42 78 15 9 14 13 99 96 98 98 82 95 95 96 82 82 82 82 63 61 67 64
ARA 5 38 43 34 65 43 44 52 62 61 50 54 36 13 9 10 13 99 96 99 98 82 95 97 97 82 82 81 84 61 66 70 61
ARA 6 68 79 79 78 48 47 56 62 61 54 45 61 14 11 36 13 99 97 99 98 83 93 96 96 83 82 83 84 58 69 66 60
ARA 7 83 91 91 88 68 47 61 59 78 61 50 50 15 10 19 11 99 97 98 98 84 93 97 97 84 81 84 84 57 81 64 59
ARA 8 92 87 90 92 71 51 66 68 61 78 30 54 13 8 21 17 99 97 98 98 84 93 96 98 84 81 84 85 67 81 63 50
MUR 1 68 49 49 57 28 21 55 56 21 31 45 36 9 5 3 7 84 97 91 97 69 95 92 96 85 84 85 85 51 47 61 58
MUR 2 67 48 51 42 33 27 57 57 21 30 25 40 6 5 4 3 89 97 92 98 63 94 94 96 85 85 85 85 52 42 55 59
MUR 3 70 58 50 48 39 35 62 55 25 30 40 40 8 5 6 4 92 97 94 97 82 94 95 96 85 85 85 85 51 42 58 56
MUR 4 75 77 52 50 47 52 61 64 28 31 36 45 13 10 10 7 93 97 96 97 82 95 97 97 85 85 83 84 52 48 60 57
MUR 5 81 86 58 57 64 67 76 72 28 36 30 40 14 15 13 19 93 97 96 98 82 95 96 97 84 85 85 84 58 51 59 57
MUR 6 89 91 67 59 67 66 74 71 30 45 36 31 21 20 12 18 92 96 96 98 82 92 97 98 84 84 85 83 64 56 60 61
MUR 7 92 92 62 94 69 69 80 80 36 50 45 54 23 20 12 22 93 97 96 99 82 92 98 97 84 84 85 84 64 58 61 60
MUR 8 92 92 63 92 70 68 82 83 40 50 54 54 22 20 15 22 93 97 96 98 82 94 97 99 84 84 84 83 64 59 62 61

ARA: Arapiranga; MUR: Murucupi; 1: January; 2: April; 3: July; 4: October; Obs: The constant value of 94 was adopted according to CETESB because the temperature values were in equilibrium and maximally varied by 2 °C between the sampling
Marine Pollution Bulletin xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx
A.C. Medeiros et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

water bodies.
EM8 The WQIs of the subgroup A (EM1 to EM4, AI2, and EA5) range
C from 39 to 52, indicating conditions of regular and good quality for
Group 1 FA7
0,5 these sampling points. The WQI values of subgroup B (FM1 to FM3, AI1,

EM4 FA4 FA8 EA3, and EA4) vary from 41 to 47 and thus reflect regular quality
EM2 FM1 FM3 conditions.
0,0 FM2 FA3 EA7 The WQIs of the subgroups C (EA7, EA8, FA1 to FA5, and FM4) and
FA1 FM8 D (EM5 to EM7, FM5, and FM6) range from 47 to 55 and 48 to 63,
Group 3 EA2 EA6 D FM7 respectively, implying regular and good quality conditions. The quality
-0,5 A EA5 of groups 3 (EA6, FA6, and FA7) and 4 (FA8, EM8, FM7, and FM8) is
EA4 regular and good, with a variation of 50 to 67, respectively.
Group 2
The PC1 (85.2%) indicates the distinct separation between groups 1,
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
3, and 4 (y-axis) and a complete separation of groups 1 and 3–4. The
PC1(94.6%) PC2 (14.8%) shows the separation between the groups 3 and 4 and
Fig. 3. PCA analysis score plot for the Arapiranga and Murucupi rivers in the rainy season
subgroups A–B and C–D (x-axis).
(January and April); EA: Ebbing tide in Arapiranga; EM: Ebbing tide in Murucupi; FA: To sum up, the rivers show similar characteristics at both their
Flooding tide in Arapiranga; FM: Flooding tide in Murucupi. Subgroups: A, B, C, D, E, and sources and mouths during the dry period, indicating that, in contrast to
F. the rainy season, the rainfall or tidal conditions did not have a great
influence on the water quality of these rivers.
EM5, EM6, and FM4), implying regular and good quality conditions. The pH, temperature and dissolved oxygen were the main variables
The WQIs of subgroup C (AI8, FA7, FA8, EM7, and EM8) range between influencing the formation of groups 1 and 2 in the rainy season (Fig. 3)
48 and 62, indicating regular and good quality conditions. and 2, 3 and 4 in the dry season (Fig. 4), with increase in the source-
The subgroup D (FA6 and FM5 to FM8) represents good quality mouth direction.
conditions, with WQI values between 54 and 63. The WQI of subgroup The anthropic influence is more visible in group 3 (rainy season) for
E (EM1 and EM2) ranges from 29 to 40, presenting bad and regular the closest sampling points of the sources of the Murucupi river (Fig. 3),
quality conditions for the sample points. The water quality of subgroup where higher values were recorded for the thermotolerant coliform
F is regular, with a WQI variation from 37 to 40. variables, BOD, turbidity, total residue, nitrogen Total and total phos-
The PC1 (94.6%) shows a distinct and complete separation between phorus. In the dry period, this behavior was repeated in the waters of
groups 2 and 3 on the y-axis; the PC2 (5.4%) shows the separation the Murucupi River as group 1 (Fig. 4) and also similar characteristics
between subgroups A–B and C–D on the x-axis. were observed at the sampling points near the sources of the Arapiranga
In summary, different quality conditions are observed for the water River, probably due to the increase in the levels of thermotolerant co-
bodies; the quality improves in the source–mouth direction. In the rainy liforms and total phosphorus in this period. The water quality level of
season, the sources of the two rivers have different characteristics the Murucupi River is coherent with the field observations, which de-
(groups 1 and 3), which is probably due to the water dilution and scribe the continuous discharge of sewage of the Vila dos Cabanos and
leaching of surface material. The quality at the mouths of the two rivers Laranjal.
is similar based on group 2, which is possibly related to the great in- For a better understanding, under the aspects of the determined
fluence of the water of the Pará River. variables, the same behavior was observed between the sampling points
in the rainy and dry periods, with different characteristics in the ex-
tensions evaluated (nascente-foz) according to Fig. 5. In the rainy
3.3. Principal component analysis of the dry period season there was a better separation and formation of the groups of the
variables (Fig. 5 A, PC1: 46.6% and PC2: 25.9%), with different char-
Based on PCA, four groups were identified: 1, 2, 3, and 4 (Fig. 4). acteristics in the waters of these rivers. In the dry period, the sampling
Group 1 comprises the subgroups A (EM1 to EM4, EA2, and EA5) and B points of these water bodies were similar in the mouths (Fig. 5 C; PC1:
(FM1 to FM3, AI1, EA3, and EA4) and group 2 includes the subgroups C 42.5% and PC2: 23.5%). The variables that influenced in the formation
(EA7, EA8, FA1 to FA5, and FM4) and D (EM5 to EM7, FM5, and FM6). of groups in the Arapiranga and Murucupi rivers are shown in Fig. 5 (B:
Groups 1 and 2 contain a mixture of sample data from the Arapiranga 1.january/2.april and D: 3.july/4.october), confirming greater influ-
and Murucupi rivers. Groups 3 (EA6, FA6, and FA7) and 4 (FA8, EM8, ence of the Thermotolerant Coliforms (TC), BOD, Turbidity (Turb),
FM7, and FM8) include the sampling points at the mouths of these two Total Residue (TR), Total Nitrogen (TN) and Total Phosphorus (TP) in
the Murucupi River.
Group 4
EM2 A 4. Discussion
0,5 EA5 EM6 EM8 FM7
EM4 FA1 The WQI is a mathematical tool, which is used to simplify the in-
PC2 (14.8%)

0,0 formation about analytical water quality variables; a single number
EA1 FM6 represents the water quality level. The WQI is widely used in land use
-0,5 FM2 EA4
B FM4 planning and water resources management (Giljanovic, 1999). It is an
Group 3 important indicator of the water quality, which is used by the compe-
Group 2
FA7 tent authorities to manage the resources based on various purposes. For
-1,0 Group 1 FA6 example, the WQI developed in New Zealand for the management of
water resources has been applied for more than two decades to four
-1,5 classes waters intended for bathing, water supply, spawning of fish and
-2 -1 0 1 2 3
general uses, considering, above all, the protection of the aquatic life
(Smith, 1990).
Fig. 4. PCA analysis score plot for the Arapiranga and Murucupi rivers in the dry season The WQIs determined for the water of the Arapiranga and Murucupi
(July and October). EA: Ebbing tide in Arapiranga; EM: Ebbing tide in Murucupi; FA: rivers revealed quality conditions similar to those of other water bodies
Flooding tide in Arapiranga; FM: Flooding tide in Murucupi. Subgroups: A, B, C, and D.
located in the vicinity of large urban centers such as the Sinos River in

A.C. Medeiros et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Fig. 5. Principal component analysis of

RAINY SEASON (A) DRY SEASON (C) score plot type (A and C) and loading plot (B
4 Outlie r 4
Group 1 FM1
EM1 Group 3 and D) about data of variables determined
3 Group 1
FM1 3 EM1 EM2 in the rainy season (A–B) and dry (C–D) in
2 FA3 FA2 2 EA4
EM3 2009. Note: EA (Ebbing Tide Arapiranga);

PC2 (23.5%)
FA (Flooding Tide Arapiranga); EM (Ebbing
PC2 (25.9%)

FA5 EA3 Group 4 EM4

1 1 EA3 EA5
EA5 FM3 EM3 EA2 Tide Murucupi); FM (Flooding Tide
0 EA7 0 FA3 FA4 EM5 Murucupi).
-1 EA8 FM4 -1 FA5
FM5 -2 FM6 EM7
-2 FA7
-3 Group 2 FM8 FM6 Group 3
-3 Group 2 FM7
-4 FM7 -4
-5,0 -2,5 0,0 2,5 5,0 7,5 -5,0 -2,5 0,0 2,5 5,0
PC1(46.6%) PC1 (42.5%)


0,2 TC2 0,4
0,1 TURB2 TN1 TC4 TN3
0,0 TP1 BOD4
PC2 (25.9%)

PC2 (23.5%)
0,1 TR3
-0,1 TR2 TURB4 TURB3
-0,3 T2 T4
pH2 pH1 pH3
-0,4 DO1 T1 -0,3 T3
-0,5 -0,4
-0,2 -0,1 0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 -0,2 -0,1 0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4
PC1 (46.6%) PC1 (42.5%)

southern Brazil that is impacted by domestic and industrial untreated forests (Sioli and Klinge, 1962; Sioli, 1985; Queiróz et al., 2009).
effluents (Steffens et al., 2015). The lack of adequate and effective sa- The thermotolerant coliform variable is relevant for the quality of
nitation services and treatment processes has been the main reason for this water, especially at the sampling points closest to the sources of the
negative quality conditions, which compromise the use of the water. Murucupi River, representing an environment with fecal material
It should be pointed out that the Arapiranga River has a better water characteristic for sanitary sewage. A similar situation was observed in
quality because it is further away from the urban influence. In contrast, the surface waters of Pontal do Paraná (PR) in southern Brazil, which
the urban agglomerate and industrial facilities strongly and negatively shows high values of thermotolerant coliforms, especially in the dry
affect the quality of the water of the Murucupi River due to large daily season when tourism increases (Siqueira et al., 2009). In another study
discharges of domestic effluents and recurrent leaks of industrial ef- carried out in Zaria, Nigeria, high values of thermotolerant coliforms
fluents from tailings ponds such as kaolin tailings in 2007 and red mud were detected in the sources used for public supply, irrigation of
in 2009 (analytical results not discussed in this study), which reached commercial crops, and recreation (Agbogu et al., 2006), a reality ob-
the nearest water bodies, caused fish mortality and great losses to the served in several water bodies close to urban areas, where sanitation
local population, and compromised the quality of the groundwater of conditions are precarious and the treatment of the produced effluents is
wells used for human consumption in the vicinity of the tailings ponds inadequate or non-existent.
and water at the sources of the Murucupi River and other tributaries of Multivariate analysis helped to compile the data and better visualize
the Pará River (Lima et al., 2011 and MP-PA/MPF-PA, 2015). In ad- the water quality of the Arapiranga and Murucupi rivers in the rainy
dition, the frequent deforestation of large areas around these water and dry periods under different tidal conditions. Three quality groups
bodies and other urban activities harm the water quality (IEB, 2012). were identified in the rainy season and four groups were observed in
The water of the Arapiranga and Murucupi rivers is also used by the dry period for the two rivers. This difference is probably related to
riverside families for individual supplies, bathing, and fishing. the lower influence of the rain leaching the surface materials and,
However, most of the water used for human consumption by the ma- consequently, the alteration of the analyzed variables used in the WQI
jority of the population of these municipalities is obtained from un- calculation for the dry period. Irrespective of the rain, the two rivers
derground aquifers. Although these underground sources have soil as a have different and similar quality indexes at their sources and mouths,
protective barrier against the action of pollutants, they are not exempt respectively. Statistical methods, which are widely used in other en-
from the anthropogenic influences in these municipalities based on a vironmental studies, have contributed to the assessment of the water
WQI study of the groundwater of communities in the area used for quality levels, quality groups, and pollution levels such as the physical-
human consumption. The results of this study indicated that 64.28% chemical assessment of Lake Uluabat in Turkey, the water of the Three
(rainy season) and 78.57% (dry period) of the samples analyzed in the Gorges Region in China, and Japan (Iscen et al., 2008; Zhao et al., 2011;
community of Village of Conde in the municipality of Barcarena present Shrestha and Kazama, 2007).
a poor quality index (Medeiros et al., 2016).
The variables pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, biochemical oxygen
5. Conclusions
demand and thermotolerant coliforms were the ones that most influ-
enced negatively in the water quality of the studied rivers according to
The IQA was an important tool used to evaluate the water quality of
the quality notes (Tables 2 and 3). Despite having presented lower
the studied rivers. However, it was observed in this study that the
quality note, the pH most acidic in Amazonian rivers is quite common,
thermotolerant coliforms variable presented higher importance on the
due to the presence of humic and fulvic acids of the soils and riparian
calculated indices. The pH values also indicated quality notes (qi) lower

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