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# rvanwart@uci ƒ (760) · 792 · 3391


Career Break December 2021 - March 2023
· Took a sabbatical to recover from consecutive surgeries.
· Traveled to South Korea for 3 months and hiked throughout the country.

Amazon Web Services February 2020 - November 2021
Software Development Engineer Seattle, WA
· Developed software for Cognito, an identity provider that facilitates cloud-based authorization, authentication, and
user management for mobile and web applications.
· Redesigned and secured a component of user pool authentication flow, fixing an edge case during user creation that
allowed over 500k requests to bypass the SMS factor when user pool MFA was enabled.
· Automated the monitoring of CloudWatch logs for insecure MFA requests across several regions and leveraged a feature
flag to help more than 100 affected customers securely migrate their production systems over a 4-month period.
· Discovered and resolved a bug related to AspectJ that had gone unnoticed for months, causing approximately 30% of
customer metadata requests sent to Amazon Pinpoint Analytics to silently fail.
· Created a Python script to notify hundreds of TPMs who were using production AWS accounts improperly for sending
SES messages.
· Resolved multiple production bugs addressed in tickets, and pushed changes iteratively using Amazon’s internal CI/CD.
· Participated in weekly on-call duties every 2 months, analyzed business metrics and dashboards for unusual behavior,
and updated limits for throttled customers.

University of California, Irvine September 2019
B.S. in Computer Science


· Developed a text-based chatbot in Java based on the game Runescape, that lets users duel each other over the VoIP
service, Discord
· Encoded item and game attributes as JSON to allow flexible in-game balancing.

OSU! Updater
· Built a web crawler in Python that downloads beatmaps missing from a user’s local library.
· Used Selenium to parse web pages, and applied rate limits to prevent accidental CDoS attacks

Languages Java, Python, C++, C, Bash, x86 Assembly
Tools AWS (EC2, S3, CloudWatch, DynamoDB, Lambda, IAM, Cognito), Maven, Git, CI/CD
Frameworks Spring, JUnit, TestNG

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