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Subject : English
Day/date : October 2022
Class/Semester : VIII A
Time Allotment : 60 minutes
Lecturer : Putu Dyah Sanjiwani

1. Your brother wants to ride a motorcycle.

What is the best instruction for him?
a. Wear your helmet please!
b. Bring your umbrella please!
c. Wear your goggles please!
d. Bring your medicine please!
2. Jefri : it’s hot……, please.
Jessica : sorry, but the fan doesn’t work
a. Turn off the fan
b. Turn on the fan
c. Break the fan
d. Open the fan
3. Mr. Hefi : Look! The Window is very dirty.………, please
Amanda : OK, Mam.
a. Sweep it
b. Forget it
c. Litter it
d. Wipe it
4. Elsya : please put the dishes away
Dina : …... i’m Cleaning up the floor
a. Finally
b. I’m sorry
c. Let me see
d. You are right
5. Mrs. Yossi : I can’t understand what you are saying…., please?
Mr. Andra : OK
a. Can you speak slowly?
b. Should I tell you
c. Can I leave you
d. Should I understand
6. Gerry : I want to tell you that I will be held a birthday party tomorrow. I hope you
could join us.
Fania : ……., my mom is sick, so I have to take care of her now.
a. Unfortunately, I can’t
b. I’m so happy
c. I like it
d. What a great idea
7. Anto : will you come to my birthday party tomorrow?
Farid : I’d love to.
What does Anto mean?
a. He asks Farid to come to his birthday party
b. He will go to the party
c. He will come to a birthday party
d. He will not go to the party
8. Nasya : Can I use your ruler?
Kevin : …... I’m using it now
a. I’m sure
b. I’m sorry
c. I’m fine
d. I’m okay
9. Rina : are you doing anything tonight?
Rini : No, what’s up?
Rina : ……...
Rini : why not? Let’s watch “Habibie and Ainun 3”
a. Do you have plans?
b. I don’t have anything to do
c. Let’s go to the cinema then
d. Let’s go the swimming pool
10. Robi : May I ask you a question?
Roni : …... What do you want to know?
a. Sure
b. Be quite
c. Of course, not
d. Leave me alone
11. Rama : Hey, you are coming, aren’t you?
Ryo : Where?
Rama : To Farman’s birthday party. Let's go together
Ryo : Sure, don’t forget to bring a gift
Where is the word of "To invite someone to do something" here?
a. Hey, you are coming, aren't you?
b. To Farman’s birthday party
c. Let's go together
d. Sure, don't forget to bring a gift
12. Rizky : Are you coming to Farman’s birthday party?
Udin : Yes, don't forget to wear red T-shirt
Rizky : Okay
What is the meaning of T-shirt?
a. Kemeja
b. Kaos
c. Baju
d. Jas
13. Dayu : Shinta, thanks for the purse. I like it!
Shinta : Open it please. There is something in it
Where is the word of "To invite someone to do something" on the text above?
answer choices
a. I like it!
b. There is something in it
c. Thanks for the purse
d. Open it, please
14. Dayu : Shinta, thanks for the purse. I like it!
Shinta : Open it please. There is something in it
What is the meaning of purse?
a. Dompet
b. Tas
c. Kotak pensil
d. Ransel
15. Lulu : Edo, this cup is really beautiful. Thank you for coming to my birthday
Edo : I'm happy you like it. Remember, never put hot water in it okay?
What is the meaning of remember?
a. Ingatlah
b. Jangan lupa
c. Ketahuilah
d. Sebenarnya
16. Lulu : Edo, this cup is really beautiful. Thanks
Edo : I'm happy you like it. Remember, never put hot water in it okay?
Where does the text above take place?
a. Edo’s home
b. Lulu’s home
c. Edo’s birthday party
d. Lulu’s birthday party
17. Lulu : Edo, this cup is really beautiful. Thanks
Edo : I'm happy you like it. Remember, never put hot water in it okay?
Based on the text above, we can conclude that...
a. Edo gives Lulu a cup for her birthday
b. Edo doesn’t come to Lulu's birthday party
c. Lulu is sad of Edo's gift
d. Lulu and Edo are enemy
18. Firman : Udin, let's go out, it's break time. Don't be lazy. Get up and have some
exercise outside
Udin : Okay, wait. Let me put on my shoes
Where does the text above take place?
a. Class
b. School
c. Canteen
d. Home
19. Firman : Udin, let's go out, it's break time. Don't be lazy. Get up and have some
exercise outside
Udin : Okay, wait. Let me put on my shoes
What is the antonym of "lazy"?
a. Diligent
b. Hardworking
c. Sluggish
d. Slow
20. Firman : Udin, let's go out, it's break time. Don't be lazy. Get up and have some
exercise outside
Udin : Okay, wait. Let me put on my shoes
What is the meaning of break time?
a. Hancur
b. Waktu
c. Jam pulang
d. Jam istirahat

~good luck~

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